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Paris Terrorist attack


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Sadly this sort of terrorism will never go away, and probably only increase in time. Watching the fear and terror they have brough to the centre of Paris They have sadly succeeded in their sick and twisted ways again. 

This 'global terrorism' is all my children remember. They watched the towers fall in NY, were living in London during the bombings and have constant reminders with these all too common religious fanatic attacks. What to do...

Simon  (94 S4)      My Esprit will be for sale in late 2017

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My question are they really religious zealots, or just sadists that twist the definition of religion to suit their needs so they can now satisfy their desire to now torture people vs pulling the wings off flies as a warped bully child?   (they turn to each other and wink and say "I'll call it religion if you do") I'm sure there was a lot of that with the Spanish Inquisition, etc.  I'm sure there are mastermind pervs at the top that get as much thrill convincing their gullible minions to do their evil deeds for them (more power thrill controlling others). Losers who otherwise could never get such power and recognition, but use "religion" to get in that position. Can we educate the future minion masses that they are just being used and "the cause" is a just a ruse?

Edited by comem47
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That picture and caption says it all for me. Too bloody right.

We should stop all the PC crap and the pandering and remember what made us Great. I agree re the predominance of males jumping from the sinking ship, so to say. If it was me, my first priority would be my kids, my second the wife, then I'd take my chances with what was left. I just don't get it.

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I came into this world screaming and covered in someone elses blood. I'll probably leave it in the same way. 


The small print.

My comments and observations are my own, invariably "tongue in cheek", and definitely, sarcastic in nature. Therefore, do not take my advice, suggestions, observations or posts seriously or personally and remember if you do, do anything, that I may have suggested, then you have done this based solely on your own decision to do so and therefore you acknowledge responsibility and accountability (I know, in this modern world these are the hardest things for you to accept) for your actions and indemnify me of any influence, responsibility, accountability, or liability, in what you have done. In other words, you did it, so suffer the consequences on your own!

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I walked around a dockland corner in Greece last month and was literally engulfed in a throng of a few hundred refugees who had just made land. Straight up I got a fright, my "modern" sensibilities meant my instinctual reaction was fight or flight, this was a menacing situation and these people were desperate. What took over though was the atmosphere they were giving off. They were visibly on their last legs, tired, hungry and had less than the few t-shirts I had in my own bag, but the look of relief on their faces was palpable. They were just happy to be alive. Not one of us here know what to be in their situation feels like.

Regarding the problems on this planet, have a look at this list. Just look at the map. There are thousands of people dying, enslaved, persecuted and driven out every day, everywhere. 

A man coerced by fear and greed is not a man. Unfortunately there are many like that in every race of people, so lets not try and convince each other that some nations are great and others not. The only thing any one of us can do is be peaceful and impart that on those around us. Trying to throttle a man into compliance when he already feels aggrieved doesn't work, it only ensures instilled hatred for generations to come. One of the greatest lies in the modern age is the west thinking it can achieve peace with force. 

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Andy, I think that many will share your views, and to a large extent I do too. But I was asking WHO gave the muslims and other Groups as well, the technology and the knowledge to pursuit such terrible actions? And then they dare misuse the name of God and even have the blasphemous audacity to call it religion.

I am allways grateful for the actions of my forfathers, WHO stood up an defended themselves and their land, when ever someone invaded them. And so are you Guys. Because it meant freedom and possibilities to Prosper and live in Peace for us, the children.

I was also pointing out, that many of the existing conflicts in the World today, are led by muslims: in asia, africa, europe, the middle East and near East.

Remember the central democratic republic of Africa, where muslims killed thousands of Christians just some two years ago? And what did FN and Nato, the UN an dall the other high profile organisations do? Absolutely nothing.

Remember what happened when the africans finally responded back with killing muslims? Then the UN and others, quickly went out and said, that this must stop. In my view, the UN and others are not defending everyone, only the muslims. They keep their hand over them, to an extent. Only when it becomes too obvious or get's too close to Europe, they begin to talk about peacetalks etc. Let's not forget WHO the offending part is here.

Yes, the chistianity have to a large extent been misused by the catholic church, WHO led campaigns against anyone WHO did not obey to their view. That was many centuries ago. I honestly think that we have moved on since. But not so the muslims, WHO themselves chose to be radicalised, deny their own history, forcefully forget their own proud history, outcast all Progress in society, and return to a pre-stoneage way of behaviour and living. All those WHO can, pay rotten governments and Groups, to get out, and export their problems to the West, when they settle there. I have seen so many times muslim socalled refugees starting fights with other muslim socalled refugees. I ask: how old was the girl WHO was married to the muslims first and foremost prophet? Think about it, and then tell me, that the same does not happen today. Tell me, that the arabic World have equal human rights for both men and women. Tell me that the thousands of "Princes" in saudi arabia are happily sharing their wealth to all people in their country, and that they have terminated all poverty and unrigthousness. Please.

When I traveled in Jordan, Egypt and Israel, I was spit after, by both jews and muslims, just because I am a not like them. Actually it was harder for me to get back from Sinai into Israel, than the other way. Only because a christian monk spoke to some female jewish sercurity forces at the border control at Eilat, I was allowed to re-enter into Israel. The conflicts there are so old, that noone can hardly recognise a peacefull human being. The mistrust is inherited in the blood and genes. That is hard to solve, and I too, think that the solution should not come from the West, but from the middle east themselves. The brainwashing is enourmous. For example, I was told by some jewish extremists, that Denmark did not rescue any jews from being exterminated by the germans, during WWII. I know for a fact that we did. A lot too. The Danish jewish community have errected a stone for the Danish help. But the extremism does not recognise that. Only it's own invented socalled "truth", which is shaped to their own political goal, and then being called religion.

Remember Balkan area? Did it happen to be the muslims who murdered and burnt down hundreds of Christian churches and killed thousands of Christians? Yes it was. I personally know prople of both sides from that conflict. What happened, when the christian side finally started murdering muslims? Then the rest of the West called for a stop of the conflict. I don't in any way approve of killing, on either side. But that's what happened. That conflict is hiding just under the surface still.

In my view, much of the map of the World as it is today, or at least have been untill lately, was divided by certain parties of the West and russia, WHO drew lines, not thinking too much of the local countries or areas' own history, which have led to many a conflict since. Also, I think we have to remember some of the interests, which the West have had or still have, in various parts of the World, outside their own countries. This is for me, never ever an excuse to grab a russian weapon and start shooting. There is allways another choice. But in the same time, I cannot deny the fact, that there are certain groups of people in the World today, who have a tradition for murder, blood revenge, wraping children and women, selling slaves, while calling it a religion. It have absolutely nothing to do with religion. But poverty and uneducation speks volumes. Why is it then, that the is for example, burns books?

I will mention, just to be clear, that I have friends from many countries, many religions etc. I am just not blind to what is happening. I don't in any way blame the West for what all those muslim Groups of terror do. On the contrary. All these fanatic killers do it all by themselves and bring it all onto themselves by their actions, while trying to stir up a World revolution with endless threats of destruction. It's not the West to blame.

So, who sell weapons to the is? who have given some muslim dominated countries the knowledge to start producing weapons themselves? Who is the Worlds biggest producer of say napalm? Not an excuse, I know, but sometimes it is worth thinking of some of the aspects that is also included in a conflict.

I have respect for those former soldiers of the UK and elsewhere, who travel to the middle East to fight this is sickness of the World. And I don't have respect for all those Young men from the middle East, who do't stand up and fight for their country by eliminating for example alshabab, is, alkaida or alike, but stand passive and Watch it crumble and being destroyed into dust, whith all the women and children being murdered, wraped and enslaved.

I would wish to see the arabic part of the World stand up and stop their own violence and terminate the violent Groups. I think though, that this will have to come from the women, not the men.

Peace to all, and certainly to France.



Nobody does it better - than Lotus ;)

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  • Gold FFM
54 minutes ago, Jacques said:


I would wish to see the arabic part of the World stand up and stop their own violence and terminate the violent Groups. I think though, that this will have to come from the women, not the men.


It's gonna have to come from the women - all the men have run away!!



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Only here once

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confidentielles.com's photo.
Seems it's not properly attributed...but who cares who wrote it? Says it all, for me....
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Scientists investigate that which already is; Engineers create that which has never been." - Albert Einstein

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They attacked a concert, people at restaurant, the Stade de France. They attacked music, friendship, sport, culture... They attacked happiness. Best answer is to keep this happiness alive.
And, just note that happy people didn't want to make themselves explose.

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Something similar was expressed by the french ambassador her in Copenhagen a few hour ago.

It seems that in the bery Heart of the ec, there is a huge terrorist hatching possibility. And it sems that the belgians knew for a long time about the three Brothers WHO have been involved in the attacks in Paris. I Wonder why there have not been preemptive measures. Not to the public in general of course, as this would raise a storm of protests. But against those WHO seems to have been known wanting to hurt what Stephanie just described. Our way of life.

I absolutely agree, Stephanie.


Nobody does it better - than Lotus ;)

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Nice Picture Bibs.

Same just happened many Places all over Denmark in sympathy for France and our way of life in general. We are very sorry for your losses and please recieve out sympathy.






Nobody does it better - than Lotus ;)

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We had the same thing happening in February here in Copenhagen. For example a muslim guy fireing his attack trifle at will into the crowd at an art exhibition. But several other attacks also happened. The terrorists were all shot dead by the police, fortunately.

They will never, never break us.


Nobody does it better - than Lotus ;)

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Why isn't there a major program to reward informants of terrorist activities? The Chinese and Turks do it.

Paying informants, quietly to protect them from retribution by their "peers", may elicit a lot more intelligence than what the authorities are working with currently.

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I think the effect of this is and already has been felt in Europe and across the world.

Stephanie, our support and condolences go out to you and your whole country. Whilst we have a rivalry that we both love to "feed" in Football, Rugby etc, France is one of our nearest and dearest Allies and the British people have fought and Died to  support our brothers and sisters in France in the past. Having watched the attacks on Paris Friday night, whilst they were happening I couldn't help but think of the time myself and Wendy spent there and even walked past many of the places hit. 

In the news they have been pointing out that one of the Terrorists did actually come across with refugees. (see article below) and that one was processed in Greece and in Serbia, though it doesn't say if it is the same person or 2 different ones. However we must also remember that one was a French National and another from Egypt! 

If you want to take refugees then I really think David Cameron has it right (damn, I hate to say that). Take genuine refugees from refugee camps in the area of Syria. If families think they have a better chance getting a new life by going to a camp than risking their lives then they will go there. Also, being local, many of the ISIS operatives will be known and dealt with and everyone can be properly screened before coming across for extra security!


Lastly, the policy that Europe seems to advocate even more is "more and more bombing". This plainly doesn't work (though good work on Jihadi John!). As Wendy said on Friday (and she's not a violent person and anti war) "the only way to deal with this is to cut the head off and work your way down". As she said, no one ever destroyed an evil and hateful organisation by cutting the tail off. Like many of the worlds evil organisations (Nazi's etc) you have to start at the top. Displace them, hang em and then start on their henchmen, then their henchmen then their henchmen till you get down to the people who are redeemable.


Possibly save your life. Check out this website. https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/mens-cancer



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Please forgive me for posting a Mail Article but this does eloquently put across what I have been saying since the attacks. In France every Police Officer is armed 278,000 of them and they were on scene in minutes, saving many lives as the Terrorists knew the game was up and blew themselves up. In this country 6000 Police are armed.

WARNING: This article has graphic pictures of the attacks and victims.


From earlier in the year. Just as pertinent and not as ranty as the Mail


Possibly save your life. Check out this website. https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/mens-cancer



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In France, Police are armed since "Charlie Hebdo".
People were very angry, seeing a scene, a policeman shouting down by a terrorist, in the street. This policeman was on a bike, when he heard shouting, he came. He just meet a terroriste getting out of Charlie Hebdo, felt from his bike. The terrorist just shout him in the head. This policeman didn't have any weapon. We saw at TV this scene many times. The honor and the courage of this guy, shouting down, as we didn't shout animals like that.

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Now France, Russia, the US and UK with plenty of other support have Daesh firmly in their bomb sites, fingers crossed they are all wiped out sooner rather than later. Putin has had a face-to-face conversation with Obama and today Cameron and together, I'm fairly certain hell is about to be unleashed against their now common enemy.

They can't expect to get away with this, and they won't.



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Unfortunately it occurs to me that people in the Middle East need to be ruled by tyrants like Saddam etc, he was just a gangster who wanted Palaces and gold toilets.

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