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General Election - 8 June 2017

Bazza 907

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Shes getting another 5 years in while she can. Libs starting to win back some votes, UKIP in crisis, Corbyn in charge of Labour for the moment. Good time for her to do it now!

Possibly save your life. Check out this website. https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/mens-cancer



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For her and the conservatives its a great time for it because corbyn doesnt appeal at all to the majority labour of voters and the other parties barely have a following at all at the minute so she doesnt really have any competition.

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9 minutes ago, Kimbers said:

Shes getting another 5 years in while she can. Libs starting to win back some votes, UKIP in crisis, Corbyn in charge of Labour for the moment. Good time for her to do it now!

Agree totally and she can use Brexit as the reason for calling it now.. 

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A proper foregone conclusion...everyone else being unelectable. She will, of course, claim the result as demonstrating huge support for her policies...which are now for Brexit, although before the referendum she wanted to Remain. Shades of the Vicar of Bray....

Scientists investigate that which already is; Engineers create that which has never been." - Albert Einstein

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When I heard of it I thought it was a very short parliament, just checked and (if approved to dissolve/ suspend the 2011 act) it will have been only 25 months. Lets hope the next one lasts somewhere near the full term, because as Clivef38 states,  run-up TV programs, that's not including the party-political broadcasts, then few weeks of "what does this mean for...." debates.

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Thankful for the labour shambles. Otherwise could easily see a champagne socialist coalition of Labour/SNP/Lib dems taking power. The Lib Dems will almost certainly have a comeback; and the SNP will no doubt retain the vast majority of Scottish seats...

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  • Gold FFM
58 minutes ago, andydclements said:

then few weeks of "what does this mean for...." debates.

Oh god - hadn't thought of that......brace yourselves for labour questions about poor old Tiffany and Ryan and their kids - working 16 hours a week each to make ends meet - struggling with the state benefits.....

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Only here once

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After saying a few months ago that she wasn`t calling a snap election she is...calling a snap election.

A leader you can trust ! She wants "Easter" on Easter eggs ! That is the concern when we face a nuclear war.

She must have misread that bit where Jesus talks about "suffering little children" because she sure is making them suffer with those benefit cuts and arms deals with the Saudis.

(-that`s the children from war zones that are allowed in of course).  

She knows this is her chance to grab more power before the ordure (much of it bovine) hits the fast-turning electrical cooling device of Brexit negotiations.

As in : "We left your club but we want all the benefits and you are sore, losing lousy gits for not giving them to us ! "

EU: Erm......ok...........

"Britain must Fight for Gibraltar`s ...errr...um....right to enforce its 96 % vote for the EU !"

"Britain must fight to leave a Union that is bureaucratically stifling independence ! (Unless you are Scottish when we must fight your ideas of leaving a union  that you say is stifling independence !)"

"£350 million a week for the NHS ! (oh sorry we meant that`s what individuals will have to pay the NHS to get treatment...)"

Let`s take back control after all we have lost  ! British institutions like Lotus , Jaguar/Land Rover,  Tetley Tea our nuclear industry, Thompson Travel, All our train manufacturers, our airports, Hovis, Cadburys, Macmillan Publishers, All confectionery, Pilkington Glass, Branston Pickle, Radio Times, All our electricity industry, Gieves and Hawkes, City properties, Hartley Jams, Thomas Cook, half the water industry...

-oh sorry that`s to China, India Asia and the USA . 51st State here we come

As you have guessed I will not be voting Mayhem for purely selfish reasons..

I would like someone to come round and help me on/off the toilet if/when I can no longer walk without bankrupting myself.   


Edited by basalte
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And Blair is still trying to now to keep his multi million pound EU Govt Role! Lying cheating snake that he is! 

Have the utmost respect for you Dan and it is great we have you on here to put the other side of the argument.........but.......

Corbyn, He will NEVER get in. He is hated by 50% of his own people yet alone everyone else. A more anarchistic,  anti-British, slovenly politician I have never seen, he is a throwback to the 50's and would see the country go back to the dark ages, not only with his views but letting the power of the Unions run business again (which they used to do), his anti-Armed forces and Nuclear deterrant rhetoric, the huge losses he would make for the country on re-nationalising businesses and having to pay the legal owners billions in compensation, would also mean he would have less to spend on the NHS and public sectors. He would give money to those who have never worked for it and tax those who work the hardest more so he can pay his mainstay voters for supporting him! So what would he do then? Borrow more money!

No. I hate and loath the Tories. My wife has had a paycut of 15% over the last 5 years as a nurse, I have never seen less blue light services on the road and I hate the way they are treating disabled people and the NHS to name just 2. But what is the other choices? A UKIP who has self destructed, Lib Dems who want to take us back into the EU and even deeper than before? Definately won't vote labour while Corbyn is even involved in politics.

But as a Brexit supporter I want her in until we are out! Not only for stability in negotiations but because she will ensure we are out by the next elections and it will be too late for the minority stay voters to get their way.

Possibly save your life. Check out this website. https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/mens-cancer



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I see Sturgeon has started bitching about it already.

Really hope the Scottish electorate give her a big bloody nose out of the election. Time for all Scots to determine if she is really representing their views and wishes.

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I also appreciate hearing from the Dark Side Dan so don't stop! :blobfire:

The problem with the NHS Kimbers is as much the NHS as it is the politicians if we are being honest. I have never come across a more incestuous, selfish, organisation in my life. Don't get me wrong, there are some wonderful, in fact many, many, wonderful people who work in the NHS. But as an effective delivery organisation it is broken. It is run by factions all of whom are serving their own rather than the common good. The BMA - pah, don't make me laugh, make any normal union look like a bunch of disorganised junkies. One of the most political and devious organisations going.


God doesn't want me, and the Devil isn't finished with me yet.


The small print.

My comments and observations are my own, invariably "tongue in cheek", and definitely, sarcastic in nature. Therefore, do not take my advice, suggestions, observations or posts seriously or personally and remember if you do, do anything, that I may have suggested, then you have done this based solely on your own decision to do so and therefore you acknowledge responsibility and accountability (I know, in this modern world these are the hardest things for you to accept) for your actions and indemnify me of any influence, responsibility, accountability, or liability, in what you have done. In other words, you did it, so suffer the consequences on your own!

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No worries ! However

 I`ll never be as dark as Peter "Mephistopheles" Mandelson or Norman "Nosferatu" Tebbit :).

I`ve got no illusions about the NHS as the politicians have messed about with it for decades and the administrators seem to be getting the most from it now.

Senior consultants maybe second with GPs and nurses at the back.

But when I dial 999 (so far only once and that was in 1986 for someone else ) ;

I want an ambulance in a certain short time  guaranteed with a reasonably unstressed crew (that is now a thing of the past).

-and above all I don`t want to be hassled for money -enough stress in those situations as it is. (that horrible prospect is on the horizon thanks to Jeremy (Hey ! Where`s he gone ?) Hunt and his privatisation project)

My taxes should pay for it and those mainly extremely rich people who avoid tax must realise that as well  when they might have to dial 999.

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2 hours ago, PaulCP said:

I see Sturgeon has started bitching about it already.

Really hope the Scottish electorate give her a big bloody nose out of the election. Time for all Scots to determine if she is really representing their views and wishes.

Sturgeon was the main person saying May was unelected so be careful what you wish for.Hope none of the manifesto don't say they won't put up income tax because it leaves them no where to go to raise the extra money for all the things  people want extra funding for.

hindsight: the science that is never wrong

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The problem is that the older people who need care don't usually pay taxes, the tax burden to pay for their care largely comes out of the taxes paid by those still working.  The simple fact is that as we progress with making our lives better more of us are living longer. As a result of living longer we need more care and more medical support. So when you look at the spend on the NHS graph and then look at our population growth (largely due to people living longer and not immigration as some people think) they look remarkably similar in profile. Strange that isn't it?  We can hardy blame the politicians for that can we. Maybe we need to look to science fiction. A sort of revised logan's run where the lights in our hand go out when we reach 70. or 75. And then just like in the Charlton Heston film, Soylent Green, we get turned into much and baked into biscuits to feed the res of the population until their light goes out?

We cannot just keep on putting a higher and higher proportion of our GDP into the NHS. We cannot just keep on raising the taxes for some to pay for the many, inevitably the return stops as people paying it say enough.  The NHS is not just about a political solution, it needs a radical rethink and that may, shock of all shocks, result in some people having to pay for some things.  We already have this with prescriptions - free to some but not all. So why not extend out further. For instance, IVF, why should it be free? If you can't have kids biologically, then you can't have them. Plenty of the poor littl blighters out there who are desperate for new parents to love them and take care of them and they have a lot of love to give the new parents back too. I realise this is controversial, but we need to look at new ways of doing things.  For instance, I currently do not pay to see my GP. However, as a higher rte tax payer maybe I start to get charged - £40 for a GP consultation. Seems OK to me and preferable to a blanket rising of my top level of tax to 55, 60 or even more %. I pay for what I need as I can. Seems fair.

We need to get the benefits bill under control. make sure that those that genuinely need it get more of it. Those that don't really need should not get it. But every time we talk about this we get accused of attacking the helpless. Well, that is not what I am saying. What i am saying is find the genuinely feckless and useless scrounging b'tards and stop ALL of their benefits. Use that money to fund the cases of genuine need. Ooops, I've opened up a whole new can of worms her for the Corbynites to attack me.....  I'm ready.....



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God doesn't want me, and the Devil isn't finished with me yet.


The small print.

My comments and observations are my own, invariably "tongue in cheek", and definitely, sarcastic in nature. Therefore, do not take my advice, suggestions, observations or posts seriously or personally and remember if you do, do anything, that I may have suggested, then you have done this based solely on your own decision to do so and therefore you acknowledge responsibility and accountability (I know, in this modern world these are the hardest things for you to accept) for your actions and indemnify me of any influence, responsibility, accountability, or liability, in what you have done. In other words, you did it, so suffer the consequences on your own!

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Wasn't. Specifically talking about the NHS or the higher rate of tax. Can I assure you a lot of pensioners pay tax what they don't pay is NI which is the tax the last few governments have had to increase because of their promise not to raise income tax


hindsight: the science that is never wrong

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