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Troy its a Hard decision to make really as pretty much where ever you locate you will face the fact that apart from those in the near vicinity there will probably be another option closer.

Personally I find driving to lakeside a big enough fag to get work done if I am not doing it myself and although given an equal choice I would chose you every time if you were too far north of the M25 then I simply would go to the closer option, as Max and Tim have never given me anything but great service.

What I would suggest is try and locate somewhere accessible to most but come up with some form of transport option to collect and deliver customers cars.

I dont know how you could make it work but if transport was offered then I would not think twice about giving you the work over the closer option.

As an example when Lakeside did the accident repair on mine they collected from me and the cost was split about 70/30 with them paying the more as obviously the amount of work was worth the outlay to them.

Just my two penneth and I understand some would drive the length of the country but if you can somehow find a way to do the impossible and please everyone I think you could quickly see almost all Esprit work your way!

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personally i will have no hesitation to take the car to troy wherever he sets up his workshop.

i plan on taking the car to him this winter for the respray and interior work.

as you all know i have been designing bits for my car ,gearknob, pedals etc, but i have also been designing a few other bits which when i have the prototypes made if there is interest will be available through troy.

i owe this guy and many others so much for whats happened this year so if i can help him in anyway however small pr big i will.

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Hey Troy Dude.....

I think South Wales would be your best option....

Its central....

Its well known for its Esprit friendliness.....

Plenty of sheep.....

Fab butcher.......

Place for everyone to sleep if they want to stay and party while the works being carried out..........!!!

What more could you ask for????

Oh ok.... you want more......!!!!!

Its cheaper here 2....!!!!!

And Caroline likes it here.....!!!!


Chunky Lover

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Troy, why dont you get everyone to PM you where they all live and put a pin in each town on a map, post it and so we can see where the biggest collection of cars is concentrated.

Dont be swayed by the pro-sheep arguments from the two Simon's, I hear they are fickle....... The sheep that is.

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  • Gold FFM

Mines in with South West Lotus at the mo for the 'C'. Dropped off Saturday Morning and picking up this saturday. They have 3 courtesy cars for this purpose. Not at all fussed what they gave me as long as I could get home and back to them again on Sat. Gave me an old Vectra - no additional cost (just my fuel) which is a purfect and a hassel free mode of transport there and back. Nobody is looking for Luxury just practicality.

Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk - that will teach us to keep mouth shut!

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Mines in with South West Lotus at the mo for the 'C'. Dropped off Saturday Morning and picking up this saturday. They have 3 courtesy cars for this purpose. Not at all fussed what they gave me as long as I could get home and back to them again on Sat. Gave me an old Vectra - no additional cost (just my fuel) which is a purfect and a hassel free mode of transport there and back. Nobody is looking for Luxury just practicality.

I'm with you on the loan car. Even taking my car up to Gerald in Newmarket is a pain in the backside, as he wont entertain any loan cars, reckons that it will put his prices up, SO WHAT!

Why cant these people see how important a loan car is for the customer. Not that Gerald would be at all bothered, but I would have taken my car to him for a lot more work IF there was a loan car at his end. "MAKES SENSE"

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Personally I don't think a loan car is a viable proposition for Troy to set up, and definately not initially.

Our loan car insurance alone comes into the multiple thousands of pounds, without the traders policy, Public liability etc etc. Then there's the car itself. Also one is never enough. Unless Troy is going to do one car at a time, which again isn't viable as what do you do when awaiting parts? or the owner to bring your loan car back?. Nope 3 cars at a time is more viable so you're productive at all times. (say one priority, one service and one restoration that you can put on the back burner whenever you want to).

then there's the exclusions on the policy. Under 25? Void. More than 6 points? Void. Any past history or bans? Void. Undue care & attention? Void etc etc. Imagine what happens when someone has an accident and you find out the insurance is void. Cost of injury to both parties, both cars etc. If someone's killed?

So you then need 2-3 loan cars.......and the increased cost etc etc.

It's a minefield, believe me.

Possibly save your life. Check out this website. https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/mens-cancer



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Dont be swayed by the pro-sheep arguments from the two Simon's, I hear they are fickle....... The sheep that is.

Get the velcro mittens, that soon sorts them out :lol: Ooops, trade secret...

Troy, let me understand this - you are prepared to relocate to start this off? If so - to what extent? I mean, you can't open up too close to your competition, but I've long thought that the top of the M11/A14 - Huntingdon, Godmanchester is a nice central location - handy for most of the Midlands, and East anglia, and not that difficult from the north. Striking distance of a main railway station, and Stanstead too.

Loan cars are a minefield [see kimbers' post]. Not only do you potentially have up to three cars doing nothing but eroding the capital at any given time, but you also have to maintain them - time, effort and cost. And all the insurance hassle that goes with them. Give that a miss, and concentrate on the core business to kick off with. Get an account with a local taxi firm to do the customer run to the station?

Good luck, but I doubt you'll need too much of it...


Edited by RichardS3
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I still think transportation is the way, there are numerous transport companies out there that Troy could sub contract that part too and as said depending on the job value, this could determine that cost to the client.


basic service transport = at cost to Troy (less profit margin on job)

restoration transport cost @ 25% of total (greater profit margin on job)

yes it may mean Troy would make a couple of hundered less on the restoration job than he would but surely that is better than not having the job at all!

As said alot of people that are happy with their current supplier would not have the hastle and time of going further to another supplier if you can remove that hastle then due to who Troy is I feel alot would give him a chance and in business that is all you can ask of anyone. It is then upto you to prove you are better and retain their business.

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from what i understand speaking to troy, relcation isnt what hes got in mind, but a sensible drive to and from a workshop is what hes after.

i have no problem travelling to him for work on the car period.

also as he will have lots of room in the workshop he wont need a hire car, just a camping roll and sleeping bags for those who cant leave till the cars done!!

anyone for bacon butties??? :lol:

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Being a business, and the person in the car being a customer he needs to look at public liability insurance amongst others. It's fine saying were all mates n stuff but if someone where to have an accident and get injured, that would no doubt fly out of the window with a person injury claim etc...

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  • Gold FFM
Sorry, I must be missing something about this loan car issue. Not being in the car trade myself, I dont know the ins and outs of insurance, BUT why cant Troy buy a

Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk - that will teach us to keep mouth shut!

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You could always get an agreement with a local hire company for competative rates.

Have used this with one or two garages.

Takes the hassle out of this side and allows you to concentrate on what you are good at.

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Guest Troy Halliday

Thanks for the feedback guys.

I am looking into this, I have found several companies that specialise in short term insurance and courtesy car insurance. On the whole they are all saying that the basic terms and conditions are 21 or 25 years old, no more than 6 points and not banned in the last 3 years. That is the basics. I am waiting to hear on what age the car has to be as someone has just told me that the car can be no older than 3 years. But I have yet to confirm this. When I get some more definite information I will let you know.

The hunt continues, Bibs joined me yesterday to look at a few properties. One of the units that they sent me had already been leases out a month ago (yeah thanks for wasting my time). Another one had so many restrictions on opening ours that it would make life almost impossible to get anything done, AM till 6.PM Monday to Friday AM -PM Saturday no Sunday at all. Now this was not just a noise restriction the local council would actual fine you if you were in the building so it's not as if you could do paperwork or even quiet things after hours. Others had totally inadequate roads. It was quite good going round the different units speaking to people in the other units. Most were very helpful, being completely honest about the location and saying that they all tended to help each other out and that if they got any of those "bloody Elise's" in they would know where to send them.

I do have another batch of properties on their way so should be going to view more soon, and hopefully get this thing rolling. As you can imagine there is a fair few things to organise most of which I can't do till I find a premises, Building Insurance, Public Liability Insurance, Trade Car Insurance, Health and Safety Inspection (needed for the insurance). In the mean time I am trawling through the internet and Yellow pages finding suppliers for consumables and parts. Making contact with various companies on producing some of the products I have hinted at. Oh well you get the picture nothing abnormal about any of that as anyone who owns a business will know.

Just thought I'd post to let you all know I am not sitting on my hands here and that I am listening to all of the comments and suggestions that you make. Hopefully soon I'll have the workshop I've been dreaming of and a service that you can rely on.

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Just a thought on logistics. As long as I could drive to the workshop, for me a lift to and from the local train station as and when is all that I believe is needed. Collection from my home with a Rolls Royce Phantom to pick my car up from the workshop would simply be a bonus :no bravo.

To the workshop James and don't spare the horses...

Pete '79 S2

LEW Miss September 2009

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If only there were more Esprits on the Isle of Man... but I don't think that three or four of us would keep you busy enough!!

Personally I don't care about courtesy cars and all the frills. All that I want in life is a mechanic I can TRUST, and who won't dick me around with excuses (Lottie is STILL laid up in a workshop here having a top overhaul. 6 months and counting...and EVERY excuse under the sun). Latest is that the PO fitted heavy duty head bolts, so the Goetze gasket he recommended to replace the copper custom job won't fit and will need to be modded by punching or drilling out the bolt holes. Which I'm sure will end in MORE tears before bedtime!

If the trust is there, it means you won't ever feel ripped off, if he says it needs a new part or some work you'll take his advice. My guy here is very good and knows Esprits (which is why I use him) but he NEVER quotes for a job ("piece of string Stu") and tends to do more than you expected, so the bills can be a bit...challenging. Of course, he's used to customers with real exotics and limitless budgets, and probably finds it hard to cope with we working class types!!

As a guide, I think he charges

Proud recipient of the LEF 'Car of the Month Award' February 2008

"Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming: "Wow, what a ride!!"

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Guest KevinR

Troy - I'm just a saab owner amazed by this forum's recent efforts, and just amazed reading a few threads here.

Your friends here seem to want you to succeed and soon. Well done and Good Luck.

I thought I'd mention the following thought that came to me:

In the Saab world we have a very recommended independent mechanic: Weston Moore at Nottingham Saab.

eg. He even gave me good advice over the phone when I had a dead car - and I've never even managed to be his customer yet! People travel from all over (including Essex where I am) to get work done.

Its possible he might share some useful advice with you on getting started. (You can google for him pretty easily).

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