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Mark Blanchard

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Everything posted by Mark Blanchard

  1. What a great story, thanks for sharing. Here's an original one for sale. They're worth a fortune and truly collectible. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/266299475106?chn=ps&_ul=GB&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-170562-880048-8&mkcid=2&mkscid=101&itemid=266299475106&targetid=2271253371306&device=c&mktype=pla&googleloc=9046109&poi=&campaignid=20958443039&mkgroupid=161516314961&rlsatarget=pla-2271253371306&abcId=9371139&merchantid=114962561&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw88yxBhBWEiwA7cm6pW3J3knigoPG3COcwBzsP5rHCKTa2TU16HECx_I45Kn9nmZXEKoCexoCqGwQAvD_BwE
  2. He's retired so I guess it's some money on the side and he said it's his hobby. He's an ex councilor and Mayor, so he should know better.
  3. One of our new neighbour's makes honey and sells it at the local village shop. You would think that's a nice thing wouldn't you. Except he is doing it on an industrial scale with 6 large hives at the bottom of his garden housing 1/2 million bees. The bees fly over our driveway to get to the fields and shit all over our cars. It's called the cleaning flight, as they don't crap in their hive. I'll get like 150 yellow shits over the car paintwork a day and they're a pain to get off and leave a mark. I spoke to him a month ago about the problem and having a few less hives or relocating them to a field and he said "erm, yes maybe" Nothing has happened obviously. He hasn't even given us a complimentary pot of honey.
  4. Los Angeles, off Sunset Boulevard 1988
  5. So the Government should be honest and say they won't meet their net zero target, scrap the ban on sales of combustion engines by 2035 and remove the draconian car tax on higher band pre 2017 cars (£750 per year this April).
  6. So today the Government has announced it is to make some new gas power stations to provide us with electricity. So the EV’s they are pushing us to use can run on fossil fuels. You couldn’t make it up! https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/03/12/rishi-sunak-new-gas-power-stations-blackout-risk-net-zero/
  7. That looks great fun. I've always loved XJS's since I was a kid, but it's difficult finding a good one. One day I'll buy one. Oh yes it will happen.
  8. Not bad for white goods.
  9. Wow, you've got a S300! That's the holy grail IMO. A very very special car indeed. Good luck with your hunt for an S350.
  10. Wow that's a horrendous sum! There I was feeling sorry for myself but not so bad now . So over there the only Lotus you can drive without being clobbered is an Elise? The Mustang manual is a truly horrendous thing. The gear change is short and notchy, the yanks are much better at autos. I haven't tried it in the V8 but the manual is enough to put you off driving the car.
  11. 100% agree. We are getting fed a whole lot of EV propaganda by the Government and media at the moment. Are they naive enough to think China / India and other developing nations are going to follow our lead. China are increasing their number of coal burning power stations (belching out huge amounts of C02 into the atmosphere) so they can make more "environmentally friend" EV's to sell to us. Total lunacy, you couldn't make it up. https://energyandcleanair.org/publication/chinas-new-coal-power-spree-continues-as-more-provinces-jump-on-the-bandwagon/#:~:text=Coal power continues to expand,previously shelved projects were revived.
  12. Yes agree, 3 V8s here. Net Zero can go and fcuk itself.
  13. I can't wait for 2050 when were are 100% Net Zero. I'm doing my bit, we've all got one common goal.
  14. 🤣 Yes school boy error. Car tax on the V8 is £700 so I thought I could do it on the cheap. So I’ve got 3 V8’s now. I’m off Greta’s Christmas card list.
  15. What ever you do, don't do what I did and get the Ecoboost Mustang, I thought I was being clever as it's cheaper to run as a daily. The engine is thrashy and absolute bollocks and the manual is notchy and vague. I've got rid of it after a week and bought this instead, a V8 auto. I'm poorer but much happier!
  16. Yes, he's been selling Esprit's for a very long time. I spoke to him when I bought my Esprit Turbo back in 2002 and he gave me some useful advice about what to buy and what to avoid. I vaguely seem to remember his name is Mark.
  17. Bought this today as a daily driver / family car. Was looking at an Evora but couldn't fit my 6ft son and daughter in the back, so got this instead. They just about fold in the back .
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