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Everything posted by Mutley

  1. Thanks Barry, I must admit I'm undecided on awesome or revolting!
  2. I sold my S4S a couple of years ago to finance my son's house purchase and have been longing to return to Esprit ownership ever since. S4S's seem very rare at the moment and I think will be out of my price range. For some reason, there are several GT3s currently on the market, and as Pete Musgrove at PNM was wonderful with getting my S4S engine sorted, I rang him for his opinion on them. He mentioned he's selling his own 'fire breathing' Turbo (my words not his) and you've guessed it, I just don't know what do do. I've got first refusal on Pete's car, which he's upgraded to nearly 300 bhp, but the GT3 below has just appeared on the market. Please, please help me choose, because although I'm lucky enough to have an Elise owning wife with a serious car gene, I can sense I'm driving her up the wall with my indecision. Of course if anyone were to offer me an Essex Turbo, all the above would be incidental. Bazza......? Pete's car >> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NwXwGQlAwm8 The rather loud alternative >> http://www.pistonheads.com/classifieds/used-cars/lotus/esprit/lotus-esprit-gt3-coupe----2000/5912256?v=c#&gid=1&pid=1 All advice much appreciated
  3. Not just the UK that has ****heads constantly coming up with something else thats un-PC then?
  4. To neglect a car so badly in such a short space of time. It seems like only yesterday Edd China restored it on WD. Its for sale just down the road from me, being sold by a really decent Dealer if anyone wants me to go and have a look / drive for them. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/231817898620?_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
  5. Owned 'Sam' for 20 years. Bought him after my wife blew my niaive notion out of the water, that I could put a carry cot behind the seats in my TR6. Loved him & would happily have another. The exhaust note still takes some beating - even my Corvette didn't come close.
  6. Have you seen it on all different presentation types Simon. I'd love to see it again but fear after 4D FX anything else would be a disappointment. Forgot to mention having a really good chuckle just before the start, when two fat blokes came in together & the usherette had a word with them. Not sure whether she was asking about their general health being suitable for 4D FX or querying whether they exceeded the 120kg seat limit!
  7. Went to see it last night in 4FX and loved it. When the Falcons wing touched the lake & you got sprayed with water, it was just the icing on the cake for the whole 4FX experience. Couldn't believe it when it ended - I thought I'd only been watching for an hour.
  8. Use this site for peace of mind >> https://www.vehicleenquiry.service.gov.uk/
  9. Footman James have come back to the party for me. To insure both the Elises, AIB quoted £460, Hagerty were £520 and FJ £310. I mentioned to FJ they were competitive again after being very expensive for so long and they've recently changed their panel of insurers apparently.
  10. ...... that is the question! After my bank account (and psyche) have recovered from selling the S4S to finance eldest sons house purchase, I want to return to the Esprit fold. I've seen a lovely GT3, but is has no rear spoiler and looks a tad 'naked/unfinished' in my eye. Will this opinion wear off - I dont think it was original equipement anyway, and the car has got V8 seats, air con and a 10 stack cd in the boot, so the stripped out ethos of the GT3 has been partially lost anyway if I really want to add one. Also will I miss the extra whoomph that the S4S has? Opinions as always welcome. Thanks and regards, Andrew
  11. Not sure I'd have done that Phil, as an ex-S4S man myself - swap one one the best (the best?) handling supercars on the road for a car that I agree sounds superb, but as a Racing Driver friend on mine recently said 'has a horrible knack of trying to combine you with the scenery when you go round bends!' Love that Esprit, saw it myself and would have readily returned to S4S ownership, but I came up a few £k short. Enjoy
  12. Cycled over them both during a Half Iron Man a few years ago - my fore arms were rigid at the bottom of the decents!
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