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  1. As the OP of this thread, I thought I should update as with hindsight it was a fairly pointless question. Obviously the Emira would rapidly overtake Evora numbers due to new production facility. I popped in to my local dealer last week who have plenty of Emira. Got to say in the flesh its a really lovely car. But the Autotrader figures don't lie, 104 vs 17 Evora. What strikes me is the low miles of even the cheapest Emira compared to the modest mileage on most Evora's. My own has just passed 15k of trouble free motoring in 3 yrs. This says to me that folks are not only not buying the Emira but they are not driving the ones they have bought for fear of devaluing. IMHO there is a bug chicken and egg situation going on here. They need to get some sold from forecourts, out on the road spreading the news and this would then bring some higher mileage, lower price ones on to the market. Just my opinion
  2. Totally get your point. I happened to be passing Parks Lotus in Hamilton today and dropped in for a look. Had just taken a delivery of Emira so plenty on the forecourt. I must say I'm really warming to it. Looks fab. My choice would be a Nimbus with Nappa Tan and silver wheels. Looked very classy especially next to several Maserati MC250 at x3 times the price. They were also talking about interest free being introduced. Hope you can get the outcome that works best for you.
  3. Seems a shame you are considering an Evora 410 just because it might be a better place to put your money. The Emira looks like a great car so if you think its right for you then why not. And I say that as an Evora 410 owner. Its a bit of a self fulfulling profecy. If everyone holds off getting an Emira because they are scared to loose value, then the cars are going to drop in value. All these Emira's sitting on forecourts need to be out spreading the love.
  4. Yes, I got a surprise to see how constrained the Evora market appeared, particularly against the 113 Emira's for sale but also Exige. What jumped out at me was the complete lack of colour available. As you say, black, white or grey only.
  5. Thanks for that explanation. I'd be very curious to know the numbers produced of each.
  6. Yes indeed. I have a GT410 (non sport) and it is identical in spec to this, no carbon, rear glass, Michelin pilot sports, not cups, badged as only a GT410, etc and my V5 states it is a GT410 Sport. Interestingly on another thread I asked if anyone knew what the sales breakdown was between Sports and Non-sports, as everyone assumes the Sport is rarer,but nobody could answer. I suspect that a lot, possibly all, GT410's are registered as Sports, hence when an auto fill software is used referenced to the DVLA it will show all simply as GT410 Sport.
  7. I'm £298 with Privilege on my 2020 GT410, limited to 6000 miles per year. Weirdly, last year it was £163 with them on same terms, which was substantially cheaper than all the other cars we insure, including the 20year old, 200k Espace. Couldn't for the life of me figure how a 1 year old Lotus could be cheaper than that.
  8. I think in a round about way we are agreeing with each other. The Evora has so many variations even just on the 400/410 platform that it can be refined/ defined as either totally sports (eg Sport 410) or totally GT (eg Gt 410 with IPS). Hence my point that the Emira is, at the moment, purely GT, and not causing the marketing folk any headaches in how to position it but it is causing us existing Evora owners to question what we were looking for when we made our purchase. I personally went for the GT angle with a bog standard GT410, Phil Popham spec, so in theory I should be more of the target market for swapping up to an Emira.....but I know the little secret...hit the sport button and my boggo Popham spec is more than enough of a outright sports car for my Sunday blast or the odd track day. Hence not even been for a test drive in an Emira.
  9. For me, this sums up the key STRENGTH & FAILURE of the Evora in terms of sales volume, a damn fine GT/Sports car. But which is it?? The sheer fact that several of you now have both an Evora and an Emira suggests that there is a clearer distinction, at least in your view. Evora analogue sports, Emira usable GT with comfort. If I was in the position to add another vehicle, I think my ultimate choice would be Elise/ Exige to tick the analogue sports box and an Alpine A110 as practical GT, although ironically it has less space than the Evora. So in summary, I think ironically the Evora covers too many bases in such an accomplished way that even the marketing folk couldn't figure out who was their target audience. The Emira doesn't suffer that problem. It's a 2 seat GT
  10. My Evora was new in May'21 and no issues whatsoever in the first 3 years. Nearly at 14k. Servicing costs: 1000 mile - £83 1st Yr- £275 2nd Yr- £465 Due its 3rd year soon so will be interested to see what that is and if any warranty issues identified.
  11. Just had my GT410 serviced at Craig Moncrieff in Edinburgh. Real pleasure to deal with and will certainly be using him from now on.
  12. I'm with you on that. We've had our Espace for 15 years and it has been the best, most versatile piece of transport ever. I certainly didn't buy on looks, but its not offensive. Gave up trying to replace it because every car manufacturer decided to exit the MPV market and make over-styled and under-functional SUV's. Can't count the number of times friends with RR Sports or the like have been genuinely gobsmacked that our old Renault MPV is the better people/load carrier. So in summary, this looks like a very practical family vehicle to me.
  13. Don't mean to hijack you're current boot problems but I had a major panic this weekend when mine (2021 GT410) wouldn't open regardless of the pulling pushing and massaging. Had closed it carefully with my daughters hockey bag inside, no slamming and no loose straps over the latch, (I've done that before and became very familiar with the emerging pull cable mechanism) Both the door switch and the key fob were working the solenoid and could hear it activate nicely. But the boot was fixed solid even when pressing and pulling. Them tried the pull cord. On first pull the cable moved as had expected it to, some slack then felt like it was about to open, then it just went solid. Really thought I was going to break something pulling so hard. My neighbour, a prestige car recovery guy who is an expert at opening McLaren's with flat batteries came to help. We pressed, pulled, activated, massaged for 15 minutes. Nothing. Finally he was using such force that the car rocked back and forwards, while was pulling the cord, and it popped open I took a photo of the culprit. A plastic tab on the end of one of the bag straps was sitting between latch and hammer. Perfect fit to slot in and somehow prevent both the solenoid and pull cord from activating the hammer. I think his rocking action must have made the bag roll forward slightly, just enough to release. In conclusion, beware of anything getting into the gap in the latch.
  14. Hi Folks, I'd definitely be up for a breakfast meet up on a Sunday morning to get to know some of you. Not overly precious with the car but keen to avoid the salted roads, so that might start to rule out the next few months. David
  15. Just got to say that looks fab, almost like the whole car is machined from a single ingot to the finest detail. Did northern Spain last year in the camper and thought it would make the ideal destination in my Evora.
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