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About Timbotucker

  • Birthday 26/03/1965

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  • Car
    Esprit GT3 Defrender 90 Escort BDG Mexico Evora GT410 Sport
  • Location
    North West Wales.

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  1. Why taint the name and memory of a car with a vehicle that has no connection to the original other than name? Probably following Fords decision to use old names, shame these cars can’t be left to their own history……
  2. In a nut shell……yes. Remember that activity called “daydreaming”? I feel sorry for any child who has a device, every top Silicon Valley executive said they will not give their children any access to social media until at least 16. My take on smart phones is the intrusion into society, imagine having pictures of nights out from the 80’s 🥴. One problematic issue is productivity, people at work constantly checking their phone's, just traveling along and seeing road workers sitting in the diggers on their phones is just one example. A friend of mine owns a factory manufacturing washers, he could see productivity was down and could see the problem but also the danger in staff checking their phones. He installed a blocking device on the shop floor, problem was instantly solved.
  3. Far be it from me to tell anyone who to vote for but my amazement is how short are people’s memory. Remember “new Labour” zero road tax on clean small diesels 😂 just one that comes to mind but to vote red for a guy who knelt to the Marxist regime. who wouldn’t comment on whether a woman can have a penis and helped Salville avoid prosecution is not fit to lead a conga never mind a country. These are just small, trivial incidents but they have no meaningful intentions to us “normal” folk and are far from the party of working class people. Then we have the blue team, do I really need to explain their failings 🙄, these people are the same individuals who let old people die alone, then stopping the family gathering at the funeral. Instigated the biggest medical injustice in human history and organised the biggest transfer of wealth in modern times. All I see is so many people repeating and believing the MSM on all accounts, yet their lies are so blatant now, will we ever learn? That Meme of the wolf and sheep is unfortunately too close to society, I come from and live in a farming community and we have just had enough of these bobble head, little dictators thinking they know best 🤨, you see the protests in Europe from the farmers there but not on the MSM. All I’m saying is I wish people would look away from the MSM and see other candidates, to give either red or blue any power will be all our downfall.
  4. Certainly sums up most people 🤔.
  5. Anyone who votes either red or blue deserve exactly what’s coming down to them 🤷🏻‍♂️, different cheeks of the same backside…
  6. Anyone noticed a post from Harry’s Garage, he’s sold his Emira 🤔, considering he normally keeps his cars and raved about it when bought, kinda strange…
  7. For me personally, having drove all sorts, the Evora was my choice. It comes with quite a few compromises, not major but like the small LCD dash screens, mostly useless. Door mirrors…so ugly and not what the car deserves. Horrible ex Ford column switch’s….very hard cheap plastic and not nice to use. It’s these small touches that the likes of Porsche and McLaren excel, if you can overlook these then the Evora is a very nice motor. Service wise I don’t mind the yearly servicing because the cost is somewhat less than the other dealers and it’s very easy to work on yourself should you desire, the Evora is more basic. The belt mentioned early is the supercharger belt, I had my “C” service last year and that was changed too, all at a respectable cost. Overall I’ve always seen Lotus as an enthusiasts brand because you do have compromises, and whether you can put up with these. Porsche are excellent and very good but not for me personally and comparing the two I think comes down to the persons personality.
  8. At Anglesey last Sunday, no issues with noise, no static test so presumably drive by, I was in sport mode too. There was also an Exige 430 cup with an aftermarket exhaust (not sure which one) he also had a clear day. I’ll never understand having a noise limit at Anglesey, it’s next to RAF valley fast jet training base 🤷‍♂️😆.
  9. Yes, standard exhaust and had no problems, I was using sport mode too, with a lot of people commenting in the paddock how good it sounded. I’d read about these cars having trouble with the noise tests at track days and was initially concerned but thought if I do get pulled so be it. I’m hopefully going to Anglesey in a few weeks so will see there. As to the oil surge, it’s not something I gave any concern as I assumed being a lotus it would be ok, I certainly didn’t have any issues or oil lights come on, my car is freshly serviced so oil level good.
  10. Took mine to Oulton park last month, pushed it hard with no issues. Not sure what pads it has but no fade etc, was cold though. The lap timer is a total waste of time and a shift light would be helpful but overall I loved it and need to get it out more 😀.
  11. Nothing wrong with using Interstates, just occasionally you’ll get road works and bottlenecks, just like our motorway system, just don’t use the truck stops 😬. Double down on that health/travel insurance, I can’t stress enough how important that is in the US. From personal experience with using it numerous times, make sure the policy is from a known company and if possible from a recommendation. Like previously mentioned, stay away from big city centres, if you want to do the tourist thing in a city, stop in a good hotel, in a known location. Overall the US isn’t hard to navigate, the language issue helps, unless you have a strong accent 😁, and talk quickly like my wife……she gets mistaken for an Oz all the time.
  12. Just an update to my original post. I had my Lotus serviced last week at PJS Sports Cars, Burton Upon Trent. Extremely happy with all aspects and will gladly recommend them to all, nice I’ve now found an honest, reliable service agent for my Lotus. Paul was helpful, extremely knowledgeable and more than happy to listen and give impartial advise to any questions I threw at him with regards to my Evora and Esprit.
  13. I remember this from a few years back, apparently the burns still go on today 🤷🏻‍♂️, nice to see all the effort and cost to us all is making a difference 🤔.
  14. Not there anymore, was attached to the Honda dealer who moved.
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