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Everything posted by JimmytheTurbo

  1. If ever the K&N is too tight to remove with the hex I just bash a screwdriver through the filter with a hammer and use that to undo. All good mechanic do it this way 🙂
  2. I collect old occult books.
  3. I do apologise it was Fram filters I was thinking of!
  4. I cut a few apart after seeing vids of how bad the Mann filters were. Lotus ones were pretty decent. K&N were by far the best. As Escape above I use the K&N HP2004. The hex on the end makes it easier to change.
  5. Anyway back to climate bollocks. Lotus related way to remove juststopoil twats
  6. Cheers I guess the twin plate clutch might be tempting for some. Does look good in auto mode. So as of right now thats the choice is it? V6 howl or autobox? Im not being facetious by the way. Ive not really looked at the Emira much and just wondered as there didn't seem much between them. The longevity of the 4cylinder I can understand. I wonder if there will be more life in the V6 as the growth to move away from electric increases?
  7. Just watching Harrys Garage comparing the 2 cars but Im sorry to say Im a bit lost to what the difference is other than the V6 sounds better but other than that are they not basically the same but one has 4 and one has 6 cylinders? I know there are differences in the the engines but what would make someone buy one over the other? Seem too close to each other is what I am wondering?
  8. I saw this vid of these American muscle cars going to see a boy who loved cars but was ill. Some angry woman called the cops and the whole thing escualted. Obviously they returned bigger louderand for longer! Give those people something to complain about bloody first world problems We should leaflet drop trlling them we are moving migrant in too theyde love that!
  9. I love the vids from the cockpit!
  10. I dare say the EV road noise will be louder than their engine noise especially in the rain.
  11. So leaving potash lane you can either go off down the road and get on the A11 or go the other way through the villages. Cars are allowed to drive through villages at any time and I think these residents are just complaining. Maybe there are some arseholes driving loud cars but I bet there arnt many in reality. People just going about there work, working late trying to make ends meet. We had a woman complaining in my village as dog walkers were talking to each other outside her house at 5am!! The bigger picture is Lotus is one of the last major employers in the area and the more the local councils can do to support them the better.
  12. @Kimbers I saw this an instantly thought of you. 😃
  13. Well done Kimbers. When you start using your God given faculties of logic & discernment and have the faith of your convictions its hard not to see the BS all around and the people blindly following what they've been told.
  14. I dont recognise any of those drivers? I assume they are drivers not CBeebies prsenters as Lotus is "All about the drivers" not all about CBeebies.
  15. I dont think that is nature but nano particles, plastics and oestrogen in the water. We are facing a global collapse in the population. There will likely be no Japanese people in 100 years. France Spain and much of Europe are not far behind.
  16. Even on Jeremy Vine people where saying since increasing insulation their homes dont warm up in the winter days like they did prior to insulation. I found the same thing when we had cavity wall and increased loft insulation. The big thing is most temperature sets were started in the Victorian era when we were coming out of a mini ice age. So temps will rise as they should. Even in the late 50s they were talking about letting nukes off over the poles to melt the ice and warm up the north and southern areas. For me there is nothing new under the sun. Nature will do what it does and its only Man who thinks he has any influence over what she does.
  17. Are both not government funded agencies? Uncle Elon seems to label them as such, much to the BBCs annoyance
  18. For $2000.00 do you think you have to use that big long orange lead as you drive? Thinking about it maybe if they put those things you find on dodgems over the road there would be no issue with batteries or charging!
  19. But is he wrong? The BBC said Norwich would be 36 and I dont think it got above 25? When I was in Barcelona they said 45 and it was 32. So the data could be flawed but he seems closer to the mark than the BBC
  20. Thanks @ChrisJ Where are you are you at the moment? The media seems hell bent on telling us CO2 is bad but from what I have seen that seems to have been a flawed experiment...meaning this whole push for net zero is horse shite.
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