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LEGS Breakfast Meet 6th January 2019@ Corrieri's, Causwayhead, Stirling - UK - LEGS (Lotus Enthusiast Group Scotland) - The Lotus Forums - Official Lotus Community Partner Jump to content


LEGS Breakfast Meet 6th January 2019@ Corrieri's, Causwayhead, Stirling

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So 2019 is almost upon us and I hope you and your families have a great Christmas and wish you all a Happy New Year.

The first meeting of the new year will be at Corrieri's Cafe, Causewayhead, Stirling, FK9 5LH on Sunday 6th January 2019, usual time 10:00am - midday. We have been here a few times before and parking is arranged across the road from the Cafe.

I would urge as many of you to attend as possible with or without your Lotus as there are a few things to organise and decide on for the coming year.

There has been waning interest in the breakfast meets this year and if they are to continue we need some fresh input as Al. is offshore for a month at a time and has very little internet connection when he is away.

I have been doing this for 9 years or so now with Al. and it all started at Powmill Milk Bar with me @Al. and @hedgerley deciding to meet up on a monthly basis for breakfast. After a couple of meets it was suggested that we take the meets around the country which we have done, however it takes time to contact the various venues to organise the meets. I thought that when I retired a few years ago I would have more time on my hands to do the organising as I like to visit new venues in advance to check them out for car parking, seating etc and to speak to the owner or manager of the venue. We have had help from various people over the years and for this I am very grateful. As most of you will know Jackie and I like to travel and it has been quite difficult to fit in the organising. For example, as in previous years I am not available from New Year until end of March possibly mid April this year as we go to Switzerland in the winter. We have a a big trip later in the year down under and will be away for 8 weeks. Looking at the calendar it means that I am not available to attend or organise at least 6 or 7 meetings this year so what I am really saying is that if the meets are to continue we need someone else to step up to the plate on a more permanent basis and help Al. organise these.

A couple of suggestions going forward and to be decided at the 6th January meeting:

  1. Revert back to the original format and choose a venue that is happy to take the group each month. This would be my favoured suggestion as once organised there is no further organising required.
  2. Someone else steps up to the plate on a more permanent basis to help Al. organise future venues which could come from suggestions brought to the January meeting and a calendar of events produced.
  3. Reduce the meetings from once a month to once every 2 months throughout the year
  4. Only have meetings from April-October
Well, it's really up to you all to decide now how this goes forward so please  go along to Corrieri's with your suggestions.
I have enjoyed doing this over the years but as I said earlier it's time for new blood to come in and help take this forward.
I am sorry but I won't be organising any further meetings but will of course attend future breakfast meetings if I am at home.
Kind regards,
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Hi Brian, and hope you and Jackie had a great New Year. We know the issues with trying to organise club meets, run's etc. We have the same with Club Lotus NESC. Interest tends to dwindle a bit until suddenly a group want a specific run or event, Glamis is a perfect example for us. Wendy can send out 100+ emails 6 months in advance with monthly updates to members but still days before the event we have stragglers who suddenly want to attend. We book and pay for about 6 extra slots so that we can usually fit them in, but the organising is a real headache. Sadly, we rarely manage to attend your runs as, like Al I am overseas and not on a fixed rota so never know when I am home. I hope some of your regular guys can step up and take the rains and keep the group going though.


Thanks for all your efforts over the years with all the best to you both for 2019.

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On 28/12/2018 at 20:07, M400kay said:

Thanks Brian and appreciate all efforts whilst I appreciate this group was set up as a lotus enthusiast group we now struggle to get people to these in there cars I must admit my Elise S1 becomes more and more a museum piece as parts and risk of damage become more worrying so why don’t we change to a sports car enthusiasts group meet every 2 months and look at overnight with an open breakfast on the Sunday for all to join this way we can look at a good run out a nice night away for the all , spa etc and a good route home on Sunday if we looked at three this year and then do normal breakfasts st Powmill for all others 


just ideas 



Apologies I am away for meeting on 6th so just giving idea now 

Thanks for your reply and suggestions for future meets. 

Nothing wrong with your suggestions but it does need someone to organise the away days etc. 

Organising a regular meet at Powmill or another venue is probably the way forward so that the meets don’t fall by the wayside. 


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6 hours ago, johnpwalsh said:

Hi Brian, and hope you and Jackie had a great New Year. We know the issues with trying to organise club meets, run's etc. We have the same with Club Lotus NESC. Interest tends to dwindle a bit until suddenly a group want a specific run or event, Glamis is a perfect example for us. Wendy can send out 100+ emails 6 months in advance with monthly updates to members but still days before the event we have stragglers who suddenly want to attend. We book and pay for about 6 extra slots so that we can usually fit them in, but the organising is a real headache. Sadly, we rarely manage to attend your runs as, like Al I am overseas and not on a fixed rota so never know when I am home. I hope some of your regular guys can step up and take the rains and keep the group going though.


Thanks for all your efforts over the years with all the best to you both for 2019.

Thanks John

Times change and folks have other interests and nothing wrong with that of course which is probably the main reason for dwindling enthusiasm for breakfast meets and attending shows etc. 

I do hope one of of our regulars steps up to the plate to help Al. in the future with our meets  

Hopefully the breakfast meets will continue, possibly at the same venue each month or whatever interval is deemed appropriate. 

Kind regards


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I think i only managed 3 last year, my problem is I am away 5 days a week Mon_Fri and the only time I get to see the family is Sat and Sun and sometimes not then due to work.  I must say, this year will be my 25th wedding anniversary and the 5 days away with work for the last 20 years must surely be the only reason that i am still married lol...

Anyway, back to the point, I'd love to organise but will also struggle this year as I have a dozen track days organised and this will reduce the chances for me to attend, I'll miss this first one as I am with work this weekend and most likely Febs as I will probably be in Mexico with work. Before anyone asks, no, I'm not a brickie and no I'm not building a wall whilst there!

Powmill sounds like a good option and maybe a more opportunistic approach to the others.

I love the Edinburgh one, and 2 years ago the run to Kelso and the parking in the square was a real highlight. I do hope we can find a way to continue the runs have been memorable with good behaviour, great breakfasts and some spectacular roads and scenery.

God doesn't want me, and the Devil isn't finished with me yet.


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My comments and observations are my own, invariably "tongue in cheek", and definitely, sarcastic in nature. Therefore, do not take my advice, suggestions, observations or posts seriously or personally and remember if you do, do anything, that I may have suggested, then you have done this based solely on your own decision to do so and therefore you acknowledge responsibility and accountability (I know, in this modern world these are the hardest things for you to accept) for your actions and indemnify me of any influence, responsibility, accountability, or liability, in what you have done. In other words, you did it, so suffer the consequences on your own!

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Thanks for replying Andy.

I now have this vision of you with a bricklayers trowel 😂 I am sure Mr Trump will manage to build his wall without you  

Yes we have had some great meets and runs over the years and I am a bit sad that it might not continue. 

Even if there are no regular meets organised in the future, anyone is welcome to post up on the forum if they are organising an impromptu run and I am sure a few others would tag along if they knew about it. 

I really hope a regular venue can be agreed on so the breakfast meets don’t fall by the wayside. 

Enjoy Mexico! 🇲🇽 and make sure you wear a sombrero to protect you from the 🌞 

Kind regards


PS Just about to PM everyone again as a gentle reminder for Sunday as no one has added their name to the list yet although @Alfa2Evora and @Al. have said they will be there. 

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On 24/12/2018 at 11:34, bingoking said:

Will see you there Brian - gives me a reason to actually wash the Evora...poor thing :) 




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Unfortunately I won’t be there as I am in  🇨🇭 

Enjoy breakfast. 

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Having told son to get his name down I've realised that I hadn't actually done it myself.

I did check with Peter a couple of weeks back about availability and we should get the car park opposite opened as well as usual and I'll drop in again tomorrow.  Looking forward to a good turn out to see what we can arrange going forward.  Don't worry about turning up and being shoe horned into a role you don't want.  If nobody wants to volunteer then there will be no press gang so to speak.  Sounds like my heavies are in Mexico!  Having been married almost 36 years Andy I think the reason is because I go away!

So a list is due even if late:

1. Al.

2. Dude (Mini-me - well all but in physique 😁)

3. Alfa2Evora


A LEGS man and proud to declare it! Lotus Enthusiasts Group Scotland

Evora Launch Edition 2+2 in Aquamarine -gone 2010. Evora Aquamarine 2+2 - gone 2011, Evora Ardent Red 2+0 gone 2012, Evora S Ardent Red 2+2, gone 2023 

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Hi Guys, Not many names up as yet, we will be going. I think my Son ids also bringing his exige.


1. Al.

2. Dude (Mini-me - well all but in physique 😁)

3. Alfa2Evora

4 & 5. Johnny & Audrey 

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14 hours ago, Johnny5 said:

1. Al.

2. Dude (Mini-me - well all but in physique 😁)

3. Alfa2Evora

4 & 5. Johnny & Audrey 

6 & 7 Alan & Gwen


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As a LEGS founding member I'm disappointed not to have been able to contribute more to the organising, although I have sorted a few out over the years. But as many of us have found out, with business and family commitments at weekends its been getting more difficult to put the effort in to even attend as many as I'd like, never mind organise them. 

Big thanks to @bingoking for his efforts over the years, but I guess Brian you are hob nobbing with the AM crowd now 😉

If the consensus tomorrow is to continue to mix it up, rather than have a regular slot somewhere, I'm happy to organise a couple during the year (the run up to Gorgarff in October is a particular highlight for me).

1. Al.

2. Dude (Mini-me - well all but in physique 😁)

3. Alfa2Evora

4 & 5. Johnny & Audrey 

6 & 7 Alan & Gwen

7 & 8 Mark & Jane (tentative)

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some random thoughts;

Wintertime.  Powmill only and/or cancel Nov, Dec, Jan meets as most people have plenty of other things on.

Summertime.  A fixed location most months (Powmill?) + a couple of special occasions i.e.  Petit Paris Grassmarket, and Leven Lotus if they will have us .  A lot of time the summer meets clash with other events, Jim Clark Duns, classic cars shows, Knockhill etc.     Would be a shame to lose Petis Paris, didn't happen 2018 iirc as clashed with some other major event .  

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17 hours ago, hedgerley said:


Big thanks to @bingoking for his efforts over the years, but I guess Brian you are hob nobbing with the AM crowd now 😉


You are correct on one front Mark, times change and other commitments get in the way, in my case it is Switzerland and further travel before I can’t do these long trips or motorhoming on the continent. 

On the other point when I had my DB9 I went along to one AM meeting for dinner and thought never again, that was 5 years ago. The AM crowd were just not the same as the Lotus fraternity.

Hope you have a good turnout today and a consensus on going forward with future breakfast meets. 

Thanks for your help in the past. 

Today’s room with a view 🇨🇭😀

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Happy New Year all. Apologies I had the best of intentions of getting to this mornings meet but having got back from 4 days driving back from Spain last night it was a task too far. Hope the turnout was reasonable and I hope there will be more meetings moving forward as I really do enjoy them.

As far as meets to keep as a suggestion I previously thoroughly enjoyed the Rannoch Station run after the meet at Blairgowrie - epic roads!! The Petit Paris as mentioned is always fun and great for displaying the cars. The drive after the meet at Guildtown was great too and anymore like that would be great......can’t beat a hearty breakfast and then a drive of some of Scotland’s best roads.

Apologies again for my no-show this morning - enjoy your breakfasts!!🍽



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Just realised that this is on today, so sorry for missing it.

I was going to suggest this place; https://www.edenmill.co.uk/ if you are looking for suggestions for venues. Pretty decent set up, great food, and great roads around for a run. 




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18 hours ago, bingoking said:

Completely :offtopic:but, I didn't realise the Matterhorn was an active volcano, :whistle:. Must remember now to include it in my 'roadtrip in planning' to visit Etna, :lol: .

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Hi All who have posted and attended.  I will be speaking to Brian in the next few days and we will post up the way forward.  Slight delay in posting is Club Lotus January meet is tomorrow evening and I'll be along at that and they were having some internal chat along similar lines and any regulars will know this is tied in with Lotus Drivers Club I think it is.  After all that I'll post up something.........

Brian, that looks bloody cold.  Nice and mild back here. New winter boots at the ready but no snow.

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A LEGS man and proud to declare it! Lotus Enthusiasts Group Scotland

Evora Launch Edition 2+2 in Aquamarine -gone 2010. Evora Aquamarine 2+2 - gone 2011, Evora Ardent Red 2+0 gone 2012, Evora S Ardent Red 2+2, gone 2023 

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