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  • Gold FFM

I haven't come across anyone who would vote differently if asked again, but I do think many feel so disillusioned with the whole process that the turnout would be much lower.

My constituency, Bath and North East Somerset was one of the few areas in England to vote remain. I work for a broad spectrum of people across society and across the area, the overwhelming majority of my customers, I'd say 8/10 said they wanted out, I still believe that my local government hired the services of Mr Mugabe to assist with the final count, it was made clear by the polling station officials that only votes crossed in pencil would be counted, why was that do you think?

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  • Gold FFM
8 hours ago, MPx said:

Amazing.  I know of no one changing.  Barry Brexit knows people changing towards Brexit...James Remain knows people changing towards remain.  Looks like the only thing I was right about is that we all operate in our own little bubble and extrapolate unbelievable nonsense from our position of next to no insights beyond our immediate circle.  

No one really knows. One thing is for certain - the EU leaders are acting in a disgusting manner towards the negotiations. Where they will not compromise and we are doing all the bowing and scraping. Everyone and anyone can see what is happening. Labour is making out they would get a better deal. It just won’t happen - the EU do not want the UK cash cow to leave

we need out of this corrupt and undemocratic kalergi mess.

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  • Gold FFM

I have my fingers and toes firmly crossed for the vote to be hoofed out on its arse sortly.

In the post apocalyptic doom which is brexit - I’m sure we will survive and make it out the other side alive. Worst case I reckon only 48% of the population will starve to death 🤭

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The leaflet which was sent out to everyone at a cost of £7 million stated that the two options were remain or no deal. It never mentioned anything about a deal.

The discussion of a deal only came about after the result.

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  • Gold FFM

Ahh the leaflet. Now let’s remember all the lies both side peddled.

what was in that leaflet has been proven to be lies and they are simply building yet more lies upon that.

the electorate aren’t as stupid as the media makes out. Let’s get out and now.

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Not only the UK, most countries except Germany would also vote leave if they were given a vote.

Macron has stated he isnt going to give the French people a vote because they would probably vote leave.

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9 hours ago, Barrykearley said:

No one really knows. One thing is for certain - the EU leaders are acting in a disgusting manner towards the negotiations. Where they will not compromise and we are doing all the bowing and scraping. Everyone and anyone can see what is happening. Labour is making out they would get a better deal. It just won’t happen - the EU do not want the UK cash cow to leave

we need out of this corrupt and undemocratic kalergi mess.

Did you expect anything different entering this complex negotiation from a position of weakness? I didn't

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2 hours ago, Barrykearley said:

How did this drunk get elected ?


He didn't, but maybe that was your point ;)


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God doesn't want me, and the Devil isn't finished with me yet.


The small print.

My comments and observations are my own, invariably "tongue in cheek", and definitely, sarcastic in nature. Therefore, do not take my advice, suggestions, observations or posts seriously or personally and remember if you do, do anything, that I may have suggested, then you have done this based solely on your own decision to do so and therefore you acknowledge responsibility and accountability (I know, in this modern world these are the hardest things for you to accept) for your actions and indemnify me of any influence, responsibility, accountability, or liability, in what you have done. In other words, you did it, so suffer the consequences on your own!

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On 24/11/2018 at 23:32, MPx said:



Amazing.  I know of no one changing.  

My wife has had a total reversal. She was an avid remainer and I was an avid leaver, we didn't speak to each other after a blazing row, for 2 days before the vote. After the vote she was livid with me and my son who both voted leave, effectively blocking her and my daughters votes to remain. 

However she is now a no deal brexiteer. She wants out and now because she see's the way the Eu have treated us, charged us so much and the way they have gone about the negotiations has shown her their true colours.

Me I've actually gone the other way. I was a no deal Brexiteer and am now a deal Brexiteer. My thoughts are that if the no dealers get their way and Parliament reject the current deal, I think the remainers will get their second referendum. I feel this is what ALL politicians want no matter how their constituents voted, as all they can think of is their own pockets, future job in the EU and/or working in the EU.

Possibly save your life. Check out this website. https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/mens-cancer



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1 hour ago, Kimbers said:

I was a no deal Brexiteer and am now a deal Brexiteer. My thoughts are that if the no dealers get their way and Parliament reject the current deal, I think the remainers will get their second referendum. I feel this is what ALL politicians want no matter how their constituents voted, as all they can think of is their own pockets, future job in the EU and/or working in the EU.

The trouble is the current deal is even worse than just staying in the EU. It commits us to staying in the customs union until the EU tells us we can leave. This means we are not in a position to negotiate a trade deal - The EU can just impose on us what it wants, and we have to either take it or stay in.

As I understand it (correct me if I'm wrong) being in the customs union commits us to:

1. Continuing to accept freedom of movement

2. Continuing to accept the jurisdiction of the European Court

3. Unable to negotiate seperate trade deals

4. Payment of €39bn 'divorce' bill

The electorate voted to leave the EU and the Prime Minister effectively negotiates away our right to choose to leave! I don't know what the outcome is of parliament rejecting it (collapse of Tory government and general election probably), but any outcome is better than the 'deal' on the table.


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Not if it means they overturn the referndum vote!

Possibly save your life. Check out this website. https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/mens-cancer



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The problem is, this deal relies on the one thing which has been wrong with our relationship with  the EU throughout our membership, the fact we trust them.

This misplaced trust has cost the UK dearly over the years, for example the way we trust the others over fishing, the way we trust them over freedom of company ownership while the French blatantly ignore the rules and put all their large companies on a list of protected against overseas takeovers. 

The way we scrutinise companies against corruption according to EU rules while German companies win contacts in Asia with openly corrupt methods which British Aerospace and others get investigated.

The list goes on. We are about to trust them to give us a trade deal during the withdrawal. You would think the UK government would have learned by now, there is absolutely no way they will do so.


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50 minutes ago, Andyww said:

The problem is, this deal relies on the one thing which has been wrong with our relationship with  the EU throughout our membership, the fact we trust them.

This misplaced trust has cost the UK dearly over the years, for example the way we trust the others over fishing, the way we trust them over freedom of company ownership while the French blatantly ignore the rules and put all their large companies on a list of protected against overseas takeovers. 

The way we scrutinise companies against corruption according to EU rules while German companies win contacts in Asia with openly corrupt methods which British Aerospace and others get investigated.

The list goes on. We are about to trust them to give us a trade deal during the withdrawal. You would think the UK government would have learned by now, there is absolutely no way they will do so.


Exactly correct!

I have never forgotten a comment made to me by a French business owner during a French acquisition I was involved in back in 1994. Whilst frustrating him going through some detailed questions he said “you know, the trouble with the U.K. is that they want to cross all the T’s and dot all the I’s, in France and in Europe we just agree to everything and ignore it later if we don’t like it”

It has benefitted  the EU to keep that cultutural approach over the years. 

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