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Just caught the end of a local program, brief National news and local news on the BBC - Well that's it the south west is buggered - farming is knackered, hotel staff are all going to go home and the German tourists are really upset. The news also put a very negative spin on the fact that UK service sector has done better than expected - rather than stating it as good news the BBC reported we are apparently just slightly less likely to go into recession! I must admit I thought this crass reporting was finished with - obviously not.

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Now you know exactly how us Corbyn supporters feel about the BBC. The fact is, the BBC hate anything that deviates from the establishment agenda to preserve what they see as "stability" in this country (ie. the preservation of elitist decision-making).

Both Corbyn and Brexit get the same treatment as threats to that stability.

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But thank god they did not win!

Listening to Juncker dropping his bombshells on a European Army etc sent a chill through my soul - where does Nato fit in with this?

Not that Corbyn supporters care about defence of course as he has already totally undermined our nuclear deterrent and has pledged to break the central tenet of NATO around the defense of a member who is attacked.

For all his social justice good, Corbyn is about the most clueless, naive, arrogant, selfish, dictating, and dangerous leader of any political party we've ever had in the UK in my very humble opinion. Either that or he is much much cleverer than I :o


God doesn't want me, and the Devil isn't finished with me yet.


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21 minutes ago, LotusLeftLotusRight said:

Blimey guys, give it a rest! It's been 3 months now.

Just imagine the moaning on here if Remain had won!

Nothing like the constant moaning that will be happening after our presidential election here.  I see our train heading high speed for a brick wall with neither candidate being a viable choice.  You can be sure the losing side will blame everything that's wrong in the world on the winner.  for 4 more years. :(

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Is it November Bob your election, I have not kept up with the news regarding the campaign, last time i looked trump was doing well ! so that tells you it has been a while, but now i have the conspiracy theorists saying Clinton has a body double and is not well and should not be running due to ill health. :ermm:

Trump is a tad crazy, wants a wall between the States and Mexico but wants to sort things out with North Korea, first thing on his agenda ? As an outsider though i have always thought it is your military leaders who run America and not the president himself.


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C8RKH, incidentally  this isn`t a thread about Corbyn or Defence (or the Beeb!)  but your errrm.... trenchant attempted slapdown does deserve a riposte.

A man who voted against the invasion of Iraq and the bombing of Libya and who`s proved officially correct on both ISIS-promoting  disasters they turned out to be and who  has the lowest expenses claim of any MP - Naive ? Really ? Arrogance ?  His dress sense alone might suggest otherwise..dictating ? Well, 250,000 voted for him, 250,000r more than  for Mrs. May. 

You may also wish to research how our British banks loan money  to the Russian nuclear programme and how North Korea justifies their nukes for the same reasons of "deterrence" that we do. .

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Not questioning the truth side of the part about British banks lending money to the Russian Nuclear Programme Dan, but i would of thought the Russians would not need our money as they are already pretty well off money wise i would of thought regarding their defense budget ?


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Riposte away Dan but explain to me how anyone who says before a fight "I know you have big sticks to beat me with and I know you know I have a big stick too - but don't worry I'll never use it!" is not at best naive, at worst just plain dumb?

Or who says, " i know he's my brother but don't worry if you beat him up I'll not get involved!"

They're one hell of a way to tell the world your a clever statesman in my humblest of worthless opinions.

And the thing about banks and Russian nukes is just another diversionary incendiary. And by the way, no-one voted for May, but then they did not vote for Cameron either, nor Brown nor Blair. We do not have a Presidency you vote for the Party to lead, not the individual. Always amazes me when people fudge the basics!


God doesn't want me, and the Devil isn't finished with me yet.


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My comments and observations are my own, invariably "tongue in cheek", and definitely, sarcastic in nature. Therefore, do not take my advice, suggestions, observations or posts seriously or personally and remember if you do, do anything, that I may have suggested, then you have done this based solely on your own decision to do so and therefore you acknowledge responsibility and accountability (I know, in this modern world these are the hardest things for you to accept) for your actions and indemnify me of any influence, responsibility, accountability, or liability, in what you have done. In other words, you did it, so suffer the consequences on your own!

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How anyone can support Corbyn is beyond me. he is totally unprincipled and hypocritical and has surrounded himself by the most unpleasant people in politics, such as Diane Abbott and John Mcdonnell. He is surrounded by accolytes who hate anyone who disagrees with them to such an extent that some will use personal insults and even violence against them. Corbyn even stood in a meeting and did nothing while a female MP who spoke up was heckled and insulted to such an extent she left in tears. In fact he gives me the creeps because he speaks of "nicer politics" and supports the opposite. 

As for policies, all I have every heard is how he wants to spend more taxpayers money. Not once mentioning how to create more wealth to enable this extra spending. The proportion of the population who support him is tiny, its just that they make more noise and give the illusion that he has far more support than he does.

His politics is entirely negative and destructive and he does not appear to care that one of the long-established political parties of which he has been a member for so many years is in the process of self-destruction because of him.

The fact which is almost funny if not so tragic was that until quite recently Corbyn stated that Venezuela was a model of socialism which we should adopt, and now its an economic basket case. Socialism has never ever worked anywhere and why some people advocate it is a mystery.


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  • Gold FFM

Jeremy Corbyn is simply superb. He is brilliant - not a bad word to say about him.

He principles are completely to cock, he talks bollox most of the time, no doubt wears sandles and socks. But - most importantly - he's ripping the Labour Party in half and is completely unelectable. He helps to provide a tiny bit of balance though.

keep it up Jezza - and keep that numpty Owen out - he's an even bigger bell end imho. He's obviously much more educated than the rest of us as we were all wrong to vote for Brexit - and clearly knows it's in our best interests to be ruled by folks walking in Adolfs footsteps........:rant:

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1 hour ago, Andyww said:

. Socialism has never ever worked anywhere and why some people advocate it is a mystery.


In my experience, two reasons:

1. It makes them feel good. Feel righteous and superior as they are doing something for the common good.

2. They like spending other peoples money and telling them what they can and cannot do.

Look at every communist and socialist state and they have one of the worst records of stamping down on dissent, trampling on human rights, and violating peoples ability to decide anything for themselves. The collective state knows best and will tell you what you can and cannot do, when you can and cannot do it, and how you can and cannot do it.

Remember New Labour and all those mamby pamby we know best laws and rules. Up here in Scotland, we have the SNP - for christs sake they even want every child to have a named responsible adult as parents do not count. Do not remember that being in any manifesto either.

God bless Brexit. God bless Britain. I'm with Dyson. He seems like a smart switched on, slightly hair brained sort of guy. Dyson for el Presidente of the new United Kingdom!

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God doesn't want me, and the Devil isn't finished with me yet.


The small print.

My comments and observations are my own, invariably "tongue in cheek", and definitely, sarcastic in nature. Therefore, do not take my advice, suggestions, observations or posts seriously or personally and remember if you do, do anything, that I may have suggested, then you have done this based solely on your own decision to do so and therefore you acknowledge responsibility and accountability (I know, in this modern world these are the hardest things for you to accept) for your actions and indemnify me of any influence, responsibility, accountability, or liability, in what you have done. In other words, you did it, so suffer the consequences on your own!

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"How anyone can support Corbyn is beyond me ".

Well to someone on  a zero hours contract,  someone worked to the bone driving ambulances or treating emergency cases, to a student asked to fork out £9000 for course fees, to young couples with kids who can`t afford a mortgage-I can assure you it`s not beyond them. 

Aggressive and provocative opinions abound on this site when this guy`s name comes up. And worse still for you he`s still around, unlike many of your heroes  Farage and Gove to name but two who`ve chickened out of helping this country with the decision it made (on topic, people !). Yes C8RKH I am well aware of the constitutional role of elections -just might be nice to get one once in a while when yet another policy not in the Manifesto is trotted out to distract everyone from Brexit for a bit. .  

Well now is your chance to peer into the mind of a self-confessed Corbyn supporter. Just a glimpse obviously, none of us have all bleedin` night !  

In addition naturally I am aware that Lotus owners are not Mr. Corbyn`s prime target constituency (even if he did say some nice things about Colin Chapman`s little start-up business a few months ago ), But the arguments you have advanced do not have the one element that might just possibly sway my view.


To understand where I come from you must appreciate that I believe that the mass media lie, lie and lie again to you every single day about Mr. Corbyn.When I pick up a copy (which I do most days) of the Mail the Sun the Express the Telegraph the Times.

-these above comments are what I read and what I entirely expect. My view is borne out by various reputable studies by (sorry) experts who have quantified and qualified bias against this man on a huge scale.. 

To me they don`t correspond with the reality of what actually leaves Mr. Corbyn`s mouth and what I hear him say when free of the lies and distortions of those papers. It`s one thing to detest the guy-that is your absolute right. But to base that view on the above billionaire scandal-sheets does not count in my book.

All I can advise is that you go to his campaign and facebook pages and if you hate what he puts there, again. fine. But at least it willl be from the horses mouth

What makes me laugh is that you all seem prepared to believe that the BBC lies and distorts but Rupert Murdoch (recently pictured at a party with Mr. anti-establishment Farage), Paul Dacre, the mysterious Barclay Twins in their Channel Island Castle  and Richard "Porn King" Desmond -answerable to no-one-do not


Mr, Corbyn wants to take their power and influence away, They do not like him. They have a very good reason not to like him. They spit bile and vitriol  in his face every day. All I ask is that you please take account of that. To not take account of the billionaires` war against him is to exhibit a fundamental misconception of what is happening in our country. .


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  • Gold FFM
3 hours ago, Andyww said:

 Socialism has never ever worked anywhere and why some people advocate it is a mystery.


Cannot in anyway disagree with that statement.

I once defined socialism to my old chap ( much to his absolute disgust !) as 

" a lazy mans excuse for underachievement "

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Dan unfortunately your post is a classic example of the delusion surrounding Corbyn supporters.

Like many others I do not take any of my information from any of the sources you mention. I am deeply suspicious of anything the mainstream media says. Farage and Gove are not my heroes either.

It is not some kind of media conspiracy, he really is useless and his henchmen really are nasty. Diane Abbott for example says it was OK to send her children to private school because she is West Indian and "we always want the best for our kids", but apparently its not OK for white people. I have seen her saying other things which would have got a white person in trouble with the police. John Mcdonnell was forced to apologise for condoning IRA bombing, because he actually did, not because the media made it up. 

For sure, anyone can say they are going to get rid of zero hours contracts (which used to be known as "part time working"), and build thousands of cheap houses, increase pay, reduce hours etc etc. Dead easy to say and there will be gullible people who will believe him.

Many people had only heard of Corbyn when he became leader. But I have been around long enough to have seen many speeches he made when he first became an activist. He was a troublemaker and he has tried to airbrush history by denial and deleting stuff from his website but I can remember very clearly what he used to say.


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51 minutes ago, Iconic Ride said:


I would normally agree 100 percent John, but i think in the UK s recent vote i personally think the goverment let down their guard on this one as they did not think in a million years the voters would come out in the masses or that that their so called bullet proof remain scare campaign would fail. 

The people finally won this time which is why the goverment went to pieces in the aftermath imo.   VIVA LA REVOLUTION :)

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Whichever side of the fence you're on Dan, the people voted by a slight majority -based on misleading info from BOTH sides - to leave the EU in a non binding referendum...

it hasn't happened yet, and the further away we go, I believe the less likely it is to actually happen. The political landscape will change, and/or the EU will make "concessions" IMO.

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  • Gold FFM

No matter how much remain rhetoric and noise we hear in the media. Do not underestimate the amount of folks who will be outraged if this doesn't go through.

it will change our country very quickly if this is reneged upon imho.


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