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Bitten by the bug

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  • Gold FFM

I'm interested to see if lots of other people are like me. I have read in numerous posts where owners walk out to their garages to ogle their new acquisitions. Also, owners that still do this after 6 years (IIRC). I am actually trying to imagine it already by having measured where an esprit comes to relative to my commodore and then imagining the esprit there.

Something I have also had happen is all the nay sayers with the 'why do you want one of them', the old chestnut 'Lots Of Trouble etc' (refer to bottom of post for true meaning), or 'why don't you get a porsche or an NSX. Much more reliable'

So, questions:

1) When did you start wanting an esprit?

For me it was when I first saw the S1 in the Bond movie and then cemented it in my mind in 1992 when I first test drove the last model before the SE.

2) When did you get your first one?

About 1996. (however, please see below)

3) How many have you owned?

Two. #1 A silver Hi-wing, about 10cm long. #2 A white and red S3 I believe (1/18 scale)

4) Did you ever consider buying something else?

Yep, but I constantly came back to 'but an esprit is what I have always wanted'


All we know is that when they stop making this, we will be properly, properly sad.Jeremy Clarkson on the Esprit.

Opinions are like armpits. Everyone has them, some just stink more than others.

For forum issues, please contact one of the Moderators. (I'm not one of the elves anymore, but I'll leave the link here)

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1) When did you start wanting an esprit?

Did not initially. I was out to trade in my second generation Mazda RX7 for the then new third generation RX7. Dealrship wanted an additional 5,000 over the sticker just to say hello. As the wife and I were driving away she spotted what was to become my 89 Esprit sitting across the road in a dealerships consignment lot. The rest is history.

2) When did you get your first one?

Jan. 1992

3) How many have you owned?

Two. 1989 Turbo Esprit, 2005 Elise. I am priveledged to drive a 1969 Lotus type 61 for our club Team. I have another Lotus on order and as many others here, I have an extensive minitures collection.

4) Did you ever consider buying something else?

Yes. I almost had a Aston Martin DB2-4. Owner changed his mind and then turned around and sold it a week later for more. No brainer as to what that was all about.

Went back to put a deposit down on a Dino, it was gone, and almost traded the Esprit even for a Ferrari 308 with racing body. Local dealer knew the car and warned me away from it.

5. Any regrets?

Yes and no. Yes, I wish I knew as much about the car back a few years as I do now and no, it's been an absolute blast to drive and own.

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  • Gold FFM

Ok. Like Al added

5) Any regrets?

and another one

6) Do you still just sit and look at it and how often? :clap:

All we know is that when they stop making this, we will be properly, properly sad.Jeremy Clarkson on the Esprit.

Opinions are like armpits. Everyone has them, some just stink more than others.

For forum issues, please contact one of the Moderators. (I'm not one of the elves anymore, but I'll leave the link here)

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1) When did you start wanting an esprit?

Used to be a big 911 fan when I was young until I saw an esprit next to one in a porsche garage when I was 21, I was like, what the hell is that as I'd only ever seen one in pics previously so never realised how low and wide it is.. From that day on I wanted one

2) When did you get your first one?

Got mt first one at 23 which is the one I still have, 1988 turbo

3) How many have you owned?

Two. First I still own and at 24 I bought a 1999 V8 SE whick I sold a year later due to a driving ban..... and the rebuild of my 88 started........ only to be completed last september and

Mark MacKenzie  Elise S2 135 Sport 

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1) When did you start wanting an esprit?

Always wanted a Lotus. After working for Prince Jefri for a few years, and seeing all his 1000s of supercars, I thought I can have one too. So went and bought one.

2) When did you get your first one?


3) How many have you owned?


4) Did you ever consider buying something else?

Thought about a GTD40.

5) Any regrets?

I've spent

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1) When did you start wanting an esprit?

Back in 2006 when I discovered that the V8 existed.

2) When did you get your first one?

Last year

3) How many have you owned?


4) Did you ever consider buying something else?

Was looking at F355s at the time.

Would have considered a TVR Sagaris if:

- I had somewhere local for servicing the SP6 engine

- TVR had made an EU approval for it

5) Any regrets?

Not buying one sooner.

6) Do you still just sit and look at it and how often?

Look, do I really have to answer this question....

I assure you I'm quite normal and its not really parked in the house :clap:

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1) When did you start wanting an esprit?


I first fell in love with Lotus when I had an Observers Book of Supercars and the Etna was in there. It was just such a great looking car to a petrolhead kid. When I discovered a friend had an Esprit which had I'd been a keen fan of since Bond I spent 6 years trying to get him to sell it to me (and saving up for it!), which he eventually did when he emigrated to Aus.

2) When did you get your first one?

8 years ago, I was 25.

3) How many have you owned?

2, both black, both very sexy :clap:

4) Did you ever consider buying something else?

I had a Chimera available which I'd test driven then I drove the Esprit, my choice then disappeared!

5) Any regrets?

Non, je ne regrette rien

6) Do you still just sit and look at it and how often?

Erm, well, erm, often!

For forum issues, please contact the Moderators.

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1) When did you start wanting an esprit? -

Its my wife's fault - like so many, as an impressionable teen she saw that iconic 007 White S1 splash into the water and turn into a submarine. She wanted one ever since now 30 years later with her 40th birthday approaching and wanting some brownie points I offered to get one for her.

2) When did you get your first one? -

about a month ago.

3) How many have you owned? -

none really as the one we just got is my wife's 40th birthday present.

4) Did you ever consider buying something else? -

If I'd had my way it would have been a Ferrari 308 gt4. Or perhaps I could have gone back to a Caterham and tried to recapture my lost youth. but see above!

5) Any regrets? -

My wife has none but then she hasn't had to deal with the full engine strip down, broken sparkplugs knackered liners, devastated detonated pistons, siezed fixings and spare parts prices that make me want to say ''I just want some brake discs - I've bought cars for less than that!''

6) Do you still just sit and look at it and how often? -

Yes I look up over the remnants of two broken engines wondering how I will fix the current 'curveball' that it has throw at me. I marvel at how it can look sooo fast just standing still.

Ask me after I've had a chance to drive it and I'll probably change my tune!

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1) When did you start wanting an esprit?

2001. I went to Algar Ferrari to browse and a guy I had worked with pulled me aside and started to talk about his Lotus. We met a week later so I could check it out...I was hooked. I initially wanted a 328 but after driving the Esprit it was just so much more bang for the buck.Plus it is more exclusive than a Ferrari 3 series.

2) When did you get your first one? 2003

3) How many have you owned? Just one...almost had to sell it to finish grad school but I picked up another job and was able to hang onto it and graduate...I will not sell it now and will pass it down to my kid someday (no kids now)

4) Did you ever consider buying something else?

I really wanted that 328...maybe somday but not at the expense of the Lotus ...it will always be with me!

5) Any regrets?

No way...my car is very reliable and if I chose I could drive it daily ...great car!!

6) Do you still just sit and look at it and how often?

LOL...no ...I drive it! I do stare when I am done waxing it...still amazed to this day I have it!

Edited by jfitz981
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1) When did you start wanting an esprit?

After seeing it on the cover of a magazine just before the Stevens was launched

2) When did you get your first one?

2008 June

3) How many have you owned?

Just the one

4) Did you ever consider buying something else?


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1) When did you start wanting an esprit?

Always wanted a Lotus. A guy on my road in the '70s had a JPS Europa which started it, but as soon as the Esprit came out, that was the one.

2) When did you get your first one?

Early in 1990

3) How many have you owned?

1 Esprit, 1 Carlton, 1 M100Elan, 1 Sunbeam

4) Did you ever consider buying something else?

Of course....I'm a petrolhead!

5) Any regrets?

Not really, tho always wonder if I'd have had even more fun if I'd swapped for some of the later ones over the years

6) Do you still just sit and look at it and how often?

No - if I've got time to look, I've got time to drive....

Loving Lionel and Eleanor......missing Charlie and Sonny

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1) When did you start wanting an esprit?

It was (along with the capri and the XJS) one of the first cars i really thought

to be special, due to TV series and films. The corgi sub toy was in every kids

toy box too.

2) When did you get your first one?

1999. I always assumed they would be silly money and never noticed how

cheap they are to buy, i was chuffed to bits that i could actually afford one

of those 'poster' cars.

3) How many have you owned?

2. An S3 and my SE

4) Did you ever consider buying something else?

Quite liked the 350i before i started looking for an S3 Esprit. If the Esprit ever

became too much of burden, or i could not afford to maintain it then i might go

elise. Not sure what else really, nothing german, maybe a jag of some sort.

5) Any regrets?

Not buying a turbo as my first Esprit. I spent over

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1) When did you start wanting an esprit?

I fancied one when the Turbo came out but it was way out of my price range. When I bought mine I wasn't looking for an Esprit. I just wanted a Lotus.

2) When did you get your first one?

Got my Esprit in July 2004.

3) How many have you owned?

This is my only Esprit. Had an S4 Elan and a +2S.

4) Did you ever consider buying something else?

I was considering any modern Lotus when I found mine.

5) Any regrets?

I regret buying one that is not the original colour. It's a JPS after all. I wanted a naturally-aspirated car as I don't lke turbo lag. I regret not taking out the engine and rebuilding it completely when I first had it as I thought the wife, who was away at the time, would go bananas. In fact, when she got back she said, "I thought you'd have the engine spread everywhere by now" I would have got it on the road a lot sooner if I had.

6) Do you still just sit and look at it and how often?

I can't help staring at it everytime I walk past it in the garage. I nearly jusy climbed ito it and just sat in it the other night but would have never lived it down if the kids had found out.

7) Biggest suprise?

How reliable it has been. I had visions of never completing a journey without something going wrong but it can stand for a month, be fired up and driven without any worries. It's true that it's more reliable the more often you use it.

S4 Elan, Elan +2S, Federal-spec, World Championship Edition S2 Esprit #42, S1 Elise, Excel SE


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Biggest suprise?

The cost of some of the work/parts!!!! Have had some services that with clutch or manifold

have been quite high, thinking the next years service will be cheaper has not worked out

once for me in the whole nine years, every time it has something else 'extra' like a cambelt

or perhaps a minor service made expensive by radiator or something else.

If you live with your folks and plan to get a place, move out before you get an Esprit, or you'll

still be there when you are in your thirties as it slowly eats at your deposit! Of course, having seen

an Esprit with a tow hook now (donny this year), there is the caravan option...


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1) When did you start wanting an esprit?

The Bond film had a lot to do with it, but really when the S2 came out in 1978

2) When did you get your first one?

5 years ago

3) How many have you owned?

1, but wouldn't rule out an S1/2 as an addition

4) Did you ever consider buying something else?

Aston Martin DBS, Jensen Interceptor convertible, also looked at a Dino GT4 (all mainly so my kids could fit in)

5) Any regrets?

Not yet, but I'm sure when the manifold, belts, clutch etc go and I need another bank loan I will.

6) Do you still just sit and look at it and how often?

At least 3 times a week

7) Biggest suprise?

"How reliable it has been" - ditto

In the garage no-one can hear you scream 

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1) When did you start wanting an esprit?

I first wanted a Lotus aged 12, when I saw the first Elan.

2) When did you get your first one?

Elan Series 3 in my twenties

3) How many have you owned?

2 Elans S3 & S4, Escort, Esprit

4) Did you ever consider buying something else?


5) Any regrets?

Speed limits, police, and cameras

6) Do you still just sit and look at it and how often?

Every day

Life is like a sewer, what you get out of it, depends on what you put into it. (Tom Leahrer)

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7) Biggest surprise?

The car is just shy of 20 years old, (Dec. 1988 build date), has 92k+ miles on it, and yet it still ges admiring looks and thumbs up from other drivers.

Also, I am surprised at the number of testosterone junkies who feel they have to establish their manhood by goading me to race them. I do not oblige.

But what the hey, it's a 20 year old car.

8) (New one), How long do you plan on keeping your present Lotus?

my ans. Till I have to shovel up the bits and have them hauled off. Of course I will keep the ones suitable for framing.

The reason I ask is because I've noticed on one of the Lotus Elise sites here in the states, that the number of Elise/Exige cars being bought and then quickly put up for sale, is rather high. Tells me a lot of folk got into those cars for all the wrong reasons. I do not see the same trend as much, even allowing for the smaller build numbers, with Esprit owners.

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7) Biggest surprise?

Its only got 210 BHP (probably less now after 22 years) so its not hyper performance....but its easily fast enough for a grin!

8) How long do you plan on keeping your present Lotus?

The Esprit and M100 will stay til I cant get parts (currently been with me 18 and 5 years) or circs change such that I need to sell. After 9 years with the Carlton its now on shakey ground cos I cant get parts so its getting hard to keep it as I like it (ie perfect!).

Loving Lionel and Eleanor......missing Charlie and Sonny

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1) When did you start wanting an esprit?

I was born in '77 and one my favourite toys as I grew up was my blue Corgi Lotus Europa car ... this is where it all started ... I used to bounce them (all toy cars in general) and push them and watch them go all over the place ... the Europa definitely had the best suspension which looking back was rather funny. As I grew up I enjoyed many a night in front of TV which would on the odd occaision involve a Lotus Elan or Esprit, courtesy of The Avengers and Bond, not forgetting the Seven in The Prisoner too. Lotus intrigued me, but never caught my heart ... it instilled me with some pride as it was British and the exploits of Team Lotus made

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So, questions:

1) When did you start wanting an esprit?

I test drive a black 1991 Esprit and love the handling and response of the car.

I start to hunt for one with good condition

2) When did you get your first one?

2006, 1993 Red Esprit, a little bit overpriced, but the car gives me confidents (no electric failure, no mechanic failure....it just peforms very good.

3) How many have you owned?

oh...one is enough, especially I have spent so much money to completely overhaul the car to very good condition, and added many mods...

4) Did you ever consider buying something else?

yes, if I get really rich, I will buy a Lamborghini.

for now, Esprit is more than enough for me.

5) Any regrets?

no regret, I would be regret if I did not own a supercar one time in life.

and I have great experience during my ownership so far.

6) Do you still just sit and look at it and how often?

this is the only car I enjoy doing car wash!

7) Biggest suprise?

the performance is outstanding! still outrun many modern sports cars.

Edited by esprithk
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1) When did you start wanting an Esprit?

Age 14, the first time I heard of them, when my uncle gave me a model Esprit S1. After researching them a bit, I watched TSWLM and loved them even more. Soon after I got to see a Turbo Esprit in the flesh (er, fiberglass?) at a car show and knew I had to have one.

2) When did you get your first one?

Sept 2006, coming up on 2 years.

3) How many have you owned?

One Esprit so far (and an Elite).

4) Did you ever consider buying something else?

Nope. I found one for sale and fixated on it completely. I sold my Elite to help pay for it.

5) Any regrets?

That I got one with low miles and I'm reluctant to drive it a lot. Other than that, not really.

6) Do you still just sit and look at it and how often?

Every time I'm in the garage I stop and stare at it and think to myself, "wow this is my car, I really get to drive this!" I'll go into the garage just to look at it. And I'll admit that sometimes I sit in it and make car noises....

7) Biggest suprise?

How many people don't know what it is (or have even heard of Lotus!). That's the question I get most. Of course, that makes it even cooler when someone yells out "it's the James Bond Esprit!" when I go by.

8) How long do you plan on keeping your present Lotus?

As long as I have the money to keep it on the road with gas in the tank. I can only see myself selling it for another Esprit.

Edited by Clark
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I do not recall when I started wanting one, but it goes way back. The Bond film might have been an influence. I remember seeing Stacy Caplan's dad dropping her off in a white Pantera (had a crush on that girl), and another child getting driven to school in white Bradley GT (kit car) and remember being drawn irresistably to the 1970s wedge shape. When my business started to take shape, I wanted a 1970's vintage wedge car, an extreme example unfettered by modern design comittees.

Flash forward.........the kid I knew that had been driven to school in the Bradley said that his father owned a Lotus Esprit now. I called his father and asked if I could come by the house and check it out. The last time we met, I was in the 6th grade. He opens the garage door, and a red 1977 Esprit S1 is sitting there. I was BLOWN away, I could not believe what I was seeing. It was a wedge, but there were soft spots here and there to make it classy and undeniably unique. The motor ticked over and barked, then kicked into a throaty roar. I could not believe what I was hearing.

I joined the S1S2S3 owners site, and posted a request for an Esprit. Within 14 hours (I later checked), I had 8 solid sellers. The next day I purchased a 1979 JPS No. 027 and had it shipped from Chicago to Santa Barbara, California.

The motor was blown, but I didn't care. I would have rebuilt it first thing, running or not.

She sits on stands, and the motor is being done, but I look at my prize every chance I get. It still has the magic.

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1) When did you start wanting an esprit?

1978 after visiting Lotus factory on an open day. Also James Bond films.

2) When did you get your first one?

May 2007, I had been looking for 3 years before hand and came close to getting the odd one that came along.

3) How many have you owned?

This is my first one, but when it's paid for I might consider an Excel for a four seater car (don't tell the wife! :) )

4) Did you ever consider buying something else?

Aston Martin is my all time favourite car, but they are way out of my price range. I looked at Jaguar XK series

5) Any regrets?

No. Maybe paid slighty more than I should have, knowing all the faults I've put right since owning, but they weren't noticeable at the time. It's alright now and getting better every day.

6) Do you still just sit and look at it and how often?

All the time, It's such a goergeous car stationary or moving, it's a true classic supercar. I drive it all year, too good to lock away for six months of the year, sometimes I just sit in it in the garden, I love it, and if I clean it I have to take it out afterwards and pose! B)


Here's some proof of how early I was a Lotus fan. It's a school photo of me in my secondary school uniform, awful picture I know, remember this was taken in 1978 or 79, but if you look closely you can see I am wearing two badges, one is a Blue Peter competition winner badge and the other is my Lotus label pin. I had two, but one got lost so I only have one now. I have tried to find it, but it's in one of those 'for safe keeping' places, then can never be found again! Evidence of a devoted fan. :)

It might be a bad picture, but at least I'm in a uniform, unlike the dress code kids wear today to go to school (no hoody)!


Edited by OwenGT3
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