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What made you UNHAPPY today!


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  • Gold FFM

@Bibs Thanks, Andy. She was so brave, right up to the end - far braver than I think I could ever be. When I saw her failing, I was going to cancel my trip to Brooklands but she insisted I went and enjoyed myself and when I got back, she was keen to hear all about it. I just can't quite take it in that a week later, she's gone.

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21 minutes ago, Bibs said:

Both of my parents have now had cancer, both have survived it although my Mum's a little worse for wear from it, moreso than my dad. Horrid disease.

Yes, indeed Bibs, a very horrid disease. So sorry for those who have suffered this disease in their families. I just saw a very promising story on 60 minutes about using a modified polio virus to both destroy and help the body's own immune system. Very remarkable results demonstrated on brain cancer so far, but still not on all patients.


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My sincerest condolences David. Treasure the memories. I lost my father through cancer 20 years ago and rarely a day goes by that a memory of him does not bring a smile to my face.

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God doesn't want me, and the Devil isn't finished with me yet.


The small print.

My comments and observations are my own, invariably "tongue in cheek", and definitely, sarcastic in nature. Therefore, do not take my advice, suggestions, observations or posts seriously or personally and remember if you do, do anything, that I may have suggested, then you have done this based solely on your own decision to do so and therefore you acknowledge responsibility and accountability (I know, in this modern world these are the hardest things for you to accept) for your actions and indemnify me of any influence, responsibility, accountability, or liability, in what you have done. In other words, you did it, so suffer the consequences on your own!

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My sincerest condolences as well.

I lost my mother to cancer 25 years ago but have not lost the treasured memories. Hang on to those and it will get easier with time.


'97 V8

'73 Europa TC

'10 Elise SC

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My sincerest condolences David.

I lost my mum to cancer when I was 18, even now over 30 years on she is always in my thoughts as I am sure your mum will always be in yours.

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  • Gold FFM

So very sorry to hear of your news.

Take solace in that it hurts so much, because the memories were so good.

My sincerest condolences.

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  • Gold FFM

Hi David, so sorry to hear your sad news. Just hopefully she is now in a better place and will be remembered for all the good times.

Condolences from Scotland.

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  • Gold FFM

Thanks everyone for your kind words and thoughts.

Today, the sadness has given way to anger. A few weeks ago, Mum took a tumble during the night when she went to the bathroom without calling for assistance. She broke a bone in her leg which resulted in her needing an operation to pin it back together. Despite the fact that she seemed to recover quickly from this ordeal and was soon up and about, albeit a bit shakily, and back to her bright and breezy self, this incident is enough for the authorities to put up a red flag in their system.

Mum is now lying in a police mortuary awaiting a post mortem by one of their pathologists, which will without a shadow of doubt confirm that it was indeed the cancer which had spread throughout her body that ultimately killed her. Meantime however, everybody connected with her is 'under suspicion' - last night I had to give the police a statement detailing all my contact with Mum over the past few months (I visited her at least once every day) and our GP, the nursing home staff and even friends who visited her even just the once are having to do the same. Her room is 'off limits' to everybody and is being forensically examined. It would appear in retrospect that the first thing I should have done after Mum went to stay in care was to have set up some sort of CCTV recording system so that every second of her final days would now be there for review. The way this is developing, it makes the Spanish Inquisition look like rank amateurs.

The Procurator Fiscal Investigation Team can give me no idea as to when I will finally be able to lay her to rest and this is far, far removed from the simple but upbeat and dignified send-off I promised her. Whilst this nightmare continues, I can't focus on all the countless happy memories I should be recalling at this stage of the grieving process. Welcome to the caring society that is 21st century Scotland.

Rant over - sorry for that but I needed to vent somewhere.

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What a ridiculous thing to put you, your family, friends and people who provided care to your mum through in your time of grieving. You have every right and should feel angry about this David.

My condolences for your loss, I came in here to moan about something and it just seems trivial now. I'm close to my own mum and as she gets older and her health deteriorates this is something I am in fear of myself. I hope they can clear this ridiculous situation up for you soon so you can all get through this.

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  • Gold FFM

David, you can rant as much as you like, and I think all on here would agree, we feel your pain.

I am fortunate to still have my mum, and at the ripe old age of 92 and still going strong, it's a blessing. As most know I work overseas in a country which does not have the quickest or best modes of transport for getting home in a hurry, as I found just over a year ago when I had my mini stroke. I come back every trip and fear the day that I get the call that all's not well as I know I need a minimum of two days to get out of here. Thats one of the prices we pay for the industry we work in.

I hope the authorities move swiftly and let you put your mum to rest with the dignity she deserves and allow you and your family to get through the greiving process, remembering her with the love and compassion she would have shown all her family while she was with you all.


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I'd be asking some hard questions around what grounds they have for their actions and I'd be preparing a case against them. But then, to be honest, in your situation my mind would not be in a good place. Once it was all over though i would have a meeting with these idiots and make them feel very uncomfortable about their actions. 

I hope this is over very soon David and you can get back to the good memories and thoughts around your mother.

God doesn't want me, and the Devil isn't finished with me yet.


The small print.

My comments and observations are my own, invariably "tongue in cheek", and definitely, sarcastic in nature. Therefore, do not take my advice, suggestions, observations or posts seriously or personally and remember if you do, do anything, that I may have suggested, then you have done this based solely on your own decision to do so and therefore you acknowledge responsibility and accountability (I know, in this modern world these are the hardest things for you to accept) for your actions and indemnify me of any influence, responsibility, accountability, or liability, in what you have done. In other words, you did it, so suffer the consequences on your own!

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  • Gold FFM

That's not at all right or fair.

my thoughts are with you and yours . If it helps you just rant away - it's a disgrace. For sure focus on the great times you had

Only here once

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13 hours ago, Alfa2Evora said:

Rant over - sorry for that but I needed to vent somewhere.

Vent away I know how you feel.  Without going into too many details my Brother-in Law committed suicide years ago whilst suffering from depression and I was the one who found him and tried to resuscitate him whist waiting for Ambulance and Police.  I ended up being cautioned and read my rights, whilst he was still lying there due to the nature of the suicide etc.  Amazing how your emotions can go from one end of the spectrum to the other in a nano second.  My F.I.L. was also in a  home for many years due to Dementia with the most special group of carers around him and we had a similar albeit my lesser issue when he was hurt at one stage so totally get it.  Society today.   Bring on Dignitas before my turn please.

I have been away and only just read these various posts since you PM'd me so I'd also like to add my condolences having lost my Mum 3 years ago.  It will still be raw for a good while yet but time is a good healer and the bad bits fade thankfully quicker than the good. 

12 hours ago, C8RKH said:

I'd be asking some hard questions around what grounds they have for their actions and I'd be preparing a case against them. But then, to be honest, in your situation my mind would not be in a good place. Once it was all over though i would have a meeting with these idiots and make them feel very uncomfortable about their actions. 

Will make not one iota of a difference as they were "doing their job" as some bloody jobsworth has now decreed it, as easier doing that actually going out and stopping some crimes. A bit like catching a speeding motorist for 56 in a 50mph dual carriageway when deserted.  Try suggesting any of this to them and they just get uppity with you for being obstructive.  Trouble is it isn't the officers in question that you need to have the rant at but some pompous overpaid dickh**d higher up the food chain away from the raw emotion.

A LEGS man and proud to declare it! Lotus Enthusiasts Group Scotland

Evora Launch Edition 2+2 in Aquamarine -gone 2010. Evora Aquamarine 2+2 - gone 2011, Evora Ardent Red 2+0 gone 2012, Evora S Ardent Red 2+2, gone 2023 

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  • Gold FFM

My condolences to you and yours David for your mum.

I won't go into the post mortem as enough has been said by others. Does seem odd though.

All we know is that when they stop making this, we will be properly, properly sad.Jeremy Clarkson on the Esprit.

Opinions are like armpits. Everyone has them, some just stink more than others.

For forum issues, please contact one of the Moderators. (I'm not one of the elves anymore, but I'll leave the link here)

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  • Gold FFM
10 hours ago, Al. said:

.........Will make not one iota of a difference as they were "doing their job" as some bloody jobsworth has now decreed it, as easier doing that actually going out and stopping some crimes. A bit like catching a speeding motorist for 56 in a 50mph dual carriageway when deserted.  Try suggesting any of this to them and they just get uppity with you for being obstructive.  Trouble is it isn't the officers in question that you need to have the rant at but some pompous overpaid dickh**d higher up the food chain away from the raw emotion.

My thoughts exactly. The 2 police officers who interviewed me were visibly uncomfortable with the whole situation and couldn't have been more sympathetic given the circumstances.

The wheels of officialdom are still barely turning - I've just been told that it'll be Monday afternoon at the earliest before I might be allowed to start making any arrangements. I wouldn't wish this sort of treatment on my worst enemy.

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  • Gold FFM

Liz told me the other day that she is no longer confident with me driving the Esprit due to the speed that things can happen in the car, so I am pretty sure that makes the decision for me. Give it a big birthday and move it on. It has been a fun time with the car and it was something I always wanted so I suppose I can cross it off my bucket list. :) 

All we know is that when they stop making this, we will be properly, properly sad.Jeremy Clarkson on the Esprit.

Opinions are like armpits. Everyone has them, some just stink more than others.

For forum issues, please contact one of the Moderators. (I'm not one of the elves anymore, but I'll leave the link here)

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  • Gold FFM

Real sorry to hear this Michael as I know how I felt when I had to stop driving, even when it was only for a short spell. On the bright side you will have many happy memories of a car that you have loved and owned, far more than most people will ever manage. I guess common sense has to prevail and yu have to let her go. Lets just hope her new keeper will look after and care for her to the same levels. I forgot to mention, my rota may be changing in the next couple of weeks by moving forward a week so if you ping me back your dates again I will check and see where I am at. You might get an opportunity to take the 3 for a spin if we can tie it inn.

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I came close to selling mine a couple of years back after a year out of work.  The Esprit was the next thing to sell as our money was fast running out.  I made a specific website for selling and was a week away from putting it on the market - bad times they were, but I felt that there was a lot of other people out there that would also like the opportunity to drive the Esprit. so sort of felt ok-ish hoping that it would go to a caring new driver.

They are very rare cars here in Oz.  I have no idea on prices at the moment seeing that a yellow 96' V8 sold a couple of weeks back for a supposed $120k - and it was damaged and not in good condition. I know of only 3 red S4 Esprits in Oz, and they are the most sought after colour.

If you ever need reminding what the car looks like after (if) you sell, I'll send around some of my friendly and helpful Nymphs to remind you.  :-)


Simon  (94 S4)      My Esprit will be for sale in late 2017

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  • Gold FFM

Had that done to me by a guy in Germany, bought a Westfield off him and in the end he refused to complete the deal by saying the price was too low, He was a bona fide car dealer as well. In the end Ebay cancelled his account.

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Just ground a whacking great groove in my right hand middle finger, blood everywhere :cry:. Just cleaned it up and bound it, lucky I didn't lose the finger really. Anyway have managed to learn a new skill - opening a bottle of wine left handed. Must stop typing as it has just made it start bleeding again - havent mastrered left hand typing yet. 

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