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I don t like.............


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1 Clowns who don t know the difference between fog lights and driving lights - great to blind on-coming traffic and look good at the same time

2 People at the back of the queue in a cafe but have already bagged and occupied a table (usually a table for 6) while the ones at the front of the queue have no where to sit

3 People who park their 4wd so close that I couldn t get the key in the door let alone squeeze a frisbee in the gap

4 Smokers who have no concept of the term 'litter lout' and 'fly tipping' - is it accepted to flick the butt anywhere convenient?

5 iPhones that play dead when someone is ringing and its important that you answer

6 The London underground

7 Insurance companies that advertise examples of their cover and cost but at the time of quoting are twice the similar advertised example (in a safer area, older , less risk vehicle, less risk occupation, zero points and accidents etc.)

8 Spam mail

9 The bloke I see in Accrington Broadway who walks his two greyhounds and lets them crap on the street - let the side down there a bit mate!

10 Ignorant car dealers and their assistants

11 Lotus salvage ( scrap) dealers

12 A place I buy stuff from that claims to fix screws - and also claims to have everything in stock apart from the stuff I order

13 Pretentious golfy, horsey and yachty types

14 Hoodies with attitude

15 Richard Hammond

16 The dozey driver in front who has no regard for my second guessing his/her intentions as they slow to a crawl to admire the view/directions/wildlife

I haven t finished.....................whistle.gif

I have to ask myself - 'do I feel lucky'?

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17 The guy who yesterday indicated left and slowed to a near stop, but just as I had indicated to go round him and got my bonnet overlapped on his offside decided to quickly pull away in front of me again....leaving me on the wrong side of the road which traffic approaching.

18 The people who park very close to the side of my car after I've clearly taken some care to find and use a deserted part of the car park.

19 Businesses with an online presence that never check or answer their "contact" e-mails

20 Our local District Council Legal Dept for being obtuse self serving arrogant bullies


Loving Lionel and Eleanor......missing Charlie and Sonny

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21 Companies that have a recorded message to tell me how important my call is to them while not having enough people in the call centre to answer my important call.

22 People who keep talking about giving 110% of something when you cannot give more than 100% that thing, i.e. I agree with you 110%, I give 110% of my effort.

23 People using "I" when they should by using "me" in an attempt to show their mastery of the English language, e.g. between you and I.

24 Cyclists driving at high speed along pavements with total disregard to any pedestrians.

25 Politicians and "news" shows or newspapers perpetrating untruths and misconceptions.

26 People applauding and encouraging stupidity.

27 Excluding a group of people from something because of their race, colour, sex or some other irrelevant reason. You only are only reducing your pool of resources and putting yourself at a disadvantage.

28 People driving huge SUVs aggressively.

29 People who act as though, with power, comes rudeness.

30 Cinnamon.

S4 Elan, Elan +2S, Federal-spec, World Championship Edition S2 Esprit #42, S1 Elise, Excel SE


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Good ranting - With number 1, I thought this was going to just be about clowns! What's Richard Hammond done to you too?

21, spot on!

31. People who are full of themselves for no reason other than self service. Arrogance is very ugly.

32. People who think friendship has a pause switch.

33. Last orders being 11pm on the dot, there should be leeway as you'll be half cut and it's often a long walk to the bar.

For forum issues, please contact the Moderators.

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34) Strictly come dancing

35) The continuous use of "LOL" and "PMSL"

36) Price comparison website TV ads - all of them

37) Arrogant idiot bosses

38) Sebastian Vettel. Particularly when he shouts "thats what I'm talking about!" over the team radio after winning a race (without hitting anyone)

MPX - I am so with you on point 18!

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  • Gold FFM

42. Unsolicited calls to home phone that when answered just plays a recorded message.

43. Singing, Dancing, Celebrity anything TV

44. Anybody who just 'expects' to get a tip.

45. Wet dogs

46. Any Companies/Employees who inconvienience their customers with strike action then say "we didn't want to strike"

Edited by mayesprit

Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk - that will teach us to keep mouth shut!

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47) People who don't know the difference between There, Their and They're

48) Txt Spk in email

49) Mobile Phones in restaurants, theatres & cinemas

50) The new Iceland adverts, in fact all of the old Iceland adverts as well but especially the new one

51) Central heating that breaks down at the first sign of a cold snap.

Edited by lrg_machine


Mean Green S4s

I think therefore I am - Descartes

I'm pink therefore I'm spam - Eric Idle

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47. Arrogant Welsh rugby players

48. Jonathan Davies.

49. Eddie Butler.

50. The BBC for ruining the start of yesterday's rugby international by showing tennis (again)

Though this be madness yet there is method in it ( Polonius in William Shakespeare's Hamlet)

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I make it a general rule to start out by hating EVERYTHING.....then revise my prejudice a bit if it seems appropriate. Which isn't often. With regard to point 41....I have been overtaken in Richmond Park, down the hill from Richmond Gate towards Kingston, by a cyclist who was missing his left leg below the knee. Whilst I dragged along in a queue at 20mph. More power to the chap's elbow...but can that be considered safe, and a Good Idea??

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Scientists investigate that which already is; Engineers create that which has never been." - Albert Einstein

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51. Itchy balls in summer

52. reducing the size of chocolate bars and keeping the price the same

53. car depreciation

54. Software that needs to be updated and fixed before its considered to be safe even after you have bought the damn thing as a completed product

55. people who think if it can be turned into 1's and 0's and be downloaded then it should be free like air.

56. DIY - its v dangerous and should be outlawed

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Patronising government ministers.

TV adds that try to tell me some mass produced piece of junk is the latest and greatest.

4 wheels drives and "I'm king of the road" drivers.

Life is like a sewer, what you get out of it, depends on what you put into it. (Tom Leahrer)

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61. Posters from Oz who force me to engage in deep mathematical computations in order to correctly sequence my beef. (and wondering if the Mole Man's :welcome: generalization also counts as a numbered entry?)

62. Punching the "reply" button, knowing full well that with five other members on board the chances are exceedingly great that my post will duplicate another's count.

Being second is to be the first of the ones who lose.

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63 People or groups who think I, my family or my friends are legitimate targets for bombs because we don't share the same religion or political cause or just in the same are as someone they disagree with.

64 People who raise their voice at the end of a sentence in a failed attempt to sound interesting.

65 Forgetting what I was going to say half way through posting

S4 Elan, Elan +2S, Federal-spec, World Championship Edition S2 Esprit #42, S1 Elise, Excel SE


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My generalizations usually fall under the heading of "ravings" and thus don't count at ALL.....!

Make me feel better, though.

Scientists investigate that which already is; Engineers create that which has never been." - Albert Einstein

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The belief that 'celebrity' is a valid career choice.

The mass media causing hysteria for nothing.

The general dumbing down of everything!

Lotus Esprit S4 - Work in progress

Porsche 924 Turbo - Parts chaser

Smart Roadster Coupe - Hers

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  • Gold FFM

69 Banks that pay outrageously exorbitant salaries to their CEO's, raise their lending rate above the Reserve Banks interest rate increase and publish massive profits all the time claiming increased internal costs

70 The very same bank CEO's claiming they understand it is hard on families when interest rates go up

71 The politicians who grandstand on the tv claiming how they will take action against the banks if they continue this sort of action and do absolutely nothing

72 The people that overtake you on a road or a freeway only to cut back in front of you and turn or take the off ramp. What's that all about?

73 People who bleat about speed cameras being nothing but revenue raising. Guess what. Don't speed, no revenue. (That should get a 'conversation' going.....)

Edited by USAndretti42
Adjusted numbering

All we know is that when they stop making this, we will be properly, properly sad.Jeremy Clarkson on the Esprit.

Opinions are like armpits. Everyone has them, some just stink more than others.

For forum issues, please contact one of the Moderators. (I'm not one of the elves anymore, but I'll leave the link here)

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75 The propoganda that speed cameras are not just about raising revenue. The "Guess what. Don't speed, no revenue" argument just giving weight to the anti-speed lobby who appear to really believe that speed kills - unlike all of the other crass driving that cameras dont detect and wont be detected cos all of the budget is being blown on cameras and other speeding detection methods "as a priority".

My brother in law went along to his local Police Community relations meeting to see why their priority has consistently been set as anti-speeding month on month for as long as he could remember. It turns out that no one actually turns up to the meetings except one old boy with a bee in his bonnet about speeding. The police appeared to be relieved to have someone ask them about burglaries, anti social behaviour and vandalism instead of the same old thing. So there we have an anti speeding activity taking place by "public demand". The priorites were changed through "public consultation" and the story made the local papers reported in those terms. Whereas in fact it was just one normal sensible bloke asking why and one other bloke with strong views being less vocal. Just look at the carnage in Swindon since they took the cameras out. (That should get a 'conversation' going.....) :D

Edited by USAndretti42
Adjusted numbering

Loving Lionel and Eleanor......missing Charlie and Sonny

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  • Gold FFM

We have a winner.....:harhar:

I agree that the likelihood of bad driving (please refer to my point 72) is far more likely to cause road deaths than speed. I was having a go at the revenue statement. I sometimes go faster that the posted maximum. :blush:

Thread hijack over.

76 anyone?

Edited by USAndretti42
Adjusted numbering

All we know is that when they stop making this, we will be properly, properly sad.Jeremy Clarkson on the Esprit.

Opinions are like armpits. Everyone has them, some just stink more than others.

For forum issues, please contact one of the Moderators. (I'm not one of the elves anymore, but I'll leave the link here)

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With regard to point 41....I have been overtaken in Richmond Park, down the hill from Richmond Gate towards Kingston, by a cyclist who was missing his left leg below the knee. Whilst I dragged along in a queue at 20mph. More power to the chap's elbow...but can that be considered safe, and a Good Idea??

Same here, many times I've been towing the line and sticking to 20 while the majority of cyclists seem to think this ruling doesn't apply to them. I wonder whether any of them have ever been caught by the endless amounts of plod hiding behind trees with their speed cameras?

On the safety point I was walking through the park a couple of years ago and found myself being buzzed by the air ambulance, it landed a fifty metres or so in front of us, right by a group of cyclists surrounding what must have been a fallen colleague. I've no idea how the accident happened and I would never apportion blame without knowing the facts... however the local paper reported he was killed at the scene.

Having an affair with another marque... B-)

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"...however the local paper reported he was killed at the scene."

It was a group of motorists, not cyclists, surrounding him, Stirling.:shock:

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Being second is to be the first of the ones who lose.

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"...however the local paper reported he was killed at the scene."

It was a group of motorists, not cyclists, surrounding him, Stirling.:shock:

It was a while ago and I'm pretty sure they were cyclists as they all had bikes and were wearing daft lycra shorts.thumbdown.gif

That aside...

76. Snow

Having an affair with another marque... B-)

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