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Lotus future in the UK

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Ah the sour grapes gang


Caught between a rock and a hard place in a catch 22 situation, So its 6 of one and half a dozen of the other. Your damned if you do, but your damned if you don't so shut your cock!!!!!!!!!!!

Lotus Espirt Turbo S3    

Lotus Esprit S4 

Lotus Elise S2 Sport 130


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Well done, Lotus, for a press release challenging and correcting the speculation.

Having said that, IMO the style and the language of the release was ill-judged.

In descending to the level - journalistic? tweeteristic? - in which the rumours themselves have been distributed, the substance and weight of the rebuttals is diluted. A statement from the press office of an international company, in a situation certainly of delicacy and potentially of gravity, should be expressed formally. An enterprise of importance to Britain for its engineering, employment and economic significance and its contribution to our technical image internationally should retain its dignity, irrespective of who it has to deal with.

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Not sure this has been posted up before, but found it interesting reading in light of all the talk of DRB-Hicom wanting to sell Lotus.

Seems they can't for the next two years: http://www.carsuk.net/it-seems-proton-wants-to-dump-lotus-but-can-they

As for letting Lotus og into administation to clear the debt, as far as I remember when details of the loan arrangements were last discusses, I believe Proton has guaranteed for the full amount so this would just transfer the debt to Proton, would it not?

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Odd they chose the Elan given that was the first casualty of a touch of 'realism' about the 5 year plan. Surely the Esprit would have been more appropriate. They also showed the Elite promo - damn that looks good.


Good to see the issue has reached the upper echelons of Government. Hopefully Cameron gets a chance to bring it up, especially as HMG has invested £10.5m in the programme.

Edited by hedgerley
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Everyone needs to stop speculating.

What we do know:

DRB Hicom are doing a full Audit

Staff are worried for their jobs

Suppliers aren't being paid

No Matter what Lotus say all the news reports put them as going into administration

Surely thats enough to worry anyone. And to say things like "Dany Bahar has done impressive things in the last 2 years" I would be careful about saying things that may be proved totally wrong.

Possibly save your life. Check out this website. https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/mens-cancer



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I've updated the article (http://www.4lot.us/476e) with Lotus's full press release.

If that really is a Lotus Press release, I can only assume the entire Press and Marketing department have left, and the work experience kid is writing releases. that really is dreadful

I realise it is yet more speculation, but if Bahar was polishing up Lotus for sale to another manufacturer, then talk of administration will soundly screw up that strategy.

Given the pitiful output of the factory at the moment (in terms of volume) Cars cannot have much value; Engineering is a different story; but this is a car enthusiast site, and I think for most the issue is the survival of Lotus Cars

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That press release is what the trade call "unfortunate".

Golden rule No. 1 you do not comment on speculation and rumour.

Usually only ever broken when a furious CEO ignores his professional advisors.

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That press release is what the trade call "unfortunate".

Golden rule No. 1 you do not comment on speculation and rumour.

Usually only ever broken when a furious CEO ignores his professional advisors.


Perhaps he should have taken up Twitter PingPong with Tony F:)

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Hehe. I was just going to post that. I do believe they think Lotus's statement is poor.

Possibly save your life. Check out this website. https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/mens-cancer



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By pure coincidence I happened to be viewing the media section of the Group Lotus site shortly after this 'statement' was posted.

It's really disappointing that something so out of keeping with all Lotus stands for was allowed to be released. It would have shown more class and more leadership if the author(s) had simply bit their tongue and said nothing at this stage.

I'm trying hard to maintain a lifetime of loyalty to this company, but they do test one's patience in recent times. Having said that, any frustration we may feel as observers of this, is probably nothing compared to the anxiety felt by the staff.

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Well said John. It would devastate the local community if Lotus laid off even a quarter of its staff. And don't forget the suppliers and overseas staff.

Possibly save your life. Check out this website. https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/mens-cancer



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By pure coincidence I happened to be viewing the media section of the Group Lotus site shortly after this 'statement' was posted.

It's really disappointing that something so out of keeping with all Lotus stands for was allowed to be released. It would have shown more class and more leadership if the author(s) had simply bit their tongue and said nothing at this stage.

I'm trying hard to maintain a lifetime of loyalty to this company, but they do test one's patience in recent times. Having said that, any frustration we may feel as observers of this, is probably nothing compared to the anxiety felt by the staff.

Couldn't have said it better if I tried. Sometimes Lotus is like a family teenager - deep down you feel they're wonderful but boy do they try your patience. This release was the worst to date but I can't think of any marketing communication which has really been professional over the last year or so. "Embarrassing" is the description that comes closest to mind - pretty much all of them. They're trying to tell us they're exclusive and going up-market but all their comms is jokey and 'chummy' or just weird (the boxer).

I wish they'd grow up. All I want is to be able to take delivery of an Elite (as long as I can fit the children in the back) and they have to still be around if I'm going to do that.

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The million dollar question, are those ex factory figures, or registration figures ?

Life is like a sewer, what you get out of it, depends on what you put into it. (Tom Leahrer)

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The 35 refers to cars registered in the UK in the first three months of the year. This includes sales, dealer registrations and factory registrations.

It does not include cars sold/shipped outside the UK or cars manufactured for the UK market but not registered.

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On a small island off the coast of Malaysia, in the secluded village of Bunguran Timur...

Tony: "Now see here, Gerard, I thought we had a deal. You assured me that my plans for purchasing Group Lotus was a fait accompli. And now you go mucking up the works with all this talk of usurping the company from under my very nose. Is this any way to treat a fellow entrepreneur?"

Gerard: "Calm down, you silly twit. We must throw a bone to the masses from time to time, else the public's interest wanes unduly. Keeping the pot stirred is a time honoured business practise. Besides, what if I do buy them up? Are you going to run me over with a rusty Airbus? Ain't scared."

Dany: "Listen, you pair of boneheaded snits, I can't tramp around this island indefinitely while the world thinks I'm 'on leave.' That blog happy Seaweed fellow is bound to discover our clandestine collusion China Sea beach vacation in short order. We need to reach consensus on what to do about Lotus and soon! I have a haircut appointment in Singapore tomorrow."

David: "Agreed. If the UK tabloids get wind of my side trip excursion here, I'm toast. Not even that 2.5 billion Airbus order will save my bloody arse from the ravening hoards. Oh, and don't think I don't know that Tony has arranged for the 10th aircraft to be painted in Air Asia livery. The boys at Garuda are going to be furious with me."

Tony: "A guy's gotta' do what he's gotta' do. Nuthin' personal, David. It's just business."

Dany: "Speaking of which, are we still good with the JPS scheme on the first A330-300 to roll out of the factory? I know I could only afford the vinyl wrap option at this trying time in our business cycle, but what a wonderous sight it will be. Just be certain the flight crew knows not to exceed 200 knots until we get the airbourne photos out of the way."

Gerard: "Dudes, I need to catch the next steamer out of this backwater. The hotel has run out of Evian, and the caviar's gone stale. Have your people call my people when you get this furball sorted. My insouciance levels are being sorely tried."

David: "Right. Well, I'm off as well. The Indonesian Air Force is fairly frothing at the mouth to get their hands on our latest offerings. It's all about jobs you know. And re election of course."

Tony: "Gentlemen, it's been a slice. Happy trails to the lot of you. And we'll catch up on things in Greater Stornaway next month."

The various participants of the Templar cabal are seen to quietly go their way...

Being second is to be the first of the ones who lose.

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Genii story picked up by the BBC today.


Good news for the employee's

Hopefully Lotus can get back to the business of producing the cars we (Lotus fans) all want, looking forward to seeing both versions of the new Exige S and the GTE road car

Darryl & Sue

Proud to drive and own since new a true British supercar the Evora GT430

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