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Chris Harris

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Hard not to disagree with much of the foregoing, but then I revisited his review of the Exige S. It's probably the best ad for the Exige ever filmed!  Admittedly it's 5 years ago but I do wonder what's happened in the intervening years to give him such a downer on Lotus.

Maybe it's about him having less hair. Is that a pre-qualifier for Porsche ownership these days? In which case I should be in a 911, not an Esprit......


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There was a time he was very good, in fact I'd never heard of him until he started being touted for Top Gear. I watched two of his earlier videos and stopped watching because it depressed me how fluid he was and how well considered the videos seemed to be. As Jonny says, they're forcing the Harris/LeBlanc thing - I'm sure they're just biding their time, getting a couple of seasons under their belts in the knowledge that it'll click at some point and they'll have created another group of pretentious cocks to spin money with. It's not a bad play. 


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I prefer carfection which seems pretty objective and actually drive the cars on roads - shock - horror.

This guy is good too - Smoking Tire and strangely - NO smoking tires.

Here he actually drives a car on roads (yikes) quite fast and talks about suspension/handling/engine/gearbox etc ;)  What a concept.



Let's ignore the monkey.

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Clearly a lot of Harris history coming into play here (not all his Lotus reviews were bad), but taking that Twitter thread itself, I have to agree with Mik's post above - Harris only asked the question.  Yes, loaded, but not unfair IMO. I'm on my sixth Lotus and hopefully not done yet, but I can't recite the precise range at the moment - hardly seems worth committing the memory cells.  So the hugely defensive and pretty vicious reaction here has surprised me.

As it happens I'm passive on Twitter but regularly check it for one poster (business reason) and then casually follow some car posts on the side. One linked Harris's post across with its many responses. I read from the beginning and, with a few exceptions, found them cleverly succinct, funny, largely based on "in principle fact", and largely good entertainment. Quite a few were supportive. Had so many clever ones not been done, I'd have likely tried one myself.  But importantly, underneath the teasing, I detected a lot of affection. "I know your many faults, but I still love you!"

Yes, Lotuses are all variations on a theme, well two themes, but some bridged by a single engine. Yes, the engines are bought in, and supposed tuning differences are not that great, and they could do with a little more poke in some models, especially given the bhp in today's hot hatches etc.  And all models, top to bottom have now become excessively expensive - for what they are, and worse, personally for me!   And model "changes", special editions, whatever, are now too frequent and largely paint-pot based. Encapsulating that in four of five words was good sport IMO.

And there is still nothing like them - lighten up guys!:sofa:





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You should have another read of his jalopnik article again, see how much 'in principle fact' that has got going on in it.

Mercedes Benz shows a range of 39 different models on their website. Lotus has 4.

https://www.mercedes-benz.co.uk/passengercars.html?csref=WEB1602080002_ppc_180216&s_kwcid=AL!160!3!237195466706!e!!g!!mercedes benz&ef_id=WohkugAAAHu9PFqt:20180408213338:s

It would be fine it twitter were even discussing the range. Most have seized the opportunity to write abuse. Very few posts were either funny or clever. Found it totally depressing to be honest. Stuff like this is corrosive to the confidence needed to pay for an expensive sports car. Harris knows it and is showing no class at all to be doing it for his own personal amusement. I can't ever imagine doing such a thing in his position. Shame on him frankly.

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Jonny, you are bringing in material that is irrelevant to the posts about Harris's Twitter question and the responses!  My words: "taking that Twitter thread itself"!   Focus!  You prove my opening comment - people overcome with Harris history.  I stand by my "funny and clever" - about these encapsulating words in the comments - not by Harris!

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I must say I did chuckle at some of the responses. What is disappointing is that CH seemed to start out as a complete petrol head for performance cars but now comes across like a  blinkered one brand enthusiast.



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I'll get around to it at some point.

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On ‎08‎.‎04‎.‎2018 at 00:36, The Pits said:

Stirring up ridicule for Lotus and revelling in it. Nice one Chris! :thumbdown:

It's hard to understand his motivation, especially while he's doing so well for himself but he's depressingly influential, he's legitimizing prejudice, snobbery and ignorance. Why are so many of his 'followers' mentioning Porsche? WTF has the Lotus range got to do with Porsche? Very odd. I'm also very glad not to be a part of that particular club.

No-one wants to buy a sports car that other people point and laugh at, I wish he understood how damaging this kind of stuff can be. I guess he thinks Lotus must deserve to fail somehow?

I can remember driving a TVR to the Nurburgring some years ago now. Complete strangers seemed to think it was OK to come up to me and start taking the piss. TVR folded shortly after. When things get that bad, it's no surprise.

As it happens that particular TVR Sagaris completed two trips across Europe without any issues whatsoever. My brother had to visit Porsche dealers both times in his 996 Turbo. But why let the truth ruin a good bit of scandalmongering?



@The Pits

Jonny trust me: in Germany you will get much worse Reputation of normal People when driving a Porsche than driving a Lotus....well beside that in Germany you always have the Problem that People like (a lot!!!) judging things as bad, unreliable, too expensive, non practical (i always say: well, at least the Evora got ISOFIX.. ;-) and so on.......

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My Esprit V8's first owner was a German dentist who sold the car because of all the disparaging remarks he got from colleagues and patients. Traded up for a Porsche apparently.... supposedly it was unbecoming of a person of his stature to be driving something like that. Times may have changed since then. Hopefully. 

Vanya Stanisavljevic '91 Esprit SE | '97 XK8

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  • Gold FFM

A very pertinent bit of info for you @Vanya - nearly all of the dentists whom own practices in my region own Aston Martins - some more than one. 

I happen to know this as many of them are on my client list 👍

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Only here once

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1 hour ago, Vanya said:

My Esprit V8's first owner was a German dentist who sold the car because of all the disparaging remarks he got from colleagues and patients. Traded up for a Porsche apparently.... supposedly it was unbecoming of a person of his stature to be driving something like that. Times may have changed since then. Hopefully. 

Well if you care what others say you are not ready for a special car ......;-) 

with the evora I normally get positive reactions in germany, it seems not be judged as a typical status car more a "car freak / enthusiast" choice.... often you get question : WHY this one? Answers like "aluminium bathtube covered in plastic with a mid engine and the ability to carry your dog behind the seats" confuse always... :-)

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IMO there hasn't been a more accurate and informative video about a Lotus than Chris' one 5 years ago. He explains how the systems work, how the car reacts to different inputs and conditions and from my experience of my car, his conclusions are very accurate indeed.

It seems a lot of people dislike him because he does lots of track work in cars and explores the limits of grip. A large proportion of car journalists aren't really in control when they try to slide a car and often their reviews are just utter rubbish. I'm not going to name any names, but it is pretty tedious hearing another review that says the steering is amazing, it feels like a go kart, and that it sounds amazing.  Chris actually reviews cars honestly, while lots seem to just regurgitate a press release to the camera.

Of course, a Lotus forum is going to be full of fans of the company and people will be upset and take it personally when someone "insults" the brand.  Personally I see the model range pretty clearly, but I can understand how someone who isn't around the cars much would struggle to understand them a bit and would think the prices are a bit mad.

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7 minutes ago, GFWilliams said:

IMO there hasn't been a more accurate and informative video about a Lotus than Chris' one 5 years ago. He explains how the systems work, how the car reacts to different inputs and conditions and from my experience of my car, his conclusions are very accurate indeed.

It seems a lot of people dislike him because he does lots of track work in cars and explores the limits of grip. A large proportion of car journalists aren't really in control when they try to slide a car and often their reviews are just utter rubbish. I'm not going to name any names, but it is pretty tedious hearing another review that says the steering is amazing, it feels like a go kart, and that it sounds amazing.  Chris actually reviews cars honestly, while lots seem to just regurgitate a press release to the camera.

Of course, a Lotus forum is going to be full of fans of the company and people will be upset and take it personally when someone "insults" the brand.  Personally I see the model range pretty clearly, but I can understand how someone who isn't around the cars much would struggle to understand them a bit and would think the prices are a bit mad.

It's not about Harris and his driving abilities, it's about the damage he is doing potentially to the brand and the people that they employ, by posting a childish tweet then sitting back and enjoying all slating of the company from his followers. A tweet to bait people to do what it exactly it achieved Slag the company off. A professional car journalist should not potentially putting people's jobs on the line, just humor himself. 

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That damage control is the job of the PR and marketing departments. If they're out of control of this then they need to reevaluate the strategies they're using.

If the strategies were stronger and the model range and brand were perceived in a stronger, clearer way, Chris would never have tweeted in the first place.

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I quite like him. He can certainly drive too.. I never look at twitter (apart from just now) and I appreciate that he hasn't defended Lotus criticism on there, but to his point on Jalopnik, if the press don't point out faults in products (or government, or anything else) then we are all worse off. Sometimes this can go too far and needs to be reigned in, but I appreciate the process and that it can happen. It's not always going to be something that you or I want to hear though. 

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50 minutes ago, GFWilliams said:

If the strategies were stronger and the model range and brand were perceived in a stronger, clearer way, Chris would never have tweeted in the first place.

Sorry @GFWilliams but I disagree and agree more with @scotty435. Chris knew exactly what he was doing with that tweet and what the reaction would be.  If he really wanted to be a proper journalist he would avoid childish "pranks" like that and rise above it to provide an objective point of view, or heaven forbid, to inform those that don't know better based on facts.

The fact that this has prompted the same old rubbish (lots of trouble, fall to pieces, plastic cars etc.) to be regurgitated and he has not stepped in to set the record straight (he knows very well that the cars are well made and reliable - for christ's sake, who else slags off Toyota mechanicals as being crap, shitty and always breaking down?  The fact that the twits on twitter (the clue is in the name of twitter after all) don't know or understand that the engines and gearboxes are Toyota speaks volumes to how much they actually know.

The truth is out there, Chris would grow in status and admiration from me if he actually just behaved like a decent, grown man and provided a proper and informed pov. With power (and he has that in spades) you need to exercise control and show responsibility. Without that, you just have abuse of power for the abusers own gain.


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God doesn't want me, and the Devil isn't finished with me yet.


The small print.

My comments and observations are my own, invariably "tongue in cheek", and definitely, sarcastic in nature. Therefore, do not take my advice, suggestions, observations or posts seriously or personally and remember if you do, do anything, that I may have suggested, then you have done this based solely on your own decision to do so and therefore you acknowledge responsibility and accountability (I know, in this modern world these are the hardest things for you to accept) for your actions and indemnify me of any influence, responsibility, accountability, or liability, in what you have done. In other words, you did it, so suffer the consequences on your own!

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