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Lotus shows strongest growth in SMMT new car figures for 2013


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Figures recently released by the SMMT (Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders) for new car registrations this year to date show Lotus making the most progress and growth in the UK. With a 56.91% increase year on year Lotus beat all others showing that they are back on track and building cars in significant numbers once again. Other major players in the report are Japanese manufacturers Mitsubishi and Suzuki who show a growth of 42% and 32% respectively and Saab and Proton bookend the other end of the report with a 98% and 90% reduction.

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So, about how many cars in the UK are we talking? It is easy to get that growth if you didn't sell anything last year.

If you have the choice between a Stairway to Heaven and a Highway to Hell don't forget the Nomex®!

Captain,  Lotus Airways. We fly lower! 

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I guess the flipside is that the 'halo' effect if owning Lotus hasn't done Proton any good! Great news for Lotus though, the latest in a series of upbeat news items.

You know, it's beginning to look like DRB have done a pretty good job sorting them out, despite the doom merchants writing them off a few years ago.

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I think by the end of the year there will be 200 new cars sales in the UK, a market which traditionally accounts for around 5% of Lotus worldwide sales. 


will the 200 include our V6 or are we talking end of 2013?


Bibs using your numbers are we talking 4000 units or UK accounting for 10%


definitely looking much better for Lotus, really pleased DRB saw [in Lotus] what we all know of our favourite marque; bloody excellent cars, excellent workforce and people wanting to own the product

Darryl & Sue

Proud to drive and own since new a true British supercar the Evora GT430

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Glad to see things improving but last year was so dire, even a slightly less dire year would look good in comparison.


But Bell and Colvill seem to have shifted quite a few Exige V6's on their own. I really hope all the dealers have had a better year, they must have really suffered in 2012. Apparently the UK market only wants Exige V6s, Evora and Elise sales have all but dried up. Both models do better abroad. 


As we all know the UK buys mainly German cars so domestic support remains pathetically low. The Lotus brand and heritage is more highly regarded abroad.


Lotus need to take another look at the Elise. That's where the volume should be coming from. It saved Lotus before, it can do it again! They need a lighter, cheaper base car plus an S model with a more exotic engine option to slot in between the base Elise and the Exige. The brilliant new Elise S just hasn't caught on as well as it deserved to. I'm quite sure lots of GT86 buyers would rather own a Lotus if there was a lighter, better looking, more dynamic car available at a similar price. In fact that 200bhp flat four engine would be a stunning engine for an Elise. It could potentially be the best handling Elise ever with a much lower cofg. I'd supercharge it for the S too, all the parts already exist.

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It's a huge increase percentage wise from what was a totally dire number of sales... it would've been an epic fail if DRB couldn't improve on the previous years sales. Nothing to get excited about... 

Having an affair with another marque... B-)

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It's the right direction and that's what matters. From a personal standpoint I feel all are over priced or under specified but on the other hand performance and driving pleasure can't be matched so perhaps I'm just a bit sore I can't afford one now.


I'll get around to it at some point.

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I knew some of the nay sayers would be out for this one. Yes last year and the year before were pretty dire but that's because of the previous bunch of muppets. With Sales up substantially, the Exige sorted and going out, new staff being hired, debts being paid off and DRB constantly stating that they will continue to support Lotus why would anyone complain that DRB seem to have pulled the company back from the brink of extinction?


The cars are excellent drivers cars and, yes Trev, they are more expensive than I can afford as well. But they still hold true to the Lotus DNA and principle that they are drivers cars and still cheaper than other cars out there with similar performance. Lets face it, where else can you buy a car that looks and drives like the Exige, with that performance? I think Autocar recently said you would need to spend £100k plus to get acceleration like it!


And lets not forget that the Evora, after years in production, are still holding their value well in comparison to some of the competition, F Type, for example.


I can't wait to buy one when they eventually get down to the level I can afford.


It's about time we had positive news more than doom and gloom, lets all now back the fact that we have 2 great products, over 1000 jobs have been saved and so has a company we all love.

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Possibly save your life. Check out this website. https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/mens-cancer



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I agree and not sure I got the right vibe over with my post. Like most here Lotus has for me produced the most exciting and interesting cars ever so I'm pleased to see something positive. I also agree they hold their value extremely well compared to many which is probably down to under supply in the used market? Doubt it's down to build quality :-)



I'll get around to it at some point.

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Kimbers if you consider me one of the 'naysayers' then that's a first!


I usually get flamed on forums for being a blinkered Lotus fanatic!


And by the way £100k doesn't buy you much worth driving these days. Not even £200k will get you anything better to drive. More powerful, more prestigious, heavier and more high-tech yes but not better to drive. Better steering than the Elise, Exige and Evora is not available at any price.


I also think both the Evora and Elise deserve to sell in considerable numbers, especially here in the UK. It shouldn't come as surprise that a car developed in the UK works better on UK roads but even that basic point is lost on the buying public and car magazines alike. The Evora is a masterpiece and, for everyday use, there's no car I would rather own. But this only adds to the frustration I have with the level of sales that Lotus are getting at the moment. The product is not at fault. Despite the infuriating bias UK car magazines have towards of german cars, they also lavished the Evora and Exige with praise. So it can't be their fault either. There's no question that Bahar decimated what little confidence there was left in the brand when it all went belly up. No vaguely impartial car buyer would have touched Lotus with a bargepole last year. Frankly I'm surprised how quickly things have turned around and thank goodness they have.


But in a world where Aston Martin, despite all their funding, success and their hugely aspirational brand, are wondering where the hell they'll get the money to launch a new range, we have to realise that outside Porsche and Ferrari, all the sports car makers are fighting for survival from here on in.

Edited by The Pits
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I don't consider anyone a nay sayer in particular Jonny. God knows I've done it enough in the past with other things and other people and it's definately It's not a criticism of anyone. We all have our opinions and live in a society where we can say our opinions (Up to a point before some PC idiot tells us off) .


It's More a call for those who really love the company to say well done to DRB instead of being knocked all the time.

Possibly save your life. Check out this website. https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/mens-cancer



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Awesome. Lotus are epic and everything.

Two dealers gone man down, though. What do we know?


Sudders and Dany

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I'm relieved and thankful DRB stepped-in and have kept the ship afloat. The day Lotus stop making cars is the day I stop buying them. Their silent, diligent approach is probably what was needed after the Bahar mouth/trousers ratio.


But we won't know much about them until we see whatever the next phase amounts to. At some point you have to stop treading water and head for shore!


But I agree this is no time for doom and gloom, apologies.


Lotus being the fastest growing car maker in the UK, how about that, Christmas cheer indeed!



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I really don't think it's a case of UK buyers not getting it but the perception of the brand as not being premium until you get to the price list. It's at that point I believe for many the sale is lost.


I'll get around to it at some point.

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I don't think UK buyers get a lot of things including that a car developed in the UK will work better on UK roads, that kerb weight matters far more than horsepower or the sound of the doors make when you shut them, that an Exige that was easy to get into wouldn't have any side impact protection, that steering feel is the single largest contributor to driving pleasure, that we'll miss the manual gearbox when it's gone.

I could go on...

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Agreed, most flash cars are a wealth statement first and foremost. Paddleshift autos make King's road posing so much easier.


But don't these people get that driving like a tool in a supercar in London is probably the least cool thing a human being can do? Presumably the driver's thinking 'look at me, I'm a rockstar!' Literally everyone around them is thinking 'what a knob'! 

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Unfortunately to 95% of the UK's sports car buying public, what your keyring says (and the perceived wealth that goes with it) is much more important than all of that. 


Lotus should be targeting the other 5% that know what a sportscar's all about, presumably that's still a healthy enough market for a  small hand made British sports car. 

Having an affair with another marque... B-)

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