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Mark Blanchard

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Everything posted by Mark Blanchard

  1. Is this Where's Wally? I can't see an Evora. Is it at the bottom of the water?
  2. The Credit Suisse share price has gone from $19.40 in 2018 to $1.92 today. Not ideal. A Saudi Client had invested heavily in them.
  3. Nothing to worry about, it was just a Mustang in drag.
  4. Or they drive them and then clock them back before the next service / Mot.
  5. My Wife put on Everything, Nowhere a while back. 10 minutes is all I could handle. It's weird, a bit mental and load of old bollox. She loved it though.
  6. The market has got spooked by SVB. Another Bank has failed too, Signature Bank. Hopefully things will calm down and we won't have a run on US Banks.
  7. Good movie. BB's were never officially sold in the States as they didn't meet the federal emissions and Ferrari didn't want to ruin there beautiful design with 5mph impact bumpers (1973 legislation). Clint imported one in but had to fit specially made bumpers. 5mph impact bumpers were intended to save the consumer expensive bodywork repairs. In the 80s the States reverted back to the international standard of 2 mph impact bumpers.
  8. I've loved the BB ever since I saw this ad in the late 70s, a beautiful looking thing. Must have been around the time of Star Wars.
  9. Shame Ken’s off. Used to listen while I was working. Radio 2 seems to be full of banal air heads now, won’t be listening anymore.
  10. 75,000 on the clock probably put people off. And it was an early 1996 car, the later V8s seem to command more money. As you know, people worry about liners issue, though I'm sure they would have been sorted years ago on this car. Stunning look car though.
  11. Never heard of one of those before. You learn something new every day. Someone got a steal. https://www.silverstoneauctions.com/2008-melling-wildcat-rec12183-1-stoneleigh-0223?el=19743&pn=1&pp=100
  12. More shots from yesterday at Race Restro. Some very tidy cars there. That Sierra RS500 had 2000 miles on the clock, but still a ridiculous price.
  13. Was a Race Retro today. A Sierra RS 500 sold for £600,000. And a Fiat Abarthe sold for £155,000. Doesn’t seem that long ago cars like this were hooning around Council estates.
  14. In my share ISA I bailed out of debt ridden IAG at £1.70 the other week when the market hit 8000, they've tumbled to £1.55 now. Grab the money and run.
  15. I'm surprised more Range Rover owners don't use steering locks or pedal to steering locks. Most thieves would take one look and walk off. I guess new Range Rover Owners are to busy poncing around and brushing there hair.
  16. I used to get that. As Bibs said a humidifier is the way to go. I use a desiccant dehumidifier in the garage. They removed huge amounts of damp in the air and no more condensation problems. Good luck.
  17. Very nice indeed! Welcome.
  18. Emerson Fittipaldi in 1972 at the Austrian GP.
  19. Jim Clark trying to keep the flawed Lotus 40 on the road. It was known as the Lotus 30 with 10 more mistakes. The chassis was later used in the Europa and further developed for the Esprit.
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