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Everything posted by Rambo

  1. Says it's been driven 300 km. Then says not a working drivable vehicle ??? Still got its original Michelin rubbers. It probably should be in a Lotus car museum and should scrub up well. PS I'm glad they changed the steering wheel, rear lights, seats, switchgear etc....
  2. Not faster, just more of a sceptic 🤣
  3. I've always turned down more money and my life has been the richer for it. PS sorry to be a party pooper.
  4. Very sad. Justin, can you post that link on LEC? There might be a person ie Specky (Dave Speck) who might be interested? He is particulary knowledgeable and informative on PP M100's and I'm sure would like to record it, if not even purchase it???
  5. More money = more taxes = more hassle from senior bosses = more demands from SWMBO. Never worth it imo.
  6. Incidentally, you were about spot on with the time. I parked up the Evora in the car park behind Bridge Street and realised I had forgotten my parking clock card. I purchased another from the cycle shop (very good value at only £1) and set it at 1355.
  7. That was me yesterday. I'd gone up to Dunbar and then back down to Berwick for a late lunch at Atelier, my favourite place in the town. The Evora sounds particularly good in Bridge Street over thr narrow old bridge. PS the brown is actually Copper Fire, same as the JB Esprit 😉
  8. https://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/electriccars/article-12715035/Electric-car-sales-continue-falter.html?ito=native_share_article-nativemenubutton
  9. Long term battery longevity 🤣 https://insideevs.com/news/694943/uber-driver-tesla-model-3-battery/
  10. If someone called ScottJ contacts you re. your 'Ebola' he will be genuine. I have just passed on your details as he has just written off his Elise and may be interested 😉
  11. Rambo

    Formula One

    Now, if only F1 had race finishes like P3/P4 then we'd all be watching again. Super racing by Alonso and genuine exitement at coming 3rd. He is definitely one of the nicer people/characters on the F1 grid.
  12. Another tip... when using a CTEK or just not using you car for a while, manually spring the locking mechanism (a pencil or your car key will do) and leave the boot down. That way, if the battery or CTEK goes down, you will still be able to get into the boot without requiring to access the inside of the car.
  13. The site was originally set up over 20 years ago by Doug, the American orthopaedic specialist. You probably know him from the old Castle Donington Lotus shows. Big pals with Sy Vickers.
  14. I think Geof (there's only 1 'effin 😉) Smith gets his son to look at it every now and again but it probably needs a radical overhaul. Small single model club, free to join, not many active members so it just bumbles on..... Great club spirit and very friendly owners though, some I've known for nigh on 20 years.
  15. You need to use something like "picresize" to make your photos smaller. It's a right PITA and has been a common complaint for many years.
  16. Rambo


    Blackford Hill, Edinburgh.
  17. Spud Spud is a moderator so he should sort you out. He's probably down the pub though 🤣
  18. My advice is to try the manual bowden cable toggle again but squirt some WD40 at the toggle end to help the cable shift more freely. Gett an extra pair of hands to rock the rear lid whilst you pull at the correct angle on the toggle. It might just be a sticky latch. It worked for me, so give it a try.
  19. The reason there are a lot of Emiras on the market with low mileage is probably due to speculators who hoped to do a quick flip and make a quick buck. It looks like their little caper has misfired 🤣
  20. It won't happen with the "old school" but I'm sure if will with the "new school" who haven't got a clue/don't give a toss about the Lotus heritage 😕
  21. I always thought bonfire night had a Guy Fawkes theme 🤔
  22. Or when the storms come between Oct. and March and the wind speeds are too high to operate the turbines. It's all a load of mince.
  23. One thing you don't have is ........ a Lotus 🤣
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