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Everything posted by oneshot

  1. oneshot


    I had to take a guest to the vets - she was on medication but the vet said the best thing was to put her to sleep. After the vet had a conversation with the owner's son they agreed to put her to sleep. I was there and held her while the vet administered the injection. When the owner returned she was not totally surprised but still upset. She came at the weekend to thank us and to say that she really appreciated the fact that someone was with her as she went over the rainbow bridge.
  2. No you can't use that word any more! https://www.birminghammail.co.uk/news/midlands-news/jaguar-land-rover-woke-row-24340890
  3. My Evoque reads the road signs (and overhead motorway signs) and you can set a warning at 5mph/10mph or 15mph over the limit or turn the warning off.
  4. Except BA Heathrow staff are going on strike. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-61906236
  5. Train drivers are not on strike. Over 90% of them are in ASLEF which is not striking. This is all the other rail workers - maintenance, station staff etc.
  6. Here's mine Evoque first edition. Has some quite nifty headlights - LED which when put into auto mode don't just change between dip and main beam but adjust the beam pattern to avoid dazzling oncoming cars or cars you are following. So you have main beam to the sides but dipped straight in front.
  7. No you don't get the plate that is currently on the car unless you put it on retention.
  8. Ketteringham Hall you say..... and someone mentioned the tearoom....
  9. oneshot

    The Queen

    You don't get tickets to a garden party - you have to be invited.
  10. oneshot

    The Queen

    As we are approaching the Queen's Jubilee celebrations I thought we ought to have a thread about encounters with royalty. I'll start with having met the Queen twice - once at Windsor and once at Buckingham Palace at a garden party.
  11. Interestingly when I went an Land Rover experience a few years ago - they tell you about the features on the car and one which isn't in the handbook is that while driving if you pull the "parking" brake on (electric) it immediately cuts the accelerator off, removes drive from the wheels and applies the brakes. They classed it as an emergency feature that could be used by the passenger in the event that the driver was taken ill. Not tried it in my new car as the parking brake switch is next to the driver's door so not much use for the passenger!
  12. Err - My Esprit has Magnesium alloy wheels - standard from the factory
  13. Already have it in my car although I can turn it off. You can set it not to warn or warn at 5mph or 10mph over the limit. Uses the speed sign recognition system and GPS to determine the speed.
  14. We live in the country with only cows and sheep for neighbours. We very often get dog walkers walking down the road with their dogs off the lead. Sadly some lambs have been killed by wayward dogs that the owners have no control over. If they can't control their dog it should be on a lead at least.
  15. If you see this - we are just outside Lichfield if you want to pop in for a cuppa.
  16. oneshot

    Formula One

    He also kept whinging that LeClerc had gone over the white pit lane entry line.
  17. Think that applies to Tesla. They have a feature for when at the supermarket, you can go on the app and get the car to come to you from it's parking space. However, I believe the distance it's allowed to move has been reduced.
  18. I retired at 55 with a private pension. I took the 25% and haven't yet had to draw down from the pot. My wife retired after 38 years in teaching so has a decent pension.
  19. Our LPG has gone up over 10p a litre - now at 45p a litre
  20. Don't know if anyone watched "Warship: Life at sea" - there were several episodes all about the fact they were trying to find a Russian submarine off Scotland. One also showed the ship having to chase a Russian spy ship that was literally sailing into Faslane.
  21. We live in the country (no neighbours for a mile) and mice regularly seek solace in our house. Occasionally we will get a mouse that runs in off the fields and takes respite in the cattery! - that's a big mistake!!
  22. It used to be the case that hanging up didn't clear the line - there was a 2 minute timeout before the call was cleared so if you were called and you hung up, picking the phone up within 2 minutes would reconnect you. This is no longer the case. The timeout has been drastically shortened to 2 seconds so as long as you wait 2 seconds the call will have been cleared. Can you tell I worked for the company that made the telephone exchanges?? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-34714531
  23. oneshot


    So it's been sold to the New York Times and you may have to pay in the future.
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