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10 minutes ago, Andyww said:

They simply seem to go along with everything their leaders say. 

That didn't turn out so good last time it happened :ermm:


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The problem is once told they wont get asylum they are put back on the street whilst they appeal.  I have 1st hand knowledge of 3 and once refused the solicitors say don't worry we can drag this out  until you will stay anyway.  One good one is oooh we didn't understand the interpreter despite signing to say they did ( this was a solicitors suggestion).  Under 16s get to say until they  are 17.5 ( I think) anyway before being returned  which is probably fair. 

  Immigration  are cracking down however as I have heard of 1 Sudaneese, 1 Afgan , 1 Iranian  and an Egypian all  being refused and then starting a drawn out appeals process.  But if that fails they simply go underground just before their 17.5th birthday and then are free until they are picked up in an immigration swoop.  The deal is you should go to a near by  safe place  and that could be within your own country ie in Afgans could go to Kabul etc.   The foster child of ours that did get refugee status fled to Sudan from Eritrea for 3 years and only when picked up and imprisoned for a month fled to Europe so that probably helped his case even though he didn't stop in France or Italy.

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Up until a year or so ago the Telegraph and Guardian were following the progress through the system of refugees arriving in the UK. 

It was somewhat revealing. In the case of the Telegraph it turned out that the guy had no intention of ever going any work and was constantly demanding money from the nice lady who housed him. He had left the rest of his family behind but was sending no money back to them, just lazing about in the UK doing nothing and taking advantage of tis countrys hospitality. The updates suddenly stopped and I assume he was thrown out of the house or maybe the country.

In the Guardian case everything seemed to be going swimmingly until one day the immigration officials arrived and turfed him out. It turned out the Guardian had not bothered to check whether he was in the country legally as a proper asylum seeker and he was not, and had lied about is entire back story. At least they were honest enough to publish this outcome.

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Open borders and Merkels "Everyone welcome" has a lot to answer for. She should answer to her own people, but she won't call an election because she knows not only would she get thrown out but the anti-EU parties would win it.


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Whereupon the uber naive colonial asked, "Why, exactly, does the European media wish to push the 'terrorism' aspect under the rug?" Wouldn't it sell a lot more papers, journals, and tabloids if they could milk it for all it's worth? Or are you saying that the respective state governments are controlling the writers guild? And if so, by what means? Is the European "free press" not really free after all?

Now that would be truly scary.

I'm not saying that the media (of any country) gets it right every time, or even most of the time, but investigative reporting is supposed to be just that. If one abandons the concept of media accuracy altogether, from what other source can you draw your conclusions if you were not there at the actual event? I would suggest that "cross referencing" various publications might be the best tactic to get at the truth of things.

Being second is to be the first of the ones who lose.

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  • Gold FFM

The political state in Germany is a very precarious balancing act. The far right are very active and the current leaders have flooded the country with newcomers to provide a larger market for the motor industry and labour etc.....

if all these supposed completely unconnected incidents are actually terrorist related the backlash that the presiding government will face won't be good for them that's for sure.

just remember brexit would mean the end of the world in Europe - that hasn't happened and is unlikely to - that gives a great indication to the state of our politicians and press. Now we have French politicians, bribes and the imf now all in a mixing pot - stinks the whole lot

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As the Knights Templar gathered their forces...

Well, tonight, on this side of the pond, the U.S. Democratic Party nominating convention begins, and it (to my initial surprise) has already begun to turn into a true circus...a potential dog and pony show to rival the earlier Republican Party's convention fracas. It's been the most entertaining election year in ages.:cry:

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Being second is to be the first of the ones who lose.

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22 hours ago, CHANGES said:

The latest was the BOMBING early this morning.... I saw the first reports at 4 am .  Almost immediately they say it was a suicide not an act of terror....

24 hrs on they find out he had pledged his allegiance to Islamic State..  Ooops Attempted media profiling exposed again...  

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Notice how the BBC recast the Munich shooter as non-muslim by changing his name from Ali David Sonboly to David Sonboly. :thumbdown:


John W

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Another report on the BBC of murder with no mention of the Islamic clothing the attackers were wearing as reported by the French media. :thumbdown:


John W

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  • Gold FFM

That was a disgruntled French grape farmer not happy with the crop size and the negative impacts that brexit has had on his business......... Come on media spin machine let's get some imagination 

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Well, at least with regard to the latest French atrocity...throat cutting of a priest in front of his nuns...we can all agree that the "God is great" crowd was indeed responsible, having sunk to a new low in the annals of depravity. No media spin on that one.

Being second is to be the first of the ones who lose.

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Don't be silly John! BBC front page today......nothing at all in  the headline....scroll down, scroll down.....scroll down to:

What the papers Say: Priest killing dominates headlines: There is shock in Wednesdays newspapers at the killing of a priest in an "Apparent" Terrorist attack.


Frankly the BBC should be ashamed of themselves. They have been biased, Pro-PC and totally out of touch with the public since the run up to the referendum. They are even reporting the fantastic news that GlaxoSmithKline are investing £275 million in the UK as "Despite Brexit". When GSK have actually said Brexit doesn't make any difference!

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Possibly save your life. Check out this website. https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/mens-cancer



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I was in the tractor yesterday listening to Radio 2 and they were at pains to intimate the attack was more likely a copy cat killing and not a terrorist attack, the reason given is that they believed one of the perpetrators to have shouted Deash and no self respecting ISIS terrorist would dream of doing that! - Fortunately the truth got out!

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Its very annoying when white non-Moslem commentators say these attacks are nothing to do with Islam whereas Moslems who actually know what they are talking about and have grown up in an environment where they have encountered radicalisation such as Sadiq Khan and Maajid Nawaz say that they are.

All of these types of attacks are caused by mentally disturbed people (obviously). Some are disturbed by other means, such as the recent Japan attack but when you have a religion which is drummed into children from an early age and then they grow up in an environment which is in many ways at odds with the strict and intolerant preachings its a toxic combination.

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Indeed. Also the OECD have in the past admitted they were completely wrong about the UK wishing to "balance the books". They originally opposed this plan then when it started to work they backed it.

Add to that the number of economists (Paul Krugman for example) who have been proven to be absolutely wrong about everything they have said over the years then it proves that Gove was onto something when he said that we have had enough of "experts".

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32 minutes ago, ian29gte said:

And it seems the IMF is not exactly whiter than white...................



WOW, that's very, very bad. Heads must roll, don't suppose they will though. :thumbdown:


John W

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1 hour ago, ian29gte said:

And it seems the IMF is not exactly whiter than white...................

Wow that is one damning report. I hope Alex Salmond and Nicola Sturgeon as is not the quote below from it a pretty good summary of their approach in Indyref for Scotland?

"At root was a failure to grasp the elemental point that currency unions with no treasury or political union to back them up are inherently vulnerable to debt crises. States facing a shock no longer have sovereign tools to defend themselves. Devaluation risk is switched into bankruptcy risk"

God doesn't want me, and the Devil isn't finished with me yet.


The small print.

My comments and observations are my own, invariably "tongue in cheek", and definitely, sarcastic in nature. Therefore, do not take my advice, suggestions, observations or posts seriously or personally and remember if you do, do anything, that I may have suggested, then you have done this based solely on your own decision to do so and therefore you acknowledge responsibility and accountability (I know, in this modern world these are the hardest things for you to accept) for your actions and indemnify me of any influence, responsibility, accountability, or liability, in what you have done. In other words, you did it, so suffer the consequences on your own!

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7 minutes ago, march said:

Bet this never makes the news, well the BBC's at least.


Funnily enough, it has. Buried in the business news section, and the tone is rather different, as expected from such an impartial reporting service..........



Margate Exotics.

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The IMF's managing director Christine Lagarde responding to the report described the agency's role in the Eurozone crisis as a "qualified success".

No wonder she's being put on trial in France for Fraud. :thumbdown:


John W

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  • 1 month later...

Well good old BBC can't let it go (or the millions they get in funding to make programs from the EU). With 6 full articles on Brexit today. Still trying to rally the Stay brigade. I was always proud of our BBC but this whole thing has made me realise how selfish, biased and political they really are!


Possibly save your life. Check out this website. https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/mens-cancer



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