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I agree with the comments above, but just wanted to also say I was very pointed in my jab at Public Sector Managers.

There are a lot of Public Sector workers who do work hard, are paid a pittance, and don't have a generous pension. However, they are largely forgotten about as we do have too many Public Sector Managers who are ineffective at best, totally useless at worse, and who do take the piss when it comes to sick days, pensions, benefits, and lots of other things. I just don't like paying to these Public Sector Managers.  Quite happy to pay (and would pay more) for the effective Public Sector Workers who actually do work hard and care.

However, it's not just local authorities. Why is it OK for someone to join the police/fire service and then around 33 years later retire with a generous lump sum and a gilt edged pension at 55 when the rest of us are expected to work till we are 68/69. Presumably we need to work those extra 14 years to pay for the generous lump sums and pensions of those police/fire service people?  Sits back and waits for the usual retort - you can't expect a 65 year old to climb a ladder with a hose or chase a robber down the street comment....   ;)


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God doesn't want me, and the Devil isn't finished with me yet.


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My comments and observations are my own, invariably "tongue in cheek", and definitely, sarcastic in nature. Therefore, do not take my advice, suggestions, observations or posts seriously or personally and remember if you do, do anything, that I may have suggested, then you have done this based solely on your own decision to do so and therefore you acknowledge responsibility and accountability (I know, in this modern world these are the hardest things for you to accept) for your actions and indemnify me of any influence, responsibility, accountability, or liability, in what you have done. In other words, you did it, so suffer the consequences on your own!

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Whilst out for dinner in a local pub on Wednesday, the adjacent table was occupied dy a severely handicapped guy and his three care workers.

The carers having apologised for the noises coming from their patient explained that a part of their job was to take James out for lunch and dinner every day, and although he lived at home with his mum in an purpose built annex  on the side of her house, she didn't get involved with caring of her son. James therefore needed constant care and, as his condition made him fit on a regular basis, he needed the help of 3 carers during the day and 2 at night.

The basic pay for carers is over £10 per hour, the wage bill alone for his care works out £4,200 per week, on top of this, in the car park was a brand new Vauxhall Vivaro van with disabled tail lift, and what annoyed me was, it had tinted windows, nice alloy wheels and chrome sill runner bars, obviously completely unnecessary extras paid for by the social care services.

Is it any wonder that the care services and NHS is in such a state, when the management has such a blatant disregard for the use of its funds.

Yes I felt sorry for James, but his disability was so severe that he was completely oblivious to what was going on. Why was he out for a meal in a fancy restaurant when he was being fed through a tube? I suppose at least his carers enjoyed their steaks at the expense of a young child who is unable to receive life saving cancer treatments due to lack of funds.....


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Many workers on the front line do work very hard. And they are the ones who get cut out, whenever there is a squeeze on funds. Central government cuts funding and rather than economise in the town hall they reduce services then blame it on cuts.

Motability: I used to work for a multinational IT firm which had an office on Southwark Bridge Road on the river. We moved out because it became too expensive. We were amazed to see that a few weeks later it had become the HQ of Motability! As this is a Quango, there is no limit on their expenditure and executive pay. I am not sure why an organisation which provides cars for the disabled needs to have a showcase office in the city and pay their chief executive over £1 million.


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16 minutes ago, oilmagnet477 said:


"she didn't get involved with caring of her son"

Why the fuck not?

That's the problem with a large chunk of so called Society today - it is always someone else's responsibility!!

Does my nut!


I would be careful criticising the mother until:

1. you know the true facts, rather than 2nd hand statements (did you know how old she was, did she have problems herself etc...)

2. you have been in the situation yourself - it must be completely sole destroying and at times degrading.

Also do you know the state has paid for everything?

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  • Gold FFM
13 minutes ago, oilmagnet477 said:

"she didn't get involved with caring of her son"

Why the fuck not?

That's the problem with a large chunk of so called Society today - it is always someone else's responsibility!!

Does my nut!

As you can tell,  the situation I was in annoyed me so much that my conversational inquisition of the carers without the intervention of my wife could have got quite embarrassing. It was the carers that mentioned the parent and I wasn't allowed to go into that line of questioning. 

However James I would say was in his mid thirties, and showed no emotion during the short time I spent with him. If you put yourself in the mums shoes, I would imagine that as a child there would have been a bond, which would lesson over time if he'd always been this way.

It's a horrible thing to say, but in this paticular case, I would think that the suffering he goes through outweighs the benefit of sustaining his life. So would a kinder thing to do be a lethal injection.....shit I'm in dodgy territory now!

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While we're in soap-box mode, I'd like to know what difference it would make to the travelling public if GTR Southern was re-nationalised, as I seem to remember strikes being far worse in the nationalised industries.

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Margate Exotics.

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Whilst I appreciate that looking after someone 24/7 is a massive responsibility, I do have a bit of experience. We have just built an annex for my elderly and infirm MIL who doesn't need 24/7 care but since she has been here over the last 12 months has ended up on the floor in various states of undress and toiletry emergency (I'll spare you the details).

She has to go to hospital every week and can't really be left alone for long periods - essentially I have become the default carer as my wife works FT in a hospital and has zero flexibility. So, I am currently unable to work and am not claiming benefits - if she were in a care home the costs would be enormous. I guess we are lucky enough to be able to shoulder the responsibility.

Each individual's experience is unique but in general there are many many people in this country where the idea of family support (for whatever reason) has broken down completely.

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Is the price for that bit in Yen or £?

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  • Gold FFM
15 minutes ago, Steve V8 said:

As you can tell,  the situation I was in annoyed me so much that my conversational inquisition of the carers without the intervention of my wife could have got quite embarrassing. It was the carers that mentioned the parent and I wasn't allowed to go into that line of questioning. 

However James I would say was in his mid thirties, and showed no emotion during the short time I spent with him. If you put yourself in the mums shoes, I would imagine that as a child there would have been a bond, which would lesson over time if he'd always been this way.

It's a horrible thing to say, but in this paticular case, I would think that the suffering he goes through outweighs the benefit of sustaining his life. So would a kinder thing to do be a lethal injection.....shit I'm in dodgy territory now!

I often show no emotion and I'm now in my early fourties :lol:

however when working on an esprit - I can often go into a full on fit - this is interjected with moments of spitting, pissing and foul horrible language.

I have made it expressly clear to my family - that if I ever end up in a state like the above - I would like to be smothered to death. What a bloody waste - there but for the grace of god go I !!

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I can sort of understand your point Steve,  but everybody deserves a chance at life, and if James was my child i would try and have as much done for him as possible and if that included tax payers money helping out, I would not think twice about it. Having payed taxes like the rest of us all our lives i am completely for large amounts to be spent on the truly sick and needy. 

Yes i agree about the car and this should be bog standard, but as said the mother may of payed, yes i agree about the nurses should not be eating, but as said they may well be payed for by the mother, who could be a millionaire for all we know.

What i dont agree us paying for is immigrants that have payed nothing into the system, who are know getting PTS mental health care because they came from Syria etc, when most of our ex troops get nothing,  I dont want to pay for the lazy, fraudulant sick and the people who have motorbility for stuff like a bad arm etc.

Motorbility is a massive bug bare of mine and personally think all the vehicles should be bright yellow with a massive disabled sticker on them,  If you truly needed one you would not mind the colour or big sticker,  If you do you obviously dont need one that bad, Unfair people say ?  When you are getting something for free you should not be able to moan and the true needy would not.  All this crap with people paying extra to upgrade cars is pathetic and the system needs stopping and starting from scratch in my eyes.

Taxis for kids to get to school and to take people shopping all payed for by the goverment !  Have they never heard of buses ?  

The waste in the UK is disgusting, and it only shows that peoples morals have become so low that people are allowed to get away with it.

Rant over :) 

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  • Gold FFM
16 minutes ago, march said:

I would be careful criticising the mother until:

1. you know the true facts, rather than 2nd hand statements (did you know how old she was, did she have problems herself etc...)

2. you have been in the situation yourself - it must be completely sole destroying and at times degrading.

Also do you know the state has paid for everything?

You're quite right Marc, most of my thoughts are presumption. And most of the time it was SWMBO getting involved as she recently had a trial as a carer, so was interested in the whole life as a carer thing. I just spent most of my time sat there looking interested thinking about how my huge taxbill was being frittered away. And of course when I got to the car park and saw their mode of transport, I was fuming.

The mum 's only roll in the care was to have the final say on the hiring and firing of the care workers, and they didn't have a lot of good things to say about her. One was, they were not allowed to use the kitchen in the house, hence why they ate out.

As far as funding goes, I'd be pretty sure it's down to the NHS social care.


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It's not easy @oilmagnet477 in your situation as I know. You do it out of a feeling of responsibility and just because it is the right thing to do. however, not everyone in our "society" feels the same way about it.  If you are a full time carer now you really should look to get support, financial or otherwise, that you are entitled to.  It's not about whether you feel you need it or not, it's about making sure long term you do not suffer through stress/ill health through NOT having the support you need.

The fact that Motability, as said above, is a quango and is spending money like that is exactly what is wrong with this country. Why oh why does the motability HQ need to be in London?  Workers are scarce and expensive. Rates are the highest in the country. etc.  This is exactly what pisses everyone off outside of London.  Put the Mobility HQ in Grimsby, Hull, or Lancaster - many other places crying out for work and jobs like these too. That's how many good jobs that can be created in those areas at a significant salary reduction to London. The rates and HQ would be a fraction of the cost. I mean, you could probably reduce HQ expenses and overheads by 60%. That's more money to the front line.  It really is about time that all these quango's and other things are spread across the country. There is no need for them to be in London at all.

There is a disease in the Public Sector that needs to be ripped out.  To get back to the earlier points re council houses - the councils have had no money apparently since Thatcher to build new Council Houses. Hmmm. OK. So how come so many councils in the UK have been able to find huge sums of money for new HQ's and other custom designed and built buildings on prime locations?  The Public Sector (managers and execs) seems to forget that they are here to "serve" the public and they must and should have an obligation around the cost and efficiency about what they do and how they deliver it.  Look at universities. Since the introduction of Tuition Fee's the salaries of principals and vice principals have sky rocketed to well over £150k. I know one case in Scotland where it is over £250k!  They are building new campus' in city centres, on some of the most expensive land. They are kitted out to the highest possible standard. It is all about building "palaces" and making "statements" and very little to do with "ensuring students get the best possible education".  When you stand back it really is quite sickening and so out of touch with the majority of people's lives in the country who are eeking out a living for companies that are struggling, cutting back, making efficiencies and having to take hard decisions every day.

We'd be quite a rich and successful country, with happy inhabitants, if these blood suckers were just reigned in. 

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God doesn't want me, and the Devil isn't finished with me yet.


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My comments and observations are my own, invariably "tongue in cheek", and definitely, sarcastic in nature. Therefore, do not take my advice, suggestions, observations or posts seriously or personally and remember if you do, do anything, that I may have suggested, then you have done this based solely on your own decision to do so and therefore you acknowledge responsibility and accountability (I know, in this modern world these are the hardest things for you to accept) for your actions and indemnify me of any influence, responsibility, accountability, or liability, in what you have done. In other words, you did it, so suffer the consequences on your own!

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Cheers mate - I'm actually going to get some advice. I'm about 3 yrs short on the 35 yr contributions fo r full pension at 68. If I were claiming benefits, the type 3 contributions would be paid automatically. As I'm neither working or claiming I have to pay them myself. I have however just listened to R4 Moneybox and they were saying that if you do over 20 hours/wk then you can claim a credit for the NI contributions. However, as I'm only 50, theoretically, I could have another 18 years to potentially work to build up the missing time.

You have to ask, in an environment where we cannot afford the National pension bill, why you only need to pay in for 35 years to get a full pension. Seems daft to me.........even if you didn't start working until 25, you'd still have paid full contributions by the age of 60 and yet have another 8 years to work. I'm pretty old school, no uni and started working whilst at College from the age of 17.

Is the price for that bit in Yen or £?

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55 minutes ago, oilmagnet477 said:

the form for claiming the NI credit is 8 yes 8 pages long, with 8 pages of notes.

That's kept someone in a job ffs

and no doubt only understandable to the person that designed/wrote the form

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If you are a full time carer you can get the NI paid for, applies also to parents who give up work to bring their kids up full time. My wife stopped working when we had our first 22 years ago, and she received the NI Pension credits up until our eldest was 18.  Worth doing to be honest so good luck with the form.

God doesn't want me, and the Devil isn't finished with me yet.


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My comments and observations are my own, invariably "tongue in cheek", and definitely, sarcastic in nature. Therefore, do not take my advice, suggestions, observations or posts seriously or personally and remember if you do, do anything, that I may have suggested, then you have done this based solely on your own decision to do so and therefore you acknowledge responsibility and accountability (I know, in this modern world these are the hardest things for you to accept) for your actions and indemnify me of any influence, responsibility, accountability, or liability, in what you have done. In other words, you did it, so suffer the consequences on your own!

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On 1/28/2017 at 11:18, Andyww said:

Motability: I used to work for a multinational IT firm which had an office on Southwark Bridge Road on the river. We moved out because it became too expensive. We were amazed to see that a few weeks later it had become the HQ of Motability! As this is a Quango, there is no limit on their expenditure and executive pay. I am not sure why an organisation which provides cars for the disabled needs to have a showcase office in the city and pay their chief executive over £1 million.

There are an awful lot of charities in that location with river views and well paid CEO's. 

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  • Gold FFM

Ffs - how many bloody votes do the politicians of our country need on Brexit.

you asked a question - in the government propaganda booklet it spelt everything out. The electorate gave you the democratic answer. The coward who's frankly lower than a snakes belly - David Cameron should have immediately triggered article 50 the following morning.

These utterly disconnected tossers need beating with a stick - chukka ummuna seems to be one of the worse with his bleeting 

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Calm down, calm down mate you'll have a heart attack. And right now there's no bed for you in A&E so you need to hold on to it for a wee while longer.


Let them have their vote. I think May is playing a blinder here. If you look, she's actually quite quiet. Letting everyone gob off. She just sits quietly and waits. But when she does strike, it's like a Cobra - swift and decisive.

She knew she would loose the high court case, and already had her plan in place.  Boom - here's our negotiating strategy, see, we had a plan. Move on. nothing to see here.

She knew the MP's would try to derail the legislation - Boom - here you go, have your vote on the settlement, but it's a take it or leave it affair. move on. Nothing to see here.

She is completely ignoring the SNP and their noise. It is quite funny watching Sturgeon and Salmond getting more and more irate. They're trying real hard to get under May's skin and she's just ignoring them. Not even trying to swat them away.  Classic.

Corby and Labour - she's left them alone to screw it up themselves and they have. Classic - she's not even had to fire a shot to kill them off. They've done it to themselves.

She reminds me more and more of Thatcher at her best. Finally, we have a Prime Minister with some balls again!

Must get online and get Tesco to deliver more popcorn and claret.  Super stuff...

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God doesn't want me, and the Devil isn't finished with me yet.


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My comments and observations are my own, invariably "tongue in cheek", and definitely, sarcastic in nature. Therefore, do not take my advice, suggestions, observations or posts seriously or personally and remember if you do, do anything, that I may have suggested, then you have done this based solely on your own decision to do so and therefore you acknowledge responsibility and accountability (I know, in this modern world these are the hardest things for you to accept) for your actions and indemnify me of any influence, responsibility, accountability, or liability, in what you have done. In other words, you did it, so suffer the consequences on your own!

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I still think its a farce that,  that lady who is the multi millionaire has been able to take a case to court to try and hold up our Brexit,  then she complains she has had death threats etc.  I wonder why ? 

Personally i think the goverment should of kicked her out of the country and her money also,  she says its for the good of the people ?  I think it has a deeper side myself concerning her buisness ventures imo. 


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Gina Miller was just a front-woman to hide the fact the legal action was paid for by hedge fund managers, who are not exactly the Lefts favorite people.

Mrs May has indeed handled all of this very well. She is shaping up to be a very good PM. But the Tories are exposed on the NHS. They really need to do something about this. There are rumours that Corbyn might go, which will mean Labour will start to have a real attack on them and the NHS is really all they have to throw at them.

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