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I have given up listening about it now. The BBC is so biased it's unbelievable. Maybe something to do with all those pesky journo's who work the EU Parliament and the BBC's EU monies perhaps?

I can see them pushing the Govt until it caves and they get another vote. I just hope that if the result is the opposite of the first that the 52% who voted to leave originally so the same as the remainers and cause so much hassle they have to do it again.

Does my head in. It's been done, deal with it! it's called democracy!


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Chancellor Hammond has to go,one of his jobs should be to install confidence in the country not the opposite.

Ditto Carney

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hindsight: the science that is never wrong

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  • Gold FFM
34 minutes ago, Kimbers said:

I have given up listening about it now. The BBC is so biased it's unbelievable. Maybe something to do with all those pesky journo's who work the EU Parliament and the BBC's EU monies perhaps?

I can see them pushing the Govt until it caves and they get another vote. I just hope that if the result is the opposite of the first that the 52% who voted to leave originally so the same as the remainers and cause so much hassle they have to do it again.

Does my head in. It's been done, deal with it! it's called democracy!


If this vote gets reversed -  there will be widespread rioting. I shall be going to prison

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  • Gold FFM

They clearly have no respect for the folks who laid down their tomorrows. 

There is no excuse not to vote. None what so ever

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  • Gold FFM
1 hour ago, Dan E said:

It’s the only fair way chap. Then we would really know 

Folks were absolutely free to vote last time. We live in the free world - with a proper democracy. We are not a communist state.

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Here's a reminder of (part of) David Cameron's speech 10/11/2015 (my additional formatting).

10/11/2015 - https://www.gov.uk/government/speeches/prime-ministers-speech-on-europe


Britain’s future

I am not saying for one moment that Britain couldn’t survive outside the European Union.

Of course we could. We are a great country. The fifth largest economy in the world. The fastest growing economy in the G7 last year. The biggest destination for foreign direct investment in the EU. Our capital city a global icon. The world, literally, speaks our language. Last month the President of China spent a week in this country. This week the Prime Minister of India will visit. They see a great future for this country that we all love.

No one doubts that Britain is a proud, successful thriving country. A nation that has turned round its fortunes though its own efforts. A far cry from the ‘sick man of Europe’ at the time we entered the European Economic Community 4 decades ago. Whether we could be successful outside the European Union – that’s not the question.

The question is whether we would be more successful in than out? Whether being in the European Union adds to our economic security or detracts from it? Whether being in the European Union makes us safer or less safe? That is a matter of judgment. And ultimately it will be the judgment of the British people in the referendum that I promised and that I will deliver.

You will have to judge what is best for you and your family, for your children and grandchildren, for our country, for our future. It will be your decision whether to remain in the EU on the basis of the reforms we secure, or whether we leave.

Your decision.

Nobody else’s.

Not politicians’.

Not Parliament’s.

Not lobby groups’.

Not mine.

Just you.

You, the British people, will decide.

At that moment, you will hold this country’s destiny in your hands. This is a huge decision for our country, perhaps the biggest we will make in our lifetimes.

And it will be the final decision.

So to those who suggest that a decision in the referendum to leave……would merely produce another stronger renegotiation and then a second referendum in which Britain would stay……I say think again. The renegotiation is happening right now.

And the referendum that follows will be a once in a generation choice. An in or out referendum.

When the British people speak, their voice will be respected – not ignored.

If we vote to leave, then we will leave.

There will not be another renegotiation and another referendum.

So I say to my European counterparts with whom I am negotiating. This is our only chance to get this right – for Britain and for the whole European Union.

I say to those who are thinking about voting to leave. Think very carefully, because this choice cannot be undone.

And to those who are campaigning to leave but actually hoping for a second referendum – I say decide what you believe in. If you think we should leave – and leave means leave – then campaign for that and vote for it.

But if you are actually arguing for a better relationship between Britain and the European Union, then don’t campaign to get out. Work with me to get that better deal for Britain.


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41 minutes ago, Dan E said:

@CHANGES completely uncalled for, completely over the top and bordering on unpleasant. 



Why? Because he flatly disagreed with you and presented a different POV?

He hasn't attacked you or called you names, he's just called you out 

To be honest I thought your comment re "letting everyone who didn't vote have a vote", unbelievable. The point is THEY HAD the chance to vote and did not. When does it stop Dan? When the answer finally agrees with you?

The point of a democracy is freedom of speech. You were free to speak and did. Others equally free responded but you were not attacked.

Then having poked the bear in a "Lotus Forum" because your logic was challenged you decide its unpleasant.

I find that over the top to be honest.

However I don't want to fall out with anyone on here so I will not return to this aspect of the thread.

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God doesn't want me, and the Devil isn't finished with me yet.


The small print.

My comments and observations are my own, invariably "tongue in cheek", and definitely, sarcastic in nature. Therefore, do not take my advice, suggestions, observations or posts seriously or personally and remember if you do, do anything, that I may have suggested, then you have done this based solely on your own decision to do so and therefore you acknowledge responsibility and accountability (I know, in this modern world these are the hardest things for you to accept) for your actions and indemnify me of any influence, responsibility, accountability, or liability, in what you have done. In other words, you did it, so suffer the consequences on your own!

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  • Gold FFM

However I don't want to fall out with anyone on here so I will not return to this aspect of the thread.

You got it in a nutshell with the above and that is exactly what I am going to do 

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  • Gold FFM
1 hour ago, ChrisJ said:

Here's a reminder of (part of) David Cameron's speech 10/11/2015 (my additional formatting).

10/11/2015 - https://www.gov.uk/government/speeches/prime-ministers-speech-on-europe


That sums it up perfectly. That was a concise, precise and directly to the point speech.

at no point was there any option other than the outcome of the once in a lifetime vote

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2 hours ago, Dan E said:

@CHANGES completely uncalled for, completely over the top and bordering on unpleasant. 



That's pretty much what in thought about your comments.. !

42 minutes ago, Dan E said:

However I don't want to fall out with anyone on here so I will not return to this aspect of the thread.

You got it in a nutshell with the above and that is exactly what I am going to do 

I don't think anyone want's to fall out on the forum.  My remarks on your posts were focused on the content not the person posting.  Sorry you were offended Dan.      However it does not detract from the fact an open forum provides a wide and varied debating platform.   View's and opinions wherein are expressed and challenged in order for a broad spectrum of understanding can be reached by all parties.  This does not mean you have to agree or disagree with what is said , just be aware that others have a voice too ..       As I said if the BBC was as open with challenges to similar statements they make ,then public prospective of Brexit would be very different. 


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  • Gold FFM

Roll on March.

i sincerely hope that all the business folks and political meddlers who will be proved wrong are then fully upheld for their actions and discharged from any public office.

In the cases of some - I’d also consider them to have broken misconduct in public office laws

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11 hours ago, C8RKH said:

The big win is that the consumer cocks who insist on buying bottled water imported from abroad will hopefully finally wake up how they have been scammed out of thousands for years...



This is a perfect example of the benefits of being outside the customs union. The government could, and should, impose the maximum possible tariff on imported bottled water to discourage idiots from buying water thats been trucked over from France in plastic bottles. The cost to the environment of this nonsense is huge.


1 hour ago, pete said:

Not often he makes people chuckle

No way he would have said that himself, made up quote but correct.

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BBC now saying no deal may affect the grand national. Scraping the barrel comes to mind

hindsight: the science that is never wrong

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On 21/08/2018 at 08:04, CHANGES said:

I see they are at it again today.....  This time big scare stories about the NHS  saying If there is a hard  Brexit then we may have trouble getting essential drugs needed to prevent diseases that could mean not being able to get treatment needed..   

Notice the IF's , the MAY's , and the COULD's , in that statement..    By including those words the statement , although inflammatory in its nature is not at all definitive..     This is a classic case of FALSE NEWS, again..   We have no evidence there will or will not be a hard Brexit.     Making this sort statement based on supposition is pure scare mongering to undermine the British people confidence in any and all procedures so the agitators can sacrifice democracy for their own selfish ends..  

If as much effort was put into a positive Brexit by the same people the EU would be bending over backwards for trade deals with the UK..    Its a classic case of elements of the remain side trying to weaken the position of the UK in negotiations by inflaming engineered comments on subjects creating  subliminal messages to the general public.   

We need someone to stand up and counter all these statements and expose them for what they really are...  The biggest problem is the Media (mainly the BBC)  are all on the remain side , so getting air time will be impossible..    

In September 1940  Germany wasted its time bombing London..  They should have just infiltrated the BBC in 1938..        

Isn't it just a case of scare stories sell news while people aren't interested in good news?

S4 Elan, Elan +2S, Federal-spec, World Championship Edition S2 Esprit #42, S1 Elise, Excel SE


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