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Nobody wants a other lockdown, but the latest data is showing the NHS will be overrun before the end of November what is so hard to understand about that? and comments on here saying people should ignore the lockdown is beyond belief it is not them who would have to choose who lives or dies if we do nothing and NHS is overwhelmed.

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  • Gold FFM

For the last several decades - no matter what - the nhs has always stated they are overrun and don’t have enough beds. 

The government are providing very limited light touch “support” for huge swathes of folks - whom are now in a position of fight or flight. They have been backed into a corner. Don’t be surprised when they refuse to comply with a request which could ruin them and leave them in debt for years. 

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Here is a genuine question. We are being told that if nothing is done up to 4000 deaths a day could ensue. But we are doing something, various regional lockdowns are in place. So is the 4000 a day taking into account current restrictions or is it with no restrictions?

As a note Devon has had 0 deaths in the past 7 days, the local Nightingale hospital has never opened for Covid patients and why the f£££ are Liverpool (Tier 3 lockdown)students queuing outside of costume hire shops for their Halloween costumes so they can go to their illicit Halloween parties (BBC News).

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@marchI think the honest answer would be that no one knows!

The media keep on reeling out professor after professor, all who have different views. They might only be a professor of cardboard boxes but they are a professor so, according to the media, know everything. 🙄

As for the shop hiring Halloween costumes, essential goods I suppose 🤔🤔🤔. Why didn’t they get closed down?

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35 minutes ago, scotty435 said:

Nobody wants a other lockdown, but the latest data is showing the NHS will be overrun before the end of November what is so hard to understand about that? and comments on here saying people should ignore the lockdown is beyond belief it is not them who would have to choose who lives or dies if we do nothing and NHS is overwhelmed.

I agree nobody wants another lockdown. However, we do seem to be being railroaded into one. Yes, there is a spike in the number of confirmed (if the tests are to be believed) cases however there is not a corresponding spike in admissions to ICU or people on ventilators and indeed, as mentioned above, the Nightingale response hospitals are not currently needed. Given this, if we put aside the mass hysteria being ramped up by the press, where is the actual justification for a full national lockdown? I am sorry, but blindly pedalling "they say we need one so we need one" is not the right way forward. I think people should question the decisions that are being made.  Again, as mentioned earlier, there is a 99.7% RECOVERY RATE currently for people confirmed with COVID so again, where is the justification in that to put nigh on 60m people in Lockdown?  Again, we should be questioning the decision making here and balancing, as we always have to do, the risks with the impacts.

I've played by the rules since March. Fully compliant. But in that time I have seen wankers, tossers, and the like flagrantly breaking the rules, whether they be entitled middle class fcukwits with their campervans/caravans/2nd homes who think the rules for everyone else do not apply to them, or youngsters who believe "it is our right to party and we should not be stopped from partying".  Maybe if these swamp donkeys had actually "followed" the rules, and not just selfishly thought of themselves, we would not be in this position now? And I absolutely guarantee that lockdown or not, these same fcuktards will continue to behave in the same way.

I don't have the answers, but I am absolutely bloody delighted that I am not in Government and having to make sense of all of this.  Remember the furore over the summer about people not being able to go to Spain on their package holidays and the self centred middle class twits who were whinging they couldn't go to their 2nd homes in France etc?  What was the problem? Their Covid rates were lower than ours? Cry, cry, whinge whinge. Well look what has happened over there and how they have been ravaged by the Covid most probably imported by fuckwit British people who "just had to have their holiday or they would die" - well the stark reality is that people over there will die as a result of your bloody selfishness!

I think the horse has bolted re a second lockdown. The damage has already been done and a lot of that damage was done by selfish fcuktards who put themselves first and who were egged on by a rabid press that was desperate, as it always seems to be in this country, to drive us to sink to ever lower levels of intelligence and self obsessed fcukwittery.

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God doesn't want me, and the Devil isn't finished with me yet.


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My comments and observations are my own, invariably "tongue in cheek", and definitely, sarcastic in nature. Therefore, do not take my advice, suggestions, observations or posts seriously or personally and remember if you do, do anything, that I may have suggested, then you have done this based solely on your own decision to do so and therefore you acknowledge responsibility and accountability (I know, in this modern world these are the hardest things for you to accept) for your actions and indemnify me of any influence, responsibility, accountability, or liability, in what you have done. In other words, you did it, so suffer the consequences on your own!

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1 hour ago, rjwooll said:

A very good interview with Dr Mike Yeadon:

Last night this was ‘greyed out’ as fake news. Back online now thank goodness.


Assuming that the monthly total death rate figures are not elevated as he says, this seems like a pretty sensible, believable view from someone who should understand this stuff.

Lots of ‘normal’ deaths, plus those as a result of restricted access to NHS care for cancers etc over the last few months could well be labelled as Covid deaths given the sheer volume of testing and the (apparently) significant % of false positives the PCR test can generate.

Only question is why the government and their experts wouldn’t take that view and return things to normal given the huge financial impacts of continuing to believe that something is out there...

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2 hours ago, eeyoreish said:

Assuming that the monthly total death rate figures are not elevated as he says, this seems like a pretty sensible, believable view from someone who should understand this stuff.

Lots of ‘normal’ deaths, plus those as a result of restricted access to NHS care for cancers etc over the last few months could well be labelled as Covid deaths given the sheer volume of testing and the (apparently) significant % of false positives the PCR test can generate.

Only question is why the government and their experts wouldn’t take that view and return things to normal given the huge financial impacts of continuing to believe that something is out there...

The interesting thing - mathematically - about false positives is that their effect is massively magnified with low infection rates.

Assume a false positive rate of 5% and an infection incidence of 50%. In a sample of 100 people, 5% who were not positive would make a total of 55 testing positively. This is a 10% error rate so not too bad. You could argue that 50% of the 5% would be included in the true positives making an even better error rate of 5% - I’m not sufficiently up to speed with the statistical methodology to say which is correct.

In contrast, take a situation (closer to the real one) with a disease incidence of 1%, you would still get 5% testing positive who aren’t. In our sample of 100, this makes 1+5=6 positive results, an error rate of 500%!

However this needs to be treated cautiously as the authorities have not declared what the false positive rate actually is.


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So, if we are to believe that the pandemic is actually over and the increasing numbers being reported now are due to false positive tests and ‘other’ conditions, who are all the people filling up the hospital ICUs? Normal flu victims or something else? 

Presumably the level of hospital admissions is really above average, otherwise why are we worried about the hospitals being swamped if this happens every year.

Its the only thing I can’t square with the theory that false positives is the problem...

Not worth starting anything now...🍺

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  • Gold FFM

I saw some very interesting stats regarding hospital bed occupancy - which showed covid taking up about 10% of all beds available.  That passes the common sense check with the colour block chart on bed availability shown by Boris’s goons last night.

Statistics can be twisted to tell any story you would like. Those stats have now been removed from Facebook - nowt like silencing debate under the guise of false news.

what do I believe ? Who knows - one thing is for sure - I’ve not seen a huge surge in hearse movements round us.

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55 minutes ago, eeyoreish said:

So, if we are to believe that the pandemic is actually over and the increasing numbers being reported now are due to false positive tests and ‘other’ conditions, who are all the people filling up the hospital ICUs? Normal flu victims or something else? 

Presumably the level of hospital admissions is really above average, otherwise why are we worried about the hospitals being swamped if this happens every year.

Its the only thing I can’t square with the theory that false positives is the problem...

The theory explained by Dr Mike Yeadon in the video is roughly that overall admissions are within the bounds of seasonal normality. I guess Covid causes stress on the system because those that are admitted and that test positive are segregated, which implies a less efficient allocation of resources.

The point about false positives is that they inflate the number of reported ‘cases’ which will probably go on to be asymptomatic.

The telling statistic is excess deaths. He comments that these are only slightly above the norm, and that this slight excess can be accounted for by premature deaths in middle age of people who with heart conditions, strokes, cancer etc and did not receive treatment because of the pandemic response. Only time will tell if he’s right, but I respect his courage in speaking out.

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  • Gold FFM
8 hours ago, C8RKH said:

I've played by the rules since March. Fully compliant. But in that time I have seen wankers, tossers, and the like flagrantly breaking the rules, whether they be entitled middle class fcukwits with their campervans/caravans/2nd homes who think the rules for everyone else do not apply to them, or youngsters who believe "it is our right to party and we should not be stopped from partying".  Maybe if these swamp donkeys had actually "followed" the rules, and not just selfishly thought of themselves, we would not be in this position now? And I absolutely guarantee that lockdown or not, these same fcuktards will continue to behave in the same way.

The media and government have succeeded. You are now a part of the division they have been seeking. This has let them distract away from the very route cause of the problem - that being the PRC have unleashed a global pandemic - far worse than any chemical or biological attack that the Russians have done recently in the uk. Maybe if the truth was shared people would behave differently. Either way - it suits those in power to set the minions on each other.

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6 hours ago, SFO said:

Wow, interesting stuff from a very eloquent and legally knowledgable gent.

For me that goes a long way to answering the question why is the Government continuing to follow the lockdown and removal of liberty approach if it’s unlikely to be effective as the Dr in the earlier Youtube video suggests.

Longer term erosion of democracy and the retention of much more draconian powers that they gain in these times could well be the aim. Especially as it seems the same happened with powers granted in WW2 that were still being used in the ‘90s because successive Governments had not wished to relinquish them! 

Unless this is challenged it seems the warning is that democracy as we know it may become a thing of the past as Ministers continue to rule in a much more autocratic way, using fear to justify their means...

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8 hours ago, PaulCP said:

Had to laugh at Starmer this morning (difficult not to at times).

He was reported as saying that the lockdown should be immediate & not wait for Thursday. 
Well Sir Kier, it was your fcukwit self important MPs who insisted that all these decisions should be brought before Parliament for debate before being implemented. :wallbash:

Next up was the man who is full of wisdom and reconciliation called Ian Blackford, at which point I turned the TV off, something I tend to do when he appears!


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  • Gold FFM

Haha - yes I do love the cheap point scoring by all politicians. Sir Kier must surely have forgotten about his mate Mr Burnham - he stopped the lockdowns in Manchester for how long exactly while he moaned and argued.

it’s all about division folks nothing else

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  • Gold FFM

What I’m truly saddened by is the lack of provision for school age kids. Now the government have missed a huge and massive opportunity.

day 1 of the very first lockdown - a national curriculum delivered via the internet and bbc red button could have been transformational. The curriculum is fixed and changes little from year to year. They could have furloughed many of the poor teachers at underperforming schools and used inspirational teachers to deliver a national program. Local teachers could then have been used for targeted interventions. We could really have transformed our education provision. Sadly many schools just shut and teachers stuck their feet up for months. 

there you go - the bbc and the government have made me become divisive now.

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A few reasons that your suggestion didn’t happen Barry, other than the govt didn’t pursue it.

1. The teachers union representing the lazy element of teachers plucked out figures from mid air pertaining to represent the number of kids who come from homes who don’t have internet access or possess a computer. Of course they were too thick to understand that kids computer games and x boxes etc usually require both for them to continually play games on.

2. It would require parents to take responsibility for supervising their kids. Whilst many do there is a certain element that do not and don’t want to.

3. It would require the lazy element of teachers to have to do something rather than enjoy an extended holiday with full pay.

Lets see what the teachers union comes up with this week. I think we all know what’s coming

For clarity, I do know and accept that the majority of teachers do and want to do a great job. However there are a few that want to take the piss and rely on their union to continue playing politics for them.

Now, if only we’d all been wise and voted Corbyn in. At least the internet excuse/solution would have been fixed🙄

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It's all a conspiracy against the Northern working man and his misses who is tied to the kitchen sink dropping babies like plates on to the kitchen floor. They only have the babies to get the extra child allowance and income support you know as that lot "up North" are scrounging lazy feckers who wouldn't know a decent days work, in a posh office with free coffee and chums called Rupert, Tristram and George to chat to and decide on where to go for lunch for a nice steak tartare and a bottle of merlot (drop the T, it's silent you know!) whilst their misses is at home tied to the bed by a real man who happens to be a Plumber!

Of course, those statements there are utter bollocks. Just like most of the "conspiracy" stories that are running around the internet at the moment. Me, I'm firmly in the camp that says "no-one really has a clue what to do other than to blame someone else for what they did do / didn't do whilst at the same time saying to themselves thank f@@k it's mot my job to try to mask any sense out of this".

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God doesn't want me, and the Devil isn't finished with me yet.


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My comments and observations are my own, invariably "tongue in cheek", and definitely, sarcastic in nature. Therefore, do not take my advice, suggestions, observations or posts seriously or personally and remember if you do, do anything, that I may have suggested, then you have done this based solely on your own decision to do so and therefore you acknowledge responsibility and accountability (I know, in this modern world these are the hardest things for you to accept) for your actions and indemnify me of any influence, responsibility, accountability, or liability, in what you have done. In other words, you did it, so suffer the consequences on your own!

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Sorry this is not about politics it’s about common sense and life and death some members on here like to play the blame game 👆the one post I totally agree with is the reply to my previous post and a person i don’t always agree with C8RKH the mention of fcuktards let’s not lower our selfs into that category. Let’s nots be Covidiots whining mask don’t work, lock the oldies away, sage have got it wrong. 

sorry it’s not now my previous comment now C8RKH as posted again,I have not read is last post yet, but I am sure he is not encouraging people on this forum to break the lockdown rules, unlike some ?

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You are correct, I am not encouraging anyone to break the lockdown rules and as I have said I have steadfastly followed them including not having a holiday away etc.

However @scotty435 I do have to say it would seem the fcuktards are back out in force today as per the picture below and the news stories re yet again shelves being stripped bare by some of the most selfish peasants in the world! I mean, bottled bloody water! When you can have as much as you want. Out of the tap. When you need it?  And what is it with the bloody hoarding of toilet paper. It's not as you can eat the bloody stuff.  Do you shit more during a pandemic? Some people in this country have lost the complete and utter plot.

This shopper at an Essex Costco needed two trolleys for all her essential goods

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My comments and observations are my own, invariably "tongue in cheek", and definitely, sarcastic in nature. Therefore, do not take my advice, suggestions, observations or posts seriously or personally and remember if you do, do anything, that I may have suggested, then you have done this based solely on your own decision to do so and therefore you acknowledge responsibility and accountability (I know, in this modern world these are the hardest things for you to accept) for your actions and indemnify me of any influence, responsibility, accountability, or liability, in what you have done. In other words, you did it, so suffer the consequences on your own!

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Let’s be honest, this “lockdown” will be nothing like as severe as the springtime one. Most businesses will still be operating. Children of all ages will be in education. People will still be allowed to go outside for more than 30 minutes exercise each day. You can still drive to and from your non critical jobs. No-one has been told to shield. If it wasn’t for hospitality and non-essential shops closing, you won’t really notice anything has changed in your day-to-day lives since last week.

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