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nhs trust appologises for charging over seas patients for care !!!


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Really !!!! apparently some of the patients felt hurt they had been asked for payment ?? huh ??? is it just me or should the wokeness be removed and common sense take precident ?? what happens if we go into a spanish hospital (or any country other than ours (appologies if that makes me sound a nationalist 🙄) )  with or without medical insurance ??

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  • Gold FFM

Though shit. Pay up - end of.

we’ve been the fools of The world for far too long.

The kids and I saw an eu foreign national clearly under the influence muller his car into a 7.5t truck a few weeks ago. He’s now severely brain damaged in intensive care - certainly won’t walk ever again - doubt ever wipe his own ass either. Guess who’s picking up the tab for that.

sorry if that seems callous 

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  • Gold FFM

Seriously chap - I hope they don’t broadcast the 999 call on tv. The film crews arrived shortly after with the ambulance and fire trucks.  He was f£cked - nowt I could do for him - he would have been better off dead.

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21 minutes ago, windymiller said:

Really !!!! apparently some of the patients felt hurt they had been asked for payment ?

Some people just come here for treatment and then try to escape without paying. I believe that A&E is free, but as soon as you need more treatment - eg to a ward then they have to pay per night + fees. There have been programs on tv about people skipping charges, and if bad enough are stopped from coming to the uk again. 

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I had to visit the hospital when holidaying in Slovenia in 2017 due to an eye infection.

After showing my EHIC card, I had to pay a small amount (30EUR I think) before they could see me.

I was seen by a doctor within 1/2 hour of entering the hospital.

Did I "feel hurt" being asked for payment - nope not a bit of it, as it was their country, their rules.




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3 hours ago, Francisco Franco said:

I’ve had two operations in Spain, both on the EHIC card, I count my blessings as Spanish hospitals are miles better than the average hospital here. Other than A and E, the majority of the NHS is not fit for purpose

Bollocks! Saying that the majority of NHS is not fit for purpose is utter bollocks. No issue with you believing Spanish hospitals are better. The NHS could be more efficient for sure but that's a seperate issue to do with entitled, arrogant, egotistical senior doctors and consultants more than anything else.

6 months before Covid my sister in law was in Italy. Broke her leg. Got to A&E and despite having her EHIC card she was left on a trolley, with no care until my brother in law swiped his credit card! Wouldn't even give her anything for the pain 

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The NHS is rotten on all levels, for a start, conscientious full time nurses have to work alongside work shy uninterested agency staff who actually earn more money per shift than the regulars, you can imagine the effect that has on morale. Then there is the Covid thing which has allowed the workshy even more opportunities to skive, and that is on all levels, from the cleaners to the senior management.
As for your sister, obviously I know nothing of the facts, but I do know that their is a two tier hospital system in most other european countries, there are hospitals that will do nothing without payment first, then there are the hospitals that work in a similar way to ours, ie treatment first. These hospitals are on the local government lists, I realise that in an emergency it would be easily overlooked.

As for the Bollocks side of things, I stand by my original comment, and the unfortunate thing is a few of us on here are getting to the age that we are going to find out how fu**ing useless they really are


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My Mum died in a Spanish hospital in March, 14 years there she was a Spanish national. She was diagnosed with meningitis, covid, diabetes, pneumonia and a number of other very serious ailments. Turns out that she did have Covid which passed quite quickly and pneumonia and it was the latter that was the final illness. The others were guesses, they didn't even do tests and this was very hard to deal with knowing how ill she was when the hospital was guessing what was wrong with her. Trying to call her was a nightmare, every room has a phone but it's screwed to the wall on the other side of the room to the bed. No-one answers it. I was also told by her friends out there she was restrained to her bed at times. I'm not a fan of the Spanish health service. 

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I don't blame you buddy and so sorry to hear. 

Only time abroad I have used a Hospital is in Cyprus. They are excellent. Used to treating Brits who think they should get everything for free and sort of have a Half UK, Half Greek system. Get seen for free pay for treatment if required but no charge if not, though they will charge an Idiot Brit for sunburn or injury due to drunkeness. They are efficient, well staffed and clean. 

Personally I don't mind paying for certain kinds of healthcare. When i was diagnosed with Cancer I had unsatisfactory results from the Urologist so paid for a second opinion within Bupa. It not only saved my penis but the after effects which I would have lived with for my whole life.

My daughter is a Doctor in A&E and my Wife a Specialist Nurse and I have nothing but respect for all staff and anyone who works for the NHS when they could easily earn much more elsewhere. 

However the NHS organisation and Administration is a Dinosaur that needs to change. All foreign nationals using it SHOULD without doubt, be charged the same as we are through our National Insurance. Everyone says it's free, but don't forget, IF you work, you pay 11% of you wages for the NHS and your state pension (supposedly). Why are we always the whipping boy of Eurpope where everyone else charges our citizens for healthcare but we don't charge them?

For everyone who says Healthcare spending on those not paying for it is minor............. £1.8 Billion a year! 

https://fullfact.org/health/health-tourists-how-much-do-they-cost-and-who-pays/#:~:text='Normal' use of the NHS,£1.8 billion a year.

I fully support our system of heathcare and our staff and Nurses and like @C8RKHI totally refute any claim that its not fit for purpose. However it does need some major organisational changes from the ground up in terms of administration and Management.

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Possibly save your life. Check out this website. https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/mens-cancer



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It’s good that you are having first class treatment, but plenty of people aren’t, it all comes down to where you live and who is treating you, bit of a lucky dip really. I have met the head of Oncology at my local hospital and would liken him to Coco the clown. Whereas my Father in law was treated at The Royal Free and like yourself has had excellent treatment…. Shouldn’t really be down to where you live or who is treating you, but unfortunately it is

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there is a thing that in my youth and naivity i assumed if your a dr or a solicitor or A.N. other professional all would be good in safe hands etc because youve all passed the same exams etc ?? but having dealt with supposidly the best legal practice in east anglia for 3.5 years ive changed my mind and now watch you tube clips before i talk to  anyone lol 

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3 hours ago, Francisco Franco said:

Shouldn’t really be down to where you live or who is treating you, but unfortunately it is

It will be the same in Spain. Good Doctors. Bad Doctors. Great hospitals. Bad hospitals. You are dealing with people and people are the a large part of the variable.

Like it or not you, your family and friends are a tiny spec compared to the vast numbers treated by the NHS the majority of whom get an excellent standard of care. So I still call bollocks unless you have evidence, real evidence, to support your pov.

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The original leaflet for the NHS when it was launched. What happened to the dental care then?? This clearly says "medical,  dental and nursing care" would be free.

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Only here in Scotland thanks to Barnett :)

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My comments and observations are my own, invariably "tongue in cheek", and definitely, sarcastic in nature. Therefore, do not take my advice, suggestions, observations or posts seriously or personally and remember if you do, do anything, that I may have suggested, then you have done this based solely on your own decision to do so and therefore you acknowledge responsibility and accountability (I know, in this modern world these are the hardest things for you to accept) for your actions and indemnify me of any influence, responsibility, accountability, or liability, in what you have done. In other words, you did it, so suffer the consequences on your own!

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  • Gold FFM

Not even prescription charges in Scotland. Suppose the amount of methadone supplied up there is why is English folks still have to pay.

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We just manage our resources better Barry. You know, the cheques that come north each month lol...... 

God doesn't want me, and the Devil isn't finished with me yet.


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My comments and observations are my own, invariably "tongue in cheek", and definitely, sarcastic in nature. Therefore, do not take my advice, suggestions, observations or posts seriously or personally and remember if you do, do anything, that I may have suggested, then you have done this based solely on your own decision to do so and therefore you acknowledge responsibility and accountability (I know, in this modern world these are the hardest things for you to accept) for your actions and indemnify me of any influence, responsibility, accountability, or liability, in what you have done. In other words, you did it, so suffer the consequences on your own!

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