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Climate Change Poll! Another Kimbers Poll!


Your View on Climate Change  

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the point in time they have used to base the temp increases from (apparently pre industrialisation) is in fact the coldest point within the previous 10,000 years so we were always going to be getting hotter !!! the roman warming period and the medieval warming period had no farting cows nor suv's, whilst i agree we can / need to change habits etc it can and is causing fuel poverty with those most vunerable i.e the poor and elderly, there is always two sides of an argument and the other side of the climate change debate is not heard because it doent suit the aims of "those" dictating the changes. on the one hand were planting trees then you see some councils and or forestry commissions cutting down thousands of trees either side of a footpath for safety reasons to walkers ??? wtf ???😒 

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did anyone see guy martins and the fastest ev car attempt ?? some interesting tech but when he tried to drive from his to john o groats !! joke, when we went to devon the other week pulled into fleet services 20 odd te4sla points only one was working !!!!

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  • Gold FFM
7 hours ago, Kimbers said:

I am pretty sure Climate change is happening. Think most can agree on this. However whether it is human caused, human affected or totally natural seems to be a matter of discussion

No. It's not a matter of discussion. To entertain discussion on this issue is abhorrent.

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  • Gold FFM

I thought it was cows. Then it’s vw and diesels. Aircraft - constant flying everywhere. Humans obsession with cheap imports - it goes on an on. 

wonder if that’s what happened to the dinosaurs 

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Yes, we are affecting the climate, but ...

Consider the ice sheet was over 1 mile thick where I write this from..  There were no humans around to melt it.

I thinlk one cannot discount bigger effects like volcanoes and asteroids.

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I mostly agree with your reasoning Kimbers.

To me it is clear climate change is used mainly to push new regulations and new taxes, everything needs to be about CO2, while at the same time we're (and especially those in power) are neglecting the environment as a whole and are doing more damage to the planet than the slow and mainly natural rise in temperature could ever do.

I have made many mistakes in my life. Buying a multiple Lotus is not one of them.


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I totally believe we are affecting the climate however I totally believe its all about Politics. Why else would you, in the UK, say there's a total ban on Petrol and Diesel cars, whilst simultaneously opening Planning regs so people can build anywhere, anytime and on Green field sites. Here in Norfolk the Council just approved a housing estate on "Protected" land which is a recently planted Natural British Wood with Oaks, Ash and a mix of natural Trees. 

Why else would you make everyone pay more taxes to create more and more sustainable and carbon zero electricity whilst simultaneously agreeing to build HS2 through 2 of the oldest Ancient forests in the UK and wiping out nature reserves and areas put aside for green activities?

No. The reason I hate this whole thing is the absolute hypocracy! If it gets votes then F**k the Green spaces! Whilst demanding everyone sacrifice car's and telling everyone "How Dare you" a certain young Climate Change activist is pictured with a Banana from Costa Rica and a single use Plastic bottle.

Whilst Demanding the Govt taxes flying to a level where the poorer people won't be able to afford to go away, no one says a thing about the Fashion industry which is less green and puts more Co2 into the atmosphere than both flying and Shipping added together! 

Stupid, stupid stupid!  

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Possibly save your life. Check out this website. https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/mens-cancer



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What percent of CO2 is from human activity?
In fact, carbon dioxide, which is blamed for climate warming, has only a volume share of 0.04 percent in the atmosphere. And of these 0.04 percent CO2, 95 percent come from natural sources, such as volcanoes or decomposition processes in nature. The human CO2 content in the air is thus only 0.0016 percent
there are some benifits to the increase in temp and co2 that being homes need less heating (albeit by either fossil fuel (a reduction of sustainable sources)) many plants / crops  grow better and give a better yield with higher co2 levels, yes i do beleive we need to change but not necessarily in the timescale we are trying nor with the scare tactics used by the msm, as i say two sides to the story and the natural cycle of the sun doesnt get a mention (milankovitch cycles) 
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ive seen a graph that proves as ice cream sales in florida increase so do shark attacks !!!! sharks attracted to the ice cream eating swimmers lol nope just that ppl swiim in the summer more when ice cream sales increase !!! my caution / indifference is tying increase co2 as the cause to warming temps, the sea stores large amounts of co2 and as the temp of the sea increases it emits co2 so which comes first the chicken or the egg ?? but as kimbers quite rightly poiunts out we have an idiot president in brazil actively promoting the deforestation of the rain forest surely the western world can lay down the law ?? (ie bribe them with grants) youve got iran blowing up saudi oil fields (cant do anything about that) india china america russia belching out far more co2 per person than us but in the case of india and to a degree china, we used fossil fuels to fuel ourt industrial revolution and get out of poverty why shouldnt they (in their defence) i guess there is no right answer apart from forget silly suffolk humour ie dont fart and laugh about it anymore 😁 

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  • Gold FFM

I have no problem with them pushing electric cars, I think they should focus on green energy sources primarily as this is the root issue with any generation of power. I don't think they need to force everyone into electric, there will be diminishing returns as you reach less and less people, so as long as the majority have migrated (which should be possible) the minority, where it's a total PITA to own one should be left alone. 25% of people park on the road, a reasonable amount of those will be doing short journeys and/or the pavement will be big enough to accommodate a charging point for each car (nicely integrated please!)

There will be a group remaining who live in little roads or are enthusiasts and just want a petrol car. They will not have a large impact at this point, you just need to get over tipping point with the majority. Synthetic fuels should be used in these instances as well to minimise impact.


I do have issues with the idea of heat pumps in housing and banning gas fired boilers. Again, those in smaller houses are going to suffer. Ground source will not be possible because there is nowhere to sink it/nowhere to store the enormous tech to actually deal with the heat conversion to your house. Air to air heat recovery is alright until it gets quite cold and then it just stops working... Which is rather unfortunate for a heat source! I think some new tech is needed there.

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39 minutes ago, Kimbers said:

All I want is a 2 bed place in Cyprus close to the sea so I can swim every day, close to the restaurants so I can eat fresh fish and enough income to do that

98% of the world's population would be happy with that. And therein lies the problem but whilst that might seem like a frugal existence to you, multiply the resources needed to make it a reality and sustain it by 7.84bn, then that is how many people would be happy and content with a similar lifestyle to yours (c.98% of population). Divide it by say 3, and that means we'd only need 2.613bn 2 bed places.

I think those maths perfectly show the size and extent of the problem EVEN for a simple lifestyle @Kimbers. Without a major decrease in population, and a significant reversal of the explosion of the population growth, this planet is dead! We're doomed.  That is the real reality that no one, is willing to address.

I came into this world screaming and covered in someone elses blood. I'll probably leave it in the same way. 


The small print.

My comments and observations are my own, invariably "tongue in cheek", and definitely, sarcastic in nature. Therefore, do not take my advice, suggestions, observations or posts seriously or personally and remember if you do, do anything, that I may have suggested, then you have done this based solely on your own decision to do so and therefore you acknowledge responsibility and accountability (I know, in this modern world these are the hardest things for you to accept) for your actions and indemnify me of any influence, responsibility, accountability, or liability, in what you have done. In other words, you did it, so suffer the consequences on your own!

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It's complicated stuff, this climate change.

@windymillerDavid Crisp of NASA JPL doesn't agree with your figures as to how much the increase in CO2 is down to us. They think it has increased by 47% since the start of the industrial age and the type of carbon has been quantified as being from human use of fossil fuels.

The Atmosphere: Getting a Handle on Carbon Dioxide – Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet (nasa.gov)

CO2 is not the only greenhouse gas and to concentrate on that alone is probably wrong. There's a lot we don't know but, do we do nothing and just let it happen, or do we try to do something.

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  • Gold FFM

The quantifiable measurements are the issue. The measuring methods have changed over the years as has the technology and accuracy. Which in turn means most baseline data has to have been extrapolated and essentially made up based on assumptions.

be clear though - I’m no climate change denier - however I do believe the damage was essentially done multiple decades ago.

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