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I've added you to the Herts / Essex / Cambs monthly PM list - we have a breakfast meeting this Sunday.

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Thanks for the welcome - very kind of you all.

13 hours ago, ChrisJ said:

I've added you to the Herts / Essex / Cambs monthly PM list - we have a breakfast meeting this Sunday.

Awesome, great to see there are local events. I think I bumped I stumbled across one of your meets a few months ago. This Sunday may be a stretch but thank you for adding me to the group, I'll definitely be along in the not to distant future....


12 hours ago, Bibs said:

Welcome! Nice to see it being used well too! How do you enjoy the 'Ring, done many laps?

Thanks Bibs! Er a fair few I guess, enough to lose count. I love the track, but last time I went I vowed never to go again. Even on a painfully expensive private day, the place was overrun with people driving like idiots. Young guys binning it on sighting laps whilst videoing themselves for Instagram, driving like hooligans, constantly going off  and generally ruining the day for everyone else. Over a full day, red flags were probably out 50% of the time. Never again. Spa is the dream, I hear the idiots haven't made it there in force yet...

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Welcome to TLF @Marbles :welcome: 

Great to see you leading the Porsche as well.

Any questions or issues with using the forums, feel free to ask one of us mods. We're here to help . :) 


All we know is that when they stop making this, we will be properly, properly sad.Jeremy Clarkson on the Esprit.

Opinions are like armpits. Everyone has them, some just stink more than others.

For forum issues, please contact one of the Moderators. (I'm not one of the elves anymore, but I'll leave the link here)

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