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Is electric really the answer?

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5 hours ago, gregs24 said:

Two important factors to consider here:

Firstly CO2 is not the only driver of global temperature and there were some very strong drivers of global temperature millions of years ago that are not changing at present. Secondly almost that entire graph has no human derived input until the very last little squiggle - as in it is driven by natural factors. The link between CO2 and temperature during the time humans have been able to influence CO2 is dramatic and clear. That sort of graph is trotted out by climate change deniers regularly but don't be fooled. The first graph uses Ice core samples to correlate CO2 and temperature the latter is just CO2 but shows the recent dramatic uptick.

Graph of temperature change and carbon dioxide change measured from the EPICA Dome C ice core in Antarctica

data graph



Sorry The Science does not support that, and if you have it you can claim this prize. I'm a believer in climate change but not the AGW caused version that was created by Michael Mann and the IPCC, identified in Climate Gate. Please keep an open mind as to the reality



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4 minutes ago, au-yt said:

Sorry The Science does not support that,


I usually find you can find a version of science that supports the view you believe. It's usually written by people who share your common view.

Not aimed at you @au-yt, just an observation in general.

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God doesn't want me, and the Devil isn't finished with me yet.


The small print.

My comments and observations are my own, invariably "tongue in cheek", and definitely, sarcastic in nature. Therefore, do not take my advice, suggestions, observations or posts seriously or personally and remember if you do, do anything, that I may have suggested, then you have done this based solely on your own decision to do so and therefore you acknowledge responsibility and accountability (I know, in this modern world these are the hardest things for you to accept) for your actions and indemnify me of any influence, responsibility, accountability, or liability, in what you have done. In other words, you did it, so suffer the consequences on your own!

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30 minutes ago, au-yt said:

Sorry The Science does not support that, and if you have it you can claim this prize



You do know who Ben Davidson is don't you ? Described as a 'Pseudoscientific doomsday cult' and is a well known conspiracy theorist and science sceptic.

If that is the sort of information source you consider credible you are very misguided.


So the science does support what I said - the science doesn't support what the crank Ben Davidson says.

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As I said I'm not a climate denier far from it, Google NASA's temp graphs ( not NOAA) on what happened when the C-19 pandemic shut down industry, did the earth cool? no it went up due to the lack of irradiatience reflection caused by the lack of pollution.

Ive been studying this for 12 years and there is far more to the science that any media out let will discuss as it doesn't reflect the current scare mantra

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1 minute ago, au-yt said:

As I said I'm not a climate denier far from it, Google NASA's temp graphs ( not NOAA) on what happened when the C-19 pandemic shut down industry, did the earth cool? no it went up due to the lack of irradiatience reflection caused by the lack of pollution.

Ive been studying this for 12 years and there is far more to the science that any media out let will discuss as it doesn't reflect the current scare mantra

Oh dear - do your research !!!! Q 🤣

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Just now, gregs24 said:

You do know who Ben Davidson is don't you ? Described as a 'Pseudoscientific doomsday cult' and is a well known conspiracy theorist and science sceptic.

If that is the sort of information source you consider credible you are very misguided.


So the science does support what I said - the science doesn't support what the crank Ben Davidson says.

So you been on wiki,

If Ben is a dooms dayer why have major university in the US now using his textbooks,

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Just now, au-yt said:

So you been on wiki,

If Ben is a dooms dayer why have major university in the US now using his textbooks,

Why, if you have been researching this for 12 years have you quoted that crank? More to the point after 12 years I would hope you have published something that has been peer reviewed that we can all read ?

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1 minute ago, gregs24 said:

Oh dear - do your research !!!! Q 🤣

As I said I have, The number of things that effect the climate is far more than C02. So what do you understand about the Global electric circuit or galactic forcing and not just from the sun?

2 minutes ago, gregs24 said:

Why, if you have been researching this for 12 years have you quoted that crank? More to the point after 12 years I would hope you have published something that has been peer reviewed that we can all read ?

I haven't but Ben has.

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20 minutes ago, au-yt said:

As I said I have, The number of things that effect the climate is far more than C02. So what do you understand about the Global electric circuit or galactic forcing and not just from the sun?

I haven't but Ben has.

Good old Ben - Well we know what he is, so that doesn't leave much for you!

Galactic forcing - that old chestnut. Well according to people who have done more than 12 years worth of Googling, it is a hoax theory promoted by conspiracy theorists.

Don't forget to pay your Q subs 🤣


For anybody in the UK who hasn't heard of Ben Davidson - Think Youtube's equivalent of David Icke - only a bit weirder !

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There was I thinking the planet went through it’s own climate change periods of getting warm and very cold, and warm again, I’m sure when I was at school we did projects on the ice age etc.

I agree where you can build solar powered generators (wind turbines, PV and solar HW panels, Hydro and tidal) then this benefits the human race, if persons want to purchase electric or hydrogen powered cars instead of petrol or diesel for whatever reason then they should be able to; and yes Sue very much wants to purchase an electric Lotus SUV in the next few years me I’ll stick to my petrol ICE

if in future years it is proven that me/others have f**ked up the planet by using inappropriate vehicles then I apologise to my grandsons now

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Darryl & Sue

Proud to drive and own since new a true British supercar the Evora GT430

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15 hours ago, exeterjeep said:

Down in the South West rail lines do not have overhead lines or 3rd rails. Imagine all the lost overhead wires every few months along the sea wall at Dawlish, new trains have been introduced in the last 12-18 months, to replace the IC125s

I see today that these new trains have been taken out of service due to cracks/inspection required. These new trains run electric on overhead lines and diesel in the other outer forgotten areas of our country.

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11 hours ago, au-yt said:

Greg, I think we need to agree to disagree.


If by agreeing to disagree you mean I have to accept Ben Davidson is a reputable source of information then I'm afraid not. This is a man who reckons he can predict earthquakes and is nothing more than a charlatan and purveyor of snake oil.

Happy to end the discussion.

3 hours ago, C8RKH said:

The important thing is, what does Greta say?

I mean, she's a world renowned, widely published, highly qualified scientist and researcher with years of experience behind her. Courted by politicians. Heads of State. Musicians. Grannies and middle aged middle class knobs the world over.

I'm with Greta the Great. Soothsayer and saviour.

Hopefully at some point she will find boys and move on !

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God doesn't want me, and the Devil isn't finished with me yet.


The small print.

My comments and observations are my own, invariably "tongue in cheek", and definitely, sarcastic in nature. Therefore, do not take my advice, suggestions, observations or posts seriously or personally and remember if you do, do anything, that I may have suggested, then you have done this based solely on your own decision to do so and therefore you acknowledge responsibility and accountability (I know, in this modern world these are the hardest things for you to accept) for your actions and indemnify me of any influence, responsibility, accountability, or liability, in what you have done. In other words, you did it, so suffer the consequences on your own!

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  • Gold FFM
51 minutes ago, C8RKH said:

I saw one of these Nios in the flesh at an EV thing at Oxford a couple of years ago - this is exactly what they were trying to achieve then 👍

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Yep always thought easy battery swapping was a route that manufacturers should be looking into more.  Means you can use older tech batteries and older charging but still have convince of quick turnaround time. 

You could also have multiple slots for batteries in the car so you could use just one one slot for your everyday shorter commute to / from work, shopping etc ... and when doing the occasional longer trip you just slot an extra battery in for the longer range.   Means you don't have carry around all that weight when you don't need it.  Just rent a battery pack extension for a day or two while on the longer trip.

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Government lacks ‘clear plan’ for UK's 2030 petrol and diesel car ban


I wonder when the 2030 target will start slipping.

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£300m investment to fuel electric car take-up


The UK's energy regulator has approved plans to invest £300m in low carbon projects including support for 3,550 charging points for electric vehicles......

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  • Gold FFM
19 hours ago, exeterjeep said:

£300m investment to fuel electric car take-up


The UK's energy regulator has approved plans to invest £300m in low carbon projects including support for 3,550 charging points for electric vehicles......

It’s not enough. Our grid simply isn’t designed for this.  It will need billions and billions - probably hundreds of billions - to allow the replacement of all ICE vehicles.

Sadly we live in a country with massive disconnects all across policy. Developers are still allow to throw up huge hosing estates and not a single property has solar PV or Thermal on/in roof. 

Im not slamming EVs - I have one - but, and this is a new thing, in certain areas DNOs are not allowing car chargers to be installed into properties. 🤔

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  • Gold FFM
11 minutes ago, C8RKH said:

So whether you have an EV or not, in the short term, you will still be subsidising their introduction and roll-out.

And paying the ever increasing PV fit payments until they expire.

You might be into something about Graphene 😉 just wait and see.

like everything in the uk - it’ll only be sorted out once things go wrong and pavements start to routinely melt.

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