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What made you UNHAPPY today!


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@March you can (via the payment terminals) do a an ear-marking authorisation, so you mark the estimated cost, that's pre-authorised by the customer, then the exact amount is then debited based on actual value. Still awful that people (customers) don't act in good faith though, if you agree to buy a fresh-to-order product you go into it knowing it's going to be more expensive that off the shelf.

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7 hours ago, march said:

someway of reporting an electrician for unsafe work


Consumer units do need changing, even if not faulty, to comply with latest regs but if the work was poor, report it. Assuming he was registered..... If he wasn't, that is probably illegal. 

I assume an electrical installation cert was issued. 



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7 hours ago, march said:

Oh and here's one for @Barrykearley - is there someway of reporting an electrician for unsafe work? We had our main fuse box upgraded (that had never gone wrong) under our electricians insistence, since then the fuse box has gone up in smoke (loose, not screwed in Neutral's) and two of our ring mains are no longer ring mains and are connected to one trip rather than the original 2 they were connected to. And he will not even answer our requests to put it right.

You need to complain to him in the first instance - which it sounds like you have done.

A consumer unit in a domestic house is a part p notifiable works - you should have had a certificate, building regs notification and normally the scheme provider issues and insurance backed thingy for non compliance.

so - who was his registered body - you need to complain to them. The whole system is a farce frankly. They will order him to sort it. If he doesn’t - then normally they will appoint a contractor at no cost to you for rectification and then they claim the costs from him.

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When we fit a new boiler, we do a building regs notification and a certificate arrives in the post. 

I've never had one for a new consumer unit via my sparky.....I get an electrical installation certificate but never Building Regs. Should I be getting one each time? 


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Thanks @Barrykearley and @jep. We do seem to have been let down by local trades people. The electrician is a proper electrician but wont give us a certificate because he has not finished the installation (we have a couple of rooms that need finishing but we called quits on the work due to the amount of stress everyone was causing due to their perceived lack of quality - not his to be fair at the time). I have asked for a certificate on several occasions for work completed but he won't issue one. We also had a new boiler installed but I don't think we ever received any certification (highly recommended Worcester Bosch certified installers, largish local company and not cheap). We did fall out with the boiler fitters as they located the boiler outlet next to the bedrooms and forgot to mention that it sounded like a jet engine when running (oil) so had to have it relocated so we could sleep at night - fortunately they did not attempt to charge us to relocate it. And they were the better trades people we dealt with...

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23 hours ago, march said:

On a general note - Have people become more selfish since the start of Covid. It does seem to me that more and more people think the world revolves around themselves, certainly around here. Peoples driving seems a lot more aggressive, if something happens it's someone else fault, if they want something they are going to have it and not worry about can they afford it, etc... just general people seem to be more sh1tty these days.

Yes, I think things have gone downhill. Seems like a lot of people, despite complaining about lockdowns, now find it hard to interact with other in a civilized manner. I've had as many cases of road rage the last year as the previous 10 or so (some literally trying to bump my Range Rover out of a lane, and failing of course but I would not like to have this happen with a Lotus!). Most if not all of the charities have a harder time than ever to find volunteers, even if it's for fun stuff like doing the bar. And with a few exceptions, elementary courtesy seems to have disappeared everywhere. 

I have made many mistakes in my life. Buying a multiple Lotus is not one of them.


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46 minutes ago, Escape said:

Yes, I think things have gone downhill. Seems like a lot of people, despite complaining about lockdowns, now find it hard to interact with other in a civilized manner. I've had as many cases of road rage the last year as the previous 10 or so (some literally trying to bump my Range Rover out of a lane, and failing of course but I would not like to have this happen with a Lotus!). Most if not all of the charities have a harder time than ever to find volunteers, even if it's for fun stuff like doing the bar. And with a few exceptions, elementary courtesy seems to have disappeared everywhere. 

For a supposed "civilised society" I too find we've become very "uncivilised" in a short period of time.

That's the danger with locking people up for a period of time. They either become institutionalised or like rats in a cage and become very aggressive.

As I mentioned before, the world has gone mad. Unfortunately.

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This may not be a big thing in the grand scheme of things, but I'm all but happy with airlines at the moment, specifically SN Brussels and Lufthansa. I had planned to fly over to Slovenia for the weekend as my better half is there for work all week and we want to add a weekend together to explore the city and relax. Should be good fun, right?

Last night however I got a text my flight tomorrow morning is cancelled. No explanation, no alternatives offered, no nothing. I checked Flightradar24 and confirmed the flight is indeed cancelled. Of course being so short notice, it's all but impossible to find another flight. I've replied to demand an alternative, but I have little hope they'll come up with something reasonable.

My best chance to get there tomorrow is probably to give the Excel a good look over this evening and drive all night... Mustn't forget to put the CD with 'radar love' in.


I have made many mistakes in my life. Buying a multiple Lotus is not one of them.


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  • 3 weeks later...


And in 5 years or so, the headline will be "scrotes and neds run riot and parents at a loss to understand why and blame the Government for poor education standards and attainment".  This'll be (me generalising and...) bloody middle class "office working" parents who are skiving, sorry, "working from home" on a Friday as it is their right.  Arghhhhh........   Check the Registers, and kids found doing this should (1) be put on detention to study to make the time back and (2) the parents should be "fined" £100 for each day that they allowed this happen. They can hardly say they did not know if the reason cited for non attendance on a Friday was because they were at home with the kids!  Got them. Bang to rights, so bang their bloody wallets. Argh, bloody parents today are softer than fresh marshmallows and fooking clueless. It'll be the same parents who want Roald Dahl, Ladybird and other childrens books rewritten to take out horrible terms (the news this morning suggested that Cindrella needed to ditch the ugly sisters - but then an "older" woman (well it would be wouldn't it) pointed out that the story wasn't about ugly sisters (in looks) but ugly in attitude/outlook. That stumped the bloody reporter!  

God doesn't want me, and the Devil isn't finished with me yet.


The small print.

My comments and observations are my own, invariably "tongue in cheek", and definitely, sarcastic in nature. Therefore, do not take my advice, suggestions, observations or posts seriously or personally and remember if you do, do anything, that I may have suggested, then you have done this based solely on your own decision to do so and therefore you acknowledge responsibility and accountability (I know, in this modern world these are the hardest things for you to accept) for your actions and indemnify me of any influence, responsibility, accountability, or liability, in what you have done. In other words, you did it, so suffer the consequences on your own!

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And another one today that explains why my blood boils when I'm out for a walk and a yappy, uncontrolled dog is bounding around and the owner shouts "oh don't worry, he/she's lovely really!".

He/she might be bloody lovely to you, but to someone else they are a nuisance/threat and you need to understand that not everyone "loves" dogs so have some bloody respect and keep yours on a lead and under control! I think a lot of people who have never had dogs before got them during lock down and don't have a clue about how to behave, let alone how to train their dogs or keep them under control (I do realise that there are also an awful lot of respectful/responsible dog owners too).

Also, went out for a walk with my wife yesterday and we decided to call in to a cafe for a nice bowl of soup and a sandwich. Next thing, there's three couples in with dogs, and the cafe owner comes up to us and says do you mind having a dog next to you (nice to be asked for sure). Yes I said, I do mind as we really do not like dogs and don't want animals around when we are eating (I wanted to say "as I prefer eating animals to petting them", but thought better of it). No drama from the cafe owner, who directed the dog owners to other tables but still I have to ask, what is it with bringing dogs that have been running around outside into an establishment were people are eating?  One of the dogs was jumping up at a table and putting it's shitty paws all over it, then when a second dog came in it was bloody yapping away at it incessantly. If I could, I would have rung it's bloody neck there and then!  FFS, why do this? Why inflict your dog on other people?  

Same goes for middle class parents and their tw@tty children who run amok regardless as their parents (usually mothers) just natter on with friends or are engrossed with their phones, completely oblivious as to what their shitty little bio hazards are up to :harhar:

On 16/02/2023 at 07:02, Escape said:

This may not be a big thing in the grand scheme of things, but I'm all but happy with airlines at the moment, specifically SN Brussels and Lufthansa. I had planned to fly over to Slovenia for the weekend as my better half is there for work all week and we want to add a weekend together to explore the city and relax. Should be good fun, right?

Last night however I got a text my flight tomorrow morning is cancelled. No explanation, no alternatives offered, no nothing. I checked Flightradar24 and confirmed the flight is indeed cancelled. Of course being so short notice, it's all but impossible to find another flight. I've replied to demand an alternative, but I have little hope they'll come up with something reasonable.

My best chance to get there tomorrow is probably to give the Excel a good look over this evening and drive all night... Mustn't forget to put the CD with 'radar love' in.


A bit late to this one Filip but I thought under EU law they were "obliged" to get you to your destination, the onus being on them, not you, to find you alternative flights even with a different carrier? And that's on top of the compensation for getting you there late etc.

God doesn't want me, and the Devil isn't finished with me yet.


The small print.

My comments and observations are my own, invariably "tongue in cheek", and definitely, sarcastic in nature. Therefore, do not take my advice, suggestions, observations or posts seriously or personally and remember if you do, do anything, that I may have suggested, then you have done this based solely on your own decision to do so and therefore you acknowledge responsibility and accountability (I know, in this modern world these are the hardest things for you to accept) for your actions and indemnify me of any influence, responsibility, accountability, or liability, in what you have done. In other words, you did it, so suffer the consequences on your own!

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I did look into the compensation thing. The EU regulations (not laws) on passenger rights are supervised by my colleagues on the next floor, so I now who to turn to. Unfortunately, a strike is considered as an extraordinary circumstance if it is not the airlines own personnel. Which means I'm not entitled to compensation. But you are right, I should still file a complaint as they did nothing whatsoever to inform me or provide an alternative.

Worst thing is, I never made it to Slovenia so my better half had to spend our valentines weekend on her own. While I was grumpily keeping busy in the Workshop. Because the forecast was snowy conditions in Austria, I couldn't take the Excel as it does not have winter tyres. Would have been a poor call to try without. So I took the Range Rover, and that suddenly started overheating after 350km. Seemed like a malfunctioning thermostat caused an airlock. I tried a roadside fix but given the distance still to go had to abort. Still grumpy about it. 😞 

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I have made many mistakes in my life. Buying a multiple Lotus is not one of them.


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Sounds like your wife paid the union to call a strike and messed with your RR cooling systems :)  The trouble married women will go to have a restful valentines!  (only joking of course...)

I'd have expected better from Lufthansa to be honest. I used to fly with them a lot but these days most of the airlines struggle to spell "customer service" let alone deliver it.

Sorry you did not have a better ending to your journey.

God doesn't want me, and the Devil isn't finished with me yet.


The small print.

My comments and observations are my own, invariably "tongue in cheek", and definitely, sarcastic in nature. Therefore, do not take my advice, suggestions, observations or posts seriously or personally and remember if you do, do anything, that I may have suggested, then you have done this based solely on your own decision to do so and therefore you acknowledge responsibility and accountability (I know, in this modern world these are the hardest things for you to accept) for your actions and indemnify me of any influence, responsibility, accountability, or liability, in what you have done. In other words, you did it, so suffer the consequences on your own!

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Unhappy doesn’t come near, totally fcuking devastated would be closer.

Had an appointment with my oncologist this morning expecting the results of the MRI scan I had 2 weeks ago and yes he had the results.

To cut a long story short, it appears that the cancer drug I’ve been taking for the past 4.5 years has now ceased to be effective since some small sign of cancer progression is now evident in the brain metastases which developed after my rare (non-smokers) lung cancer diagnosis nearly 7 years ago.
There is another drug I can move on to, although not as well tolerated as the current one. However, that apart, it also means that I have to surrender my driving licence again just 3.5 years after getting it back from the initial 1 year driving restriction following the initial diagnosis of the brain metastases. Fcuking DVLA and their outdated rules. I, amongst others, have been pushing them for change over the past 2 years.
They admit that their data used for making this decision is from reports published in 2018. They accept that 3 new very effective drugs have been licensed since those reports were published, effective in respect of no reported incidents of seizures (their only concern) amongst people taking them, but remain reluctant to to take anything on board and insist on relying on 2018 data.

Taking them to a judicial review of their decision making approach is an option and is what is needed, but they know that is highly unlikely due to the costs involved. They believe that as a Govt Dept they are untouchable.

I will be moving to the next drug as part of trying to extend my life expectancy. It is just exceptionally tough dealing with not being able to drive, more so when you live in a rural location😟

Sorry, rant over, just need to get it off my chest 😠. Thanks for listening (well reading)

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Sorry to hear this @PaulCP and hope you have many trips planned with your good lady to at least enjoy your retirement and create new experiences and memories.

The DVLA is a bit of a shocker given they seem to be quite happy to let alcoholics continue to drive until they are tried and found guilty!

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God doesn't want me, and the Devil isn't finished with me yet.


The small print.

My comments and observations are my own, invariably "tongue in cheek", and definitely, sarcastic in nature. Therefore, do not take my advice, suggestions, observations or posts seriously or personally and remember if you do, do anything, that I may have suggested, then you have done this based solely on your own decision to do so and therefore you acknowledge responsibility and accountability (I know, in this modern world these are the hardest things for you to accept) for your actions and indemnify me of any influence, responsibility, accountability, or liability, in what you have done. In other words, you did it, so suffer the consequences on your own!

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Sorry to hear mate, I remember the first year and Evora sale and can only imagine the pain when you're car mad. 

Fingers crossed the new drugs are effective and have few, if any side effects.

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Sorry for the news. Your situation is totally messed up on multiple levels.  I thought I felt bad getting hip surgery in 9 days.  I can't drive 55+ for at least 6 weeks.  In my case the Celebrex drug is starting to lose it's effectiveness.  Of course my situation is nothing compared to yours, but I'll be rooting for you during my rehab and PT.  It's vital we keep all Lotus drivers on the road.  



"I thought it was Lambo" -  Thank you very much and now it's time to educate the Exotic Less.

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20 hours ago, Bibs said:

Sorry to hear mate, I remember the first year and Evora sale and can only imagine the pain when you're car mad. 

Fingers crossed the new drugs are effective and have few, if any side effects.

Thanks Bibs, I did consider a few times acquiring another Evora (such a great car), but kept deciding against doing so since I knew it was only a matter of time before what has now happened would happen and I would have to face the same again.

18 hours ago, bogle said:


Sorry for the news. Your situation is totally messed up on multiple levels.  I thought I felt bad getting hip surgery in 9 days.  I can't drive 55+ for at least 6 weeks.  In my case the Celebrex drug is starting to lose it's effectiveness.  Of course my situation is nothing compared to yours, but I'll be rooting for you during my rehab and PT.  It's vital we keep all Lotus drivers on the road.  



All we need in this country is for the idiots who oversee our driving standards to recognise that progress in drug developments does happen and they don’t have to use reports from years ago to make and justify their ridiculous decisions.
Many other countries in Europe along with the USA are more receptive to progress than the retired medics who control our driving standards.


@C8RKH The more you try to understand the DVLA the more you realise that their decisions are made by geriatric retirees who don’t not only keep themselves up to date with developments since they retired but also don’t understand what they are talking about.

I have met with the DVLA medical panel and I was alarmed at their overall lack of knowledge about certain health issues and how how modern medications now help.

If we both get to the VX National I suggest you do your best to avoid me because I can bore you for hours talking about what I’ve learned about the DVLA over the past 2 years🙄😉.  

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Anyone have arthroscopic hip surgery (left side or clutch hip)?  Just wondering how long it took before you could drive stick again and not have an issue with the clutch?  My surgery is Friday, but the weather outside isn't allowing me to drive before my procedure at the moment.  Hoping to get in a few more miles before they hook me up to the most expensive machine in the hospital - it cost over 3/4 of million pounds.  It's the one that tells the other half I'm still alive.   

"I thought it was Lambo" -  Thank you very much and now it's time to educate the Exotic Less.

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All the best Bill! I guess recovery will be different for everyone, hope you get to drive again soon.

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I have made many mistakes in my life. Buying a multiple Lotus is not one of them.


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9 hours ago, bogle said:

Anyone have arthroscopic hip surgery (left side or clutch hip)?  Just wondering how long it took before you could drive stick again and not have an issue with the clutch? 

I've had full replacement hips (both sides) and each time waited the NHS advisory 6 weeks before driving. I managed to get in and out of my M100 Elan after only 4 weeks (that was the difficult bit !) and could operate the clutch pedal but thought it prudent to wait for insurance purposes.

Arthroscopic hip surgery is by no means as invasive as a full replacement so, providing you are fully  load bearing, I'd say 2 weeks max. but I suggest you ask your surgeon and also check with your insurance company prior to driving

Good luck

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