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One rule for us...


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and another for them.

I called the control room and complained that they were setting a bad example and was told by the sarg that they were attending an emergency (at Tesco's!) as there was a shoplifter with a knife. I saw the 2 cops, the shoplifter was having some bags checked at the front entrance, certainly not restrained so I'm not sure how dangerous they could have been and who has time to reverse park in a space quite some distance from the front door in an emergency? Surely they've have left the car in the empty taxi drop-off points right by the front door if it was that urgent...

I've a very well documented history of a lack of respect for traffic laws but even I don't park in disabled spaces...


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Bibs, didn't you know they are all disabled? Well if not disabled, then certainly they have impaired vision and a lack of common sense and certainly in my experience a loss of memory that they are public servants and as such they should treat us, the taxpayers with courtesy and politeness.

Parking like that is shameful.

Though this be madness yet there is method in it ( Polonius in William Shakespeare's Hamlet)

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What's the difference between a Skoda and a vacuum cleaner salesman.

You can close the door on a vacuum cleaner salesman.

Way back in the early 1980's I hired a Skoda Octavia on one of my annual trips over to U.K. What a piece of junk. All the trucks on the M1 could overtake it and on one occasion trying to close the drivers door, the blerry side mirror fell off. I cannot believe that anyone would actually want to buy the company with such a reputation.

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Most Coppers are Mentally disabled, maybe that explains it.

Amateurs built the Ark

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"I haven't ridden in cars pulled by cows before" "Bullocks, Mr.Belcher" "No, I haven't, honestly"

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got a ticket last sunday for parking on a clearway .Two cars in front were police cars as this is near the police station.Queried why they had not been ticketed and was told that the wardens had been told not to ticket them.As i understand it the police can only do this in the execution of their duty which they are not doing in this case.It is easier for them to park there than in their own car park .

hindsight: the science that is never wrong

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This is why God made valve stems, and the ability to release large amounts of air.devil.gif

Being second is to be the first of the ones who lose.

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That's an interesting one. Wish I could Bo on the ball as that chap seemed to be. When I have watched anything on tv the police have always threatened to arrest the person pulled over if they didn't provide their details. Is it not the case tat you have to do this then or accept paperwork?


I'll get around to it at some point.

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Hate what the police have become and the way they treat the public. The lack of respect they show and the way in which they deal with matters is shamefull, having been on the wrong end of it acouple on times. Close shaved heads, sunglasses, KFC and a bad attitude, sounds more like the people they are supposed to be dealing with.


I'll get around to it at some point.

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I've been to a passing out parade at Hendon and the guv'nor there said that there's a fine line between assertiveness and arrogance and that the cops need to stay on the right side of it. He didn't say which side though :lol:

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That chap had some real front to stand his ground, Good on him.

Amateurs built the Ark

Professionals built the Titanic

"I haven't ridden in cars pulled by cows before" "Bullocks, Mr.Belcher" "No, I haven't, honestly"

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Capturing on this, he shouldn't have to. We don't live in a police state, they aren't all powerful.

When I was stopped for a perfectly legal overtake last year, I turned by back on the copper, got back in my Esprit and drove off. No crime was committed, the guy was wasting my time so I left. His arrogance in this instance was that I couldn't overtake in front of him, despite breaking no laws he just saw it as an affront to his authority. Cock.

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I had the police knocking on my door and asking me not to throw traffic cones at my neighbours house. I asked if they had any evidence, and they told me that they did. Turns out it was my neighbours word to mine. So I asked if they had any finger prints or any DNA or cctv of me comminting the crime. They said no, so I asked why are they knocking on my door. Then asked when they have a valid reason to knock on my house to come back and closed the door. That night they arrested a man doing the crime. I asked for an apology, I got a blank look. Turns out it was her X-boyfriend, that looks like me? Thats like saying a Ford Focus looks like a Elise. Ok they are doing their Job, but come on get facts before hand.

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The video showed a typical A*sehole cyclist, who had obviously ridden across a red light thus putting himself a risk of being squished. When taken to task (which happens all too rarely) he turns into a barrack room lawyer....I'm afraid I have no time for him or his ilk. I thought the policeman was being very restrained. Points of law aside, such cyclists ought to be dealt with and not allowed to carry on disregarding the Highway Code; had he been run down by a truck, you can bet your boots the truck driver would be blamed.

Scientists investigate that which already is; Engineers create that which has never been." - Albert Einstein

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I do agree that if the cyclist had run a red light he should be pulled over, nothing annoys more than this in London at crossings.

But the fact remains the Officer seems incapable of doing his job, If he was he would have not been so flusstered. He even seemed to be making the law up. And he certainly should not have attemped to grab the camera. I have very little time for the Police, on an institutional level there level of arrogance is unbelivable. And there seems to be little in the way of accountability, try and get to speak to someone about an issue it is like talking to a brick wall, with layer upon layer of blockages.

I have friends who are senior officers and even thay have said the same, the majority of beat officers are little more than jumped up security guards, and thats before you mention PCSO's

Amateurs built the Ark

Professionals built the Titanic

"I haven't ridden in cars pulled by cows before" "Bullocks, Mr.Belcher" "No, I haven't, honestly"

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Red vtec,

I agree. Only last Friday my son was being told by a policeman that he wasn't my sons teacher and he could talk to him how he liked. Obviously my son had irritated him (15 years old) however they do come across as expecting maximum respect but giving none in return, constantly taking the high ground. Sadly I am now passed caring about what the police think, which is a very sad situation.


I'll get around to it at some point.

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Guest surferphil

Here's some facts:

It's not illegal to break the highway code as the highway code is not a law.

If the copper does not have the legal right to do something, he should not do it.

He did assault the cyclist which is illegal.

Copper broke the law.

Cyclist broke the highway code.

Copper should be disciplined.


Cyclist is annoying, copper should be slapped. smile.png

I can't stand most of them but am always polite and careful what I say to them.

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The worst thing is that until 2005 you could be arrested only if the police have reasonable grounds to suspect that you might be guilty of an offence and the offence was one for which a power of arrest existed. Section 24 Police and Crinminal Evidence Act 1984.


Thanks to the George Dubya fan club (Bliar and the other grinning estate agent / war criminals), The new Serious and Organised Crime Act 2005 S.110 gives the police power to arrest you for ANY offence if they deem it necessary "for the prompt and effective investigation of the offence". (The film "Taking Liberties" highlights some of the liberties they`ve taken ! )

-yes, arrested for ANY offence. If we were French, New Scotland Yard would`ve been trashed, sheep driven into it etc.

The only reason the police don`t use the massive powers given to them is that they realise better than any glib little politician, the public backlash that might occur if they overstep the mark with the wrong people....

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