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So, I have Cancer.


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Gutted for you mate, hope you get well soon.

On the subject of checkups why don't the NHS just employ one of these ladies at each hospital? The attendance rate would be huge and the advertising budget could be slashed. Fingers crossed at least some of the nurses in your future will resemble this;


In the garage no-one can hear you scream 

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Hope the treatment goes well Tony and all the very best. Its interesting that the company I work for are running

Prostate Cancer awareness sessions across all the UK offices. I've booked my place after reading this thread and I'll be urging my work colleagues to get along there as well.

Good luck

Normally Aspirated - and lovin' it!

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I really feel for you and hope everything goes well with the treatment.

You are the third person I know in as many weeks who have been diagnosed. My sister in law had cervical cancer 15 years ago, was treated and given the all clear only for it came back 2 years ago! Very rare I am told. She underwent a pelvic exenteration 2 years ago and has just been diagnosed with secondary cancer and is about to go into chemotherapy for 6 months!!

My secretary will be undergoing a mastectomy on Thursday after discovering a lump 3 weeks ago. A terrible disease that can strike anyone at any time and in any place.

Thanks Alex for posting the link to Macmillan, knowledge is everything.

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Well done for posting - I think the stigma of male cancer and its discussion is disappearing fast which is excellent. I hope no one would feel they couldn't tell their doctor, I certainly would not hesitate.

So I will add my best wishes during your treatment and a full recovery. Keep positive too, I really think that makes a difference!

Edited by Nelly9000
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Wow, nothing much I can add of any value, other than wish you and your family the best, and a speedy and complete recovery.

Having been brave enough to go this far I hope you will keep us up to date.

Good Luck

Life is like a sewer, what you get out of it, depends on what you put into it. (Tom Leahrer)

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Best wishes for a speedy recovery Tony, and it was your earlier thread that tipped me over into booking a checkup this week as I`m no spring chicken for a start.

and Thankyou for courageously raising such a personal issue that so many must very sadly nearly all get to grips with at some point, whether ourselves or our families-(mum in my case). Cheers,


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Bloody Hell Mate, that's good advice to all, I really hope it all gets sorted asap!

I had the greatest pleasure of being invited to your 40th, I will be waiting for the invite for your 50th, 60th, 70th and 80th!!

Лотос - для тех которые знают разницу

ENIGMA for those who are paranoid or download one :)



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Sorry to hear, Tony, and I wish you all the best during your treatment. A valuable post and I admire your willingness to think of/help others in your own time of need. We're all Mates here. :unworthy:

All the best to your family as well since diagnosis and treatment have an effect on all.


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Well that doesn't sound any fun! I was diagnosed with and treated for bladder cancer in 2004. The handy thing about that is that it's all kept inside a bag with a tube to the outside so the doctors can get to it without sawing into you.

I hope all goes well for you and that you, like me, get to be embarrassed by being called a "cancer survivor" as though you are something special. I found the best thing was to do what the doctors tell you to do. I hope you can do the same.

S4 Elan, Elan +2S, Federal-spec, World Championship Edition S2 Esprit #42, S1 Elise, Excel SE


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So sorry to hear your news and wish you all the best for a speedy recovery. Thank you for speaking out to warn others, its a brave thing to do.

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I don't mention this as an "I'm in the know, too" thing, but you did actually talk to me about this in detail in the wee ('scuse the pun) hours US time after you were well in to the bottle following the initial diagnosis shock, and some messages again after that, but having helped my ex-wife and mother through leukemia and breast cancer, I mention it since there is one tangible, proven effective thing we can actually do as your friends, and that's listen. The physiological and psychological benefits of confiding are well established and there are many of us who genuinely care about you beyond the ethereal emails/postings, or because you're your dad's son, but because you're you, and you're a great guy. So I think I speak for many of us when I say that if you want to talk, freak out, cry, laugh your ass off, or talk about anything but cancer, you can call a bunch of us any time--be it noon or 3:00am. Hang in there, brother, and know that people's thoughts really are with you. Like we said, we can always start marketing the "F CANCER" t-shirts for laughs or charity.

You're a tough guy, but don't feel you always need to be a "tough guy" and get bottled up. You've got people on multiple continents rooting for you and who will pick up the phone any time for you.

- Matt

1983 "Investor's Special Edition" Turbo Esprit (#43/50) | 2012 Evora S

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There's no amount of semi naked Aussie girls that can make this cancer go away. If there were I'd be organising them right now. I'm truly sadened by your news Kimbers, but I must not be sad because this is not what you want. We, as a forum of nice blokes, will help you power through this period in your life.

Once you get through it, you'll probably be looking forward to a nice holiday on an Australian beach somewhere. Well you're most welcome at my place - anytime.

Simon  (94 S4)      My Esprit will be for sale in late 2017

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Ditto NYC. Kimbers World Tour 2012? I'll design t-shirts and backstage passes.

1983 "Investor's Special Edition" Turbo Esprit (#43/50) | 2012 Evora S

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Crikey. Thanks everyone for getting the message. Its brilliant to read that this has either made you book a check up or look into it.

I also appreciate it that you are wishing me well rather than sympathising. I have noted, from family members, that the "Oh my god! I'm so worried for you" treatment doesn't work. It just makes you worry if they know something you don't! Whereas people being positive around you breeds positivity in you.

So heres an update. It was 10 days ago that I was given a directly applied chemotherapy drug. The first few days were fine but just recently the side effects have kicked in. I won't be graphic here but Holy F**K it hurts :), especially where it is! I saw the Specialist on Friday and he is confident they have caught it early and it is "contained". However he isn't 100% sure that the dhemo will kill it and he may have to operate to remove any cells left over. The issue here is where it is it will deform me as there is no skin to remove. But everything is looking positive with a scan booked on my kidneys and bladder just to be sure those areas are ok.

I was thinking of getting some quality T shirts made for charity with slogans like "F**K Cancer", "Cancer, Been there got the T shirt", "Prostate Cancer is a pain in the ass", "Balls to Testicle Cancer" and my personal favourite "Penile Cancer just doesn't have the Balls!" A good idea?

Possibly save your life. Check out this website. https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/mens-cancer



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All good t-shirt ideas.

They giving you anything for pain? I'll just throw in my 2 cents for my migraine drug, which is sometimes given for post-op. It's a nasal spray called Stadol but more commonly goes by Butorphanol NS. At first, one puff and you're totally f'd up and on Neptune, but after awhile you "learn" how to ride the high, compartmentalize the pain, and function. The good thing about it--aside from the fact that it makes you really sleepy about 45-60 minutes after you take it--is that it really controls pain well and doesn't leave you feeling hung over or wiped out when it wears off.

1983 "Investor's Special Edition" Turbo Esprit (#43/50) | 2012 Evora S

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So sorry to hear this but I know you'll get though it & come out the other end stronger & faster.

As for everyone not being embarrassed getting checked, because my mother & all her side of the family died of colon cancer I go for a checkup every couple of years where they stick a camera so far up my 4r5e I sometimes think I'm going to cough it up.

The first time I went I was expecting to be on my hands & knees with at least 10 gorgeous student nurses gawking at me but no, it's all very private & sedate.

All the best & looking forward to reading many more of your excellent posts.


John W

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Not sure those T shirts are a good idea - always remember there are people who sadly do not survive and their relatives would probably see them in bad taste.

Wear your wristbands/dafodills/movembers with pride at all times though.

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