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"LIFE" - If you could do it again.....


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I also would have liked to have gone into buying and selling Classic Cars instead of Electronics but I would possible still be working today instead of being retired for nearly 20 years.

The one thing I would have done differently is not started smoking. Neither of my parents smoked, but all the cool people I came into contact with did and that must have started me on the rocky road. Fortunately, when the wife became pregnant with our first in 1972 I gave up immediately.

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Not wishing to sound too soppy I genuinely wouldn't change a thing.

Whilst I may have done things differently with the benefit of hindsight I'd hate the thought one little change may not have lead me to be where I am now. Granted I'm not high flying executive millionaire but I'm happy and have the most wonderful people in my life (one in particular :wub: ) anyone could ever wish for.

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If you could do it all over again - would you change anything? Would you do anything differently? Is it ever too late?

Haven't you seen "It's a Wonderful Life", Ian? Doing it different didn't work out for Jimmy Stewart!

Or my favourite quote from the proper (BBC) version of "The Office" by Tim (Martin Freeman);

"I just think, well, if you look at life like rolling a dice then my situation now, as it stands, yeah, it may only be a three. If I jack that in now, go for something bigger and better, yeah, I could easily roll a six. No problem. I could roll a six. I could also roll a one. Okay, so.. I think sometimes just leave the dice alone."

In the garage no-one can hear you scream 

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Well, if I had to do it all again, I would definitely do things differently but, in fact, I wouldn't choose to do it all again in the first place!

The grass does always seem greener but in my experience, rarely is. Its just a trick of perspective.

I think that wishing for something better just wastes what we already have. Can be quite destructive also. Its important to disciple ourselves to make the most of the present and work inexorably to improve things. No point in trying to make big jumps. Thats for the TV.

"Intellectuals solve problems; geniuses prevent them." Albert Einstein

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Wow. I was just thinking the other day that I wanted to start a "Meaning of Life?" thread, so there's a philosophical vibe going on. Anyway, I did:

But regarding this question, I've known a few people, some intimately, who've proudly said they have no regrets, and frankly they scare the shit out of me because we all f up on occasion and that frequently means causing distress to others, so it seems sort of uncaring to say you have no regrets.

I also agree with Laura: "I'd hate the thought one little change may not have lead me to be where I am now." Namely I'd hate to think that any change would mean my son wouldn't be here and who he is.

1983 "Investor's Special Edition" Turbo Esprit (#43/50) | 2012 Evora S

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I wouldn't go back to do it all over again even if I could, if you do it right the first time you're too tired to do it again.

I'm one happy camper, married to the same amazing woman for the last 41 yrs., I can't believe she has put up with me all this time.

I've reinvented myself so many times I forget who I wanted to be when I grew up.

I wouldn't change a thing and if I died tomorrow my only regret would be leaving my wife and son.

I think it's fast enough…maybe

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  • 3 weeks later...

To say you wouldn't change a thing is tantamount to saying you've done nothing you regret but, there again, life is such a collection of events that changing one little thing early on could lead you to a completely different position right now. Thinking of all the near misses where things could have gone really badly makes me scared to mess with things.

Having said that, if knew then what I know now, I would probably have made some different investment decisions and chosen different lottery numbers. :rolleyes:

S4 Elan, Elan +2S, Federal-spec, World Championship Edition S2 Esprit #42, S1 Elise, Excel SE


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Not the "top 5 regrets" I would have expected there except for one rings true; "I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends". Personally I actively try and stay in touch with mine even when sometimes it isn't reciprocated, everyday trivia can take up so much time it's easy to forget and take connections for granted.

I would have thought the number one in the book would have been "I wish I had got to know my parents better" or "I wish I had spent more time with my family". Having lost my mother at a relatively young age I can relate to that, and now my grandparents have gone miss the feeling of security and wisdom they imparted. Getting older feels like being promoted through the ranks in the battlefield due to attrition, when all you want to do is stay a Private.

Interestingly nowhere does it say "I wish I had bought that white and tartan S1 Esprit I always promised myself" - material objects ultimately mean absolutely nothing, it's all about feeling, expression and emotion.

In the garage no-one can hear you scream 

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The best thing I can say is to "Make each day count" (paraphrased from "Titanic") seems to keep me doing the best I can do every day. What more can I expect of my self? Looking backwards, becoming regretful about my mistakes, etc. only serves to mar today. Of course, having present knowledge will always make one cause disappointment of one's earlier being, unless you were God when younger.

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Interestingly nowhere does it say "I wish I had bought that white and tartan S1 Esprit I always promised myself" - material objects ultimately mean absolutely nothing, it's all about feeling, expression and emotion.


1983 "Investor's Special Edition" Turbo Esprit (#43/50) | 2012 Evora S

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