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My new S4s has let me down!


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There's another option - 'car building solutions' sell a sound proofing material.  Trouble is - it uses lead  (Pb) !


In an attempt to make the weight as low as possible the lead is 1 mm thick.  Lead is, of course, the best insulation to almost anything regardless of density.

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yes - there is a certain down-side.


Weigh the spare tyre - get the same weight in lead proofing and have a 'foam fill' tyre kit that seems to be all the rage (instead of the spare)   :-)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well - if you tried my mini for a 20 minute drive you'd be shouting at people at the end of the drive plus a street full of cars with car alarms blaring.  (That bit is quite impression).


The S4s is near silent inside but more like F1 on the outside (I have to open the windows in a built up areas, if you get my drift).


I really need to get the mini quieter (strange request for a wolf in sheeps wotsits type car) - mainly due to 2300.00 worth of hifi within.


There is a place near heathrow that creates bespoke exhausts that can be made to produce a note that you like.


There's also a 'quieter' silencer for high perf cars called 'muff diver".  Trouble is - googling the product brings up certain things that don't have much to do with car improvement.


While I'm on a tangent - does anyone know where I could purchase  the courtesy light cluster that sits in front of the rear view mirror?


Mine like to turn on when hitting a speed bump, or pothole - but now one of the switches has come straight off, leaving the lamp on - you hacve to use the broken piece to turn the light off.  It's a small but irritatig thing.

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Yes - unfortunately there's an update for this thread.


The main thrust of this post is my opinion that the previous owner was a flippin' knob.


I've been driving to/from work quite happily since the 'stick thing'.


Until today.


So I go to my car to drive home - jump in - turn the key - and much spinning of starter motor but nothing else.


You can probably imagine my blood pressure.


I knew I had 1/3 of a tank of fuel but nevertheless I chucked the spare can of petrol in. Nothing.


Then I phoned SGT to ask for advice.

I mentioned about the fuel cutoff thing - as I never really looked for it before.  He told me that it would have to be a big shock to flip that - but I pressed it anyway.  Nothing


So this is where the 'knob' thing comes in.


It seems that the wiring on the car was buggered about somewhat by the previous owner.

I was guided towards the connections on the RHS and wiggled the connections a bit.  "Wiggled" - complex engineering term there, you might want to jot it down.


So I go back to the business end - turn the key - and it bursts into life!


This could be one of three things:

1) That the wiggle actually sorted the connection

2) A complete coincidence as something else occurred that sorted it

3) A thought that the unconnected immobilizer  is actually still in a circuit somewhere - although I've been told it shouldn't be.


When I got home I turned the car off and started it several times but could not reproduce the problem.


I'll be getting the tank(s) filled up later and filling the spare can.  I'll also be giving the thing a good testing.


I went to Goodwood last weekend (Festival of Speed) and as usual my credit card was bashed with impulse purchases.


One of which was this:




I got the one in the middle.  It's about the same size as a large mobile phone.  IT can start a V8 truck with a drained battery apparently.


Anyway - that's in case I run the battery down.


Fair play to the Esprit's battery though - 20 minutes of attempted startups and the battery was still giving it full welly.


Anyway - there's no questions or anything  - I just thought I'd update the thread.


(Jeez - what a knob)

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These are more complex connectors with CAT-5 style wiring (being the S4S).  You can see it's been messed about with.  One wire has been physically cut with the wire missing!

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  • Gold FFM

Cat-5, eh? No doubt an engine firewall issue.

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British Fart to Florida, Nude to New York, Dunce to Denmark, Numpty to Newfoundland.  And Shitfaced Silly Sod to Sweden.

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...but which port is blocked?  (oh dear oh dear)....


but back on track - just took it to the petrol station - filled up - and it didn't start.  Obviously it did in the end but it did so with no pattern to talk of.  It just went from 'not working no way' - to - turn rumble- start.


However on one of my attempts at starting it I stood outside.


While the starter motor was cranking all the indicators were flashing!


I am becoming more convinced that the immobiliser is getting involved,  It does it in a strange way- i.e. no pattern I can think of.


Note that the car never 'switches off mid flight' - i.e. once the car is started it remains started - whereas starting it is where the car might refuse to start - if that makes sense.  What I'm saying is that it's the act of starting it that has the issue - once started it does not stall or 'shutdown' which is what it would do if it was a physical issue (no petrol delivery / lack of spark / etc).


I'm going to work in it tomorrow.  I may be some time.......

Anyone know a good vehicle security systems fitter in the HP13 area?

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I think on a car of this age with quite a few owners you need to go through it properly. Remove any unused extra wiring and repair properly any damaged cables. Also clean and lube the multi block connectors even down to those behind the a pillar trims which were starting to go a bit manky . you either spend a day going through the car or accept sporadic electrical gremlins will get in. I did mine as part of the rebuild and so far so good.

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I had that years ago on a triumph. My alarm would go off flashing indicators while driving or wouldnt allow the car to start. Simple solution in the end was an intermittent connection on the main power feed from the battery..but as the junction that feeds off to the 4 looms was buried in the harness it wasnt obvious. It sounds like youve got a simple wiring issue really. Its just a case of tracing it

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ring gerald at gst 01638 661144 and talk to him and maybe arrange to take it there one saturday am for him to give it a quick look over and a written report on it

hindsight: the science that is never wrong

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I had that years ago on a triumph. My alarm would go off flashing indicators while driving or wouldnt allow the car to start. Simple solution in the end was an intermittent connection on the main power feed from the battery..but as the junction that feeds off to the 4 looms was buried in the harness it wasnt obvious. It sounds like youve got a simple wiring issue really. Its just a case of tracing it


Fortunately there's no loud alarm to talk of.  I know how that feels though - the battery ran out on the button-key for the Civic however opening the car with the key would set the alarm off!!

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ring gerald at gst 01638 661144 and talk to him and maybe arrange to take it there one saturday am for him to give it a quick look over and a written report on it


Cheers for that - but as Bibs said I have a local specialist - the recent work carried out sort of hit my budget level a bit.


He was far from impressed with the wiring.


I'm more than convinced that there's a half dead immobiliser in there messing around with things - even bad contacts etc would not cause all the indicators to flash when you turn the key in the ignition!   And I'm sure I heard the bloody central locking make a noise all on its own recently!! 




And no - I'm not selling it!  I still love it to bits, we just have a tiff now and again!!  Hmm. must get that espritmon cable thingy

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That is some smart jump start battery!!!

Very tempted to get one. It'll even light up my wifes ipad, when dead on arrival using it on vacation ;)


On a sidenote, I am wondering if the battery type is somewhat similar to the ones you use in rc helicopters, and they CAN self ignite and burn. And that is a Chemical fire.


I am using a carbon boxed LiFe minibattery on my Laverda motorcycle. I have been waiting some months on their buggest model to install in the Esprit. Would save me at least 10 kilo og weight.


Anyway, smart jump starter!


Take a multimeter and try to measure any current use while being off. This can sometimes show an alarm system/immobiliser that is a bad piece of Electronics.

Just my 2 p.




Nobody does it better - than Lotus ;)

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If it's an aftermarket system why not take it to an alarm specialist who knows the system and have them gut all the components?


Till then, chin up - the hardware's fine it's just an electrical issue!

Vanya Stanisavljevic '91 Esprit SE | '97 XK8

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It might be worth spending half a day crawiling all over the car to see whats in it.  There really aren't enough spaces to hide things very deeply so you should be able to find added bits easily.  Once you have them chase them back and  find out what they do and if you can cut them out.  I hauled out 2 carrier bags worth of immobilizer, amp wiring etc. 

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That is some smart jump start battery!!!

Very tempted to get one. It'll even light up my wifes ipad, when dead on arrival using it on vacation ;)


On a sidenote, I am wondering if the battery type is somewhat similar to the ones you use in rc helicopters, and they CAN self ignite and burn. And that is a Chemical fire.


I am using a carbon boxed LiFe minibattery on my Laverda motorcycle. I have been waiting some months on their buggest model to install in the Esprit. Would save me at least 10 kilo og weight.


Anyway, smart jump starter!


Take a multimeter and try to measure any current use while being off. This can sometimes show an alarm system/immobiliser that is a bad piece of Electronics.

Just my 2 p.




The problem is - there's this 'living dead' immobiliser (IMO) hanging around that has been cut from the obvious places so it may only be apparent during 'system startup' and not cause ambient drain.  In fact the stereo standby settings and those dim window button lights will be pulling electricity anyway - but never the less I see where you're coming from.


Yep that smart jumpstarter is amazingly small and curved edge etc (nice to look at) and it is able to supply the full load until its exhausted (i.e. there is no 'run down').  It also has the USB connections so as you rightly said - you can charge stuff off it.  It was an amazing impulse purchase.


I also bought 2 'winy' 'black box' recorders and a new rust preventative spray thing.

If it's an aftermarket system why not take it to an alarm specialist who knows the system and have them gut all the components?


Till then, chin up - the hardware's fine it's just an electrical issue!

Ideally that is what I want to do.  When I get a moment I'll research local car security specialists - or maybe better still - have a replacement system so that the old bits have to be removed when discovered.  Plus I can get back to pressing a button.  It seems a bit archaic going up to the car and pushing a key in the door and turning it.  Call me old fashioned. No - hang on - wrong way round.


Off topic Advert:

Theres a big classic car event in Uxbridge next weekend (not this one).  Fully recommend it.

It might be worth spending half a day crawiling all over the car to see whats in it.  There really aren't enough spaces to hide things very deeply so you should be able to find added bits easily.  Once you have them chase them back and  find out what they do and if you can cut them out.  I hauled out 2 carrier bags worth of immobilizer, amp wiring etc. 

I can believe that!  It's what makes a good immobiliser.  I bet all the leads were black too, to make it even more difficult for a thief to crack.

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All times are p.m.



5.05 Left work


5.15 Got in car - turned key - starter motor ..."oh sh*t not now! It's Friday FFS!"


5.20 Various different attempts:


- with doors locked.

- get out of car - and lock car - get in car 

- accelerator all the way down

- accelerator down for a few seconds before ignition

- rapid key in - key out - key in - ign

- wiggle connections

- press fuel cutoff


5.30 Phone AA - will be contacted at 7.30...... 7.30???


5.35 More attempts


5.30 Walk back to work


5.40 Phone SGT - asking where to listen for fuel pump - got told its quite difficult - very quiet and just primes.


5.45 Look for something metal and long to do the HT lead test - can only find CAT-5 so strip ends of a piece around 3 ft long and twisting wires at both ends to form a continuous cable


5.50 Walk from work - got Kerry (wife) to come and get me (opting to leave car at car park to relay to SGT)


6.10 Back at car


6.12 Not starting still


6.15 disconnect spark lead 4 - push cat 5 cable in - go to start car and looking for an earth. No need - turned key and feel HT through the cable shield and plastic insulation!! Not quite sure so did it again!! Quite funny how the muscles contract from the electricity and the accompanying 'hum' through the arm.


So - sparking properly - thus can only be fuel


Try to start - nothing


Twiddled with cables under the fuel cut off - turned key to IGN and speedily listened to fuel pump and could hear fluid movement.


Car starts


6.21 Call Kerry to turn around

6.22 Call AA to cancel call out


Drive home (eventless)


7.00 Arrive home


7.02 Attempt to reproduce a 'no start' - after about 10 tries (including full-off - full -on)


7.05 While car is running pull connection from under fuel cut off, engine predictively slows down from fuel starvation - plug back in and revs rise again - repeated the test with same result.


7.10 Some more attempts at reproducing issue - cannot get the car "not to start"


Pattern of indicators:

Turn key - indicators flash twice before startup

Turn key - indicators flash twice after startup (i.e. no set pattern)


So... there is a spark at the plugs therefore most probably a fuel issue.


Currently: Writing this post and thinking "how on earth is anyone going to be able to reproduce the non-tartup condition?"


Current thinking:  Leave with SGT and get all traces of immobiliser removed.

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  • Gold FFM

Bugger me, this is worse than Twitter.

British Fart to Florida, Nude to New York, Dunce to Denmark, Numpty to Newfoundland.  And Shitfaced Silly Sod to Sweden.

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