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I quit smoking after 17 years, 7 years ago but about a year or so back got back into cigars, mainly on a Friday night with a beer and over the weekends. Since Laura & I are now running regularly this couldn't continue of course so now I've got an e-cigarette and I must admit it's really nice!


Public Health England recently said it's only 5% as bad as smoking cigarettes which means it's much better than unfiltered cigars and the Parma Violet flavour is lush! 




Anyone else made the switch?


Vapefest looks good too!



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  • Gold FFM

Started vaping 7 years ago (small lapse in between but 3 years off the fags now), and everyone laughed at me! Should have grabbed the business opportunity. Even managed to convert Tracy last year, and many smokers since.

British Fart to Florida, Nude to New York, Dunce to Denmark, Numpty to Newfoundland.  And Shitfaced Silly Sod to Sweden.

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Tried it but not fond of them, don't like the liquid or the taste and I have tried many flavours and different nicotine levels also.

 Only thing that got me back off the fags was those disposable ones you buy that are the same as about 40 fags, Loved them

 they even felt like smoking a cigarette,


Sadly Japan does not sell these and even nicotine patches you cant buy over the counter so back on the cigarettes :getmecoat:


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thought about it.......

just seems such a mine field of what do you buy.....

which is best?....

which has the best product?.....


I wonder if which? are doing a study

The Faster You Drive...The Slower You Age

(Albert Einstein  14 March 1879 - 18 April 1955)


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I got an Aspire one, basically since the battery cover is carbon fibre :D




and there are four versions of this.... 

The Faster You Drive...The Slower You Age

(Albert Einstein  14 March 1879 - 18 April 1955)


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  • Gold FFM

What a coincidence - me too!  Aspire Nautilus Mini with CF VV batteries.  All 4 colours; avoids charging confusion.

British Fart to Florida, Nude to New York, Dunce to Denmark, Numpty to Newfoundland.  And Shitfaced Silly Sod to Sweden.

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I agree that e-cigs/vaping is by far the best way to come off cigs and health benefits are huge in comparsion. I don't agree with the Govt that they will encourage young people into smoking (surely they will just encourage them into Vaping?).


Watch out for Tax, you know it'll come.

Possibly save your life. Check out this website. https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/mens-cancer



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ok....went to the shop...

they weren't that helpful......

other than flogging their own kit there was no choice......


Ive bought online........


so my next question is....where do you get your liquids from.....

I understand the chemistry and would be looking for at least 50/50 PG VG......oils

altho I understand that more VG is better.....

The Faster You Drive...The Slower You Age

(Albert Einstein  14 March 1879 - 18 April 1955)


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The vape shop is the latest addition to our village small shops, right across the street from the tattoo parlor. Both businesses got established before there were any rules to limit others from coming in. Same thing about developers, the town and village are always taking action after the horse has left the barn. As for me I'm more upset about what developers have done to the countryside(and continue to do) than 1 the each vape and tattoo shops that blend into the woodwork in the village. 

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My vapeclub order arrived as promised. Their 'Valley Girl' liquid is just amazing :D




The base flavour layer is a vanilla Boston cream pie, which is then infused with the taste of fresh raspberries as a delicious drizzle of sweet caramel balances it all out magnificently.


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  • Gold FFM

Cheers Bib's. Off back to work 0300 tomorrow morning so will have a look at this when I get back.

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So you had a habit..... which you kicked..... 7 years ago


And now you've adopted a new habit, which is supposed to get you off the old habit, which you already kicked.


Have you tried freebasing?

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Yesterday I ordered a machine and the liquids.....

I'll have to wait until I get home to find out what the craic is......

The Faster You Drive...The Slower You Age

(Albert Einstein  14 March 1879 - 18 April 1955)


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ok for what its worth.... i think vaping is the greatest thing since sliced bread. and it should be fully regulated. its potential is bloomin huuuuuge. 


smoked for 15 years, vaped for a year which helped me to give it all up....


i will only add that i chose to get pharma grade liquid (as opposed to some guy mixing stuff in his shed in brighton of which there is a lot of).... i ordered direct - i touch more expensive but in theory you know what you are getting. 


i basically chose a liquid manufacturer that was owned by a big player so Vype thats owned by BAT.


i would also say try as many systems as you can. it took me my 3rd attempt to get something that suited me, this case Evod with kanger atomiser - because it would fit in my heans pocket without ripping the head off and spliing liquid everywhere! 


Finally stay away from the batteries that have power contol, you will just have it at full pelt 100pc of the time lol...  


good luck, good idea as anything is better than smoking :)

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So you had a habit..... which you kicked..... 7 years ago

And now you've adopted a new habit, which is supposed to get you off the old habit, which you already kicked.

Have you tried freebasing?

This is the key bit here:

I quit smoking after 17 years, 7 years ago but about a year or so back got back into cigars, mainly on a Friday night with a beer and over the weekends. Since Laura & I are now running regularly this couldn't continue of course so now I've got an e-cigarette and I must admit it's really nice!

Public Health England recently said it's only 5% as bad as smoking cigarettes which means it's much better than unfiltered cigars and the Parma Violet flavour is lush!

No more stinky cigars, and mainly on a Friday night actually means all weekend, or if we're on holiday, or doing something special, or there's something to celebrate, or.....

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