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Because the next election is not due until 2022 it requires a 2/3 rd majority in parliament and I don't think that will happen

hindsight: the science that is never wrong

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Yes it would be a bit like turkeys voting for Christmas for many MPs. They might like getting on their ideological soap boxes at every opportunity, but if the reality of an election means losing their lucrative jobs, then they’ll stick with the status quo.

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10 hours ago, Barrykearley said:

Irish border backstop - this is simply a perverse pressure point being applied by the EU.

please do remind me the border checks on the Swiss /EU boundaries.

Boris needs to be firm on the border - we won’t be putting any in place - the Eu will be the ones doing so if ever the border checks resume

Ehh ? Irish backstop arrangement is to ensure an open border which is a key demand for both the UK and the Irish and enshrined in the Good Friday agreement. If Boris can come up with an alternative arrangement that satisfies everybody then away we go - but it has to actually work not some nebulous enthusiastic ideas and he has about 4 weeks to come up with it! Remember that the 'deal' version of Brexit is simply a negotiating period for the trade agreement whilst maintaining tariff free trade. If that negotiation fails, then if the border is to remain open there has to be a backstop arrangement. Negotiating trade deals takes years and a hard Brexit leaves us out in the cold whilst trying to negotiate a trade deal. 

Switzerland has a trade agreement with the EU hence no border checks. No deal brexit means WTO rules, means border controls full stop. Doesn't matter what we do, the Irish will be mandated to apply checks as part of the EU unless the checks are done between Ireland and the rest of the EU which would be perverse as an EU member and very unlikely.

Too many people are uninformed and I'm afraid the current government are not helping that.



Edited by gregs24
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9 hours ago, pete said:

Because the next election is not due until 2022 it requires a 2/3 rd majority in parliament and I don't think that will happen

That is not correct

That only applies under the Fixed Term Parliament Act 2011. If there is a vote of no confidence in the government, then unless an alternative government or the original government can win a majority there will be an election. Boris now has no majority and it requires only a simple majority of 1 to form a government. This is why a coalition of all of the opposition parties is the most likely way forward as an interim government with a few rebel Tories joining in. This would also stop Boris proroguing parliament as he would no longer be PM.

This is a key factor over the next few days. Boris is likely to try and trigger an election if the act looks like getting through parliament to block a no deal. If he wins a 2/3 majority he calls the shots on the election date and crucially can change the date at a later date - in this case to post 31/10 forcing through a no deal Brexit before the election. Opposition parties are very unlikely to support this, so it is far more likely that it will be rejected and a vote of no confidence take place. This puts the power over choosing the date in the hands of the opposition and not Boris. Subtle but crucial differences that will be dressed up in political rhetoric over the next few days.

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Sorry but that was correct assuming Boris calls for an election. The second option of a vote of no confidence does take away that right however that means parliament temporary voting in Corbyn as prime minister , good luck with that.

hindsight: the science that is never wrong

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  • Gold FFM
10 minutes ago, pete said:

 however that means parliament temporary voting in Corbyn as prime minister , good luck with that.

Never gonna happen - they all dislike him more than Boris. 

We need an election and need one now. These fools have had a long time to get us out of the EU and they simply aren’t delivering  

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6 minutes ago, Barrykearley said:

Never gonna happen - they all dislike him more than Boris. 

We need an election and need one now. These fools have had a long time to get us out of the EU and they simply aren’t delivering  

Then with an election who takes you out of the Eu? 


Black n gold

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An election is no good for anyone,we will end up with a hung parliament and possibly months of squabbling amongst them all as they try to form a government. Don't see how MPs can vote out no deal when it is the default,only way will be to revoke article 50.

hindsight: the science that is never wrong

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  • Gold FFM

Don’t think a hint Parliament will occur - let’s just look at the success of the brexit party in the euros.


many in the north will not vote Tory - but won’t vote remain labour - here comes a Tory / Brexit coalition

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Unless they agree which seats they are going to contest the Brexit party will split the conservative vote and neither will win if that happens

hindsight: the science that is never wrong

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  • Gold FFM

Not so sure @pete - looks like Boris will deselect all remained Tory’s - so that’ll probably put that beyond doubt.

i don’t think anyone can doubt Boris’s brexit intentions 

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He probably will but they may then stand as an independent which will dilute the conservative vote even more

hindsight: the science that is never wrong

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3 hours ago, pete said:

Sorry but that was correct assuming Boris calls for an election. The second option of a vote of no confidence does take away that right however that means parliament temporary voting in Corbyn as prime minister , good luck with that.

That is what I meant - Your comment was correct, but I don't think that is how an election will be called hence why I don't think you are right that there will be no election. It doesn't have to be Corbyn as PM down that route either.


The only thing that is certain is that about half of the population will be unhappy whichever way things go !

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Same as if the party leader changes, or a party changes their policies, all that we technically vote for is a single person to be our representative. We then rely on that person to make good judgement decisions as to what the majority of the constituents would agree is appropriate (as if.....).

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  • Gold FFM
1 hour ago, oilmagnet477 said:

If an MP defects, how come that doesn't immediately trigger a bi-election?

Absolutely ridiculous, another example of an elected representative of the people misusing the powers entrusted to them by their electorate. 

I'm disgusted by the arrogance of these self important, self centered people, yes people is all they are, in many cases not very bright, I'll informed, and so far up their own asses that they forget those of us who put them where they are.

It's just laughable to hear these cretins speak of democracy whilst changing the rule book to undermine a democratic vote. DEMOCRACY IS DEAD

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I try to apply a bit of logic to this, and have to say the 20 odd rebels probably didn't do this for their own interests. They've just ended their own careers/salaries etc.

I have no.interest in trying to persuade people to be pro or anti Brexit, seems.to me no one ever changes their mind. But I do like to give most people enough credit to accept they are doing what they think is best for people/the UK.

But this js a terribly unfashionable view, so you can all tell me to f*** off.

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1 hour ago, martynw said:

I try to apply a bit of logic to this, and have to say the 20 odd rebels probably didn't do this for their own interests. They've just ended their own careers/salaries etc.

I have no.interest in trying to persuade people to be pro or anti Brexit, seems.to me no one ever changes their mind. But I do like to give most people enough credit to accept they are doing what they think is best for people/the UK.

But this js a terribly unfashionable view, so you can all tell me to f*** off.

It’s not unfashionable at all, you have as much right to speak your mind on this forum as anyone else, the hard Brexiteers will definitely disagree and by the why I totally agree with you, a no deal is not what the country needs, so it’s simple MPs putting people’s livelihoods especially the younger generation before party politics in my opinion is noble, great to see bullying in any form is not the answer and as been put back where it belongs in the gutter.

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  • Gold FFM


20 minutes ago, martynw said:

But this js a terribly unfashionable view, so you can all tell me to f*** off.

Not at all Martin, I see you are from London, your view is probably hugely fashionable there, as it would be in Scotland. The problem seems to be most of our broadcasting associations and media are based in London, most of our MP's live part time work and socialise in London, but London does not share the opinion of the rest of the country, we the majority outside the M25 are sick to death of hearing the doom and gloom, Brexit car crash, off the cliff, do or die propaganda coming from within the capitol every day.

Please take a look at the voting map of the UK to see the huge proportion of the country that voted to leave, those MP's who represent that huge proportion should do so, and if they have lost their careers and salaries for refusing to uphold a referendum result, then that's the least they deserve.

Let me give you another example of how out of touch London is with the rest of the country... Anti semitism within the labour party, that was headline news for weeks, as if it were the end of the world. Being from outside London it means absolutely nothing, I don't think I've ever even seen a Jew let alone needed to hear about anti semitism every day.

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4 hours ago, scotty435 said:

But I do like to give most people enough credit to accept they are doing what they think is best for people/the UK.

But that doesn't seem to include actually doing what the majority of people in the UK asked them to do! So I have to disagree with you and say that they are selfishly following their own agenda, not the direction from their own constituents. The best example of all re this being John Bercow the remain biased Speaker who has refused to take a neutral view and instead abused his position to undermine our very own PM and Government. Or have I missed the point?

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At least three of the rebels are not even standing next time. Bercow, is a disgrace, he is so clearly biased that he is not fit for his role. 

The lot of them are unfit to serve us, we deserve better. 

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