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People are still testing, and getting +ve results. COVID is still out there though curiously not at Pandemic levels. I'm no medical science so don't know why it's still there but seemingly not so infectious or debilitating to the masses.

I came into this world screaming and covered in someone elses blood. I'll probably leave it in the same way. 


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48 minutes ago, C8RKH said:

I'm no medical science so don't know why it's still there but seemingly not so infectious or debilitating to the masses.

Vaccination? I've just had a text letting me know I can book up now for number 8! 

It was never really that bad unless you were old &/or vulnerable but it sure made a lot of people a lot of money looking back on it! 

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1 hour ago, Bibs said:

was never really that bad unless you were old &/or vulnerable but it sure made a lot of people a lot of money looking back on it! 

Hmmm, half of the young working population and most of the Civil Service seem to beg to differ. Or maybe they're just lazy.... Hmmm 🤔

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I came into this world screaming and covered in someone elses blood. I'll probably leave it in the same way. 


The small print.

My comments and observations are my own, invariably "tongue in cheek", and definitely, sarcastic in nature. Therefore, do not take my advice, suggestions, observations or posts seriously or personally and remember if you do, do anything, that I may have suggested, then you have done this based solely on your own decision to do so and therefore you acknowledge responsibility and accountability (I know, in this modern world these are the hardest things for you to accept) for your actions and indemnify me of any influence, responsibility, accountability, or liability, in what you have done. In other words, you did it, so suffer the consequences on your own!

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Over 65 - 158,000

Under 65 - 23,000

This is deaths involving Covid, obvs it's hard to track down numbers for death purely from Covid. On the same site it shows that 24m people in the UK have been infected, not quite the plague with a mortality rate looking to be 0.75% of those with it, but not solely from the virus. Sorry to sound flippant, I know a lot of people lost loved ones and have been affected by the virus, but perhaps it wasn't as bad as they made out. 

Opera Snapshot_2024-05-05_105253_www.statista.com.png

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That was my point @Bibs, and yet so many still seem to have "pandemic" disease, especially among younger workers and the Civil Service/Public sector. The biggest impact of the Pandemic (in general not at a personal level) seems to be how lazy, selfish and entitled many have become as a result of it. 

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I came into this world screaming and covered in someone elses blood. I'll probably leave it in the same way. 


The small print.

My comments and observations are my own, invariably "tongue in cheek", and definitely, sarcastic in nature. Therefore, do not take my advice, suggestions, observations or posts seriously or personally and remember if you do, do anything, that I may have suggested, then you have done this based solely on your own decision to do so and therefore you acknowledge responsibility and accountability (I know, in this modern world these are the hardest things for you to accept) for your actions and indemnify me of any influence, responsibility, accountability, or liability, in what you have done. In other words, you did it, so suffer the consequences on your own!

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55 minutes ago, NAC63 said:

Like myself just see how many self employed people are off due to this. I'll bet its zero.

That's because you're all so unstressed and relaxed thanks to the holiday flats you all bought with your COVID loans....    :harhar::bounce::fish:

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I came into this world screaming and covered in someone elses blood. I'll probably leave it in the same way. 


The small print.

My comments and observations are my own, invariably "tongue in cheek", and definitely, sarcastic in nature. Therefore, do not take my advice, suggestions, observations or posts seriously or personally and remember if you do, do anything, that I may have suggested, then you have done this based solely on your own decision to do so and therefore you acknowledge responsibility and accountability (I know, in this modern world these are the hardest things for you to accept) for your actions and indemnify me of any influence, responsibility, accountability, or liability, in what you have done. In other words, you did it, so suffer the consequences on your own!

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I didn't get any loans or help, infact just after covid I had to have a double hip replacement so was off work for just over a year and because I've been sensible all my life saving, I once again didn't qualify for any help so had to live off my savings for that period ,luckily i dont have a mortgage, So I've worked all my life , never been out of work so these people who think they are entitled but have never contributed need a big kick up the arse and made to work or starve. That goes for all the civil servants too.

Edited by NAC63
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Same here @NAC63 - paid taxes since I was 15 and saved hard, and worked all over the place.

I know you know I was taking the piss hence the three emoji's.

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I came into this world screaming and covered in someone elses blood. I'll probably leave it in the same way. 


The small print.

My comments and observations are my own, invariably "tongue in cheek", and definitely, sarcastic in nature. Therefore, do not take my advice, suggestions, observations or posts seriously or personally and remember if you do, do anything, that I may have suggested, then you have done this based solely on your own decision to do so and therefore you acknowledge responsibility and accountability (I know, in this modern world these are the hardest things for you to accept) for your actions and indemnify me of any influence, responsibility, accountability, or liability, in what you have done. In other words, you did it, so suffer the consequences on your own!

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Just now, C8RKH said:

Same here @NAC63 - paid taxes since I was 15 and saved hard, and worked all over the place.

I know you know I was taking the piss hence the three emoji's.

I know pal as most of your posts are my views too :thumbup:

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What I have gathered since this all got started is that Covid typically results in a a variety of states of illness, sometimes mild, other times cruddy but not lethal, and sometimes grave. I've known at least 2 fit adult men to have been hospitalised, one put under in coma for weeks, due to Covid. It is a potential peril and one which has killed in great numbers around the globe.

Thanks to our media saturated era it does seem that people go off their nut in regard to infection prospects. Case in point, I joined another Esprit owning mate for stroll and coffee the other day and was dementedly amused at the sight of a woman driving off from her carpark with surgical gloved hands clutching the wheel, mask stuck on and windows all rolled up tight. She was alone.

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  • Gold FFM

I've had it three times, always caught at work. 

First time, pre-vaccine was nasty, knocked me out for two whole weeks could barely breathe rashes and all, was worried for a while

Second time post 3 vaccines, much milder, got a fever and a cough but not too bad

Just getting over my third time round now. Worked feeling awful with a fever on day 1, fever was raging on day 2 so took the day off, back at work day 3 but could barely talk and coughing my lungs out. Day 4 now, still feeling dodgy but on the way to recovery. 

It's very much dependant on person I think, I think the vaccines largely take it down a million notches rather than make you completely immune.

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Had it 4 or 5 times so far. Most recently in January and still have an annoying cough even now.

First time I had it in March 2020 I thought I was dying and nearly ended up in hospital. Last time in January I felt really crap for a few days, and then generally unwell for a few more. However I haven't had a booster. The last time I had one I was ill for longer than I was with COVID so guessed I would go with COVID rather than the jab.

Possibly save your life. Check out this website. https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/mens-cancer



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  • Gold FFM

On our news the other night, a judge has said that the Victorian police used excessive force against every anti-lockdown protester when we had our lockdowns.

She then went on to say that every fine/charge or whatever that any of the police in question issued will be cancelled.

She then followed that up with something about investigations will be carried out against every officer and she expected charges to be laid against the officers.

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All we know is that when they stop making this, we will be properly, properly sad.Jeremy Clarkson on the Esprit.

Opinions are like armpits. Everyone has them, some just stink more than others.

For forum issues, please contact one of the Moderators. (I'm not one of the elves anymore, but I'll leave the link here)

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I think @ramjet that says a lot about how feckless and clueless that Judge really is. Surely the Police only act based on the powers and instructions they have been given. Therefore, the real people who should be victimised and prosecuted are the law makers and those who provided the instructions.

I wonder how she will feel in a few months when she is out of a job as all the coppers have been sacked and she has no one in the courts to prosecute cases against?

The more I see and hear about Australia, the more happy I am that I live in the UK to be honest. Oz is a lot more "draconian", or "big brother", it would seem than here.

I came into this world screaming and covered in someone elses blood. I'll probably leave it in the same way. 


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My comments and observations are my own, invariably "tongue in cheek", and definitely, sarcastic in nature. Therefore, do not take my advice, suggestions, observations or posts seriously or personally and remember if you do, do anything, that I may have suggested, then you have done this based solely on your own decision to do so and therefore you acknowledge responsibility and accountability (I know, in this modern world these are the hardest things for you to accept) for your actions and indemnify me of any influence, responsibility, accountability, or liability, in what you have done. In other words, you did it, so suffer the consequences on your own!

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2 hours ago, C8RKH said:

Surely the Police only act based on the powers and instructions they have been given. Therefore, the real people who should be victimised and prosecuted are the law makers and those who provided the instructions.


Absolutely correct. UK Parliament pushed through laws about mingling, travelling etc etc and then put out that they wanted them followed fully and to the full extent of the law. Therefore, even if you disagreed with it, Police would still have to enforce it! It was, quite literally, the law.

It was no different to speeding, drunk and disorderly etc that basically involved a ticket and a fine. It was also recorded and too many tickets and you got a whalloping fine. I know here in Norwich a group of university students who kept having parties got a £10,000 fine in the end.

Whether you agree with what was done or not, it was the law and the Police had to enforce it like any other. Sure, now when you look back it looks draconian. But the trouble with quickly drafted laws to handle "States of emergency" is they often allow very little or no room for an Officer to use common sense and leeway. 

So, for example, we have a food processing factory near me. The workers are all on minimum wage and often from abroad. They can't afford cars so always car share or own a car between 4 of them. However, they don't live in the same house and as such, when stopped by Police, were breaking the law mixing together in the vehicle. Luckily most Police are not the Nasty people the press would have you believe and even though the law stated you had to ticket them I suspect words of advice were often given.

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Possibly save your life. Check out this website. https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/mens-cancer



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The law is usually an ass. Only very few police officers, in my experience, are asses. The vast majority are reasonable human beings.

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I came into this world screaming and covered in someone elses blood. I'll probably leave it in the same way. 


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My comments and observations are my own, invariably "tongue in cheek", and definitely, sarcastic in nature. Therefore, do not take my advice, suggestions, observations or posts seriously or personally and remember if you do, do anything, that I may have suggested, then you have done this based solely on your own decision to do so and therefore you acknowledge responsibility and accountability (I know, in this modern world these are the hardest things for you to accept) for your actions and indemnify me of any influence, responsibility, accountability, or liability, in what you have done. In other words, you did it, so suffer the consequences on your own!

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  • Gold FFM
13 hours ago, Kimbers said:

Whether you agree with what was done or not, it was the law and the Police had to enforce it like any other. Sure, now when you look back it looks draconian. But the trouble with quickly drafted laws to handle "States of emergency" is they often allow very little or no room for an Officer to use common sense and leeway. 

Ahh now this I do take issue with. The Met police had officers sat in or outside Downing St watching the comings and goings and general partying occurring. And what exactly did they do? Turn a blind eye and continue to persecute the public. 

Police forces seem totally different and they pick and choose what they consider is important to them. I won’t even digress into the “it’s a civil matter” fob offs they seem to give so many people when they simply can’t be bothered.

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3 hours ago, Barrykearley said:

Ahh now this I do take issue with. The Met police had officers sat in or outside Downing St watching the comings and goings and general partying occurring.

I don't know the facts Barry but would suspect they were "told" to not interfere, but yes, they should have had the balls to challenge. Again, I suspect they didn't, because they did not believe that their superiors in the Met would have the balls to back them. At the end of the day, those officers would not put their careers and livelihoods on the line, and I can understand that. Not saying it was right though.

I came into this world screaming and covered in someone elses blood. I'll probably leave it in the same way. 


The small print.

My comments and observations are my own, invariably "tongue in cheek", and definitely, sarcastic in nature. Therefore, do not take my advice, suggestions, observations or posts seriously or personally and remember if you do, do anything, that I may have suggested, then you have done this based solely on your own decision to do so and therefore you acknowledge responsibility and accountability (I know, in this modern world these are the hardest things for you to accept) for your actions and indemnify me of any influence, responsibility, accountability, or liability, in what you have done. In other words, you did it, so suffer the consequences on your own!

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5 hours ago, Barrykearley said:

Ahh now this I do take issue with. The Met police had officers sat in or outside Downing St watching the comings and goings and general partying occurring. And what exactly did they do? Turn a blind eye and continue to persecute the public. 

Police forces seem totally different and they pick and choose what they consider is important to them. I won’t even digress into the “it’s a civil matter” fob offs they seem to give so many people when they simply can’t be bothered.

I can't speak for the Met mate, all I know is what Officers I know were told. It is poor that in one area you would be prosecuted and in another not but I would suspect that is about the position of the people breaking the law. And I know it shouldn't be different but I refer you to the "MP's Expenses scandal" and the fact that so many MP's broke the law and fiddled their expenses and avoided paying tax and just got to pay it back. If that was you or me we would be prosecuted by our company, HMRC and the Police.

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Possibly save your life. Check out this website. https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/mens-cancer



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  • Gold FFM
8 hours ago, C8RKH said:

I don't know the facts Barry but would suspect they were "told" to not interfere, but yes, they should have had the balls to challenge. Again, I suspect they didn't, because they did not believe that their superiors in the Met would have the balls to back them. At the end of the day, those officers would not put their careers and livelihoods on the line, and I can understand that. Not saying it was right though.

They take an oath - end of. 

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