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People's reaction to the Esprit - what's yours?

Loose Cannon

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  • Gold FFM

As most of you regulars know I have been restoring my S3 for almost a year now after an engine bay fire so she has been in and out of my garage at home dozens of time over the last few months, usually up on blocks and stands, and an engine crane hanging over the back end. People driving past always slow down to have a look, well the last time home she was running under her own steam and people could see the exhaust gases so they now stop and ask, how much more have you to do, Last time home I had her turned round facing the other way and one guy stopped and said well is that it then, you all done now. Obviously living in a small rural village the car is well known but in the main these are not locals but people who just pass through and stop for a look, the best bit is when they turn round and see the bright Yellow Eclat and the Silver Excel sitting just opposite they are usually so intent on looking at the S3 they dont notice the other two to start with and the expressions you see on the faces is comical. Some have said oh your neighbours have one as well and when I reply no sorry there all mine they think you must be a millionaire, if only they knew they were all purchased as none runners for less than a cheap Mondeo and each and have just had a lot of love and attention lavished on them to bring them back to glory. And of course loads of advice from the forums.


 Results. Priceless.

Edited by ramjet
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At a photo shooting for a car magazine a young female (not in the 70'ties or 80'ties) asked: "Can I have a quickie in that car - we don't have to drive anywhere?"

The Real Stig Lotus Turbo Esprit, Lotus Elise S1, Lotus Elite, Lancia Delta, Jaguar XF ....Previous cars: Subaru SVX, Porsche 924 Turbo, Lotus Eclat Excel, Lotus Elite, Matra Murena 2,2, Fiat X1/9 5sp

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Was driving down a road and had to slow to pass a house that was having a sunday afternoon party. There where two kids directing cars into their driveway where the party was.


Being the summer I had my window down and as I slowed then started to pull away they both shouted "cor mate nice car"



as the saying goes "out of the mouths of babes"


Nice to know that the future owners of these fine cars, start their enthusiasm at an early age  :thumbsup:

Edited by gghc87


Men marry women with the hope they will never change. Women marry men with the hope they will change. Invariably they are both disappointed. : Albert Einstein

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After over 50k combined miles of driving S1s since the late 1990s, I finally got my first negative reaction.  About a month and a half ago, my wife and I were in the blue S1 on an interstate highway in Cleveland and two young punks in a beat-up Saturn SC2 started swerving at us and giving us the middle finger.  One of them threw a drink at the car, which hit the door. 


But that was literally the only negative reaction I have ever encountered in all these years and miles.  Everything else has been completely positive.  I have never once worried about any of my Esprits when I left it parked somewhere.


For a while, I had a couple of Ferrari 308s;  the reaction couldn't be more different.   With the Esprit, the reactions are always positive, always "cool car!"  "wow, a Lotus!"   "Jame Bond!"  "Is that a Pantera/Lamborghini/Ferrari?"  etc.    With the 308, the reactions were usually tense, mistrusting, or outright jealous -- typical comments were "how much did you pay for that," "how much money do you make," "what do yo do for a living," "what is it worth/what does it cost,"  or stupid comments and questions about gas mileage and parts spoken or asked with a slant that it was obvious the person was trying to place themselves in a one-up position over me/my car.   I always worried about my 308 when I parked it somewhere.

Tony K. :)


Esprit S1s #355H & 454H

Esprit S2.2  #324J

1991 Esprit SE

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One of many priceless moments with the Esprit was when we were parked up at the local train station, my wife waiting there whilst I ran down to pick up some tickets. Came back to find her out of the car talking to a guy with his young son stood by him. I assumed the car had been nudged or something but no, it turned out it was the lads 10th birthday and his Dad was taking him to Edinburgh for the day. 


The youngster was an Esprit fanatic, covering his bedroom walls with photos and collecting all he could about the car. This was the first time he had seen a live one! Poor lad was beside himself and when I offered him a sit in the drivers seat his face was a picture. Dad took a photo of him and said he would have a hard time topping this birthday present.10 years old and a fan already!!!


I've also the 'quickie' request, returning to the car park at Silverstone a couple of years ago. There were several people around the car taking pictures. As me and my mate went to get in a very attractive young lady in a very short skirt ran over and asked if she could have a sit in it. I offered her the drivers seat and she let out a little squeal of delight - at least I think that's what it was :huh:  The look on my mates face, who by now was sat in the passenger seat, was priceless. Welcome to my world I said......

Edited by hedgerley
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  • Gold FFM

I have always had positive comments that I can recall. I had a guy ask me once years ago "Is that real or a plastic fantastic?"

I replied "Well, it's made of plastic and it's a real one." He walked away not knowing what I meant and is probably still confused.


I dropped my daughter off at her school several times and some smart arse looked at her one day and said "Hmph. Lotus. I wouldn't have one of them."

My daughter replied "Well don't buy one then." Love her.


Any time a young lad has shown any sort of interest, or comes over for a look with mum or dad, I have always opened the door and let them sit in the drivers seat. Makes their day and the parents are always really appreciative. I can't imagine the stories they would tell their friends.


Not a lot of people look at it here where I live. I have seen one Gallardo here and not much else. Bernie (aussiekid) has his Evora and Cadel Evans (currently languishing in hospital I believe) has an elise.

I have seen some people look, but not many that I notice.


I'm like Tony K. I don't really worry about it when I park it somewhere. Most people seem to be pretty respectful of it.

All we know is that when they stop making this, we will be properly, properly sad.Jeremy Clarkson on the Esprit.

Opinions are like armpits. Everyone has them, some just stink more than others.

For forum issues, please contact one of the Moderators. (I'm not one of the elves anymore, but I'll leave the link here)

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  • Gold FFM

Some good stories here!


First the good - I remember taking my nephew out when he was 6, booster seat etc. The instructions were pretty clear - scream if you want to go faster :). He must have liked the acceleration as he didn't stop screaming. Little git started screaming on purpose though, in a traffic jam. "Okay, you can stop that now".


And the bad - while on the M5 two thick necked builder types in a small white van swerving in and out of my lane on purpose, with their laughing and sneering grins. The traffic was pretty solid so couldn't get away, and they purposefully kept getting in my way. I don't know if it was the Esprit or the lass that was in the car with me that made them so antagonistic. They must have had more than a few pints of Stella Act.the.twat. Or just natural w*nkers.


Another good one to balance out - a few years ago my mum took critically ill and I had to get to Glasgow from Swindon as soon as I could, fearing the worst. The only car I had running was the Esprit. She made a recovery, and wanted picked up from the Royal Infirmary in the Lotus, not a taxi she said! Cue her getting in to the Esprit in her housecoat and slippers, getting waved off by the nurses at the window of the ward above. I think for a short while she felt like royalty in her own little way. RIP mum.

Signature not working...

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I recently took the car for a rapid run up the motorway and when I stopped for petrol a police patrol car pulled up along side. Blast points on the licence. No - they just wanted to look at the car!


We have a 6th form college in the road and students stop to ask questions about the car.


I know these cars can be a bit of a pain to maintain but they are beautiful and they really go like stink.

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  • Moderator

On one of the first runs in my Esprit I came across a young boy with his mum at a pedestrian crossings. A few cars had already passed, not granting them their right of way. So when I slowed, they were hesitant to start crossing. I flipped up the pods with main beam to signal them over and the boys face just lit up. He's mum almost had to drag him across, he just kept staring.

Lots of thumbs up when in traffic to, occasionally another driver urging me on, but usually not in a challenging way but just to see and hear the Esprit move. All in all nothing but positive, except perhaps in the supermarket car park when methodically dividing the groceries between front and rear luggage compartments. :smoke: 



I have made many mistakes in my life. Buying a multiple Lotus is not one of them.


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I used to love taking mine to Tescos and watching peoples surprise as it swallowed a weeks shopping! Rarely had to use the front compartment either. Don't bother any more though, too many loonys in ever more busy supermarket car parks these days, I'm sure it's riskier than anywhere for minor prangs

In the garage no-one can hear you scream 

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Two odd encounters just this weekend. I parked on the street near my sister's place to pick her up but arrived early and she wasn't in yet so I decided it was a good time to clean the windows. Came out with some cleaner and paper towels to discover a gentleman on a bicycle hovering near the car. Upon seeing me he named the car and enumerated the Bond movies its been in and then spent the next 20minutes telling me his life story as I washed the windows. When my sister pulled up a while later he was still there and she asked if I'd made a new friend.


Later the same day, I parked it in the driveway and went into the house. A few minutes later my brother in-law came in and said he spooked someone who was standing by the car. He was dressed similarly to myself and my brother in-law had mistakenly thought I was the one examining my car. The man said he'd heard the car driving and stopped to take a look, then got back in his car and drove off.


The more I drive this car the more heads turn it seems! So far very positive... = )


Bibs, I was carrying groceries in the back on Saturday, my pie was nice and warm by the time I got home! Just don't keep the ice-cream back there... :ice:


Brian M.

Edited by marcbria
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  • 2 weeks later...

At a photo shooting for a car magazine a young female (not in the 70'ties or 80'ties) asked: "Can I have a quickie in that car - we don't have to drive anywhere?"



I don't think there'd be room for a quickie ... 


You may think that.......I couldn't possibly comment :whistle:

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So far I have only ever met one person who knew what the car was:


Just loading up in the hypermarket car park as a woman and young kid walk past he says something to her and

"No don't bother the man"

"Its a Lotus Mum...."

"Did you hear me?"

"But Mum, its a V8 Esprit!"


At which point I went over and explained to 'Mum' that it wouldn't bother me at all if Jean-Phillipe (9) came and sat in the car and if she permitted, a quick circuit of the car park.


I don't think I will ever see a grin that big again.

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Not surprising, yours is one of the best looking Esprits ever built.


9 years old seems to be the magical age of appreciation and wonder in young lads. Is it coincide that was the age I first wanted an Esprit?

In the garage no-one can hear you scream 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just remembered when I went to an event last year and while I was doing my usual post drive check in the back for leaks etc,  a chap in a McLaren parked next to me, swished open his door and said "that's a really nice car mate" it made me pretty happy, but then, looking back at the picture - I can see his point :) 



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  • Gold FFM

As most of you know I had my S3 out for her first short run the other day after a year of rebuilding and the looks she was getting were great. Most people in our area have only seen her on blocks with my feet sticking our from underneath for the past 14 months so were pleased to see it actually moves. Loads of thumbs up and big smiles and man does it feel good. Just got to wait another few days then get the road tax on her and give her a proper run out, a couple of hundred miles should see the smile factor increase.

Edited by johnpwalsh
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Whenever we have people come over for dinner, us men sneak off to the garage to perv on the Esprit. Then the ladies pop in and after a few laughs, they take a seat behind the wheel - and without exception they all drift off in a daze and make some comment about some boyfriend's car when they were 19ish. It's like they drift away for a bit, so cool!

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Made me laugh. .I was watching Ashes to Ashes last week (box set love it) one episode has an essex esprit in it. The conversation in the program went like this one copper to another.....

Copper1 who do you think drives a car like this?

Copper2 poofs. Poofs and show offs.

needless to say the other half laughed...

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I have had three cars vandalized in my time and its a horrible feeling.The first was my Mk1 RS200, it was spotless. I was followed home one night by an old heap of a mk 1. the next morning it hd  paint stripper onto the roof and boot. I used to get lots of greif with it other boy racers and old bill.


2  A Opel Monza was broken into and an attempt was made to remove the radio. As this was not possible a Stanley knife was take to every seat and door panel. This was outside my parents house.


3 My Supra Turbo was parked in B&Q and it was just in the wrong spot as mine and three others were badly keyed. On the plus side the insurance paid for a full pukka respray.


So when the time came to buy a Esprit I was a bit worried. Not that Im public enemy no1 but not had much luck with cars that are a bit different. Overall though the reaction has been great. Neighbours have been pictured in it and it has been the conservastion at petrol stations many times.  I wil admit I am still paranoid where I park it.  But it always makes me smile when little boys come running over to look at it. Just as my two do every time its out. 

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