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The Donald.


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Yes i heard about the OZ news feed,  I find it strange to be fair with stuff like this coming from the Oz pm,   As normally they start  firing warning shots at the immigrant boats when they start getting to near the shore :ermm:  

So for this to come out the Oz pms mouth is strange and i have always seen and thought of Australia as having one of the best security and stricktest boarder controls going ?


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It also helps that are in the middle of the middle of the ocean thousands of miles from anywhere!

I also find it funny, or is it ironic. I mean Trump says you can't travel here if you're from there.  The Dutch PM, Mark Rutte, publishes an open letter basically saying dowe say and live how we want you to live by our rules and values or flook off back to whence you came from, even if that was three generations ago, and no-one really raises and eyebrow, let alone has 100,000 people marching in the streets in the UK.

After watching question time last night, with another lefty shouty (and why they are always female?) left wing MP, I am increasingly of the opinion that those with a strong left leaning are actually anti-democracy and anti-freedom of speech. It really is quite amazing how they "shout everyone else down and try to score cheap political points" every time they open their mouths.

I mean, the left, especially the extreme left which is communist leaning, has a terrible track record on free speech, basic human rights, freedom of movement, etc. Some of the most brutal regimes of the past 100 years have been left wing. I do sometimes worry why the common working man prefers the left socialist view, as actually, they usually suffer the most under it.


God doesn't want me, and the Devil isn't finished with me yet.


The small print.

My comments and observations are my own, invariably "tongue in cheek", and definitely, sarcastic in nature. Therefore, do not take my advice, suggestions, observations or posts seriously or personally and remember if you do, do anything, that I may have suggested, then you have done this based solely on your own decision to do so and therefore you acknowledge responsibility and accountability (I know, in this modern world these are the hardest things for you to accept) for your actions and indemnify me of any influence, responsibility, accountability, or liability, in what you have done. In other words, you did it, so suffer the consequences on your own!

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I asked a friend of mine who lives in Boston how he saw the media, and its portrayal of Trump. He said the following:-

"I don’t know how the media treats Theresa May, but here in America 90% of the media is essentially part of the opposition party and they treat our president with total disrespect.  The majority of Americans don’t trust anything the mainstream media says because they have been proven to be liars to advance their agenda over and over again.  Trump has hundreds of thousands of followers on social media so he can pretty much communicate directly with the American people, which he does often, in order to avoid the media’s dishonest portrayal of his statements, positions and actions."

Ain't nothing sells like bad news?

Margate Exotics.

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Todays news feed,  Is slating Trump for an operation by Navy seals that went down in the Yemen,  one navy seal was sadly killed during the op, and a few women civilians,  

They are trying to say he rushed the op, and with this been his first operation he has failed to take evidence into account as int on the ground was lacking ? 

I feel that all presidents do what they are told to by the American generals, Very sad to hear the Seal team member died during the op but that goes with the territory of special ops, sadly no matter how much training you do, you always know the risks when putting boots on the ground. :( 

And the women civilians killed ?  You would think that these are not the kind of women who strap explosive to their chests or cant pick up a weapon, Neither Muslim women or children can be counted as JUST innocent civilians in most of these cases imo. 

Everything Mr Trump does is going to be slagged of by the media,  They blame him for lack of inteligence yet the Americans not long ago and us British invaded a whole country on sxxxte intel. :(

I personally feel the media and other opostion parties are deep down very scared of Trump as he says what he things, glad to see he is sending more ops into Yemen the rat hole  :thumbup:


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  • Gold FFM
On 2/3/2017 at 17:45, C8RKH said:

Maybe because it is being reported elsewhere but the BBC are ignoring it? Or because the BBC and other news channels have different agendas?

Loved last nights BBC news where they reported Trump had a stormy call with the Oz PM because the Oz PM was pissed off that Trump would not now allow in 1500 odd immigrants to the US that Oz would not let in to their own country.

Apparently its unreasonable for Trump to not accept someone dumping their problem on the US. Me, i just though hell yes, way to Trump. Trump for the win.

I mean. Trump gets lambasted for stopping people travelling and the Oz PM is a nice guy despite putting immigrants in a detention camp on a remote Island and paying boat owners to turn around and take asylum seekers somewhere else. Anywhere else. And we think there is no biased agenda?

Lol....  all world leaders do unsavoury stuff. Difference with Trump is he tweets and tells everyone about it. Doh...

I think you may find that the agreement with Obama was to settle 1,500 asylum seekers who had passed the entry requirements, but with bureaucracy etc, were still sitting in detainee camps awaiting settlement. There has proven to be a large issue with this. Any asylum seekers found to be trying to pull a shiftie are deported. It may be possible that Obama agreed to take some to put them through applicable refugee status and then settle them. Interestingly, they all come to this place. Actually, calling them illegal immigrants is wrong. Illegal immigrants are those that have immigrated and have been deceptive to achieve this and are the caught. All of these people are classifieds as asylum seekers until they fail their refugee status. They are then deported. They can not be called illegal immigrants.

The asylum seekers are kept on a remote island so that the message gets though that just because they come to Australia, they cannot consider being on Australian soil as a given.

On 2/3/2017 at 17:54, silverfrost said:

Yes i heard about the OZ news feed,  I find it strange to be fair with stuff like this coming from the Oz pm,   As normally they start  firing warning shots at the immigrant boats when they start getting to near the shore :ermm:  

So for this to come out the Oz pms mouth is strange and i have always seen and thought of Australia as having one of the best security and stricktest boarder controls going ?

Yes, shots are fired across their bows, but when you see the footage, any ammunition is pointed well in advance of any other boat. The Navy, nor the government, could EVER justify actually shooting a boat. Have you ever seen a refugee boat stop form the Navy firing? They only stop once they are boarded. By this point, generally all people smugglers have left the boat. Please don't bring up the findings of the 'Children Overboard' fiasco. I know a man whose son was on the Navy boat concerned. The event did happen. The crew would not back the Captain's recollection of events as no-one liked him and they knew if they didn't back him up, the captain would be sidelined. New captain.

So we asked for assistance with asylum seekers. Interestingly, just about everyone has said 'no' that has been asked, yet many people have a go at our government for not being lenient enough.

On 2/3/2017 at 19:51, silverfrost said:

Todays news feed,  Is slating Trump for an operation by Navy seals that went down in the Yemen,  one navy seal was sadly killed during the op, and a few women civilians,  

They are trying to say he rushed the op, and with this been his first operation he has failed to take evidence into account as int on the ground was lacking ? 

I feel that all presidents do what they are told to by the American generals, Very sad to hear the Seal team member died during the op but that goes with the territory of special ops, sadly no matter how much training you do, you always know the risks when putting boots on the ground. :( 

And the women civilians killed ?  You would think that these are not the kind of women who strap explosive to their chests or cant pick up a weapon, Neither Muslim women or children can be counted as JUST innocent civilians in most of these cases imo. 

Everything Mr Trump does is going to be slagged of by the media,  They blame him for lack of inteligence yet the Americans not long ago and us British invaded a whole country on sxxxte intel. :(

I personally feel the media and other opostion parties are deep down very scared of Trump as he says what he things, glad to see he is sending more ops into Yemen the rat hole  :thumbup:

Yet we never hear about civilian casualties when these clowns run around shooting rounds into the air in the spirit of celebration?

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All we know is that when they stop making this, we will be properly, properly sad.Jeremy Clarkson on the Esprit.

Opinions are like armpits. Everyone has them, some just stink more than others.

For forum issues, please contact one of the Moderators. (I'm not one of the elves anymore, but I'll leave the link here)

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I figured out where Trump gets his policy ideas.

I was watching Machete last night (Robert Ridrigues film).

Machete (2010)

There is a line in it from a Texas senator (Robert De Niro).

"We're going to round up all the illegals and send them back. But first we're going to make them build a wall and we're not going to pay them"

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I must admit I instantly thought "Why would America take 1500 all young men economic migrants when Australia didn't want them and stuck them in offshore detention centres?" which points to the fact they aren't refugee's at all. Then everyone gives Trump a hammering!!!! I must admit, I don't like Trump one little bit but I am starting to turn around just because the press are all putting such a negative slant on everything, even in this country!

Possibly save your life. Check out this website. https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/mens-cancer



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:thumbup: Not much different than yesterday Ian then,  would love to see who some of those signatures are from, just to see how they live, I am more intrested to see what bubble they have been living in. 

I have a name for these kind people and its called oxygen theives :)


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@silverfrost The number Ian is quoting is for the "Donald Trump should make a State Visit to the United Kingdom." petition not the one to ban him.


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2 hours ago, Kimbers said:

I must admit I instantly thought "Why would America take 1500 all young men economic migrants when Australia didn't want them and stuck them in offshore detention centres?" which points to the fact they aren't refugee's at all. Then everyone gives Trump a hammering!!!! I must admit, I don't like Trump one little bit but I am starting to turn around just because the press are all putting such a negative slant on everything, even in this country!

I don't think that was the agreement. It was that they would take up to 1200 (approx.) if they passed the vetting process. So presumably economic migrants would not pass and only genuine refugees would be allowed in. Anyway. Who cares about details.

I agree that I don't see why Australia are so upset given their stance on these migrants anyway.

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1 hour ago, ChrisJ said:

@silverfrost The number Ian is quoting is for the "Donald Trump should make a State Visit to the United Kingdom." petition not the one to ban him.


Yes, while he's visiting there Congress should append his ban to include orangutans and he won't be able to reenter !!     :lol:  

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Yup. And we can use the marchers for live exercises to add realism to the national service experience.

Obviously only joking. Well, a bit...

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God doesn't want me, and the Devil isn't finished with me yet.


The small print.

My comments and observations are my own, invariably "tongue in cheek", and definitely, sarcastic in nature. Therefore, do not take my advice, suggestions, observations or posts seriously or personally and remember if you do, do anything, that I may have suggested, then you have done this based solely on your own decision to do so and therefore you acknowledge responsibility and accountability (I know, in this modern world these are the hardest things for you to accept) for your actions and indemnify me of any influence, responsibility, accountability, or liability, in what you have done. In other words, you did it, so suffer the consequences on your own!

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These are quite inflammatory remarks above and under the principle of equal and opposite reaction I will remark.

Don`t worry it`s just good-natured banter ! Well, a bit....

Oh well, thanks guys,  you`ve just saved me another 65p  on a copy of the Daily Mail. 

I will speak up below for those marchers here and yes, you can care about what`s happening in the wider world and care about what`s happening here-and drive a Lotus as well for that matter .I am marching to support the NHS on March 4th. I don`t care if anyone notices or whether it gets reported, it will have made me feel a bit better for getting off my behind and at worst, showing just myself that I have a conscience about our Country.  

A proven liar with the power to incinerate us all scares some people and his attitudes disgust others such as that well-known long haired layabout John Bercow MP.

Ban people from certain countries ? Well start with Saudi then, their citizens killed thousands on US soil. But no, guess what,  Saudis aren`t banned. Invent a non-existent terrorist incident as justification.

As someone might put it : JUST CRAZY.  

From reading the above posts how am I supposed to not reach a conclusion that British young people -this country`s future- are viewed with contempt ? How else can you read  "use `em for target practice...they should wash, why can`t they protest about this country`s problems  etc etc etc" .

A good example of protests you may approve of  ?  Tony Benn in his time, marching with the Police Federation against funding cuts. Corbyn speaking out for British army veterans disgustingly thrown onto the streets. That`s the trouble with principles. They`re more complicated than grubbing for cold hard cash.   

BTW,  you would certainly at least need a wash if you were an eight-year old shoved up a London chimney, and then left to die of lung disease  at 16 (if you hadn`t broken your spine by then ).  Who put an end to that ? People who protested.

Sure they are idealists like many usually middle-class kids of that age but many will grow out of it and grow up to be bank managers accountants etc . At that age of relative irresponsibility,  moral imperatives take precedence over the daily grind of meeting the bills, getting kids to school etc. And like it or not (and you clearly don`t), a mixture of commercial and moral imperatives are what have moved this country forward for ordinary people over the last 150 years. Ending slavery. Commercial and moral imperative. The plimsoll line preventing the greedy and dangerous overloading of ships. Obvious moral imperative. Trains for all. Commercial and moral imperative. Health Service for all. Moral imperative which makes commercial sense.

All those things had to be fought for over the strictly narrow commercial interests that are still seeking to drag us back to the days when major surgery equalled bankruptcy and people knew certain illnesses were a Death sentence . 


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Commercialism will always run the world. But charity begins at home. As and OAP since last year and paid my stamp since 1965 and my state pension is £659.00 a month. Try living on that.  A small private pension thats worth peanuts now due to +ankers . So no problem with proper refugees as long as they pay there way. So all they have to do is pay into the state the same as i have done over the years to get there pittance. I am still in full time employment at 67 luckily still fit and healthy. Body 67 mental age 7 as my wife recons .

Edited by clivef38
Forgot to add last bit.
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