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US LOT Forum - Questions for Lotus

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Great opportunity there Bibs. Not so common for a car maker to give the chance to the enthusiast customers of asking questions to the Board. 

Here I go : Is Lotus planning to do a 'baby' Evija? Something maybe to compete with a Taycan (performance and price wise)

I still enjoy my petrol engine massively more than electric but as things go... Just curious to know. 

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Will lotus price most of us out of the market as it seems that's the way things are heading, especially what we have seen in the last threes years (less for more)

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My question would be:

What type of car do you think can widen the Lotus brand appeal beyond its current customer base? And will perceived build quality take precedence over weight considerations?


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Can we have some (a series of) external/interior teaser pictures and/or sound clips (assuming ICE fitted) of the car being put through its paces (with a bit of commentary from GK) on both the road and test track of the next new model/s?

Even development sketches 

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Darryl & Sue

Proud to drive and own since new a true British supercar the Evora GT430

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  • Gold FFM

1. What support are they putting in place for older Lotus cars / heritage cars? For example, are they considering similar programs to Fiat Classiche were they re-manufacture parts etc? Factory restorations etc.

2. Are they considering any continuation specials of older models - e.g. 

3. In 2018 after the anniversary celebration it said 'See you next year' - can we have a party to celebrate the return to normal life (when it comes) please at Lotus with lots of cool stuff. 🙂

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  • Gold FFM

Which cars on the market today excite you?

Is there anything that you've seen another car manufacturer do and thought, "Damn, wish we'd thought of that"?

What do you drive?

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Can we talk 16 minutes sorry but have we not heard all this before. Yes it was difficult times before corvid 19  now even more .  The chat about dealers very   interesting  specially here in Northern Britain  (Scotland)  as we still do not have one. Now little or no support for a Lotus owner here. We have a independent Specialist who i do not  speak for but seams to have no support from the factory.  U K customers now forgotten not much of a market here for Lotus thats how we feel. As a long term Lotus owner and enthusiast some of the best days was going back to the factory to get the car serviced and visiting the factory you had a fantastic facility get back to using it. You produced the best ever platform  for a sports car the Aluminium tub of the Elise to which still has not been beaten come on it can still be developed more. You have to once again engage with the public playing your cards as close to your chest just is not working as so many of the young say Lotus WHO. As Mclaren have learned from you you must now learned from Mclaren. It upsets me to see how much has been lost at Lotus over the last 10 years another company  would have closed by now .


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Thanks for publishing this Bibs. Most of the questions were fairly specific to the caller (eg. Club support, obsolete parts supply, sales of diagnostic equipment (!)), rather than about the future of Lotus and the new products to come. We did learn from PP that  we will see the new sports car next year, so not in late 2020, as some had hoped. He was also quick to stress its enhanced connectivity and storage! Best news for me is that there will still be a V6 offering.

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  • Gold FFM

"For the driver"............. but not on track. Maybe unintended give aways, but some of the comments did not give the impression that collectively they are performance car enthusiasts; the marketing guy in particular.

I can totally understand why they want to move into the 'premium' segment from a profit perspective. Also why they want to focus more on the US & Far East markets. However, the discussion did not address any of the bigger questions around where they are taking Lotus. Plus the interaction between Phil Popham the senior team seemed disjointed; as if they had not collectively worked through the detail & were not entirely on the same page. 

On the plus side all due credit to Phil Popham & the senior team for taking the time and making the effort to talk to the Clubs.



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Not saying anything!

Just one small suggestion. If Lotus are looking for more accessible driving events, where their cars can be driven properly, without breaking Swiss traffic laws or risking any PR disasters, without the need to pay a few hundred quid to close a road (the cost of a trackday anyway), may I suggest they consider using the test track that they drive past on the way to work every morning?


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