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Lotus vs Lotus legal actions starts Mon. 24.Jan


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No ones winning until the case starts at court. And ultimately I don't think there will be a winner, no matter who comes out on top.

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so who's winning.. too lazy to read through 9 pages of threads. LOL


The pre-season GP reports I've read don't mention GL's entry as the Lotus-Renault but Renault only. And TL's entry doesn't seem to get any mention of note.

Edited by DanR


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The pre-season GP reports I've read don't mention GL's entry as the Lotus-Renault but Renault only. And TL's entry doesn't seem to get any mention of note.

As discussed earlier, the media always refer to the teams by the constructors, not the sponsors and engine suppliers names

What is the difference between an overtake and a crash? An overtake is a crash that never happened!

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and that my good friends ,is how you resolve matters.

perhaps the LOTUS V LOTUS would take a lesson from this and in turn save money and embaressment !


Technically sound ...Theoretically poked !

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  • 2 weeks later...

That's quite a find, Bibs....!! Most entertaining. Chap writes very well...I shall keep a look out for other stuff by him...

Scientists investigate that which already is; Engineers create that which has never been." - Albert Einstein

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That is a shame and I've no idea of the specific details but I'd assume that David Hunt didn't tell Fernandes that he would have to face a 10 day court case to prove the right to use what he'd bought. Since perhaps the terms have changed for the buyer as it's not as clear cut as it originally looked hence Team Lotus being less happy about writing a huge cheque.

If they do lose the case, everything they've bought would be pretty worthless, perhaps TF is trying to mitigate against this and if they do win, perhaps he's trying to get a bargain based on current circumstances. Either way he'll save some money and he is first and foremost a businessman and a good one at that.

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That is a shame and I've no idea of the specific details but I'd assume that David Hunt didn't tell Fernandes that he would have to face a 10 day court case to prove the right to use what he'd bought. Since perhaps the terms have changed for the buyer as it's not as clear cut as it originally looked hence Team Lotus being less happy about writing a huge cheque.

If they do lose the case, everything they've bought would be pretty worthless, perhaps TF is trying to mitigate against this and if they do win, perhaps he's trying to get a bargain based on current circumstances. Either way he'll save some money and he is first and foremost a businessman and a good one at that.

Agreed if it goes that way. But if Proton offer a deal that makes "First Malaysia Team Air Asia" seem an attractive name change, then Hunt will be caught with his pants down, as he would have given Fernandes leverage with no financial return

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It's as simple as can be, if you buy something, then you have to pay for it! Simple isn't it? Maybe TF should start paying David Hunt??? Was that clear enough?

I think someone in Hethel is walking around with a very big smile on his face. But hey that is what happens TF, if you are trying to rip some one, you shot yourself in your own foot. I suggest that TF should react swiftly.

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Thinking about it this thing is just too timely! Maybe I'm just paranoid or maybe TF doesn't own a low cost airline for no good reason! Pay up when you can cash in or renegotiate! Still, I want to know more about this!

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  • Gold FFM

Has TF actually bought (as in paid for) anything? From that article, it suggests he hasn't so how can he legally use the Team Lotus name yet?

My brain hurts again.......

All we know is that when they stop making this, we will be properly, properly sad.Jeremy Clarkson on the Esprit.

Opinions are like armpits. Everyone has them, some just stink more than others.

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Bless! Buying anything as complex as a company (eg Team Lotus) isn't a case of the vendor turning up with it in a bag and the buyer with a chequebook. These things can take months to finalise and perhaps Team Lotus have been a bit presumptuous changing their race name before the transaction was settled.

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Yes indeed Bibs you are close to truth. But once you made a deal and added a timeline to that, being a gentle man, then you should honor that, shouldn't you?

TF demanded DH that he would write him a guarantee that he will win the trial, while everyone knows such things are impossible. It's the judge to decide and you are never ever sure what is the outcome of a trial unless the judge has spoken.

Calypso Rose Rules the World!

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Exactly why I always say that I am a Team Lotus fan and no TF fan, nor Bahar fan. But I feel no hate for anyone Bibs ;) . The only persons who should be admired are David Hunt and MJK. They both kept it easy and simple. They should both be honored, given a medal. But TF and Bahar are 2 little kids at play, playing with other people's money and my favorite F1 team and my favorite cars.They both should be slapped!

Edited by Exploded

Calypso Rose Rules the World!

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Personally, I think that they should both honour the wishes of Clive and let the Team Lotus name live on in history as it was. This isn't a great moment in the teams' history, that's for sure.

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Bibs it was Clive himself who owned the rights way back in the nineties. So it was his personal wish not to leave it in history and sell. He made the choice himself and I am quite sure he took a big fat cheque at that time. So now that Bahar is going to build him a heritage center in Hethel, saying that everyone should leave it in the past is not appropriate imho.

Calypso Rose Rules the World!

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If you want one from left field,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, TF's legal advice is that he is quite entitled to use "Lotus Racing" for the next 4 years, at no extra cost.

Of course that's pure speculation, just like the rest of this thread.

Life is like a sewer, what you get out of it, depends on what you put into it. (Tom Leahrer)

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