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New Esprit?

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As much as we would love a V8 in the Evora I worry it would be seen by the target market (not us as we don't need converting) as a rehashed facelift. That would be fine with me but perhaps not a sound commercial route?


I'll get around to it at some point.

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I'd have thought with a bit of subtle restyling and a bloody great spoiler it would be an ideal vehicle to metamorphose into the new Esprit as from what I understand the Evora can handle more power. The Exige S is possibly an example of stuffing a bigger engine in an existing design and from what I can see it seems to work very well

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The problem with the Exige S is it's really owes far more to the Elise than the Evora, if you've ever sat it you'll know what I mean... and that's really why I didn't go for one. Wasn't there an idea of the Evora platform being a basis for other cars though? 

Having an affair with another marque... B-)

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The Esprit was always designed to be based on the Evora platform and new body panels are the easiest parts. The big delta is engine orientation, a V8 will only fit longitudinally. So, the idea of a V8 powered Evora is essentially the same as the original Esprit.

If you have the choice between a Stairway to Heaven and a Highway to Hell don't forget the Nomex®!

Captain,  Lotus Airways. We fly lower! 

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think you need to explain your comment you appear to contradict yourself; I think    

Darryl & Sue

Proud to drive and own since new a true British supercar the Evora GT430

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I should probably amend that it will essential be a new car.

If you have the choice between a Stairway to Heaven and a Highway to Hell don't forget the Nomex®!

Captain,  Lotus Airways. We fly lower! 

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Lotus are their own worst enemy. I have put down a deposit years ago to have the first new Esprit here. I put a deposit down as soon as the Evora GTE was announced. I have the money and the desire to buy their product, but Lotus is not supplying it.


On the other hand, since I am a fan of multiple exotic brands, I have extensive owner relationships with them. Lamborghini for example, offers really good product very frequently. The only reason why I can't keep up with their offerings is a financial one, otherwise they have regular, excellent product. Lotus on the other hand... meh, I give up.

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I think when we speak Lotus we have to be mindful of the fact that it's the current ownership that is calling the shot and NOT the passionate people that work ona salary for Lotus! 


I can't ever remember a time when Lotus had gobs of money like Lamborghini has now from VW to spend on any one car project.

If the only thing constant is change, then why do we resist change the most?

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I'm disillusioned with Lotus, too many broken promises and a current line up of cars I find uninspiring. Since the new Esprit was first touted in 2004 we've had anything but the Esprit, like the Europa S, Evora and Exige. It's like they've been scared to bite the bullet and go for it.

And for me, with no PR and never seeing Lotuses on the road anymore, it's like the Company's a thing of the past.

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It’s just unfortunate that a publicity seeking ego maniac with his own agenda whetted everyone’s appetite with a vast range of products they probably knew would never see the light of day.

In the meantime let’s celebrate the fact that Lotus have produced a wonderful fast road/trackday car in the Exige S which I think is good value for money . I’d still like to see the Evora evolve into something that will get the old blood pumping a bit quicker whether it be a V8 or just getting the GTE out the factory door.

When I was working over at Castle Donnington last year I saw what I think was a racing Evora on track and I said to myself ‘yes that’s what they should be doing racing cars like that’

I still can't see the Esprit coming out and unfortunately by the time it does come out I'll probably be driving a bloody Yaris!

Edited by B1 RMA
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It's also unfortunate that the current owners are the complete opposite of a publicity seeking ego maniac, I would say their route has the potential to do more damage to the brand. It seems they're going to hang on for a couple of years and they do say they have a plan... they just don't want to share it with anyone! 


As for the Evora, you just need to hit the 'Sports' button and plant your right foot... it's a deceptive car, very usable on an everyday basis but it's every bit as exciting as any other Lotus I've driven... but you can still drive it to the shops and sit in the M25 traffic for hours on end if you must. It's a victim of yet more terrible piece of PR from Lotus, first DB ignored it, now DRB hardly say to a word to anyone about anything! 

Edited by Stirling_Villeneuve

Having an affair with another marque... B-)

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Yes I'm beginning to warm to the Evora S as time passes, and once I'm bored with the Esprit hopefully an Evora S will be about £26K secondhand. As usual though Porsche have put a spanner in the works with the 991 which will depreciate quickly I expect and also be on the radar.

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You are in an interesting position John, being a fan of both Lotus and Porsche and having the wherewithall to indulge in both. I'd be interested to hear your thoughts on why you have both in your garage? In a few sentences can you distil what draws you to each and why you feel the need to have both i.e. what does the Lotus deliver that the Porsche doesn't and vice versa.


Also, Lotus continues to invest heavily in motorsport, directly and via partners. They have had a reasonable amount of success over the past year or so, particularly in the GT class with the Evora in its various guises - they have just trounced a bunch of Porsches and Aston Martin's in the Dubai 24H finishing first in class and 17th overall and of course Team Bullrun won the British GT last year.


Does this influence your decision in any way, especially as you might be considering the Evora with no sight of the new esprit (yet)? I guess its the old 'win on Sunday, buy on Monday' conundrum - is this really valid these days?

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In an attempt to answer your question about why I have both Lotus and Porsche I can only say this. I set a budget and drive every car within that budget and whatever car excites me enough as a driving machine I tick, I then go into actual running costs as I am a believer in looking after cars properly. I am also able to clear my mind of any preconcieved blinkered general opinions that fly about on car forums. I take my hat off to people who buy their cars new I don't, I look at the market and set a budget based on general 50% depreciation from new and if a good manufacturers warranty is still in place all the better.

I would have bought an Elise but everytime I've driven one it gives me motion sickness and at the big Lotus meeting at Donnington a while back I had to lie down for an hour because it made me feel ill after going round the track, my Boxster doesn't do that.

Neither car delivers anything the other doesn't but they are different enough to want to keep both.

I think racing Evoras do more for the brand than any advertising budget that Lotus may or may not have.

I had my first Lotus in 1973 and have had one on and off since then, not really through brand loyalty but just because for the avaiable budget they were the best car and just recently the Boxster has qualified itself in bucketloads the same way.

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  • Gold FFM

David, frequency responts/-setups of the suspension characteristics and the car itself ..and the fine vibrations of rolling on the ground

-this can cause interaction with the human body, as I heared in the university this is basically the same effect as what is used with sound-defence weapons.


So if you feel sick in a car (and it is 'on straight run' , so not related to the *g-rate in the corner) ..try different setups for the suspension, dampers, seat-construction ..


I'm sure it would be possible to change the characteristics of your Porsche into that as well  :harhar:


(OK, it's not meant ofensive ..it doesn't sound good if someone feels ill -but at least the effect is possible and was part of what the professor told us on frequency calculations course)


to name the things if I see them, that's what I call integrity..


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I recall my first impression of the Boxster was 'hey this is a bigger more comfortable Elise' and what's this button? oh it's active suspension so I can drive in great comfort to a track day, press the sport button for driving on track then if I have any tyres left put it back into comfort and listen to probably the best sound system I've ever had in a car for the drive home. Not too shabby a prospect really is it? I forgot to mention all for £26K with a two year official warranty. Don't get me wrong the Elise is a very good little point and squirt car it's just getting in and out and the motion sickness that crossed it off my list. I can get out of my Esprit quite easily though.

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I think the second coming of Christ is going to be sooner than a New Esprit.

Amateurs built the Ark

Professionals built the Titanic

"I haven't ridden in cars pulled by cows before" "Bullocks, Mr.Belcher" "No, I haven't, honestly"

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I was speaking to one of the Lotus chaps at Autosport and he was quite excited about how many cars are being built at the moment. Things are slowly starting to look up at Hethel and whilst that doesn't guarantee a new Esprit, it can't help.


He did say there will be a new Evora refresh this year but we all knew that. 

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  • Gold FFM

Not a looker? :huh:


I would wager that if Honda make that and with their reliability and finish, they won't have a problem selling every single one they roll off the line.

All we know is that when they stop making this, we will be properly, properly sad.Jeremy Clarkson on the Esprit.

Opinions are like armpits. Everyone has them, some just stink more than others.

For forum issues, please contact one of the Moderators. (I'm not one of the elves anymore, but I'll leave the link here)

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I don't know... it looks really fussy and over styled to me, not to mention heavy. The front end reminds me a cross between a Honda Civic and something like a Corvette, so yes... it'll probably sell bucket loads!

Having an affair with another marque... B-)

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