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Kimbers, do you have a source for that image?..... as much as I dislike the man, if this image it correct, the national/international coverage is scandalous.

With regards his anti abortion law..... what he's actually doing is making it impossible for the poorest people, which means more babies being born in to poverty....... presumably he's clever enough (being the self proclaimed cleverest man on the planet) to provide adequate support for these families........

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Here is some time lapse footage of the crowds, it shows the build up and right at the end the dispersing of the crowd (I suspect this to be genuine but hey - you never know). Looks like there was plenty of space for more - perhaps the Whitehouse statement on numbers was a bit of a porky, will leave this to the conspiracy theorists.


23 hours ago, Kimbers said:

I feel vindicated that Trump is not disappointing me and my post that "I can't wait to get up in the Morning to see what he has done everyday!".

I was just thinking the exact same thing. Perhaps we should have a "Trump of the Day" thread as a good Trump in the morning always sets me up for the day :P.

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1 hour ago, Daniel said:

Kimbers, do you have a source for that image?..... as much as I dislike the man, if this image it correct, the national/international coverage is scandalous.

With regards his anti abortion law..... what he's actually doing is making it impossible for the poorest people, which means more babies being born in to poverty....... presumably he's clever enough (being the self proclaimed cleverest man on the planet) to provide adequate support for these families........

Yes indeed Daniel,

But i think its overseas aid that this sad case has been dragged into,  and i feel that anything outside America is going to be cut to the bone, I think he is pulling the purse strings in. This will obviously show dramatically as this man has buisness head and number crunching in 6 months or say the next year will probably show America is doing well as its outgoings are going to be slashed,

Same as the NATO thing aswell, i feel he wants to pull the plug on that if he can to save money.  As his famous statement says AMERICA FIRST,AMERICA FIRST and it will be, sadly this will have a bad effect on many good causes like the abortion spending in less developed areas of the world.

Sadly in places like Africa abortion is often required as contraceptives are not used by a lot of people due to local beliefs, it is said that the white man has put poison in them to kill of the Africans. This is a local belief as to what the spermicide is in a condom, this is the sort of stuff you are battleing against to promote contraception. Tribal and spiritual thoughts of the people outway common sense, such as the method by the witch doctors for a man with hiv can be cured by having intercourse with a virgin female. 

Strange old world and sometimes people are just as mad as a box of frogs :(

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3 minutes ago, silverfrost said:

Strange old world and sometimes people are just as mad as a box of frogs :(

Indeed...... or 'as mad as a bottle of chips', as my old man used to say.

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Today Trump is going to announce a raft of Immigration measures including "the wall", Extreme Vetting for any Muslim or person from a Muslim country, New federal law to force "Sanctuary Cities" to deport illegal immigrants and increased laws and powers for Border Patrol.

Now whilst I cannot help but disagree with the man, I have to ask "How F**@#d up does your country have to be for you to have cities that advertise the fact they are a "Sanctuary City"?" and won't deport you no matter what (and the second news article is about just this fact). Whilst simultaniously virtually banning people/refugee's on the grounds of their religion, no matter how desperate they are? Totally screwy!!



Possibly save your life. Check out this website. https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/mens-cancer



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  • Gold FFM
2 hours ago, march said:

Here is some time lapse footage of the crowds, it shows the build up and right at the end the dispersing of the crowd (I suspect this to be genuine but hey - you never know). Looks like there was plenty of space for more - perhaps the Whitehouse statement on numbers was a bit of a porky, will leave this to the conspiracy theorists.


I was just thinking the exact same thing. Perhaps we should have a "Trump of the Day" thread as a good Trump in the morning always sets me up for the day :P.

I read somewhere that the times when this was recorded and compared was Obamas actual inauguration and Trumps inauguration, but several hours before it actually started.

Is that what some people call 'spin'?

All we know is that when they stop making this, we will be properly, properly sad.Jeremy Clarkson on the Esprit.

Opinions are like armpits. Everyone has them, some just stink more than others.

For forum issues, please contact one of the Moderators. (I'm not one of the elves anymore, but I'll leave the link here)

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I watched the whole thing live on the television, and the crowds seemed sparse to me all the way through....nothing like Kimber's photo. The very idea of the leader of the Free World going on about "alternative facts"....welcome to the Orwellian Ministry of Truth.

The NATO thing worries me...without the American umbrella that the whole of western Europe has been sheltering under for decades, and given a possible rapprochement between Trump and Putin with God knows what deal done between them, we could be in trouble. Especially given the Brexit thing, on which ...as you all know...I disagree with the  majority here. The whole of recent developmerts has made me think that the world is being groomed for another pointless and immensely destructive conflict; I feel the cold breath on the back of my neck.....things fall apart; the centre cannot hold.

Just hope I'm either wrong, or it holds together long enough so that I don't have to bother about it.

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Scientists investigate that which already is; Engineers create that which has never been." - Albert Einstein

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Nope, but I bet there are millions of women who want to do something to these 7 men's reproductive organs!

Possibly save your life. Check out this website. https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/mens-cancer



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What does one conclude about a person still obsessing about voter fraud in an election he already won and places that as a much higher issue than many others on his plate?  I think the guy is terribly insecure to say the least!!!  Luckily there is still a Congress that must vote on his impulses (He is not quite the "King" he thinks he is).  

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Damn you beat me to it! Just gonna post that. Laughing so hard I am crying!

Possibly save your life. Check out this website. https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/mens-cancer



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Just before Mr Trump has this removed from the Internet :lol: - standing room only.

Just for the conspiracy theorists - this is meant to be the real deal as no one was allowed in for the practice runs just in case they were scoping out a terrorist attack.


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As he's using "alternative facts" can the Americans pay their Federal taxes with alternative money.

What's the matter with the man?  Proclaiming he had the biggest crowds ever at an inauguration, and claiming he would have won the popular vote if wasn't for illegal immigrants voting when there are facts disproving the former and it indicates very little anyway and there is no evidence for the latter.  With him proclaiming to be the champion of the working man, he could have easily said that his supporters could not afford to travel to DC or couldn't get the time off.  No big deal but, instead, he has to make a big deal as his vanity always wins over judgement.

While politicians often avoid telling the truth, rarely do they tell such transparent lies.

I have to admit I've never liked the man.  Too much bling and bluster for me.  I'm not a fan of the republican party, either.  When the economy was in the biggest recession  in 80 years, the Republican party, or at least Mitch McConnell, their leader in the Senate, stated that their prime objective was to make Obama a one-term president.  They had no interest in helping the economy but just objected to whatever Obama suggested.  Cocks!

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S4 Elan, Elan +2S, Federal-spec, World Championship Edition S2 Esprit #42, S1 Elise, Excel SE


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Your last quote Trevor rings true in the British goverment also, most would cut of their nose to spite their face to get one over on the other party and stand by and watch the country fall into a sorry state.  Goverments just seem to be full of overpayed school children, not all them but most still seem to play school playground antics.  

On the few occasions i have watched the talks in the house of parliment, most have been heckling, childish and typical behavior that sometimes only befits private school education imo. Many are just so far drawn from reality it is just plain crazy. :(


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  • Gold FFM

I have always called it sandpit mentality.

Not far from what you are calling it Dan. Same thing with our pollies here.

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All we know is that when they stop making this, we will be properly, properly sad.Jeremy Clarkson on the Esprit.

Opinions are like armpits. Everyone has them, some just stink more than others.

For forum issues, please contact one of the Moderators. (I'm not one of the elves anymore, but I'll leave the link here)

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The benefit system needs looking into,  why should people get payed not to work and stay at home, you should have to do something like clean the streets, clean parks etc.  In nearly 40 years i never claimed a bean of the goverment. I know some people who have milked the system for years and continue to get away with it.  The system has been made easier with paying into to peoples accounts, whats wrong with making people que outside the dole office these days. 

All those people who say i would not get out of bed for that sort of money need a change of attitude imo, If my bills need paying i am prepaired to clean toilets if i could not find work.. 

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After I took redundancy in 2011 (shit, was it that long ago), I went to the job centre to look at what jobs might be on offer (needn't have bothered!)

The only thing the woman working in there was interested in was what benefits I was or could be on!! Never mind helping me find work.

I left in disgust. Currently not working again and not claiming a cent - I'm looking after an elderly and infirm relative (MIL) - she gets an allowance but if I were to claim £65wk attendance allowance, she loses hers and if I work, I lose mine. Meanwhile, I'm saving the country a fortune by keeping her out of a care home..........

Politicians just go around in circles!

Is the price for that bit in Yen or £?

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A Politician friend of mine (Yes one that is bearable to talk to) has pointed out that this is all bluster and smoke and mirrors. An Executive order has absolutely no power in America as the Constitution requires Congress to ratify any Exec Order and this is never going to happen with virtually any of his executive orders. And unlike the UK where a Whip can force MP's to toe the party line this just doesn't and can't happen in the US!

As such I pointed out to him that Trump is either:

1: Clever and knows all this and will use it against both liberal politicians in future and as an excuse for not getting anything done.

2: Insane and will become the first US Dictator using Congress's refusal to do what they are told as "Opposing the will of the people", disband it and really start going full on nut job

3: Very Clever: Use Congress not pushing through his Executive orders as "Opposing the will of the people" and threaten Congress with things he can change unless they approve what he wants.

Possibly save your life. Check out this website. https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/mens-cancer



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