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Are WE the aliens?


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  • Gold FFM

My son was just watching a snippet on the & morning show (mostly tabloid crap, truth be known). There was a quick segment about alien life and are we being visited?

My son said, 'If the earth has been here for something like 46 billion years, what's to say we are not the aliens and something was here before we came along?'

Pretty deep thought for my son, trust me.

I really am not sure, but I am pretty confident in thinking that if the universe is as big as they say, there is definitely some other sort of life out there. Probability ensures that.

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All we know is that when they stop making this, we will be properly, properly sad.Jeremy Clarkson on the Esprit.

Opinions are like armpits. Everyone has them, some just stink more than others.

For forum issues, please contact one of the Moderators. (I'm not one of the elves anymore, but I'll leave the link here)

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  • Gold FFM

Nope. It is like a prequel to Alien, isn't it?

I got scared to buggery in that.

All we know is that when they stop making this, we will be properly, properly sad.Jeremy Clarkson on the Esprit.

Opinions are like armpits. Everyone has them, some just stink more than others.

For forum issues, please contact one of the Moderators. (I'm not one of the elves anymore, but I'll leave the link here)

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Prometheus left me baffled to be honest. I just didn't get it? Nasty black slime, angry worms, angry humanoid giants that might have created humans years ago.....or might want to eradicate human life with the nasty black slime? 

Anyway, I'm sure we're not the only life giving planet in the universe. The laws of nature are universal after all. Only problem is, the damn thing is so big and ancient that the chances of intelligent life existing simultaneously on different planets and being able to make contact with one another before they become extinct is rather slim unfortunately - Fermi paradox 

eh well.....roll on 2017's track day season. 

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The other wildly speculative theory is that the 'missing link' were some aliens that came down and started shagging our primitive ancestors to create Homo Sapiens. A bit unlikely that humanoid aliens would fancy a bunch of hairy apes but there you go. Perhaps it was some sort of alien stag-do dare?!

A slightly more plausible one was that some DNA from Mars reached earth (via meteorite) to spark a leap in our evolution. The idea was that Mars was once a habitable planet with liquid water and may  have been the first planet in the solar system to sustain life, maybe even intelligent life, all traces of which have long since disappeared.

We are proof that life exists in the universe, while wildly improbable, if it has happened here it can happen elsewhere. The issue is, life might be abundant in the universe but intelligent life might still be very rare. It takes many millions of years to develop and there are usually plenty of extinction events that occur during that sort of timescale. The challenge now is to survive our own self destructive tendencies.

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  • Gold FFM

Wasn't the earth-wide Tungaska event responsible for finishing that era and doesn't that sort of fit in with what Jonny (The Pits) said?

I read somewhere, a long time ago, that evolution may not be real. One of the theories behind that was that nothing seems to be evolving into anything else. Why aren't apes still evolving into human beings? Yes, I know, evolution takes millennia, but no changes have been noticed in any species for eons.

Why aren't we evolving into something else? Are the brakes on the process?

All we know is that when they stop making this, we will be properly, properly sad.Jeremy Clarkson on the Esprit.

Opinions are like armpits. Everyone has them, some just stink more than others.

For forum issues, please contact one of the Moderators. (I'm not one of the elves anymore, but I'll leave the link here)

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Anyone searchng for the missing link need only visit Lowestoft to find plenty of evidence!

I suspect we are still evolving. Future generations will become 'aliens' as they will all have enormous thumbs and have lost the capability to do anything but grunt at each other without the aid of an electronic device......

Is the price for that bit in Yen or £?

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10 hours ago, The Pits said:

The idea was that Mars was once a habitable planet with liquid water and may  have been the first planet in the solar system to sustain life, maybe even intelligent life, all traces of which have long since disappeared.

We need to send Tony Robinson up there with a TV crew. 

For forum issues, please contact the Moderators.

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20 minutes ago, Buddsy said:

In my opinion there is no such thing as space. Ask yourself this why are there no photographs of earth from space.



Yeah space is a conspiracy. 

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  • Moderator
1 hour ago, ramjet said:

Wasn't the earth-wide Tungaska event responsible for finishing that era and doesn't that sort of fit in with what Jonny (The Pits) said

Tunguska was a meteorite impact early 20th century. You're thinking of the ELE at the end of the cretacius, which is attributed to a much larger impact in the Gulf of Mexico.

Interesting discussion to start the new year!

I have made many mistakes in my life. Buying a multiple Lotus is not one of them.


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  • Gold FFM

I stand corrected Filip. Thank you. :) 

All we know is that when they stop making this, we will be properly, properly sad.Jeremy Clarkson on the Esprit.

Opinions are like armpits. Everyone has them, some just stink more than others.

For forum issues, please contact one of the Moderators. (I'm not one of the elves anymore, but I'll leave the link here)

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  • Moderator

Who is to say what is correct? AFAIK, neither Tunguska or the cretaceous are completely explained or understood... :ph34r:

I have made many mistakes in my life. Buying a multiple Lotus is not one of them.


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  • Gold FFM

I've been abducted and probed numerous times.

British Fart to Florida, Nude to New York, Dunce to Denmark, Numpty to Newfoundland.  And Shitfaced Silly Sod to Sweden.

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My thoughts:

Dinosaurs are made extinct. Humans "Evolve" from Apes, but Apes are still here.....hmmmm. So Humans possibly evolved from Neaderthal man but there's a missing link and if apes still exist why don't the Neaderthals? All a bit of a coincidence maybe?

Whilst the odds are Trillions to one AGAINST there NOT being life out there, it may not be life as we know it! The universe is so vast and so different, who is to say that we are overlooking life because we don't see it as life? Silicon based, Gas based, anything is possible! There could be life in the atmosphere of Jupiter, Gas based or even electricity based (our thought processes are driven by electrical impulses, who's to say it isn't possible?), but we can't see it or communicate with it and we definately can't go there, the same as they couldn't come here!

Even if life is similar to us, Carbon based, the odds are against them being within reach of our system, based on our technology level. The odds reduce further if you think they must be more advanced than us to reach us across the light years. However the odds are still in the favour of this being true. That there is more advanced life out there than us. But then throw in the Universe factor! Even if they can use the speed of light/fold space/Warp Speed, finding the Earth would be like a human finding one grain of sand on one beach, in the whole world.

Lastly, I do think they may have visited the Earth if you look at some theories in relation to our history. Everyone thinks of Roswell, but what about Jesus?

1. When he was born there was a bright star above the Stable shining it's light down.

2. It was a Virgin birth, a miracle!

3. Jesus healed the sick curing people of things like leprosy. Easily done if you had penicillin/Anti-botics. Infact all his cures could have been done with modern medicine!

4. He turned water into wine and fed the thousands with one Fish. something such as a replicator or, to think outside the box, he took one fish, used the DNA and grew meat with it in a lab.

5. He talked to god and is often seen looking at the skies "Forgive them because they know not what they do".

6. When he died he was seen rising to heaven on a beam of light and the next morning his body was no where to be seen.

COME ON! Am I the only one who see's this?????


Possibly save your life. Check out this website. https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/mens-cancer



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Why are there still apes?

Humans didn't evolve from Apes.....we are apes! Just as Neanderthals were another ape species. Homosapiens (humans) have ended up with massive brains but all of us apes share a common ancestor. 

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  • Gold FFM
3 hours ago, ian29gte said:

Absolutely not, there's a separate evolution going on, apparently somewhere on the planet humans have evolved into Australians.

So us guys are the product of evolution? Cool.

I think that means we are superior then? :P 

2 hours ago, Buddsy said:

In my opinion there is no such thing as space. Ask yourself this why are there no photographs of earth from space.



Uh oh. A flat earther.

All we know is that when they stop making this, we will be properly, properly sad.Jeremy Clarkson on the Esprit.

Opinions are like armpits. Everyone has them, some just stink more than others.

For forum issues, please contact one of the Moderators. (I'm not one of the elves anymore, but I'll leave the link here)

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  • Moderator

In my opinion, the earth is a disc. Carried on the back of 4 great elephants, who in turn are standing on the shell of the giant turtle A'Tuin, while he swims through space along with all the other disc-carrying turtles, possibly heading to their mating grounds for an apocalyptic orgy that will mean the end of the discworlds carried by female turtles. :sofa:

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I have made many mistakes in my life. Buying a multiple Lotus is not one of them.


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1 hour ago, Kimbers said:

So Humans possibly evolved from Neaderthal man but there's a missing link and if apes still exist why don't the Neaderthals?

It has been proven now that the vast majority of us have some traces of Neanderthal DNA within our DNA but follow a separate evolutionary branch from our 'main' hominid ancestors. Better explained here:


Also regarding the - Where are all the alien intelligent life forms - I think Brian Cox probably had it right - Intelligent life forms never make it past a certain point as they will inevitably blow themselves up! (Fermi Paradox - which should possibly be renamed the Trump Guarantee) 


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29 minutes ago, ramjet said:

So us guys are the product of evolution? Cool.

I think that means we are superior then? :P 


Oh, dear. Clearly Australians haven't yet evolved to the point where they no longer jump to erroneous conclusions.

Margate Exotics.

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13 hours ago, AdamK said:

The laws of nature are universal after all

How presumptuous as a race we are.

The laws of nature as we know them, we assume, to be universal for all. That is probably a better way putting that statement.

It's the same with our laws for Physics. They are universal to us as they fit the environment, the planet and the solar system within which we live and have explored. To my knowledge, we have not yet been to another universe so what we believe to be universal may in fact be restricted to our part of the universe only. We have no idea how big the universe is, and how big or small a part of it we truly are.

Are there other factors that affect physics that we are yet to understand or even identify? After all, we still find new plants, animals, fish species on a planet that we think we know fully and understand fully.

As for other intelligent species on other planets in other universes. Well, who is to say we are intelligent?  We might be the equivalent of a single cell amoeba when compared to a much more advanced organism, creature, or being in a totally different environment. What we believe to be intelligence may to them, be similar to how we view the movements and actions of a worm, or a snail, or jelly fish.

The only thing I know is that truly, on a scale of 1-10 of knowledge we are probably really yet to reach 1. There is so much to learn. So much to understand. So much to experience. There is in effect, so much we do not know and will never know.

All of which truly makes me laugh as there are so many pretentious pr!cks out there who really do think they know it all (this statement is NOT directed at any one on this thread - it is a general observation based on the people I meet through work, life, play and subterfuge!).

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I came into this world screaming and covered in someone elses blood. I'll probably leave it in the same way. 


The small print.

My comments and observations are my own, invariably "tongue in cheek", and definitely, sarcastic in nature. Therefore, do not take my advice, suggestions, observations or posts seriously or personally and remember if you do, do anything, that I may have suggested, then you have done this based solely on your own decision to do so and therefore you acknowledge responsibility and accountability (I know, in this modern world these are the hardest things for you to accept) for your actions and indemnify me of any influence, responsibility, accountability, or liability, in what you have done. In other words, you did it, so suffer the consequences on your own!

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