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George Floyd

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  • Gold FFM

No most certainly not. There are some child sexual exploitation cases where the punishment would be absolutely fitting.

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  • Gold FFM
1 hour ago, Bazza 907 said:

Yes they should, but the overwhelming majority who are protesting peacefully should hold their heads up high.

I’m not so sure. Certainly not seen any examples of responsible social distancing in the crowds. Still I suppose the nhs can just suck it up.

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There was one today on the Long Walk at Windsor,  The people taking part were social distancing. No trouble, it won't make the news but it happened.

Not saying you're wrong or I'm right, just that perhaps occasionally we should question our assumptions. 





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To get there in the US then normal citizens need to counter and attack the deep seated racism that some Americans have. Need to stop blaming Governments and start shunning friends, colleagues, associates and even family members who spout racist bile, including bad humoured jokes etc. People have the power to make it clear that racist behaviour is not normal and not to be tolerated.

Small changes in attitude and behaviour from millions of people will bring the change required far faster than relying on Government.



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  • Gold FFM
35 minutes ago, C8RKH said:

But some just think I'm a @@@@........

......with a nice lotus 😁😜


I do wonder how the American protests will end? - Will they fizzle out or will the Army really get involved possibly with the result or more injuries or worse. The protests (any protests) are so much easier to organise and coordinate than they would have been 20 years ago down to the ease of social media. There is almost too much going on with this topic and could easily segment into so many separate discussions/posts - Murder/Manslaughter Color/Race, Police Brutality, Demonstrations/Demonstrators, Mindless Rioters/Hangers on, Covid distancing not happening ect ect.

The quicker the guilty Police Officers are sentenced the better.


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Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk - that will teach us to keep mouth shut!

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42 minutes ago, C8RKH said:

Really? Have you not read my posts? I think most people think I'm certifiable at least and a danger to animals and myself at best! :)

But some just think I'm a @@@@........

I see an opening for a TLF poll...………………..

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Margate Exotics.

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18 hours ago, BatMobile said:


This needs an extra line 

Ninety per cent of US blacks killed are killed by fellow blacks.


Edited by jonwat
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John W

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  • Gold FFM

I wasn’t sure you were even allowed to use the word black in that context anymore - they are people of colour. What would I know - I’m just a person of no colour with my non discript shade privilege 

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  • Gold FFM

The way the US gov and the police have handled it is despicable. The protests are turning in to as much about police brutality for the protesters and control and suppress for the police. I'm surprised no one has mentioned the unbelievable behaviour of the police there.

Some of the videos are sickening and show actions that only add fuel to the fire of the protesters. Only a few examples: A young man standing a distance away from the protest sniped to the head with a rubber bullet (rubber coated ball bearing). An already subdued man shot to the spine at point blank range with a beanbag round. A 75 year old man gets in the way of the advancing line of police and gets pushed; he falls and cracks his head open with blood coming out of his ear. A man driving through with his pregnant girlfriend in the car stops to shout at the police about getting hit with a tear gas canister; the police then open fire on the car. People standing on their porch watching the military (home guard) go past get fired upon with laser suppression rounds when they don't go indoors. Even the press aren't immune from them with many being shot at and arrested.

America is a wonderful country and has achieved so much but it's broken in so many ways. I fear for it's future and I don't even live there.


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I don't understand what people expect from cultures and societies becoming more and more violent. sow the wind, reap the whirlwind (not sure of translation ;-)) . good luck in this world mess. 


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  • Gold FFM

@C8RKH I see your point about how different countries handle a riot and looting, but peaceful protests? 

You could say after watching the above that it was an unfortunate accident and he lost his balance. But police are trained in restraint and in the appropriate amount of force to apply in a given situation. This was not it given the level of threat. They'd rather hold the police line than go back and help the man. That about sums up the entire situation, Overforce. Just like with George Floyd.

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A lot of the above I posted @Mysterae was the response of governments to peaceful protests, it's just after the intervention they ain't so peaceful like!!!    :)


God doesn't want me, and the Devil isn't finished with me yet.


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  • Gold FFM

@C8RKH I agree many other countries are as broken, but the USA is meant the leaders and hold themselves above all others.

Imagine if this was your house.

It's almost as if they want the situation to deteriorate.

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@advantage - morale outrage. Quite right.  

I would counter that we did not see mass marches and protests, or silly bended knees etc in other countries. So WHY do we need to have the protests here?  This is an issue that is internal for the US. The US and her citizens need to deal with this once and for all.

How about some morale outrage for the people over here, emergency workers, who were caught up in the violence over her, for something that happened over 4k miles away. That's a morale outrage to me.

I guess we will agree to disagree and I have been very clear on here that what happened to that poor man could ever be justified and yes the perpetrators should be punished. Although from my limited knowledge it was one police officer who kneeled on his neck and yet four are I believe being prosecuted. A witch hunt maybe, or where they all implicit in this? I certainly don't know but time will tell us I guess.

God doesn't want me, and the Devil isn't finished with me yet.


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My comments and observations are my own, invariably "tongue in cheek", and definitely, sarcastic in nature. Therefore, do not take my advice, suggestions, observations or posts seriously or personally and remember if you do, do anything, that I may have suggested, then you have done this based solely on your own decision to do so and therefore you acknowledge responsibility and accountability (I know, in this modern world these are the hardest things for you to accept) for your actions and indemnify me of any influence, responsibility, accountability, or liability, in what you have done. In other words, you did it, so suffer the consequences on your own!

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  • Gold FFM

I’ve seen the video. It’s clearly wrong.

however - the USA police aren’t exactly known for their gentle restraint methods. It’s worth looking at this fellas background as he was probably pretty well known to the officers involved. The one policeman was indeed white - one was mixed race, one Asian and another non white officer. 

All lives matter 

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Ah, so because someone has a past history for which they've served their time it's ok to murder them? Is that the logic you're going for? I hope not as it's a fairly lame excuse. The police still don't have a mandate to murder, even in the USA. Your argument falls at the first hurdle, but I don't really understand why you're even attempting to defend the actions of the police involved in this incident. 

The All Lives Matter is mantra is just white whining and whining from a position of privilege brought about by nothing more significant than skin colour.  Aren't you fortunate to be able to do that without being persecuted for it, let alone having a knee pressing down on your neck. Waaa waaa waaa, what poor oppressed middle aged white guys we are. We have it so bad in this world. 

White privilege is very real. It's sometimes obvious, it's sometimes subtle. But it's always there. If you can't see it or appreciate that then perhaps you enable it. 

It's not enough to be non-racist, it's time we were all actively anti-racist - and a handful of replies on this thread are anything but. 

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  • Gold FFM

At what point in any of my posts above have I said it’s ok to murder folks ? I’m confused as I most certainly haven’t.

The logic you are using here is very common. Actually though more and more it’s black privilege which is prevalent with BAME only shortlists for some jobs. Is that right?  White privilege - ive heard this argument many times. Explain that to my neighbour in the rented property whos never worked a day in his life. Explain it to the young white girls whom have been sexually exploited by cultural gangs?  I honestly couldn’t care less about the colour of someone’s skin - it’s not important. What is important is that they are decent example of humanity.

The tragedy is people allowing their whole futures to be defined by skin colour because they are told it’s a problem. I’m afraid the cold simple facts of life is it is the individuals responsibility to make a decent fist of their own life. It is not for the state or others to do this.


One thing is for absolute certain - break the law and you will attract attention of the authorities. For some it’s very obvious the skin colour is a massive factor as in the uk the police do not wish to upset the applecart by addressing certain criminality.

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