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On 02/02/2020 at 18:25, C8RKH said:

Ireland and Varadkar in particular have been spouting off for a few months now. I actually think it is because they realise that if it does not go there way the Irish economy is totally fecked.


Varadkar has resigned 

hindsight: the science that is never wrong

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You've got to laugh haven't you......


"THERESA MAY'S former chief of communications Sir Robbie Gibb revealed during crunch talks with Labour to get Mrs May's Brexit deal through, Labour's then Brexit spokesman, Sir Keir Starmer, rejected a document given him that contained a copied and pasted version of his own proposal. Sir Robbie branded the now Labour leader “disingenuous” as he claimed Sir Keir Starmer rejected his own Brexit proposals when given to him in a copied and pasted document on behalf of Theresa May. He said: “When I was at Number 10 I was sittings in meetings where there were cross-party talks to try to find a consensus to try and get Brexit over the line. 

“And there was an incident where we had presented a potential document for him and the Labour Party to agree to for him to say ‘oh that’s a total disaster’.

“Only for him to be told that it was a cut and paste job from his own document.

“I mean, disingenuous is his middle name I think.”

It comes as ministers have been accused of "rank hypocrisy" over their attitude to key workers as Labour claimed new immigration legislation would make it harder to fill NHS roles.

God doesn't want me, and the Devil isn't finished with me yet.


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  • Gold FFM

Keir starmer - the same bloke whom refused to prosecute jimmy saville - the same bloke whom wishes to brush grooming gangs under the carpet ?? Yeah hes a c....

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I thought it was Starmer who was head of the DPP when they investigated the failings over the many years that this had happened - and found that the CPS were at fault.

I also believe he was the one who said that people who know about such matters - but fail to raise them - should also be held to account. https://www.theguardian.com/society/2013/nov/04/child-abuse-keir-starmer-prosecute-professionals

Indeed - Paul Gambaccini has issues with Starmer because of the investigations made, following false allegation, carried out when Starmer was head of the CPS - so it seems you're dammed if you do; dammed if you don't - and I guess hindsight is a wonderful thing. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8211355/BBC-DJ-demands-Keir-Starmer-apologise-role-historic-sex-abuse-scandal.html

In any event - the failure to investigate properly went over many years - with various different Governments and DPP's in place. 



Edited by KAS-118
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Cyprus has rejected the Canada/EU trade agreement over halloumi.



Speaking on condition of anonymity, sources close to the government told the Cyprus Mail they will begin talks with the parties who voted against the ratifying bill, in a bid to “better explain to them” the treaty.

So they need to vote again as they didn't understand what they were voting against - that sounds familiar - although "Last Friday, parliament voted by 37 against and 18 for the treaty; there were no abstentions." is a lot bigger majority than 52/48.

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I believe the ones who voted against are in for a right good grilling and if they can't agree, a few will be toasted.

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God doesn't want me, and the Devil isn't finished with me yet.


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My comments and observations are my own, invariably "tongue in cheek", and definitely, sarcastic in nature. Therefore, do not take my advice, suggestions, observations or posts seriously or personally and remember if you do, do anything, that I may have suggested, then you have done this based solely on your own decision to do so and therefore you acknowledge responsibility and accountability (I know, in this modern world these are the hardest things for you to accept) for your actions and indemnify me of any influence, responsibility, accountability, or liability, in what you have done. In other words, you did it, so suffer the consequences on your own!

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Watching the news over the past 24 hours it seems that we are under a small invasion of immigrants illegally entering the country on boats from France. I'm struggling to understand (I know, I'm thick) a couple of things

1. Under EU law aren't illegal immigrants supposed to declare themselves and claim asylum at their point of entry into the EU?

2. If so, why are they "allowed" to travel across the EU to get to France and why are the French not locking them all up and returning them to whence they came if they have no right to assylum?

3. Why are the French insisting that the UK needs to pay for their inability to not deal with the problem and why don't we just send them straight back as soon as they have landed?  I do not see why the UK should be paying France to do what the EU laws say they should be doing in the first place.

What am I missing here? Please educate me.


God doesn't want me, and the Devil isn't finished with me yet.


The small print.

My comments and observations are my own, invariably "tongue in cheek", and definitely, sarcastic in nature. Therefore, do not take my advice, suggestions, observations or posts seriously or personally and remember if you do, do anything, that I may have suggested, then you have done this based solely on your own decision to do so and therefore you acknowledge responsibility and accountability (I know, in this modern world these are the hardest things for you to accept) for your actions and indemnify me of any influence, responsibility, accountability, or liability, in what you have done. In other words, you did it, so suffer the consequences on your own!

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  • Gold FFM

I’m unsure why they are not being intercepted - towed back and boats destroyed. Works just fine for the Australians.

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1. Yes

2. They don't want them

3. Why not? We'll more than likely give them the money too. 

Once they're in UK waters, some UN resolution means that we have to save them. They turn off their engines off the coast so we're duty bound to rescue them. Once they're here, they all say they are 15 with no ID to confirm and as children we have a duty of care. 

Australia has a harder line and it would be nice if we weren't such a soft touch, there's talk of the UK adopting some of their policies with the recent influx. Genuine asylum seekers are very welcome, economic ones not so much. 

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  • Gold FFM

Easy solved - just give them more benefits in Scotland as part of the Barnet formula - send them all up there. Once Scotland gets its independence and rejoins the EU we can build a fence 😂

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Its  a messed  up system nobody wants to deal with.      Being in Kent we see it a bit more in the local news than the rest of the Uk and this has been going on with the boats for 2 years.    The cost is huge for the tax payer ( although nothing compared to covid).    If they stand any chance of looking under 16 they all go for it as its regarded as the premium deal, they get foster care ( costs the state £1k a week with an independent fosteriing agency) and school.  If over 16 its shared house in comunity and collage.     Ive seen the over 16 route and im not suprised they want the foster care route however they get the same housing a UK kid gets if they went independent at 16..     

They have  different ideas  to the way we live here and have been sold a package deal by the smugglers and are VERY unhappy when they realise it not what they were told they would get ie house, car job as a doctor, go to cambridge or oxford yes the crap I have heard you would not beleive.      We have fostered 4 and now refuse to  look after any more.  

Most come from well adjusted familys with good backgrounds and probabaly quite wealthy as the journey cost is 4-5 years average wages, their problems really start on the journey over here.         

One of the lads we looked after had this year booked a plane trip ( cancelled due to covid) back to the neighbouring country to his home  to go back home and see his family so it does make a mockery of the whole asylum case.    This stuff is all well known by UK authoritys but nobody can be bothered to do anything about it.  


From his story one had seen  murder at arms length in the last 5 months and most had seen rape and assault and killings  up very close on their journeys over here ( that I do think is true) and within 3  days off arriving popped straight into a local secondary school with your  11 year old son or daughter, used to really anoy me when the SW would then rattle on about safeguarding etc.    

We now look after only  UK kids,   much much more damaged but the  satisfaction in playing a small part in turing their life about is huge.   Plus I never have to have a 20 year old in my face again shouting  "IT MY RIGHT".    We had a very intense  nose to nose conversation on that one.    

 We should have a lottery system for those countrys  with a refugee right.     If your  number comes up old or  young, straight or gay, healthy or unhealthy, male or female we fly you over from source avoiding the smugglers. EVERYBODY else straight back home the moment they land on the beach otherwise this will never stop.


Just remembered when the first 2 came to us it was when the ebola thing ws going on and when they arrived in Italy and France all the authoritys did was checked their temperature give them a train pass and show them the trains towards the UK.   Neither they or the French or Italians wanted  finger printing as that ties them to France and Italy.    It really is our own fault for having such a slack boarder policing system.    The first lad was in a dairy  lorry with 24 others that didnt get spotted till in UK.

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This is what I find annoying about the immigration system.

Person in commonwealth country is sent to the UK for a course by their employer, say for 2 weeks in February. Applies for visa, and instead of receiving a single entry visa for the period of their stay, they get given a 6 month multiple entry visa. They come over here and attend their course and return to their country of origin - and the employer is off the hook. They now have 5 1/2 months in which they can come back into the UK and disappear or claim asylum.

I know of one person who did this. Took about 5-6 years to get the asylum granted. Within two weeks, back on a plane for a holiday in the country they claimed asylum from. I think his wife has followed the same process. 

My sister in law on the other hand went to Germany on a course (she is a German teacher in a Commonwealth country). We invited her to come and visit the UK for two weeks after her course, so requested that she a) gets her return ticket changed, and also her visa changed to allow her to visit the UK and then fly back on her German Embassy funded ticket. The Germans issue a single entry visa for the duration of the stay. SIL said all done, so we issued the invite, she got her 6 month visa for her two week stay and booked her return air ticket to Hamburg to coincide with her return flight to Africa.

All well and good until we return to Heathrow to fly her back to Hamburg. Her German visa had been extended, but not changed to multiple entry, so they wouldn't let her check in. FCUK was my response. She came home with us and was on the Emirates flight via Dubai the next day. Next time she came on a course, we flew out to visit her in Germany.

Why is it impossible for the UK immigration to issue a single entry visa for the duration. Before the day of scanning the passport, they also had no idea if someone had left the country or even when they arrived.





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