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Emira Update from Lotus


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Oooh exciting!

we’re you a very early depositor?


the email still isn’t sure demonstrators will arrive in august which worries me as this implies they aren’t building cars yet



Edited by Mctaff
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Thought MW said in his video that he was standing in front of the first customer car. I suppose it depends on what he calls a customer.

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1 hour ago, Mctaff said:

we’re you a very early depositor?


22nd May 2021 was my deposit date, but it's possibly more to do with spec availability, or building similar specs in a block rather than strictly based on date order...who knows???

I'll believe it when I get the call to confirm delivery and take payment :D 

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I had an email but was a general email and didn’t mention anything about build or delivery of my car. Not sure they want me as a customer any longer. That’ll be the end of an era and sadly I don’t think Lotus care, what a shame.



I'll get around to it at some point.

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Think a number of other car manufacturers have the same issues. Been looking on a forum for MG EV's ( a lot cheaper than the average Emira!!), but there are customers on there that have similar issues, and feel cheesed off by poor comms.

The Emira is bound to be good when it arrives it is just a bit longer to arrive than we have all been hoping.

Also read today that JLR are to adopt this method of selling their new cars in a couple of years time. - so it will be interesting to see how they get on in the future.


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@Trevsked I also received a general email, it was primarily about Goodwood Festival of Speed, but it included the following:

On the stand we had several Lotus factory staff ready to greet our Emira customers, thank you to those who were able to visit us, it was it was a pleasure to meet you, and from this contact we have complied an FAQ.

Q: How can I make specification changes? Specification changes are only available on orders not locked with production. To make changes to your specification, please respond to this email and the Lotus Customer Care Team will be in touch.

Q: When can I test drive an Emira? Test drive vehicles will be available at Lotus Centres around August this year,  as a priority customer you will receive an email when test drives are ready to book.

Q: I’ve heard about delays to Emira orders, can you provide me with an order update?  All delays are order specific so please contact the Lotus Customer Care Team and they can quickly provide you with an update, please either respond to this email or call 03300 948 047.

Q: Where am I in the Emira order queue? We are unable to provide a specific position, only a production and likely delivery month. Closer to your production month we will offer several handover dates for you to choose from.

Q: My order is scheduled for 2023, when will I have more specific information? We are aiming to have a build plan for 2023 in Winter of 2022.

If you have any other questions our Lotus Customer Care will be more than happy to help, please either respond to this email, or call 03300 948 047.

I had a spare 10 mins, so I thought I'd take them up on the offer in red above.

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Ah I see, that’s clearer, thank you Kenny.


Graham, yep probably right, not helped by the fact I sold a car end of last year in readiness for a car promised for March this year, then June, then July, now potentially August or September and that may slide too and little communication. I was a little taken back when MW said Lotus would honour their price quoted, all well and good I thought and perhaps should have emailed him saying I wouldn’t be charging interest on my deposit as a gesture of goodwill. One way street.



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I'll get around to it at some point.

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I’m pretty certain that holding the price on the Emira would trump any interest lost on your deposit @Trevsked even a few gallons of fuel would cover it 😊

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It was a little tongue in cheek but on a personal level no, however try thinking wider to all the deposits taken.



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I'll get around to it at some point.

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15 hours ago, Trevsked said:

I had an email but was a general email and didn’t mention anything about build or delivery of my car. Not sure they want me as a customer any longer. That’ll be the end of an era and sadly I don’t think Lotus care, what a shame.

 Trevor, I don’t believe you should feel too badly, and certainly not feel singled out in not being treated as you might wish. I don’t believe that Lotus now want any individual as a customer.

 Or they should not, anyway.

 In forming “Lotus 2.0” – a nod to whoever originated the term – two changes made from the “old Lotus” were fundamental from the viewpoint of the “old owners/drivers”.

 Firstly, the nature of the cars that Lotus 2.0 produces.

 Secondly, the new “direct-to-purchaser sales model”, eliminating Lotus dealers. (The “agents” created simply carry out functions – part of Lotus 2.0. Don’t look to them for more, not in a formal sense anyway.)

 So, in managing the transitioning of the old to the new, the customer relationship management (CRM) process had to grasp two nettles.

The first was clearly and firmly gripped. It was the cause of some pain and disappointment amongst “Lotus traditionalists”, of whom I’m one. But, as part of the building of Lotus 2.0, Matt Windle’s statement regarding the Emira, their first and, in an important sense, their last car, was entirely correct and appropriate: in effect, the views of Lotus traditionalists do not matter. Job done.

The second nettle however has barely been brushed against. I cancelled my Emira order early in the year when various aspects became clear but, from general interest and it being the main game in town, I have broadly followed relevant postings on the forums.

There is a range of views, some sympathetic to and supportive of Lotus as it now is, but many, as in the opening quotation, expressing disappointment and concern at the way they have not been communicated with effectively, in either general statements or personal exchanges.

 A key part of the production of any new car is its testing. Many and various, with considerable attention paid to the extremes that it might encounter in use and its conformance to many regulations.

Insofar as a direct sales process requires it, Lotus must have a CRM process. The same degree of attention should have been paid to testing it as to a new car. I am suggesting that that was not done, and certainly not to communicating what it was - whether good or bad - to those placing orders for the Emira, either to those new to Lotus or, especially, to “the oldies” who, understandably, could be prone to making assumptions that are no longer the case.  

Considering how their CRM would function with externally caused delays in components, delays in the Lotus production process or quality or conformance questions, mistakes in or disagreements about orders, customers “disappearing” between any stage of ordering, delivery and acceptance. Plenty more, but some obvious possibilities there - essential to test the CRM against them and the many others.

 I am not going to propose a CRM model here, but its root is that of the second nettle - the fact that Lotus 2.0 aims to be a mass manufacturer of sports cars for the mass of potential buyers of such cars. In essence Lotus cannot be concerned with the needs or wishes of individual purchasers beyond the detailing of their order and its subsequent formal progression – or cancellation.  Buy it or don't buy - it's up to you.

That is the key principle that should have been communicated at the same time as MW’s more limited statement. (Perhaps one tough task enough at a time?)

Beyond that fundamental, as much as possible CRM should be devolved (restored) to the agent.

Further principles I suggest:

Be simple as possible, single pathway,  and limited in scope

As formally structured as possible

All orders placed through agents

No communication with individual purchasers

All Lotus communication by general announcements, with whatever progress reports

Strictly formalised stages of ordering and specifying – no departure by the customer else the order will be cancelled

No dates or timescales given until the car has production firmly scheduled (all parts etc.)

Agents receive information relating to individual purchases made through them

All cars to be delivered to an agent – specified in the order. (If an agent fails in any way the order fails.) Collection by arrangement with agent, time limited.

It’s late, but better than never.  I believe that Lotus management should use the time currently available to learn from experiences to date, refine the CRM process along the lines I suggest, importantly developing the roles of agents, and, of course, then communicate it.




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Off the back of this thread put a call into Lotus Customer Service earlier this week.   I'm a 8th July 2021 depositor with car originally due July, then August.  Told by Lotus to expect 6-8 week delay putting me into October.  No chance of spec changes (as we all know by now but hell its free to ask again), and yes factory collection could potentially put it back slightly but the call hander didn't have any definitive information on that.

I realise that this is the same message we're all getting, so a positive is at least its consistent.  It's frustrating that our dates are slipping but saying that a quick phone call to Lotus is easily done, and thankfully the price being held is a big deal when Kias are up 10% and Teslas up to 20% in the last few months.  I'd say I would feel significantly different if what is the guts of an £80k car became £90k overnight.

I think base cars at £60k at this stage are wishful thinking!

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I contacted CS late last week to get an idea of current delays - below is what I received :

The factory is 6-8 weeks behind on their production schedule. We last updated you that your car was due for build in July, so it is now scheduled for 6-8 weeks later than that. This means your estimated build month will now be September.  

I am v6 Manual in DV with silver wheels

I was expecting to hear it would be 2 months later than that given recent other feedback.

my deposit was 9th July (am)

hope this is helpful to others 

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Just for balance, based on my less than celebratory post above, I would like to point out that I am still insanely excited by this car.  I have the "google alert" set up for every snippit of information, check all the Social Media channels and the Lotus Website not-quite daily for updates.  I am still onboard.

The wait is agonising.  Not least as I've held on for the i4, which right now is an even less of a known quantity than those expecting their cars soon-ish.  I kind of had spring 23 in my head when I placed my deposit a week before launch, so was prepared for a long weight.  

I really feel for those who are at the vinegar strokes of getting their V6 Emiras.  It must be excruciating.

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9 hours ago, DaveC72 said:

really feel for those who are at the vinegar strokes of getting their V6 Emiras.  It must be excruciating

To be fair, once it arrives I'd be stunned if it did not delight on all levels so it will be worth the wait.

It's just irritating that Lotus still does not seem to be able to get its basic shit sorted.

God doesn't want me, and the Devil isn't finished with me yet.


The small print.

My comments and observations are my own, invariably "tongue in cheek", and definitely, sarcastic in nature. Therefore, do not take my advice, suggestions, observations or posts seriously or personally and remember if you do, do anything, that I may have suggested, then you have done this based solely on your own decision to do so and therefore you acknowledge responsibility and accountability (I know, in this modern world these are the hardest things for you to accept) for your actions and indemnify me of any influence, responsibility, accountability, or liability, in what you have done. In other words, you did it, so suffer the consequences on your own!

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1 hour ago, C8RKH said:

To be fair, once it arrives I'd be stunned if it did not delight on all levels so it will be worth the wait.

It's just irritating that Lotus still does not seem to be able to get its basic shit sorted.

It's anything but basic shit.  It's the most difficult time facing car manufacturers.  It's very naive to think otherwise.

Edited by Graham Ridgway
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No Graham, it's very naive to constantly make or seek excuses.

Making motor cars has always been challenging. Selling them more so. It's the manufacturers who get both those things right who history tells us survive. It's a dog eat dog world out there. Several manufacturers have successfully launched new cars in this most difficult of times.

Edited by Bravo73

God doesn't want me, and the Devil isn't finished with me yet.


The small print.

My comments and observations are my own, invariably "tongue in cheek", and definitely, sarcastic in nature. Therefore, do not take my advice, suggestions, observations or posts seriously or personally and remember if you do, do anything, that I may have suggested, then you have done this based solely on your own decision to do so and therefore you acknowledge responsibility and accountability (I know, in this modern world these are the hardest things for you to accept) for your actions and indemnify me of any influence, responsibility, accountability, or liability, in what you have done. In other words, you did it, so suffer the consequences on your own!

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Well I guess we are going to have to agree to disagree!  Perhaps you can show me someone who has canned their old model line, launched a completely new car on a brand new manufacturing facility, with the most colossal supply chain shortage ever seen to modern manufacturing who is acing it?

By way of a comparison, what about Toyota trying to get 400 GR86s to UK customers?  Nothing from Toyota, the dealer says his info is contradictory and he has absolutely no idea.  They might get a demo car, but then again, they might not.  He has no idea.  And that's the might of Toyota.

Or perhaps ask my mate about the Defender he has on order?  No info. Doesn't know the price, the spec, not even what model year it'll be.

But, hey show me who's really nailed it!  

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Graham, yes, let's agree to respectfully agree to leave it there. We're not comparing the same fruit and a tomato will always be a vegetable in my eyes.

Best regards 

God doesn't want me, and the Devil isn't finished with me yet.


The small print.

My comments and observations are my own, invariably "tongue in cheek", and definitely, sarcastic in nature. Therefore, do not take my advice, suggestions, observations or posts seriously or personally and remember if you do, do anything, that I may have suggested, then you have done this based solely on your own decision to do so and therefore you acknowledge responsibility and accountability (I know, in this modern world these are the hardest things for you to accept) for your actions and indemnify me of any influence, responsibility, accountability, or liability, in what you have done. In other words, you did it, so suffer the consequences on your own!

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