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Useless Facts about anything


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And now for something completely different.

Two things that I still cannot get my head around.

The first is that the Berlin Wall fell and the USSR crumbled and the second is that the Afrikaaner handed over South Africa to majority rule. I never thought that I would live to see either.

Alright, yes, I know that was three things.

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It is fortunate for many ordinary peoples` lives that both Gorbachev and De Klerk were pragmatic realists who realised their systems did not have a viable long-term future and sought a peaceful way out before their pressure cookers of repression and fundamentally flawed economies collapsed / exploded, with much greater loss of life.

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Quite happy for you guys to start a "Keynesian and Monetatist theory" thread (incidentalyy I studied this and Keynes Theory just doesn't work over the long term ), but lets get this thread back on track.

I like how you did that, Kimbers. "Keynes Theory doesn't work," thus it becomes a "Useless Fact." Ergo, we are back on track. thumbup.gif

Being second is to be the first of the ones who lose.

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An economics professor at a local college made a statement that he had never failed a single student before, but had recently failed an entire class. That class had insisted that Obama's socialism worked and that no one would be poor and no one would be rich, a great equalizer.

The professor then said, "OK, we will have an experiment in this class on Obama's plan".. All grades will be averaged and everyone will receive the same grade so no one will fail and no one will receive an A.

After the first test, the grades were averaged and everyone got a B. The students who studied hard were upset and the students who studied little were happy. As the second test rolled around, the students who studied little had studied even less and the ones who studied hard decided they wanted a free ride too so they studied little.

The second test average was a D! No one was happy.

When the 3rd test rolled around, the average was an F.

To their great surprise, ALL FAILED and the professor told them that socialism would also ultimately fail because when the reward is great, the effort to succeed is great, but when government takes all the reward away, no one will try or want to succeed.

Could not be any simpler than that.

Edited by Roger 912
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  • Gold FFM

The UK National Lottery

Your Jackpot chance (having all 6 numbers) is 1 in 13,983,816 or approximately 1 in 14 million.

Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk - that will teach us to keep mouth shut!

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  • Gold FFM

Apparently, according to an email I received yesterday it is a fact that I have won 950,000GBP from Coca Cola because they selected my email address.

:hrhr: yeah right.

All we know is that when they stop making this, we will be properly, properly sad.Jeremy Clarkson on the Esprit.

Opinions are like armpits. Everyone has them, some just stink more than others.

For forum issues, please contact one of the Moderators. (I'm not one of the elves anymore, but I'll leave the link here)

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I read regarding the UK National Lottery again.

That if you buy a ticket on a Monday morning you have more chance of marrying into the royal family then winning by the time of the draw on the following Saturday.

Amateurs built the Ark

Professionals built the Titanic

"I haven't ridden in cars pulled by cows before" "Bullocks, Mr.Belcher" "No, I haven't, honestly"

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If you put Dan and Roger in a room with a locked door, Paul C and a Shotgun I could guarantee only one will walk outta there!!

Possibly save your life. Check out this website. https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/mens-cancer



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You are dead right Dan.

I would still like to find an immaculate DS 23 and get rid of one of my Mercs. The Citroen has the softest seat and the softest ride of any car, whilst the Merc must have the hardest seats ever made. I have sat on softer church pews.

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"Not sure I've seen any facts on here since post 95. And that's a fact."


The recurring statement that all Polar Bears are left handed (pawed?) is a "fact" without foundation.

If the population of China walked past you in single file, the line would never end because of the rate of reproduction.

It is illegal to plow a field in North Carolina with an elephant.

John Lennon's first girlfriend was named Thelma Pickles.

Dueling is legal in Paraguay as long as both parties are registered blood donors.

There are more chickens than people in the world.

Rubber bands last longer when refrigerated.

The ideal golf ball will usually have between 380 and 432 dimples.

Read more: Golf Balls | How Many Dimples Does a Gold Ball Have? | Why Have Dimples? http://www.kidzworld...y#ixzz1essXfo3w


Being second is to be the first of the ones who lose.

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If a dimpled golf ball goes further than a non dimpled one, why are not all jet planes and cars full of dimples?

Because, unlike golf balls, they don't generate lift through backspin!!

Scientists investigate that which already is; Engineers create that which has never been." - Albert Einstein

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The earth is unique.....???...........no !!!

In recent times it turned out to be that the visible universe contains 70 x more stars as previously thougt.......

As much as a 7 with 22 zero's......

It is expected that the universe is infinite.....

As a consequence this means that the number of planets in the universe that match with earth is also infinite.........

This means that in the universe an infinite amount of Lotus cars are running............

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Not to mention that your post has occurred an infinite number of times, and this response as well.cool.png

Being second is to be the first of the ones who lose.

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Actual macro movement, or Brownian Motion?pc.gif

Being second is to be the first of the ones who lose.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The increase in "information" is a form of energy input, from an entropic point of view. Energy is equivalent to mass, ergo more "weight" in a gravitational environment.

that is such bullshit, John. where do you come up with this sutff?

Being second is to be the first of the ones who lose.

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