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Uncle Dany's new Panther

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Automotive legend Dany Bahar has recently announced details of his company's latest project, the Ares Panther. Ares Design use a Lamborghini Huracan as the basis for its new creation and fit the Italian's platform with their own bespoke bodywork at their Modena base.

Yes, they are pop-up headlights, yes he still has magnificent hair. Autocar link



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^ was my first though as well. Does look good!

I have made many mistakes in my life. Buying a multiple Lotus is not one of them.


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  • Gold FFM

Sorry but not for me. Looks to much like a tarted up Dinky toy of a car never to be built. You know, the kind of thing a kid at school would have done in the 70's as an art project at school which needs loads of refinement.

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  • Moderator

As far as I understand, the current regulations don't prohibit pop-up headlights, but the vehicle does have to comply to pedestrian impact regulations with the lights extended. Maybe some sort of flexible mounting or one that would easily snap in case of an impact? I agree it's highly unlikely the car will ever get real enough to worry about such details. 

I have made many mistakes in my life. Buying a multiple Lotus is not one of them.


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Won't make it to production with Mr Blowhard in charge, unless it's just another car with a different body shoved on it....oh wait....... It will cost a lot though because he will have to have parties costing £5 million to launch it and get C list celebs in for 30 seconds to stagger in drunk abuse everyone and walk out again!!!

And that has to be done well before they actually have a working model. Then after a 2 year wait he will realise he has no money left as he spent it all on a kitchen and leave.

Possibly save your life. Check out this website. https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/mens-cancer



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Dany still isn’t talking to me. But I don’t care.  I love him. And his new company - ARSE, I think it’s called - is totally awesome. I mean, he’s taken a Lambo and dressed it up as another well known car. I mean, did you see what he did to that merc G wagon?  Only a genius could get away with doing that to what is, let’s face it, not a pretty car to begin with. Total. Genius. About time people began to see that. 

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Sudders and Dany

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  • Gold FFM

Who's Danny Bahar?   Didn't she co-host The Tube back in the eighties? 

Whoever he/she is that is a beautiful car, at school my English book was full of drawings of cars like this, (if I had time between playing top trumps or colouring in the holes on Becky Wiltshire's fishnets).

This modern take on a Pantera Miura cross shows a similar love of those iconic '70s supercars that dreams were made of, I hope he proves you all wrong and builds it.


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You are all insane. It will explode killing the occupants and every person in the world and bring about armageddon and the Zombie apocolypse! 

You have to say the business model works until no one buys it! 

1. Take a Lambo
2. Remove the body
3. Hire a "Car designer bloke" to draw a Pantera because thats never been done before.
4. Fit body to Lambo
5. Sell it at Lambo cost plus 100%
6. Rake in the money from the one customer who buys it.
7. Spend it on a kitchen in a rental property then promptly move out after the owners of the company you work for are mean to you.


  • Haha 2

Possibly save your life. Check out this website. https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/mens-cancer



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  • 1 month later...

Still think it will sell though,  Nostalgia is a great selling point,  looks awesome to me and the classic design is very well carried well through to this modern concept imo 


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