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21 hours ago, exeterjeep said:

But all we need is another variant that is worse (it may not be likely as it seems such viruses usually get milder from what I have seen)  for the situation to go back to masks/isolation/lockdowns...... 

But for now it is good to look forward to.

We would need a variant that is worse and more contagious than omicron, possible but not very likely because of how transmissible omicron is.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Gold FFM

It wasn't on the News here tonight, but hopefully you guys in the UK got an update?

How is the Queen doing?

All we know is that when they stop making this, we will be properly, properly sad.Jeremy Clarkson on the Esprit.

Opinions are like armpits. Everyone has them, some just stink more than others.

For forum issues, please contact one of the Moderators. (I'm not one of the elves anymore, but I'll leave the link here)

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Mild cold like symptoms, apparently. In other news our 14 year old tested positive on a lateral flow test yesterday. He has no symptoms and is delighted to be off school. That’s the first time anyone in our household has registered COVID. It’s taken two years. I guess we’ll all get it now in some form or other.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Anyone remember Coronavirus? According to BBC TV lunchtime National News today it’s reached its highest ever recorded numbers in Scotland. How can that be right? I cannot find the statistics they used for the story, but there certainly seems to be an upturn in cases nationally, even at hospital level.

By the way my wife and I never did catch it off our positive tested son, although his brother recorded a low positive PCR test. Neither had symptoms. Anecdotally, we know of quite a few cases recently, but I guess the vaccinations are still working very well and people are just carrying on with their lives.

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The only difference to England and Scotland at present is no mask wearing vs mask wearing. As an ex scientist I am convinced that continual wearing of the same mask causes cross contamination and re-infection. Particularly bad for this are the cloth ones. A mask should be used once, and once only, then safely binned !

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Omicron BA2 is driving the current surge. It is likely around 50% more contagious than BA1. No evidence of more severe disease and vaccines work as well against both strains. It is very unlikely that anybody who has had BA1 strain of omicron will catch BA2.

The main significance is that BA2 is driving the huge surge of cases in China, and the Chines 'zero covid' policy is unlikely to be able to stop it. China have introduced lockdowns again but the lack of flexibility in their approach is odd, considering the experience in the rest of the world.

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It's about time this pandemic was downgraded to the more appropriate "endemic" as in the case of cold and flu viruses. And it's about time that Nikolei Sturgeonov gets on with it and learns to live with this as it is with us for years to come. Instead we seem to have been kicking the same old can down the same old street for the last 3 to 4 months 😯

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Interesting data and review

22 hours ago, Rambo said:

It's about time this pandemic was downgraded to the more appropriate "endemic" as in the case of cold and flu viruses. And it's about time that Nikolei Sturgeonov gets on with it and learns to live with this as it is with us for years to come. Instead we seem to have been kicking the same old can down the same old street for the last 3 to 4 months 😯

Considering the current numbers it is still a pandemic / epidemic and certainly isn't yet endemic.

However, agree that the current omicron BA2 is having minimal impact in terms of severe heath problems.

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91,345 new cases reported yesterday. 7 day average now up to 73,756. Hospitalisations also up.

Still at least when there’s no free testing left, the recorded numbers of new cases will probably plummet as everyone just gets on with it.

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On 17/03/2022 at 12:52, LotusLeftLotusRight said:

Hospitalisations also up.

Certainly the hospital that my son works at are having more capacity problems, they even got close to shutting the doors to A&E.

Our local news programs did also start to discuss the mandating of face masks etc.

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The majority of us have had 2 or 3 vaccinations by now. A lot of us have probably had coronavirus, with or without knowing. I certainly did back in Jan/Feb. 2020 and consequently we should be awash with antibodies. 

With my scientific hat on, masks provide very little protection, particularly the cloth/cotton ones with large pore porosity. Unless we all walk around for the rest of our lives wearing N95 masks or better, and properly too not like the sloppy approach we see in a lot of people, we will never keep viruses at bay.

We will always have cold, flu, coronavirus/SARS type viruses in our lives so time to move on

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  • Gold FFM

My lad (6) had it last week for about 7 days, the other half has it this week and quite poorly with it too. I seem to have avoided it so far but I know it's in the post and coming for me, coming for us all eventually. 

Signature not working...

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Devon hospitals have more than 400 Covid patients

More than 400 patients are in Devon hospital's with Covid - 30% higher than any other point during the pandemic.

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They are all in hospital because they have heart, lung, brain, cancer, orthopaedic problems which have been neglected the last 2+ years because of Covid-19. Oh yes, they may be CV +ve  but they are potentially very ill and in pain or dying because of more serious problems. The long term problems the NHS and the various governments have is totally frightening 🤔

Amazing how there have been no reported cases of colds or flu in the last 2+ years !! They are totally focussed and blinkered by CV-19 and statistics have been fiddled.

And that's from an ex pharma. and occupational medicine scientist with experience of epidemiological work 😯

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My son tested positive 3 days ago and I have tested positive today.

He's 24 and has had what he calls a really nasty cold with a sore throat/cough.

I am 54 and my signs started last night. I already feel really rough, have a temp, throat so sore I can't speak and my chest is tight, making me cough every time I try and breath deeply. I'm hoping I don't get any worse, cause I feel like death now.

I'm lucky I had the booster because I seriously think I would be in hospital soon without it.

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Possibly save your life. Check out this website. https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/mens-cancer



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I am on my 7 day had temp cough etc thankfully out in the seldom seen sunshine which I am sure has major effect on Covid effects?

I am hoping I don’t get any long term after effects ? Hope I can play footy next Friday without any complications 

by the way I am 58 

1 hour ago, Kimbers said:

I am 54 and my signs started last night. I already feel really rough, have a temp, throat so sore I can't speak


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6 hours ago, Cdm2018 said:

I am hoping I don’t get any long term after effects ? Hope I can play footy next Friday without any complications 

I'm the same age as you, and I found that for first two weekends of playing sport (hockey umpire) after recovery last year, my legs felt really heavy and I found balance an issue. After that, I was back to normal, so take it easy the first week or so, but persevere. 

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Wendy and I both have it really bad. I can't sleep at night as I choke and can't breathe so I sleep sitting up in the chair downstairs. Wendy is pretty much the same but is a day behind me so has the roaring temperature and shakes.

Strangely enough my legs feel like Jelly and I feel as weak as a kitten. 

Hopefully this will all go ASAP! Anyone who says "Its just like the flu" should F**k off or I will Will Smith their ass!

Possibly save your life. Check out this website. https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/mens-cancer



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  • Gold FFM

:hrhr: When 'doing a Will' doesn't mean what it sounds like.

All we know is that when they stop making this, we will be properly, properly sad.Jeremy Clarkson on the Esprit.

Opinions are like armpits. Everyone has them, some just stink more than others.

For forum issues, please contact one of the Moderators. (I'm not one of the elves anymore, but I'll leave the link here)

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30 minutes ago, Kimbers said:

Wendy and I both have it really bad. I can't sleep at night as I choke and can't breathe so I sleep sitting up in the chair downstairs. Wendy is pretty much the same but is a day behind me so has the roaring temperature and shakes.

Strangely enough my legs feel like Jelly and I feel as weak as a kitten. 

Hopefully this will all go ASAP! Anyone who says "Its just like the flu" should F**k off or I will Will Smith their ass!

@Kimbers Have you had the booster jag. yet? And have you had a PCR to confirm you are CV-19 +ve? I'm assuming you have had the latter and not just an LFT?

From the description of your symptoms there's possibly something you weren't aware of - you can have flu and CV-19 at the same time ! There is a specific test that will check for seasonal flu type A and B viruses and SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes Covid-19. It might me worth asking your Dr for such a test as it is important that public health bodies can understand the spread and prevention of flu and SARS type viruses in the community.

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On 29/03/2022 at 10:24, Rambo said:

@Kimbers Have you had the booster jag. yet? And have you had a PCR to confirm you are CV-19 +ve? I'm assuming you have had the latter and not just an LFT?


Yeah, booster, full PCR etc (we have to because of what we do). I must admit I am just starting to recover but Wendy and I have been totally out of it for the last 3 days. Absolutely horrible. I am still coughing and have a tight chest, headache and sore throat but the shivers, sweats and shaking have subsided.

"It's just like the flu" My arse! My teeth hurt!

Possibly save your life. Check out this website. https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/mens-cancer



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19 hours ago, Kimbers said:

Yeah, booster, full PCR etc (we have to because of what we do). I must admit I am just starting to recover but Wendy and I have been totally out of it for the last 3 days. Absolutely horrible. I am still coughing and have a tight chest, headache and sore throat but the shivers, sweats and shaking have subsided.

"It's just like the flu" My arse! My teeth hurt!

That's why I think you might have a flu virus alongside the CV-19. Keep taking the paracetamol and plenty of fluids - you need to keep yourself well hydrated.

PS I find that a night time gargle of malt whisky if you have a sore throat helps tremendously. Slàinte Mhath 😉

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