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Emira Update from Lotus


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  • Gold FFM

An email was supposed to go to people last week in the first few batches of deliveries.  The email has been delayed due to quality issues... 🙄

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  • Gold FFM

That’s the trouble with emails and these Chinese servers - Mail shots just ain’t what they used to be.

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You talking about delivery? In Switzerland, we don't even have an official pricing yet.
The Emira has not been homologated here and no test drives are available...  Think it will take a while until one can be seen in out in the wild.

For the few who know the difference
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8 hours ago, AK70 said:

You talking about delivery? In Switzerland, we don't even have an official pricing yet.
The Emira has not been homologated here and no test drives are available...  Think it will take a while until one can be seen in out in the wild.

I assume you can order with, and take delivery from, Germany or Italy?

If it has an engine, I am there to thrash it.

My Emira Videos  |  Into Motorcycles? Motorcycle Channel



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Maybe one can. But normally it is only easily possible when the car was produced within the EU. 

For the few who know the difference
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Just had the update call.

Mine was originally a June delivery that I'd been informed in April would be a July car.

Advised today it will be a September build for October delivery.

He did say they were struggling to get updates from Lotus (clearly haven't  had access to the information that had been available at Goodwood).

He also said that delivery period included both manual and automatic cars so there didn't appear to be the significant delays to autos that we've seen rumoured.

He suggested opting for factory collection may cause delays as it has been a very popular choice and they are limited to how many handovers they can do each day. If you want your car as soon as possible he advised dealer/home delivery.

He expected test drives to be available to allow customers with the earliest deliveries to have a test drive before taking delivery.

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Hmm, if they're quoting October for cars that were originally planned for June, then they can hold off on delivering mine until next March.  I really don't have much use for it over the winter months.  Someone will hopefully benefit from getting bumped up the queue.  They've played a risky game cash flow wise by not having a sales contract in place if they cannot find enough people willing to take a winter delivery, but I guess it works both ways.

I will wait and see which story I get when they finally get around to calling me.  When it comes to comms, at least they've been consistent, they've missed their own timeline on every occasion so far! If they really believe they're in the £100k+ market (post Emira) they'd better get their act together if they hope to be on the same page as other marques.  I realise there's a global supply issue in play, but that really does not excuse failing to keep their customers informed, even if the update is we still cannot give you a firm delivery date.  Other brands at least manage that aspect well, it's really not that difficult.  I'm pretty sure things would have been better on the comms front of they'd retained the dealer network as the sales channel instead of believing Norfolk knows best.

I haven't even had an email confirming the spec that I entered when I paid my second deposit...I'm supposed to be happy with "it'll be worth the wait".  At least B&C sent me a key ring, which is significantly more than can be said about the buying experience from Lotus so far!

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This is bad news. October!??   

I am livid really. I know it is mostly  outside of Lotus' hands  but will ruin the whole thing for me. I might as well not bother.  

I still have never heard from  them since they told me I would et the car in July!!

If it has an engine, I am there to thrash it.

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  • Gold FFM

It appears the email with the link to the Matt Windle video sent the week before Goodwood didn't go to a lot of people in the V6 FE queue who had already been advised of (original) delivery batches in June-Sept.  So quite a few on here, FB and other forums were still expecting (June moved to) July delivery and not been contacted.  Lotus also said at Goodwood they'd be contacting first batch (July now Sept/Oct/Nov) people in the week after Goodwood - that didn't happened either.  Some are being contacted this week, but not in deposit date or batch order.

This stuff isn't difficult.  Just run a selection filter in the CRM system and send a template email to each batch.

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  • Gold FFM

I am not in the group of getting an Emira. I do think it is a fabulous looking car and will be great.

Sitting on the sidelines though and hearing people talk about the lack of communication re deliveries etc, it really is a bit mind boggling why it seems to be so difficult for Lotus.

They know the customers. They know when the deposits were placed. As @TomE said, just have a template email that gets sent to each group each week/fortnight saying what is going on.

Crikey, we were using Outlook and our maintenance system and MS Word many years ago to do mail merges to multiple addressees.

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All we know is that when they stop making this, we will be properly, properly sad.Jeremy Clarkson on the Esprit.

Opinions are like armpits. Everyone has them, some just stink more than others.

For forum issues, please contact one of the Moderators. (I'm not one of the elves anymore, but I'll leave the link here)

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It’s appears to be a matter of can’t be bothered, not can’t do it


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  • Gold FFM

I can understand your point @Mctaff, but that does feel a li'l harsh.  Feels very much like they're trying to, but not putting much process and strategic thought in to it.  I could be wrong.  Like @ramjet says, this is supposed to be a brave new world for Lotus.  There's a lot to change. It's just disappointing (and mystifying) that they're missing the mark.

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One thing for sure, we may have viewed old Lotus as a cottage industry and tittered at they way they cars were delivered but I don’t recall them ever being this far behind, and there was better communication. We begged for more money to make them efficient in every way. Must remember to be more careful in what I wish for next time 🙂



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I'll get around to it at some point.

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  • Gold FFM
30 minutes ago, TdM said:

I tend to find that the best path in these situations is to over-communicate. They need to inform people as to what is the biggest blocker, where it's sat and what they are doing to resolve.

Having spent a long time previously in the specialist manufacturing sector  I would suspect given the current global supply chain mess that it’s an ever changing picture. It sounds easier to give an answer than it really is in real life.
It is probably better for them to be very clear in what the realistic worse case is though and work to pull that forward - rather than the alternative of a death by a thousand cuts.

I really do hope to see a car on the road very soon in customers hands.

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  • Gold FFM

They would definitely be  having supply chain issues. Australia has just lost 19 private building companies to either bankruptcy or just closing down. Materials was a major issue with things as simple as pine building timber being up to 12 month behind schedule. When they did get it, the price had skyrocketed. At work, I am still waiting on another of key lockout door switches for some of our machinery. Been 6 months as they cannot get the chips that are required for them.

That is just two simple examples. With a car, there would be many like issues.

I still understand that they should be doing something to let people know what is going on as @TdM said.

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All we know is that when they stop making this, we will be properly, properly sad.Jeremy Clarkson on the Esprit.

Opinions are like armpits. Everyone has them, some just stink more than others.

For forum issues, please contact one of the Moderators. (I'm not one of the elves anymore, but I'll leave the link here)

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